My Goddess

Chapter 25 Wake Up

Zhang Yao in the dream seems to be more like her split second personality. That personality appears in Zhang Yao's singing, often with a strong emotion, and then disappears after the song disappears. Su Yifan once wanted to know what kind of psychological activity Zhang Yao was in the performance state, but because the little sister didn't like to express it too much, the matter has been unresolved.

This time, Zhang Yao, who was so drunk that she fell asleep, actually counterattacked herself in her dream, which surprised Su Yifan and was also a little fresh. When the little sister pulled her clothes to kiss her, Su Yifan felt that Zhang Yao seemed to be cuter.

I didn't expect that it was only a few seconds, and the little sister really kissed herself.

Then... Then Zhang Yao bit Su Yifan's lower lip and put her tongue in!

It is unimaginable that such a hot action appeared on the pure and clean Zhang Yao. Su Yifan was just stunned. The tender little tongue had penetrated, and it was too late to refuse.

Who would mind this kind of invasion? Even if Su Yifan really wants to push Zhang Yao away, he has to resist this from the bottom of his heart.

No resistance means acquiescence. Default is recognition, and recognition is liking.

Su Yifan seemed to finally understand his intention at the moment when he was entangled by Zhang Yao.

That's right. Of course, I also like Zhang Yao. After being told by Cheng Shuixin that time, Su Yifan has been avoiding this topic like an ostrich. Today, he finally has to face the answer.

This answer is not wrong. Whether you are relatives, classmates, friends, brothers and sisters or couples, if you like it, it is inevitable.

After about two or three seconds of staggering, Su Yifan opened his arm and hugged Zhang Yao and asked her not to fall back in her arms**.

With this hug, Su Yifan has affirmed his mind.

It's nothing to be ashamed of. Zhang Yao also likes herself, doesn't she?

Many questions flashed in my mind. The answer is simple but the future is unpredictable, and the kiss of the two people continues with the passage of time. The kiss seemed a little awkward, but more of an unstoppable enthusiasm. In such enthusiasm, Su Yifan felt that he would be lost. He felt that if he persisted like this, he might do something strange to his little sister. If this person is not Zhang Yao but others, Su Yifan may insist, but Su Yifan has more pity and heartache for Zhang Yao.

Thinking of this, Su Yifan had planned to let go of his hand. On the contrary, Zhang Yao's small hands grasped harder and harder, as if he wanted to pull Su Yifan closer.

Su Yifan didn't dare to break free from Zhang Yao's hand, so she could only let her grab herself. So Su Yifan was constantly pulled and kissed by a sleeping girl, and he began to become a little active.

ying he Zhang Yao's little tongue, Su Yifan also did the same thing to Zhang Yao politely. At this time, Su Yifan didn't know why he did it. He just felt that he should do it, and then he did it.

The kiss with Zhang Yao lasted for at least two minutes. Just when Su Yifan felt that he really wanted to wake up his little sister, Zhang Yao's little hand seemed to lose strength in an instant and let go of Su Yifan.

All the full emotions disappeared because of this moment. Su Yifan was relieved, and Zhang Yao also lay back in Su Yifan's arms, still as soft as a feather,

Zhang Yao in the dream seemed to have gained something. She hummed contentedly, grabbed Su Yifan with both hands, and licked her lips before turning her body and continuing to sleep. Su Yifan really felt a little crying and laughing when looking at such a little sister, but the faint sweetness between his lips just now seemed to be still there, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

Put Zhang Yao back to ** and let her sleep. Su Yifan's mood was a little complicated, but he still went to the kitchen to make some sobering soup for the drunk, and prepared water and towels. Then he returned to the room and continued to guard Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao slept for several hours, during which Su Yifan answered a lot of phone calls, and he was looked for by countless people who had just begun to reappear. Su Yifan all claimed that he had something to do and still stay by Zhang Yao's side.

So the sun shone into Su Yifan's room and fell by the bedside through the half-covered curtains. ** lay a delicate girl with a flawless breath. Su Yifan sat on the bedside seat with the book Moby Dick left by Su Xiaoqing, turned over several pages of books, and took a look at the little sister in his sleep. Time passed so easily, and Su Yifan didn't feel anything wrong. He felt that his life needed this kind of gap.

Towards evening, Zhang Yao finally woke up, and her little face was still red. She got up and saw Su Yifan smiling at her, and suddenly plunged into the quilt and refused to show her head.

The body is covered with a quilt that should belong to Su Yifan, lying on the ** that should also belong to Su Yifan. Zhang Yao no longer remembers the details after she began to drink. The fragment situation actually appeared on the little sister, which is really a strange news.

Su Yifan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Yao woke up. He was not worried that Zhang Yao drank too much and vomited casually, but was really afraid that his little sister would get alcoholism. If that's the case, I may take her to the hospital, which will be a big trouble.

Zhang Yao's physique is also very strange. She looks intolerable with alcohol, and after sleeping for half an afternoon, she seems to be completely unimped. Su Yifan saw that the little sister hid in the quilt like an ostrich and refused to come out, so he had to walk over and pull the quilt a little in person, patted the little head and asked, "Can you drink some water first?"

When Su Yifan talks to him, Zhang Yao may never answer, but she will definitely react. Hearing Su Yifan's voice gentle and normal, Zhang Yao seemed to be a little relieved, showing half a small face, looking at Su Yifan with a little horror, and then nodded slightly.

With a smile, he handed the water cup to Zhang Yao. Su Yifan got up and went to the kitchen to get something for Zhang Yao.

The little sister's problem is actually the least of all girls, and she can pinch it. Su Yifan took care of him for a few times and jumped out of bed energetically, drank all the sobering sugar water, and then began to bow his head to help Su Yifan make the bed.

Su Yifan felt a little strange... Why is it like two people having an affair and then deal with the aftermath? But Zhang Yao's kiss in her dream really existed, and she was really responsible to Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao tidyed up the sheets that were a little crooked by herself, and Cheng Shuixin's phone was finally killed.

"Are you with Zhang Yao?" Cheng Shuixin's mood on the other side of the phone was still happy, probably because Su Yifan came back, and everything began to return to the original track.

Su Yifan felt a little guilty when he heard Cheng Shuixin's voice, but his mood was obviously not as depressed as before. He replied slightly easily, "I'm going to send her home."

"Well, I'm also done." Cheng Shuixin said, "Cai Yan actually wants me to ask you out for dinner, but I refused for you. Let her go for a few days."

Su Yifan felt that Cheng Shuixin's grasp of people's hearts was really strong. He also knew that the more Cai Yan was left like this, the more Miss Cai would feel uneasy and become more proactive.

"Listen to you." Su Yifan smiled and said, "It's normal for the boss to listen to the female secretary, right?"

Cheng Shuixin didn't care about Su Yifan's joke at all. Instead, she asked with a smile, "The female secretary also wants to have dinner with the boss alone. When will she have a face?"

"Anytime and anywhere." Su Yifan can now talk to Cheng Shuixin instead, "When I eat with you, I will bite the ground with my teeth even if my hands and feet are broken."

Hearing Su Yifan express her feelings so frankly, Cheng Shuixin smiled on the other side of the phone.

"Okay, when the boss is free, I'll go home first and contact you in the evening."

Cheng Shuixin has been speaking and doing a little more efficiently recently, probably because the company is busy. Su Yifan put down the phone and went to see. The little sister had dressed up and sat opposite her.

Probably guessed that she had caused a lot of trouble for Su Yifan. Zhang Yao's expression seemed slightly uneasy, and her eyes staring at Su Yifan were a little timid. Su Yifan didn't care. He walked over with a smile and rubbed Zhang Yao's head.

A delicate long hair was rubbed a lot by Su Yifan. Zhang Yao did not show any disgust at all. Instead, she raised her head happily and rubbed the back of Su Yifan's hand with her cheek.

"I'll take you home?" Su Yifan asked, "Would you like something to eat?"

Zhang Yao shook her head. After sleeping all afternoon, she was actually not hungry at all. She just looked at Su Yifan curiously, as if she wanted to ask herself what she had just done.

Su Yifan communicates with Zhang Yao and sometimes doesn't even need to type on her mobile phone. Zhang Yao's one look is enough. Seeing the curious expression of the little sister, Su Yifan smiled and rubbed Zhang Yao's hair: "Nothing, you are drunk and slept for a while."

When Zhang Yao thought of her exposure to Su Yifan after falling asleep, she suddenly began to blush and bow her head again, and her hands twisted together for all kinds of uneasiness.

"Well, you look the cutest when you fall asleep." Su Yifan praised Zhang Yao for the first time, and still said in a more exaggerated way, "Next time I drink less, I can't talk to you when I fall asleep."

Zhang Yao, who lowered her head, nodded gently, and then looked up at Su Yifan, with a little expectation in her eyes.

Su Yifan actually understood this look again.

"Don't worry, I can come out with you whenever you want."

Such a promise seems to be more important than anything else. The restless expression on Zhang Yao's face gradually decreased, replaced by a lot of joy.

Accompanying the little sister to put on her shoes and go downstairs, Su Yifan looked at the sky outside: "Go home early today and have a rest. I'll pick you up with Cheng Shuixin tomorrow."

Zhang Yao, who got the new promise, couldn't help nodding. Since she knew that she was drunk, the little sister had always seemed a little embarrassed.

Golf took the two into the vast sea of people. Su Yifan once again parked his car on the roadside near Zhang Yao's community and saw her jump in step by step. There are too many people in the old-fashioned residential area in the evening. Su Yifan doesn't want Zhang Yao to have any trouble of being rumored.

After witnessing Zhang Yao's back disappear, Su Yifan turned around and drove towards Muhe Pier.

"Xiaoqing, I have something to ask you. Can you come out?"

The answer over there is always as refreshing and pleasant.
