My Goddess

Chapter 47 Bitter Meat Plan

When Lao Wang was still in a daze while holding the phone, Su Yifan already knew what Shu Chang was going to do today.

While looking for Lao Wang's wife for a showdown, Shu Chang sent a text message to Su Yifan.

The content of the text message is very simple.

"I'll try it."

This is the posture of giving up and die together... Shu Chang can't do much, but his determination is absolutely strong enough. Su Yifan feels that he can almost see the firm expression of the girl's eyes.

Biologically, women are stronger than men in terms of psychological and physical pressure, and those who are strong enough and resilient to appear particularly strong when they break out. Su Yifan probably knew what Shu Chang was going to do. He tried to send a text message to stop it, but he didn't know what to say.

Let Shu Chang forget the hatred and embrace the good life? This is too unconvincing.

Let Shu Chang maintain the status quo and continue to maintain the illusion? She couldn't stand it for a long time.

Maybe all the sadness, grievances and pain are concentrated in the heart, and finally it is the moment of explosion. Even if Su Yifan doesn't appear, Shu Chang will make this seemingly crazy move through something else.

This blow is equivalent to Shu Chang's self-destruction of his future first, and then a blow to Lao Wang's sacrifice.

It's stupid...and it's also happy.

Shu Chang went directly to Lao Wang's house and found Guo Na, the mother of Wang Jianhou, Lao Wang's wife, who was struggling because she couldn't save her son. She told her directly, "I am Lao Wang's current lover, and may be one of the lovers. I plan to break up with Lao Wang, but Lao Wang refused to let go."

The hostess of any rich family has a natural lioness, and any same sex that violates her territory will be regarded as a deadly enemy. Guo Na knew what she was doing at the first sight of the visiting woman. She even saw this little host's quite level live program on TV several times.

In Shu Chang's eyes, there was the kind of firmness that belonged to a woman who returned to sobriety from confusion. She stood at the door, holding a small women's handbag in her hand and facing Guo Na in the scorching sun.

Hearing Shu Chang's opening remarks, Guo Na wanted to throw the iron that was ironing on the little bitch's face for a second or two, but she was not so dry. She glanced Shu Chang coldly and whispered, "Come in and say it, don't stand outside."

Shu Chang did not hesitate to go straight into Lao Wang's house.

This is also the first time Shu Chang has entered his house since he met Lao Wang.

Lao Wang's home is in a small building in the most prosperous area of Binhai East City. The stairs here are all large apartments that are only sold to high-end users. The old Wang family covers an area of more than 400 square meters. If you open the floor-to-ceiling curtains, you can see Muhe, and if you look east, you can see the estuary. In a small city like Binhai, this is definitely a first-class sea view room.

This real estate is an idea accidentally came up by a coastal developer who came to Binhai. At that time, the whole Binhai was building high-rise crazily. Everyone said that this developer was crazy and it was easy to play like this in a small city. As a result, the developer really built the building, which also attracted many local local tycoons to rush to buy, and finally made a lot of money.

After getting rich, Lao Wang believes everything except his friends, and the theory of feng shui is naturally among them. I pay attention to the running water bureau in business. At present, I bought a house here with special decoration. After decoration, Lao Wang seldom comes back to live in, but everyone knows that Lao Wang lives in Building 3 here.

Lao Wang's taste is not much different from those bosses who don't know who they are after being rich. There are vases, calligraphy and paintings and all kinds of high-end foreign wine in the room. The style of mixing and matching between China and West makes people feel a little messy, but there is a strong burst of air coming to the face.

Shu Chang hesitated for a moment at the door and did not change his slippers. He stepped on the expensive solid wood floor to the center of the living room and looked back at Guo Na.

Guo Na is also looking at Shu Chang. She has some typical characteristics of a big woman, such as picky and mean eyes, fierce eyes, and of course, she is relatively old. Millions of expensive cosmetics every year can't really keep her face in her twenties. There are still indelable fishtails in the corners of her eyes, and her eyes are still not as clear as a girl.

Shu Chang met Guo Na's eyes, slightly observed the decorations in the room, and asked strangely, "Didn't you invite anyone?"

Guo Na looked at Shu Chang's eyes and couldn't wait to melt her into a pool of pus, but her tone was calm: "My own home, I don't want outsiders to come in."

At this point, Shu Chang was not afraid and asked Guo Na, "You know what Lao Wang is like outside, and I don't need to repeat it to you. I'm just here to ask you, since I want to break up with Lao Wang, he still won't let go. What should I do?

Guo Na stared at Shu Chang for a few seconds with the most resentful eyes a woman could do, picked up the phone on the coffee table and called Lao Wang.

"Wang, what's your grandmother's great ability? Xiao San has come to you. You don't think you're ashamed enough, do you?

Shu Chang looked at the play and quietly waited for Guo Na to finish the call.

Guo Na still put the phone on the carpet and scolded Shu Chang, "Little**, are you satisfied now? I asked Lao Wang to solve this matter by himself. I don't care what he does to you. You asked for it!"

Shu Chang may have a trace of fear when Guo Na called Lao Wang at the beginning, but now she doesn't feel it at all.

"Do you have this ability?" Shu Chang looked at the angry Guo Na and asked, "Let's talk about it or let Lao Wang talk. What's the difference between me and relying on a man?"

Guo Na almost wanted to reach out and slap her comfortably, but finally resisted from doing it herself: "Don't bother me with the broken matter between you and Wang. Even if you give him all the holes on your body, you won't get everything I have today."

Shu Chang looked at this fierce woman and shook her head and said, "Sister, what you said is not right. If Lao Wang really believed you so much, you wouldn't have done any business that was not going well."

The comfortable words made Guo Na's face change.

I do use Lao Wang's resources to do business, but it seems that I have never made a lot of money. I make a little money, and sometimes I will encounter some unexpected situations.

Guo Na has never doubted this kind of experience, but she always comforts herself that it is just because of her bad financial fortune and does not want to doubt Lao Wang.

Unexpectedly, the little coquettish hoof in front of her burst her doubts in one sentence. She seemed to know what she had done for a long time.

This feeling of anger has not passed for a long time. Guo Na rushed to Shu Chang a few steps, reached out and slapped Shu Chang.

"You little*, it's not your turn to provoke our relationship!"

Shu Chang greeted Guo Na's slap without any intention of dodging. Her eyes were full of stubbornness, and her body did not tremble at all.

Just like the young comfort in the past.

This look made Guo Na's heart, which was no longer young, feel a little tingling. She gritted her teeth and picked up the vase on the coffee table while hitting Shu Chang.



When the old man rushed home on fire, Shu Chang's face was full of blood, and she was beaten by Guo Na to make her unconscious.

Because it was at home, no one stopped it, and the driver went out to buy things again. Guo Na went crazy and did nothing. Several times, she almost threw something on the coffee table and hit Shu Chang's forehead, which was as effective as hitting her head with a stone.

Lao Wang, who was originally angry with Shu Chang, was almost scared to death when he saw this scene. He ran over to stop his wife and asked Qu Fei, the driver and bodyguard, to take Shu Chang to the hospital quickly.

Qi Ruimin also went home with Lao Wang. Originally, he did not plan to participate in other people's family affairs, but Lao Wang came back in such a hurry that he could not pretend to be dead. Lao Wang still dragged him and could only follow him.

Seeing that there has been almost a bloody case between the mistress and the eldest woman in Lao Wang's family, Qi Ruimin was glad that he finally didn't have to help Lao Wang's staff choose who, and quickly followed Qu Fei to Shu Chang to the hospital to avoid the terrible scene of the complete dispersing of the grape shelf.

Lao Wang's desire to teach Shu Chang a lesson faded after seeing this, but he felt that his original match was a little unreasonable. Wang Jianhou's wife rarely participated in his growth, and most of them were still done by themselves. Now seeing such a bloody and ferocious scene, Lao Wang suddenly felt a little afraid and imagined what would happen if this mother-in-law, who had almost nothing to do every day, could find a way to deal with her.

This association brought extremely terrible consequences. After helping Shu Chang sign the hospitalization fee, Lao Wang returned to the office and sat for a long time. No matter how Guo Na called, looked for it, or even cursed, Lao Wang never saw Guo Na again.

Lao Wang, who has experienced a lot of betrayal, has been worried about others' fatal blow to him in turn. Until today, he finally realized the real problem.

If Guo Na wants to give herself a fatal blow, I'm afraid it's really fatal rather than losing some of her wealth.

This problem is too big and terrible. Lao Wang felt a headache after thinking about it for a long time, and he decided to kill this possibility.

At this moment, as the most critical role of the whole thing, Shu Chang is still in a coma in the hospital.

Not long after Lao Wang got home, Shu Chang had been sent to the hospital. She was only in a mild coma, and the injury on her body looked like a serious injury, but in fact, it was just a serious concussion in her head.

Guo Na's matter should have been borne by someone immediately, so that she would not be arrested and detained before waiting for the injury report. After all, there is also Lao Wang, the great god. But because of the focus of various media, this matter has finally become a little difficult.

It's not a problem to find someone to support it. How to find someone to support it without trace is a big problem. So many people are waiting to dig up the bad things in Lao Wang's family. The matter between Guo Na and Shu Chang is known at the first time. No one dares to guarantee if they really do it.

As a result, Guo Na was finally arrested.