My Goddess

Chapter 7 Early News

Cai Yan's style of being closer to adults was quite favored by Zhang Zhenliang. On the contrary, He Shuqin next to him was a little strange and asked her husband, "What's wrong with Xiaochao recently?"

Zhang Zhenliang sneered: "Don't you care about your son? Why don't you even know what has happened to your son?"

He Shuqin recalled: "It's nothing. Recently, I can eat a little more than before, and I seem to go home early. In addition, there has been nothing to do recently. The teacher has hardly looked for me in the past six months.

Even if Cheng Shuixin was beside her, she couldn't help laughing. He Shuqin's words didn't sound like exaggerating, which made Zhang Chao feel very ashamed. On the contrary, Cai Yan's attitude was still perfect. He looked at Zhang Zhenliang with a smile on his face and did not say anything, waiting for Zhang Chao's family to communicate by themselves.

Zhang Zhenliang made a syllable with his nostrils and pointed to his erratic son and said, "Don't think you can hide that little action from me. Write secretly until midnight. Do you think I can believe that you are doing your homework?

Zhang Chao didn't say anything and didn't look at his father, allowing Zhang Zhenliang to point at himself.

Cheng Shuixin stopped her words with a smile and said, "Zhang Chao, I don't plan to blame you. Why don't you make it clear to your family?"

Zhang Chao didn't dare to say anything. He could only look at his father with difficulty and still refused to make a sound.

Zhang Zhenliang saw his son's cowardly behavior, and his father's satisfaction arose spontaneously. He continued to say to Zhang Chao, "What kind of virtue do you usually know? It's like a different person recently. Do you think I really don't see it?

Zhang Chao finally said a sentence after holding back for a long time, which was not very complete: "You always know..."

Zhang Zhenliang was happy: "Who did you learn from? Look at your classmates. They are so mature.

Cai Yan first took a look at Cheng Shuixin and knew that she also knew that Zhang Zhenliang knew it, but he didn't say that he would leave the opportunity to play for himself. I don't know whether it was intentional or intentional... Seeing that Zhang Zhenliang began to teach his son with "other people's children" again, he smiled and advised, "Uncle, don't blame Zhang Chao. There are some things. I'm afraid that no one will support it, and it's not a bad thing. Just forgive him.

Zhang Zhenliang looked at Zhang Chao with particularly condescending eyes, even if his son's height was about to catch up with him.

"I won't cheat you. Have you been doing something for others recently and making money?" Zhang Zhenliang's words sounded like thunder on a sunny day, and he said, "Don't say anything about what you have written? Do you think I really believe what you borrowed from your classmates? Did you earn your own money to buy it?

Zhang Chao dares not deny it, let alone agree. Uh-huh, he is like a little mute who has just lost his language function.

Cai Yan also saw that it was absolutely a good rhythm for him to come today. Zhang Zhenliang was dissatisfied with his son's attitude of bullying the superiors and the subordinates.

Sometimes adults are also very naive. They just want to say a few words about their juniors, and there is no other purpose.

Cai Yan took a look at Zhang Chao and began to talk about what Zhang Chao had done recently without asking for his advice. This matter may not be so easy to say if you work for Su Yifan alone. Zhang Zhenliang also sounds comfortable with the big tiger skin of Yu Zheng and public bidding.

He Shuqin, who sat next to her and didn't make much sound because of Zhang Zhenliang, was shocked. She didn't expect to say so much about her son from a beautiful little girl. That's participating in the government's public bidding activities. Although it still sounds a little unindustry, in general, it still stands up to He Shuqin Gaoshan, who has been sitting in the office all year round.

Zhang Zhenliang did not ask Cai Yan whether this matter was true or not, but nodded calmly and said, "I know this project, and there will be a public bidding in a few days."

Cai Yan cleverly avoided why Zhang Chao went out, but continued to discuss Zhang Chao's previous problems with Zhang Zhenliang: "... He is just worried about the shame that he can't do it well, so he plans to go and have a look first. If there is a good result, it's not too late to tell you. Uncle, don't blame him."

Cai Yan, who is in a pleasant state, is very pleasing. Both his appearance and temperament and the tone of communication with people can be called a textbook level. Zhang Zhenliang probably won't be angry even if he really has it. What's more, this is not bad for him. Looking at his son's dissatisfaction for so many years, it seems that there is finally something that can make him a little longer.

"That project is quite big. How can it be your turn?" Zhang Zhenliang has just set up the two forms of Yan's father and his kind father. Before he can continue to switch, he has switched to the gossip mode. "Tens of millions of projects have actually invested little money. How many people are greedy."

Cheng Shuixin explained, "We have a classmate's father who has something to do with the project. If it is done well, it is also one of his achievements."

That makes perfect. Nowadays, many rich second generation in schools have begun to cultivate their own connections and networks. Although Zhang Chao got on this bus earlier, although he doesn't know whether it is good or bad, in Zhang Zhenhua's opinion, it should be a kind of experience.

He Shuqin's attitude is different: "Is there any danger?"

Zhang Zhenliang looked at his wife and felt a little ashamed, but said nothing.

Cai Yan said with a smile, "There will be no problem with the public bidding."

He Shuqin said again, "Then can we follow and have a look?"

This time, even Cai Yan couldn't answer, so he could only look at Cheng Shuixin for help.

Cheng Shuixin saw many parents who treat their children as fools. She knew that they would not give up if they didn't make it clear. She was about to open her mouth. Zhang Zhenliang had already said first, "What are you going to? The government is bidding, what are you going to do? Knitting sweaters?"

He Shuqin muttered with a pout face, "Don't you cheer for your son..."

Zhang Zhenliang's wife, who had to take care of his son in this matter, probably got used to it. He didn't say anything, but looked at Zhang Chao.

"I won't tell you about the impact on learning, and you have had a lot of influence before. To be honest, how much did you earn this time?

Zhang Chao knew that he could not escape this disaster, so he simply offered Su Yifan's bank card transferred to himself.

Zhang Zhenliang is in business. He knows too well about this set. He pointed to the laptop on the coffee table and said, "Online banking."

After opening and seeing the number, Zhang Zhenliang did not show much shock, but a little satisfied.

After all, my son is still old enough to ask for money from his family. It is something to be proud to earn so much money. At first, Zhang Zhenliang's mind of scolding his son suddenly weakened. He pulled out the online banking U shield and asked, "Why didn't you tell us about this? Are you afraid that we won't let you do it?"

Zhang Chao dared not keep silent this time and nodded, but still tried to speak as little as possible.

Zhang Zhenliang looked at his son and was a little speechless.

My son has grown up, as if it happened overnight. Zhang Chao, who is sitting next to him and bowing his head to admit his mistake, was still a rebellious child who stayed in an Internet cafe for a day and a night and refused to go home. Time has really changed a lot. Before I understand it, I am old, and my son is also old, and I can earn money by my hobbies.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhenliang suddenly felt a little calm and sighed and asked, "How many days have you been?"

With these three words, Zhang Chao, who had lowered his head, raised his head and his eyes lit up.

"It's just four or five days."

Zhang Zhenliang wanted to say something else, and He Shuqin interrupted again: "I'll go with Xiaochao."

Zhang Chao, who was full of enthusiasm, suddenly felt a little weak and his eyes darken again.

Cai Yan saw that there was basically no problem with this matter and said with a smile, "Uncle, don't worry, we are indeed going to participate in an exhibition. The company is ready. There will be no problem."

Zhang Zhenliang is not used to the fact that any young people can open a company and earn hundreds of millions of yuan by doing a project. The problem is that once this pie hits your son's head, it will be completely different.

Now Zhang Zhenliang feels that his son will be more promising than himself in the future. Although he still believes that learning is more important than anything else, now is the summer vacation, and it is not the right time to preach.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Zhenliang couldn't scold Zhang Chao in front of the girl and was not very polite to his wife. "I don't believe it if he let him come back by himself. He can't do this at such a big age."

When Zhang Chao heard his father's words, he almost rushed to hug Zhang Zhenliang's thigh.

He Shuqin still listens to her husband at home. Seeing that Zhang Zhenliang was unhappy, she could only say aggrievedly, "I'm worried that he can't take good care of himself."

"How can you grow up when you have to be taken care of by others?" Zhang Zhenliang's face was full of the smell of educating people. "Let this boy come by himself. Don't worry about it. I don't care."

Zhang Chao cried and said, "Dad, you can't ignore me..."

Zhang Zhenliang was teased by his son and immediately felt much better: "I don't care. You will definitely have no pocket money in the future. Remember to pay the rent regularly."

Cheng Shuixin was next to him: "Uncle is very kind to Zhang Chao."

I wear it thousands of clothes, but I don't wear this. Cheng Shuixin's praise has made Zhang Zhenliang a little useful. In addition, his son was indeed very careful today, and this matter was finally settled. He Shuqin wanted to express some opinions beside him. Later, she looked at her husband's face and finally said nothing.

After a few more gossips, Cai Yan and Cheng Shuixin got up and left. Before leaving, Cai Yan gave Zhang Zhenliang a business card.

"Uncle Zhang, if you remember correctly, you seem to be in the steel business. If you are interested, please contact this person and say that I introduced you."

An understated sentence finally restored Cai Yan's usual strong breath. Zhang Zhenliang took the business card doubtfully and felt dizzy after seeing the company and title.

"Linhai Machine Tool..."

Cai Yan didn't say much, just made a lovely expression and left with Cheng Shuixin.

Walking out of the corridor, Cheng Shuixin said with some emotion, "You really like to have a good relationship."

Cai Yan opened the door: "It's all learned from someone."