My Goddess

Chapter 39 is just a man

Han Yun almost sat on Su Yifan's body, and the weight and heat made Su Yifan a little uncomfortable.

Compared with girls who are already excellent but still young, Han Yun's mature body has an irresistible and attractive atmosphere. Every skin on her body has a fragrance of mature women, guiding the ignorant teenager to rush to the depths of the fragrance, dizzy and lost his soul, unable to support or extricate himself.

Relatively speaking, Su Yifan feels that his resistance is very good. He is surrounded by the kind of beautiful women who are shining in the crowd. Over time, he can always be a little immune.

But this immunity seems to be unable to withstand Han Yun's thighs. He felt that the heat in his body came up, and he wanted to reach out and stop Han Yun's waist impulse.

It's so seductive... Su Yifan glanced at it and felt that his eyes seemed to be a little malicious. He could only withdraw his eyes and look down at his knees.

Han Yun still thought it was not enough, so she put her hand directly on Su Yifan's knee.

"Do you like it?"

Su Yifan stared at Han Yun's hand on his knee and tried to calmly answer, "That's good."

"I said you are terrible everywhere, that's what I mean." Han Yun exhaled and said in Su Yifan's ear, "No matter what you do, you don't even give others a chance to thank. If it goes on, do you think I will consider making a promise?"

Han Yun's charm is almost to the limit, and this strong female atmosphere is enough to make any male creature have a desire to conquer. Su Yifan felt that he was no exception. He struggled to shift his eyes to Han Yun's long stockings. He knew that this ultra-thin stockings must feel good, just like Han Yun's skin.

You must control yourself, Su Yifan said to himself in his heart. For Han Yun, Su Yifan felt that he had not reached the point of love or pity. If the two people really had any sparks, it must be the purest desire.

Su Yifan can restrain himself, and Han Yun is also observing Su Yifan.

This observation is a bit like Su Xiaoqing's occasional joke on Su Yifan about girls' topics. Su Yifan's slightly restrained reaction made Han Yun habitually try to seduce him every time, and then watch him resolve it awkwardly. This sawing process made Han Yun feel very enjoyable. She felt that Su Yifan could never resist herself in this field.

This time, there is no exception. Su Yifan still maintained a certain degree of calm in the face of such a close**.

"I don't think you will."

Han Yun felt that her hot cavity seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and her hands on Su Yifan's knees were a little stiff.


Su Yifan tilted his body a little and pulled his face a little away from Han Yun.

"Because you know, I won't let you do that."

This sentence tells the relationship between the two.

Han Yun dares to be so bold to Su Yifan, of course, because Su Yifan will not really do that. The relationship between two people is a good friend, but the bad relationship is actually to use each other.

But even in this relationship, Han Yun still believes that Su Yifan will not be beastly. She has this confidence that comes from the teenager's consistent way of doing things.

At this moment, Su Yifan finally broke all the bubbles outside Han Yun and clicked this out.

"...don't be so straightforward, okay?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "If I don't be straightforward, I'm afraid I'll let you down."

To disappoint Han Yun, naturally means that he will really do something to Han Yun.

Su Yifan, who has tasted a trace of sweet desire, knows that his determination is not as high as before. If Han Yun really let go of seductive herself now, maybe she will be half-hearted.

That's not good, at least my psychology can't get through this level.

Han Yun was a little afraid of Su Yifan's smiling face now, which was different from usual. She felt that Su Yifan seemed to really make that kind of action to jump at her. This idea made Han Yun subconsciously move her body slightly, and the two finally became less intimate.

Moving away from such a distance, Han Yun suddenly realized that there was a trace of loss in her heart.

"Have you ever let people down?"

Su Yifan nodded: "I have let myself down many times."

"You are not frank."

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "Really, believe it or not. I have been disappointed in myself many times and feel that I am rotten. I always do something unsatisfactory when I can do better.

Han Yun didn't expect that Su Yifan would suddenly ** her heart at this time. From Su Yifan's words, she felt that the teenager must have experienced something great and suffered a little loss, otherwise she would not have expressed such strong remorse.

There's nothing we can do. The beautiful reporter can only act as a cook of chicken soup for the soul and try to comfort him: "Don't care about these things. Each of us can't handle everything well. If we can't do it well, we'll do it next time."

Su Yifan shook his head: "There is only one real opportunity, and you can't come back when it's over."

Han Yun said, "At least there is a future."

Su Yifan sighed: "The future is decided by the present."

Han Yun wants to hit Su Yifan. This child is too good at arguing. In her opinion, Su Yifan is not the precocious teenager who can chat as his peers, but an awkward little boy.

"Well, don't be depressed. No matter what you miss, there are still so many people around you who care about you and love you. Who do you show your face to?" Han Yun said crackly, "I just think you did a good job and even helped me solve my troubles. How can people like you be disappointed in yourself? Don't pretend to be decadent and cheer me up!"

After saying this, Han Yun put her hands around Su Yifan's lap and kissed him fiercely on his lips.

This action was so vicious that Su Yifan forgot to break free.

The feeling of mature red lips close to him is completely different. Su Yifan felt that his adrenaline seemed to soar to the top in an instant, and his whole pores stood up with this ** kiss and trembled for it.

The kiss was so short that he was shocked when Han Yun let go of his hand.

Oh, my God, what did you do just now?

Take the initiative to sit on someone's lap and kiss a boy much younger than yourself? Or directly on the lips of relatives?

Han Yun feels that she wants to die...

Although it is a very closed space, covered by curtains, and pedestrians outside can't see here clearly, the two of them still look at the direction of the curtain hanging together.

No one passed by and no one broke through this scene.

It passed so quickly that both of them wanted to pretend that nothing had just happened, but they couldn't express their expressions naturally.

That's the job that officials are good at, and these two are still short-lived.

The two were not embarrassed for a long time. After all, Han Yun still passed through some stormy girls and raised her head and stared at Su Yifan and asked, "Now you believe it?"

Su Yifan naturally knew that Han Yun was talking about the topic of physical promise just now, and he nodded knowing that he was at a loss.

"I believe it."

Han Yun shook her long hair and pointed outside: "Go for a ride with me?"


When I got out of the cafe, it was close to the peak period of traffic. Su Yifan's little golf on the road caused a lot of taxi curses, not because the car was not driving well, but because the taxi driver scolded him when he saw a private car at this time.

"Where are you going?"

Han Yun really thought about this question seriously: "Go to the wetland park?"

"It's evening, are you going to feed mosquitoes?" Su Yifan said angrily, "Change the place."

"I really don't know, why don't you say it?" Han Yun now really knows Su Yifan's personality very well. As soon as she opens her mouth, she shows weakness first, and then kicks the problem back to Su Yifan.

Su Yifan also scratched his head. Not to mention where he went during this period, even the traffic was a problem.

"Why don't you go to the Wetland Park and see the scenery in the car."

Su Yifan felt that this compromise plan was acceptable. In fact, he just wanted a driving goal.

When the traffic enters the evening rush hour, most people will feel irritable, but Su Yifan doesn't feel this way. Now he thinks it's cute to everyone. The joy of almost losing my life and returning to normal life has not been diluted, and happiness comes simply and simply.

Wetland Park is on the west side of Binhai City, near the seaside, surrounded by mudflats on the vast coastline. Far from here is the place where Su Xiaoqing took Su Yifan to have a barbecue. After years of investment and protection, the whole wetland park has now become a scene of daily tourism in Binhai City. Standing here and watching the wind drive those bushes to dance, which immediately made people feel different.

Because of the subtle difference in soil alkali content, the vegetation of the whole wetland park presents a light blue-red color. Every evening when the sun shines on it, it immediately clusters like a golden flame.

Su Yifan really rarely looks at such a beautiful scenery. Han Yun seems to be more interested than Su Yifan, looking at the endless sky.

"When I was a child, my father often brought me to the seaside." Han Yun said to Su Yifan, "At that time, I thought my father was the greatest person in the world. He told me stories, bought me all kinds of good things, and helped me solve all kinds of problems."

Su Yifan didn't ask "what happened later", and he knew that it must be stupid to ask.

Han Yun didn't need to ask Su Yifan. She looked at the car that occasionally drove to visit in the distance and sneered: "I didn't know until I grew up that my father... was actually a man."

This time, Su Yifan felt that he knew what was going on without asking. Family problems are one of the problems that almost everyone will encounter.

The two walked slowly along several paths in the wetland park and finally drove to an inaccessible location around them, but were stunned to find a car parked in front of them.

A small Nissan SUV, with a silver-gray body shining in the sunset, looks quite beautiful.

What is surprising is not the car itself, but the body is trembling rhythmically.

The car was pasted with an opaque film. With this rhythmic shaking, Su Yifan and Han Yun suddenly understood what activities were being carried out on it.

Both of them stayed for a few seconds. Su Yifan was about to reverse the car when Han Yun suddenly pulled Su Yifan.

"Wait a minute, I know this car!"


There are so few tickets recently... Ask for red tickets and monthly tickets!

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