My Goddess

Chapter 68 Don't Fight Unprepared

In Lao Wang's view, although Su Yifan is a bluff now, he is already a rare calmness among children. His son's so-called city government is nothing compared with this boy. Thinking of this level of old Wang, he can't help but feel a little sad. I don't know how Wang Jianhou is now. His wife Guo Na is fine and eats and drinks well in the detention center.

Even if he had a little admiration for Su Yifan in his heart, Lao Wang still couldn't give this boy a chance to be arrogant. He took two steps forward with a gun, and his face was so gloomy that his face finally dispersed.

At this time, Lao Wang has a bit of a sense of hero.

Talking is based on the decisiveness of killing, and the right to speak is just another manifestation of monetary power.

Lao Wang has always been well aware of the key to these problems.

So at this moment, only the person with a gun in his hand is the most important person to make a sound in this room now!

"Do you want to try if I dare to shoot?"

This sentence asked fiercely, and Lao Wang's eyes had lost the so-called solemnity and depth, as if he had recovered into the desperate man who struggled on the line of life and death in an instant.

Under such a contradictory situation, Lao Wang finally tore off his so-called businessman's coat and returned to his original self. Even Lao Wang himself feels a little happy. It's so cool that he doesn't have to pretend!

In this state of emotional relaxation, Lao Wang almost wanted to pull the trigger directly. He really wants to know what it will be like if he shoots out. The boy opposite is at least a flesh-and-blood body and won't block this bullet, will he?

Over the years, there are not many people who can be humiliated and hate Lao Wang so face to face. This boy in front of him is definitely the outstanding number one.

Su Yifan still looked at Lao Wang calmly, as if he were playing one-on-one with his friends behind the school playground.

"Actually... I don't want to try."

Hearing Su Yifan's sudden cowardice, Lao Wang's tense mood was not as exciting as before, and he calmed down in an instant.

This seems to be a normal situation... Looking at the muzzle of the black hole, how calm can a 17- or 18-year-old teenager be? Lao Wang couldn't help looking down at Su Yifan's legs to see if the boy's legs were trembling.

As long as one party admits to cowardice, this matter will be easy to do.

Feng Feng still wanted to come over and was held tightly by Lao Li from behind, but he did not dare to resist.

The only one with more personality was Liu Chong. This man still rode on Qi Ruimin and refused to come down, and even if someone came to kick him twice, he did not let go.

Feng Feng's face was injured, and Liu Chong was also a little injured. Throughout the whole scene, Su Yifan was unharmed.

Su Yifan turned his head to look at Feng Feng and whispered, "Brother Feng, I have wronged you."

Feng Feng still had no superfluous expression on his face and looked at Su Yifan without saying anything.

Lao Wang snorted, "O all right, don't pretend to be a buddy at this time. Boy, since you are afraid, let's talk about it later."

Su Yifan turned around and continued to look at Lao Wang. This time he laughed.

"Let's talk? I'm not going to talk to you."

"You..." Lao Wang stretched the muzzle a few centimeters forward, highlighting his status of killing Su Yifan in an instant. "It seems that you are still not too afraid?"

"No, no, no, I'm really a little scared and don't want to try." Su Yifan said to Lao Wang with his usual honesty, "So I think it's necessary for you to explain to others how the gun in your hand came from."

Hearing Su Yifan's words, Lao Wang's heart suddenly burst.

What does this boy mean?

The locked door of the private room was opened by the sound of keys, and several policemen in uniform appeared at the door.

These people* are quite tall, because their figure is a little out of shape, and they don't fit well. Sixty-seven armed policemen were also surrounded by armed men, and their guns were all pointed at the people in the room.

Seeing these people, Lao Wang felt cold, like throwing out the weapon in his hand.

It's too late. The armed policeman at the front end of the queue simply did not go through the warning process and wanted to fire directly. On the contrary, a burly man behind shouted coldly, "Why don't you put down your weapons?"

Except for Su Yifan, everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

Such a big battle... Who dares to act without authorization without ventilation in all aspects? Needless to say, tonight's action has been prepared for some time, and Lao Wang's private meeting with Su Yifan today is a temporary decision. That is to say, Lao Wang has been in Su Yifan's calculation. From the beginning, Su Yifan has calculated that Lao Wang will come, and even Lao Wang knows that he has a gun.

- Who told the boy that he had a gun?

Lao Wang's mind is now full of such an idea. His eyes swept the whole audience and saw that everyone was suspicious. Whether it's Lao Li, who didn't want to fight with Feng Feng just now, or every little brother he brought.

Finally, Lao Wang's eyes fell on Qi Ruimin, who got up from the ground in confusion.

"Damn, it's you..."

Lao Wang gritted his teeth and thought of the scene of Qi Ruimin crying and shouting to come with him at night. At that time, he did not avoid the boy by taking a gun from the safe. He must have betrayed himself.

Qi Ruimin was still dizzy and was locked by Liu Chong and his joints were almost displaced. He shook his head and saw Lao Wang looking at him like a cannibal.

"Mr. Wang, I..."

"Okay, old Qirui..." Lao Wang's whole expression and heart are distorted now, "I'm also treating you well. What the fuck are you doing to me?"

"Mr. Wang, I didn't..."

Su Yifan didn't care about the conversation between the two people biting dogs and turned to Feng Feng.

Feng Feng, who still had blood on his face, wiped his face and nodded to Su Yifan to show that he was sound.

Su Yifan sighed that today's situation is basically equivalent to Feng Feng helping himself eat those skin wounds. In order to make it easy for Lao Wang to turn over, one of the three people should be injured, which is also one of the necessary reasons to pull Lao Wang in.

The news that Lao Wang brought a gun is absolutely the icing on the cake, but who told him the news?

Feng Feng answered Su Yifan with action. He walked to the sofa and pulled up the man with a tattoo full of muscles.

The man who was still in a coma just now was dragged up by Feng Feng. The first thing was to jump and scold, "Fuck me! Are you still playing for real? I almost fainted!"

Su Yifan was messy in an instant, and the whole room was messy.

Lao Wang's eyes when he looked at Qi Ruimin were no longer able to swallow him alive, but meant to smash ten thousand pieces of his body and then frust his ashes.

No one expected that the strongest one in the whole private room turned out to be friends with Feng Feng?!

Even Lao Wang doesn't know this kind of thing.

The tattooed man, who was still very powerful just now, pointed to Feng Feng and continued to scold, "Erfeng, you are already stronger than me. You don't have to work so hard, do you? Just now, I thought you really wanted to kill me. Are you a friend?

The tattooed man jumped his feet and scolded a few words before he found that the atmosphere was wrong. He looked left and right and found that there were many armed policemen, so he immediately hugged his head and surrendered: "Comrade police, I was wronged. They all told me that there was delicious food here, and they fought when they came. I was the first one to be knocked unconscious. There is nothing wrong with me here..."

Su Yifan suddenly understood why this tattooed man became friends with Feng Feng...

It is estimated that Feng Feng is the only one who can tolerate such a broken-mouthed man.

Lao Wang has put down his gun. Although he knows that Qi Ruimin has also been cheated, he has divided Qi Ruimin into the ranks of pig teammates.

"Team Lu... Look at this, this is a misunderstanding."

Lao Wang, the group who led the team in, knows the economic investigation department, the criminal police team, and the armed police brigade... These people can scare many people to death even if they are normally called the police. The most important speaker among the group was Lv Wenguang of the criminal police. This burly old man is usually addicted to alcohol, often does not get drunk during non-working hours, and has a little friendship with Lao Wang. However, because Lao Wang basically does not involve the side door and gray fields now, his usual "knowledge" is not enough.

Lv Wenguang glanced at Lao Wang, and his eyes and the intimateness on the wine bureau were completely different.

"Is it a misunderstanding? Let's talk about it later."

Su Yifan looked at Lao Wang and said in a very needy tone, "Mr. Wang, I guess you must be thinking about what kind of gift Uncle Liu gave me when I opened my business. Do you know now?

Lao Wang looked at Su Yifan fiercely, but said nothing more. At this point, let's find a way to solve the problem by yourself. Anyway, we still have to follow along now.

Because Su Yifan and others are also parties, they have to go back to make a record. Su Yifan easily called Cai Yan in the middle of the way: "Let your bodyguards be smart to prevent the old dog from jumping over the wall."

Cai Yan looked particularly reliable at such a serious time and simply replied, "I know, you should also be careful."

Su Yifan said "um" and hung up the phone.

It is purely formal to go to the criminal police team of the Municipal Bureau to make a record. Because Lao Wang's gun ownership was relatively serious at the beginning, Feng Feng and Liu Chong both played the role of the victim, and the description of the whole incident has changed greatly. It became the story of a triad gang trying to blackmail Su Yifan, who had just set up a new company, and got angry and took out a gun to threaten the safety of others. Su Yifan himself was a little ashamed when he heard it. Is it okay to be so different from the facts?

The captain Lv was responsible for making the record for Su Yifan. He comforted Su Yifan with a smile and said, "Xiao Su, Lao Wang has gone too far in this matter. You don't have to worry about anything next. Just watch the fun."

Su Yifan was so happy. Of course, he did not forget to give a red envelope to Captain Lu. Captain Lu simply took it over very skillfully and accepted it with a smile.

Captain Lu did not leave Su Yifan. He casually said a few words to him and asked him to go back. By the time the criminal police team finished everything and returned to Jin Caesar, it had been almost two hours. According to the normal recording speed, Su Yifan is quite fast. In the private room, everyone was still singing enthusiastically, and Zhang Yao sat in her original position and played PSP silently.

After greeting Jeffka and others at the door, Su Yifan pushed the door and sat in between Cheng Shuixin and Zhang Yao.

Cheng Shuixin first looked up and down at Su Yifan and found that there was no injury at all this time. She smiled with some relief and said nothing.

Zhang Yao's little hand slowly stretched out from the sofa and directly held Su Yifan's hand.

"Are you all right?" Cai Yan asked, "Do you need me to take action?"

Su Yifan also smiled at Cai Yan and squeezed Zhang Yao's little hand hard.

"No, I'm not going to fight unprepared now."