My Goddess

Chapter 18 must be boring

Although Su Yifan's hug is powerful, Cheng Shuixin can still feel the restraint he showed during this warm embrace. This intention alone is enough to move her.

As Su Xiaoqing has expressed countless times, now Su Yifan is already a person with great power, and he has countless ways to get himself. Those methods may not be so pleasant, but as long as Su Yifan wants it, he will definitely succeed.

This situation is what Cheng Shuixin fears and the last thing she wants to see.

Fortunately, Su Yifan is still the teenager who knows how to restrain and respect himself. He didn't do that, and it seems that he doesn't intend to do that.

There are still hugs and warmth. Cheng Shuixin thinks this is enough.

With her cheeks on Su Yifan's face, Cheng Shuixin felt that her breathing had become hot because she was close to the teenager's face, and the slight heat spit on Su Yifan's face. She was almost relieved to close her eyes.

I don't know when Su Yifan became so important in his life. Cheng Shuixin felt that fate was wonderful. She would never think so a few months ago.

The hug between the two lasted for a long time. Cheng Shuixin enjoyed this restraint and respect, but in the end, she still couldn't stand it like Su Yifan and pecked intimately on his face.

"Okay, stop flirting with female employees and get serious."

Su Yifan released her arms very quickly, allowing Cheng Shuixin to lean against the sofa and stretch her long legs.

Because the two people's movements were so intimate just now, Cheng Shuixin put her legs on Su Yifan's legs without hesitation and said with a smile, "If you talk to the boss about work, you will be molested. Don't get a salary. I'm afraid that the boss can't help thinking about the unspoken rules one day."

Su Yifan was not embarrassed by Cheng Shuixin's ridicule, but naturally patted Cheng Shuixin's snow-white ankles and whispered, "If you refuse to accept the salary increase, it's really an unspoken rule for you."

Cheng Shuixin knew that Su Yifan was joking, but she couldn't help beating a few times in her heart.

"I'm so afraid..."

Cheng Shuixin was tired of pretending to be mentally retarded in less than three seconds. She changed it into a normal form and asked Su Yifan, "I have improved some details and made detailed design documents myself. Do you want to have a look?"

Su Yifan answered happily, and Cheng Shuixin crawled on the carpet to get her bag and took out her laptop.

Open the computer and Su Yifan saw a series of word files written by Cheng Shuixin in the document manager, each of which has no name, but is named by time and code.

Cheng Shuixin opened the text code-named "Tree" and showed Su Yifan the complete document she had recently written after quarreling with Cai Yan.

Cheng Shuixin has discussed this idea called "Tree" with Su Yifan, and her idea was very complete at that time. After seeing the complete plan this time, Su Yifan almost wanted to get up and hug Cheng Shuixin again.

In this document, Cheng Shuixin extended the concept of the whole time tree up and down into a concept similar to Haiba Baichuan.

This idea certainly refers to the smooth progress of the whole plan and the final completion form.

At the beginning, Cheng Shuixin still adhered to the minimalist idea that a social game or software should highlight only one function.

The core function is to express yourself, and then let others know you, or you go to know others.

Compared with the current cumbersome way of making friends, the time tree only provides each person's self-introduction, and then a tree diagram, which can be clicked on each node to expand and read, accompanied by "leaf"-like photos. When this time tree is completed, a person can get a little ranking point. This point determines the ranking in the world of time tree, and the ranking of high ranking will attract more attention.

Seeing this, Su Yifan paused slightly, looked at Cheng Shuixin and asked, "Does the ranking make sense?"

Cheng Shuixin nodded: "All comparisons are meaningful. If you want to become the top ranking, you have to work hard to dig deep into your life."

Su Yifan continued to look down. Cheng Shuixin's idea was basically quite complete, and even considering that there would not be many people playing at the beginning, he drew the page composition of the whole time tree.

Seeing the page with a simple design, Cheng Shuixin was rarely embarrassed.

"The art didn't come back, and he made do it himself..."

Su Yifan thinks this kind of page is really great. It can be zoomed in and out, suitable for screens of various sizes. There is no problem with computers or mobile phones.

"Designed by yourself?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled: "I copied, so many design websites, piece together and do subtraction. The rest of the details are waiting for the art to help improve.

After a baptism of making games, everyone began to mature. Cheng Shuixin has a deeper understanding of every button and detail on the interface, and knows that it is not as simple as choosing a few patterns. How to match a comfortable combination in a blank space will always be the ultimate ideal for all designers.

Whether to use rounded corners or delicate text, which pattern is the most popular, how to use space... Various problems may not be obvious in 3D games, but it becomes extremely important when it comes to solutions that attract users purely by design.

Su Yifan looked very carefully, which was a kind of respect for Cheng Shuixin.

is also a kind of respect that Cheng Shuixin can understand.

The whole planning document is not much, mainly the direction of thinking and some details that have not been added, and more subdivided parts need to be improved in the actual operation part. It took Su Yifan more than 40 minutes to read this document. After reading it, he looked up at Cheng Shuixin, and then he was shocked to find that the girl's foot was still on his leg.

Cheng Shuixin's face was not very uneasy, but she still smiled as usual.

"Boss, what do you think?"

Su Yifan did not comment, but asked directly, "How much does it cost to invest in advance?"

Cheng Shuixin opened another Excel table for Su Yifan to see.

"I calculated that if you want to make a similar one, plus the money of server and bandwidth, it will cost more than 200,000 yuan." Cheng Shuixin said the result first, and then asked Su Yifan to read the details on the form. "At first, I still underestimated and thought I didn't need so much."

More than 200,000 yuan is really not much. According to Cheng Shuixin's hard work in the previous production process of "Cute Girl", Su Yifan has no problem even giving Cheng Shuixin these cash now. However, Cheng Shuixin looked at Su Yifan and hoped that he would become an investor instead of doing it by himself.

Su Yifan moved his eyes from the screen and looked up at Cheng Shuixin. The girl's eyes were shining, just like the city lights he saw when he came out of the Internet cafe at night.

"Boss, are you willing to invest?" Cheng Shuixin didn't care about Su Yifan's expression and asked with a smile in her eyes.

If it had been before, Su Yifan would probably ask Cheng Shuixin why she did this and why she made such a decision. Now he won't. Looking at Cheng Shuixin's eyes, Su Yifan has understood what the girl wants to express.

"What do you think?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled: "I guess you will."

Su Yifan also smiled: "You are the one who knows me best."

Cheng Shuixin did not laugh this time, but sighed.

"I didn't know you well enough before."

"There will be a lot of time after that." Su Yifan said.

Cheng Shuixin laughed again.

"You're right. There will be a lot of time in the future." Cheng Shuixin still put her feet on Su Yifan's calves and said with a smile, "Let me do it all this time. The project is still yours, and I don't want any equity."

Su Yifan knew that Cheng Shuixin was serious, and he could never agree on this point: "That's not okay. If you do it, you have to take it, or I won't do it for you."

Cheng Shuixin didn't expect Su Yifan to be so tough in this regard. She looked at Su Yifan for a few seconds and knew that she might not be able to change Su Yifan's mind, so she had no choice but to say, "Is it okay to take less? I really just want to register a name. You'd better pay me."

Su Yifan thought for a moment and took a compromise solution and said, "Well, you hang your name first. If the project is successful, we will allocate the equity. If it fails, it's all mine, how about it?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Is there such a good thing in the world?"

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin's face many times and whispered, "Because it's you."

This is already quite a sincere expression. Cheng Shuixin's heart was slightly hot when she heard it, and her eyes became softer when she saw the teenager.

"Don't worry, boss, I won't let you down."

Su Yifan nodded: "You have never let me down."

Cheng Shuixin continued to smile: "Then I will try my best to keep it."

The two finally reached an agreement on the distribution of equity. According to Su Yifan's compromise method, they will do the content first, wait until it is completed before valuation, and then settle the shares for Cheng Shuixin.

This is a quite mature plan, which is good for both sides. The most important thing is that Cheng Shuixin knows that Su Yifan is not the kind of person who likes to draw cakes, and his promise is a real promise. Thinking that Su Yifan was willing to give himself such a large amount of benefits, Cheng Shuixin was inevitably a little moved. In this era when everyone selfishly calculates their own gains and losses, Su Yifan's mentality is even more precious.

By the end of the discussion, it was very late. Su Yifan wants to go back early to meet the less responsible parents, and Cheng Shuixin is also going to meet Cai Yan. No matter how much the two delay these things, they can only be separated.

"How long is Cai Yan going to stay at your house?" Su Yifan frowned when he thought of this matter, "She hasn't solved her own matter yet. Don't drag you into danger."

Cheng Shuixin smiled and pointed to Su Yifan: "I thought you would never tell me... Don't worry, since she is willing to live, she will do whatever she wants this summer vacation."

Su Yifan generally does not object to Cheng Shuixin's opinion and can only go with her.

After saying goodbye to Su Yifan, Cheng Shuixin drove to Muhe Pier and saw Cai Yan standing next to the parking space and looking at the river in a daze.

"What are you looking at?" Cheng Shuixin went over and asked.

"Watch people catch fish." Cai Yan showed Cheng Shuixin with his finger, "It's so lively."

Cheng Shuixin followed Cai Yan's eyes, and the fishing boats on the river were really busy.

not far from Cai Yan, Jeffka is walking around with his team members, as if he is worried that Cai Yan will be in danger in such a crowded place.

"How's your conversation going?" Cai Yan found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not calm down, and unexpectedly began to gossip about the meeting between Cheng Shuixin and Su Yifan.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and her face was full of pride.

"He promised to invest 200,000 yuan in me to do the project I want to do."

Cai Yan was speechless: "Just tell me if you want money. I can also pay 20 million yuan. Why is it so troublesome?"

Cheng Shuixin tilted her head and looked at Cai Yan and asked, "Do you think your life is interesting?" I guess it must be very boring."