My Goddess

Chapter 35 Summer Activities

Su Yifan's speed is very fast, almost catching up with Nell, who usually doesn't go all out. He rushed forward and has arrived in front of Euler.

This time, Su Yifan felt that he was indeed much more mature than before. At least he would not hesitate to attack when he attacked people.

Close and shook his fist, Su Yifan stabbed out with a punch and took Euler's armpit.

For a long time, Euler has been a perfect to invincible image in Su Yifan's heart. At this moment, Su Yifan dared to punch Euler, which is enough to prove that his mind is stronger than before.

With this punch, Su Yifan's feet also moved, and one leg swept to Ola's long snow-white calf.

As Su Yifan expected, Euler had no intention of dodging in the face of his attack and directly reached out to hold Su Yifan's fist.

Euler's palm is about the same size as Su Yifan's, which is neither thick nor amazing bones and lines. It is as white and clean as an ordinary girl's hand.

When the five fingers were opened, Ola's hand turned into a net.

Su Yifan's fist fell into the net, stuck and couldn't break away.

Euler only took Su Yifan's fist with the palm of his hand, and then directly grasped Su Yifan's fist, which not only resolved his attack, but even completed the counterattack.

With a gentle throw back, Euler has thrown Su Yifan out.

The foot that sneaked on Ola's calf was naturally unbreakable, and Su Yifan fell into the water of the swimming pool again.

Euler still stood still and looked coldly at Su Yifan, who swam back to the pool.

"Come again."

It's still the same as before. This time Euler's tone doesn't seem to be as stiff as before.

Su Yifan really climbed up and came back again.

Su Xiaoqing now doesn't have the worried expression he used to be. He looks at it with a smile and takes a sip of juice from time to time, as if he was on vacation.

The rhythm has returned to the previous state, but it is still slightly different from before.

Su Yifan's attack mode and Euler's counterattack mode have undergone subtle changes.

After the tragic experience between life and death, Su Yifan's movements finally became more comfortable, and every movement no longer had a strong trace of fighting.

In Euler's view, Su Yifan has at least learned Neil's fur. For a teenager who has been slightly depressed in a calm life, this kind of fur is already amazing.

Just like Su Yifan dared to punch others for the first time.

If you don't go into adversity, it will never be difficult to find courage.

Su Yifan got up from the water again and again and rushed to Euler wet, until he felt that his whole body was heavy and his limbs began to become uncontrollable.

Euler is still standing still, standing still.

It was probably the 30th time he climbed out of the water. Su Yifan stood by the swimming pool and took a breath. He adjusted his breathing and was about to continue to rush to Euler. Ola opposite him suddenly opened his mouth.

"Isn't there enough pressure?"

It's just a simple sentence, which shocked Su Yifan.

Yes, is there not enough pressure?

In the face of Albert, although Albert's strength may not be as powerful as Euler, at least it is the kind of power that ordinary people can't imagine, right? At that time, Nell and I had no choice but to fight to the death. On the contrary, they would not be at an absolute disadvantage in the face of Euler now.

What is the difference between the two situations? Is it really just a pure power gap?

After falling into the water many times, Su Yifan's body seems to be able to squee out water. This kind of sticky state of clothes sticking to the skin is easy to make people irritable.

The more this time, the more Su Yifan felt that his mood was calmer than usual.

Euler's reminder was like a thunder rolling through Su Yifan's ear, making him understand something in an instant.

People say that more potential can only be stimulated in a desperate situation, so why do they have to be in a desperate situation to let the potential appear?

Su Yifan's shoes are already full of water. Every step is like stepping on a wet mat, and his pace is not as stable as before.

Even so, Su Yifan continued to rush to Euler, and the speed was no different from the first time.

With a punch at Euler with a cold expression, Su Yifan felt that his whole arm seemed to be able to splash out countless drops of water.

The power flowed in his body, and Su Yifan felt that this punch was a really satisfying punch.

There is only one punch, and there is no other superfluous action.

The fist was like the wind, and Euler's eyebrows finally moved.

Su Yifan raised his fist and arrived in front of him the next second.

The motionless Euler finally took a step aside to avoid this punch.

Every time he met Su Yifan's continuous attack head-on, a red mark appeared on Ola's white palm.

The seemingly unchanged engagement changed silently, and Su Yifan did not notice it, but Euler of ** easily caught it.

Su Yifan's potential is in his persistence, which Euler has been clear from the beginning.

Avoiding Su Yifan's fist also means that this exam is almost over. At the same time, Euler's body has only been clenched into a fist with his right hand open palm, and a punch hit Su Yifan in the chest.

As if the airflow was condensed on a point in an instant, Euler's punch directly bombarded Su Yifan and fell into the swimming pool again.

Su Xiaoqing, who had closed the book, stood up and stepped on clean sneakers.

"How about it?"

Oraun looked at Su Yifan, who finally choked a few mouthfuls of water, and said coldly, "I still need a massage after exercise."

Su Xiao sat back with a smile and continued to turn over the book.

Su Yifan and Euler went to the small dark room again. Large towels were spread on the ground in the locker room as usual. This time, without Euler's instructions, Su Yifan had simply taken off his clothes.

After wearing it wet for so long, no one can stand it.

Although Su Xiaoqing's medicine has recovered well in the wound, you can still see a little white mark. Euler threw a pair of swimming trunks to Su Yifan this time and asked him to put them on, and he went to the locker room on the other side to prepare the medicine.

When Euler came back, Su Yifan had changed his swimming trunks and honestly lay on the towel and waited.

I don't know if it's an illusion or whether I have experienced too much torture some time ago. Su Yifan felt that Ola's technique was not as heavy as before, and he actually began to enjoy this kind of massage.

After a massage, Su Yifan felt that his whole body was getting hot again, and Xiao Su seemed to have signs of straightening up. After Nell's less gentle service, Su Yifan felt that he could not control his expanding inner desire with advanced mathematics and student rules. Euler's hands seemed to have some magic, which easily awakened Xiao Su.

Turning over, Su Yifan was still embarrassed to face Euler and couldn't cover his key part, so he could only close his eyes to learn to enjoy.

Euler still massaged Su Yifan blankly as if he couldn't see such an abrupt thing, and finally threw another big towel on him. The whole process lasted for nearly 20 minutes, which was really a sweet and distressing service for Su Yifan.

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, Euler left first as usual, leaving Su Xiaoqing alone waiting for Su Yifan.

Come over and take a look. The book Su Xiaoqing is reading is a colorful English original "Insects". Those pictures of insects that look like monsters are very clear, and Su Xiaoqing turned over with relish.

"How's it going today?" Su Xiaoqing asked Su Yifan, "Are you sure you want to receive this kind of training all summer vacation?"

Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing did not hide: "Mr. Euler is still very gentle to me... This intensity is similar to Nell's special training."

Su Xiaoqing covered her smile with a book: "Do you miss the little beauty?"

Su Yifan is a little melancholy, but not as melancholy as when she parted last time: "I don't know where she has gone. I think if it's fate, we should meet again."

Su Xiaoqing hit the nail on the head: "Are you sure?"

Su Yifan did not avoid the topic: "Almost, I think she will come to me again."

"Oh, I'm really confident." Su Xiao smiled and patted the teenager on the shoulder, "Yes, what are you going to do now?"

Su Yifan took a look at the time: "I want to go to the library and read some information."

"Isn't the Internet enough?"

Su Yifan nodded: "Some are okay, some are really not. You still need to read professional books."

Su Xiaoqing didn't say anything. He put away his book and took the lead in walking out of the swimming pool.

"Which library should I go to?"

"Binhai is just a library, right?" Su Yifan followed, "Xiaoqing, do you think I should go to that game exhibition?"

Su Xiao smiled and said, "You don't have to ask my opinion about this kind of thing. It doesn't matter what you do. I heard that I have made a lot of money recently. Do you have a sense of expansion?

Su Yifan knew that his small score might not be anything to Su Xiaoqing, so he could only smile bitterly and said, "Xiaoqing, don't hit me in such an obvious way. My money is enough to buy you a bracelet or something... You're right. I should support my friends more. The next project is going to be Cheng Shuixin. That's the point."

"That's good." Su Xiaoqing will basically not deny Su Yifan's idea. "If it is promoted properly, it should be a world-class good idea."

Su Yifan smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid that the execution ability is not enough, and I still need to compromise in many aspects."

Su Xiaoqing thought for a moment and said, "Don't be afraid of trouble, don't be afraid of roughness, and don't be afraid of simplicity. As long as it can move people, it's simple.

Su Yifan chewed these words carefully and nodded silently.

"The rest of the summer vacation will not be too easy." Su Xiaoqing went out of the Olympic Sports Center with Su Yifan and asked, "Can you really hold on?"

Both Su Yifan in the past and Su Yifan now have the same answer to this question.

"No problem."

Su Xiao smiled COMFORTLY and saw Su Yifan get on the car.

"Well, if there is any problem that can't be solved, you can come and ask me."

Su Yifan knows that Su Xiaoqing is actually like a walking encyclopedia, and many questions can be answered from her. But as I discussed with Su Xiaoqing, the way to explore knowledge should be down-to-earth, and finally gain my own life experience. Even going to the library to look through materials is a way of growth, and he doesn't want to always occupy Su Xiaoqing's precious time.

"I will." Su Yifan replied seriously, "If you really don't understand, I will definitely come to ask you."