My Goddess

Chapter 1 Think clearly

In a room with little smell of disinfectant, Su Yifan woke up and opened his eyes.

The line of sight slowly changes from blur to clear, the focus is accurate, and everything in front of you is fed back in the brain to get information.

Su Yifan felt like a restarted computer. After restarting, the whole system had a new feeling.

The first message to get feedback in the brain is "Su Xiaoqing".

That's right this time. Whether it's the eyes, the appearance, or the breath emanating from the body, it's undoubtedly Su Xiaoqing.

Determined who the person in front of him was, Su Yifan's heart was filled with all kinds of emotions for a moment. Whether moved or missing, ashamed or self-reproached, happy or melancholy, he always wants to call the name and address he is familiar with first.

So Su Yifan tried to open his mouth and shout out.

"...lightly light."

Su Xiao smiled slightly, and her smile was full of relief.

"That's right, my head didn't break, and I thought you were going to call me 'Sister Qing' again."

Su Yifan also tried to smile. He felt that the wound on his body seemed to hurt a little, and he even felt muscle sore with a smile.

"Even if I forget myself, I won't forget this."

Su Xiaoqing wanted to continue to smile, but looking at Su Yifan, tears couldn't help falling on the snow-white silk quilt.

"Sweet mouth is the fastest to make progress..."

Seeing Su Xiaoqing shed tears, Su Yifan panicked in an instant. He stretched out an arm from the quilt and wanted to wipe the tears on Su Xiaoqing's face.

The red marks on his wrist have disappeared, but Su Yifan can still feel the hot pain in the place tied by the plastic button. These swellings and pains will not disappear until about tomorrow, but he no longer cares.

Nothing is more important than Su Xiaoqing's tears. Su Yifan's fingers crossed the hanging green silk, and his fingertips slowly touched Su Xiaoqing's cheeks.

"Small and light..."

Su Yifan, who had just been praised for saying that he was sweet-mouthed, could not say anything at this moment, so he could only try to wipe away Su Xiaoqing's tears.

Wiping away tears for girls is one of the most important tasks in a boy's life. Su Yifan is very clumsy, but also works hard.

Su Xiaoqing didn't have many tears, and every drop was crystal full, and Su Yifan also wiped it very hard.

This is a mode of getting along with each other that the two have never had before. Su Yifan is not familiar with it, and he doesn't want to be familiar with it.

If Su Xiaoqing is willing to cry for himself, at least this is a happy thing. But Su Yifan couldn't be happy no matter what, he just felt sad.

Su Xiaoqing's tears went away quickly. After a few drops, he regained his usual expression. He grabbed Su Yifan's fingers rubbing on his face with both hands and held them very hard.


When Su Xiaoqing said this, a smile finally flashed on his face.

Su Yifan scratched his head shyly, which he hadn't done for a long time.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoqing..."

"Don't apologize." Su Xiaoqing gently helped Su Yifan put his hand back into the quilt. The air conditioning temperature in the room was just right, and the sun shone through the cracks in the curtains, making it look clear. Even when recovering from illness, Su Xiaoqing can easily create a separate space that only belongs to two people. This simple and intimate atmosphere is Su Yifan's favorite. He can't wait to jump up from ** to hug Su Xiaoqing.

"The gunshot wound is not serious, but you have to rest for at least five days to a week." Su Xiaoqing gently helped Su Yifan sort out the messy hair on his forehead, "Don't go anywhere during this period. Stay here to recover, okay?"

Even at this time, Su Xiaoqing still asked Su Yifan's opinion in an inquiring tone, which was completely different from the one who made a judgment immediately many times.

Su Yifan has no objection: "Okay... I don't want my parents to know about this."

"No one knows." Su Xiaoqing said, "Cheng Shuixin guessed some of the facts and doesn't know what happened. Do you want to tell them to decide for yourself?"

Su Yifan looked at Su Xiaoqing and felt at peace in his heart. Previously, his fear of death and his indisputable anger at him gradually calmed down. Opening his eyes to see the world again, Su Yifan did not have much joy for the rest of his life. He just felt that his responsibility was heavier and could not be so easily wayward in the future.

The two easily reached a consensus on this issue, and then began to make up lies. This kind of thing is not too pleasant, but overall it is still interesting. Su Xiaoqing helped Su Yifan add a lot of details about the so-called travel, and then their expressions were not as serious and solemn as before.

After discussing how to lie, Su Yifan thought of the focus he should focus on: "Xiaoqing, where's Nell?"

Su Xiao shrugged his shoulders and the smile on his face restrained a little.

Su Yifan easily understood the meaning of this action.

"Sure enough... have you left again?"

Su Xiao nodded gently and said, "She has her own way to go. I think you can understand her."

Su Yifan sighed sadly. He knew that there was another reason why Nell didn't want to face himself and Su Xiaoqing. The stubbornness in her bones made Neil unwilling to embarrassu Yifan. She must feel that Su Yifan does not need to participate in the affairs between Su Xiaoqing. From a certain point of view, Nell is also a little girl who doesn't like to cause trouble.

Although I have guessed that Nell will choose to leave again, it is still a little sad to put the result in front of her. Su Yifan wanted to say goodbye to Neil, hug Nell again, and tell her that he would listen to her guidance in the future. It's just that I woke up as if everything was late.

It's just as regrettable that he can't say goodbye in life. Su Yifan doesn't know whether he is still qualified to make up for this regret.

Su Xiaoqing saw that Su Yifan was depressed and patted his hand with a smile and said, "Yes, Nell asked me to leave you a word."

Su Yifan raised his head and said, "What did you say?"

Su Xiao recounted with a smile, "She said that next time she saw you, she would definitely let you go."

Su Yifan's pale face quickly turned red because of blood loss. The meaning of this sentence may not be clear to others. Can't he know it?

"Nil...didn't you say anything else?"

"I didn't say anything else." Su Xiaoqing seemed to like to see Su Yifan blush. He looked at him with a smile and said, "Anyway, you can recover from your injury first. Let's talk about other problems when the injury is cured."

Su Yifan spent a little time digesting the news of Neil's departure, even if he had thought about it before and was psychologically prepared, it would still bring shock when things really happened. Su Xiaoqing, who sat next to him, saw that Su Yifan did not say anything, so he quietly accompanied him, allowing the most precious time to pass slowly and he did not feel annoyed at all.

After a moment of silence, Su Yifan asked Su Xiaoqing, "Xiaoqing, what is Neil going to do?"

Su Xiaoqing thought for a moment and replied, "Maybe I'm looking for an answer about herself."

"But do you know the answer is correct?"

"Of course I know." Su Xiao smiled and said, "I'm going to tell her, too. She doesn't want to hear it."

Su Yifan nodded and said, "I can understand her... As you said, only when you walk the way you should go can your child become a warrior. The answers given by others are very boring.

Su Xiao smiled helplessly: "Don't always understand people so well..."

Su Yifan coughed to hide his embarrassment.

"I'm with Nell these days and haven't contacted you. I'm sorry."

Su Xiao narrowed her eyes, and the tears on her face were still elegant and beautiful: "Don't say that, you have your own life and your own decision. You've been playing together for a few days. It's not a big deal.

"But I still have caused you a lot of trouble." Su Yifan was still distressed when he said this, "If it weren't for me, it would be easier for you and Nell, right?"

"But without you, Nell and I wouldn't have done these things, would we?" Su Xiaoqing comforted, "At least you see that we get along well because of you."

Su Xiaoqing, who spoke like this, returned to her as usual, elegant and simple, so simple that people could not see through it. The principle of complexity and simplicity is quite vividly reflected in Su Xiaoqing. She always has no desire or too many thoughts. However, everyone can't see through her thinking and can't grasp her mood.

Su Yifan looked down at his hands. Su Xiao's light snow-white palms were against the back of his hands. Their skins were closed without gaps, looking full of plainness and tranquility.

Such a time when two people sat together had not passed for a long time. His confused mind slowly calmed down in an instant, and then began to try to enjoy such a quiet time.

"Do you regret it?" Su Xiaoqing asked Su Yifan, "So many things are all because of me, because of Neil."

Su Yifan looked at Su Xiaoqing and shook his head firmly.

"Of course not."


"Really." Su Yifan replied seriously, "Actually, I occasionally thought about it, especially when I was rescued by Nell that day."

Su Xiao looked at Su Yifan, with a little star flashing in his eyes, probably touching the feeling of hearing that Su Yifan almost died that day.

Su Yifan felt this emotional change. He pinched Su Xiaoqing's hand and continued: "At that time, that woman's knife was about to fall. I was very desperate. I felt that I had never been wonderful in my life. I would never see you or my friends again... Then Nell appeared. , killed two people in front of me.

Su Xiao whispered, "Well killed, I would kill them."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "But later I thought that if it weren't for you, it wouldn't be because of Nicole, Cai Yan or someone else. I may still be the submissive Su Yifan. No one cares or pays attention to it. Now I still hide in the corner and secretly like Cheng Shuixin. I don't have such a wonderful life as now.

staring into Su Xiaoqing's eyes, Su Yifan concluded sincerely: "Compared with what I got, these things are nothing. Every classmate around me is longing for an extraordinary life. They may not have figured out what the price to pay for an extraordinary life, but I think I have figured it clearly now.

The room was quiet, and only Su Yifan's voice echoed. Su Xiaoqing looked at the teenager's smile as he had returned to his usual smile and felt excited in his heart.

Maybe this is the real Su Yifan, the teenager he once predicted and evolved.