My Goddess

Chapter 76 The Weakness

(I'm sorry for my poor condition in recent days. It will be fine if it's over.)


The office building group of Linhai Development Zone facing the sea is shining in the sun. The buildings in this area are particularly dreamy because of the addition of the glass outer layer. From a distance, there will be a taste that has entered the fantasy era first.

Looking west from here, you can see the long peninsula-like coastline of the whole development zone. The wetland landscape formed many years ago has been almost completely eliminated under high-speed economic construction, replaced by small processing plants and a large number of office buildings. At least half of Linhai's software outsourcing companies for South Korea and Japan are concentrated here. A large number of commercial software corresponding to Japan and South Korea have been born here, and there are also large and small outsourcing businesses. These lively international business exchanges constitute the prosperity of the coastal area, which also makes this area particularly young and vibrant.

After all, most of the people in this industry are young people, which has led to a rise in the development zone, and housing prices have also risen a lot in recent years.

Linhai is a typical high-consumption low-income city, and housing prices in the core area have begun to be appalling. Just like the problems faced by other big cities, the biggest dream of young people living here is just to have their own house.

Overlooking down from the office building, the distinction between the surrounding residential buildings and office buildings is very clear. The bright young man stood by the French window, and his bright eyes were not sleepy at all because of jet lag. He held a cup of fragrant coffee in his hand.

There is almost no one in the conference room with bright windows, except for a short-haired girl with a slender waist and long legs.

"I haven't been back for several years, and Linhai has developed so rapidly..."

The young man sighed like an old man, took a sip of coffee, and his eyes fell on the billboard of an office building opposite.

The short-haired girl smiled lightly: "Who told you not to come to the sea? What's the fun in a small place like Hong Kong?"

The young man did not answer. He turned around and put down the coffee cup and asked, "Have you sorted out the information?"

"It's almost the limit that can be known at present." The short-haired girl is still dressed enchantingly, with white stockings with small white dots on her slender legs, outlining beautiful curves that make people's eyes dull in the air. "I really don't understand. Didn't you come back for her?"

The young man smiled and said, "Who said that? I'm just coming back to China for development.

The short-haired girl curled her lips: "Who are you lying to? Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? Anyway, there is no blood relationship between you. Why don't you try to try it?"

The young man laughed and said, "You are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

"I don't want to help you..." The girl began to smile sweetly again. "You are very good at chasing girls, but you know, she is different from other girls."

The young man did not say anything, but opened the folder in front of him. In the first photo was Su Yifan's admission photo.

At that time, Su Yifan's immature feeling between his eyebrows was still very strong, his eyes were softer, and there was a faint unhappiness on his slightly elegant face.

"This man, his sister is Su Xiaoqing?" The young man looked at Su Yifan's information, as if talking to himself and talking to a short-haired girl, "Su Xiaoqing's project has been carried out for so long. How much money has she made?"

"How do I know?" The short-haired girl still smiled sweetly and spoke not very gently and politely, "Su Xiaoqing's water is deep enough. Are you sure you want to try it?"

The young man recalled Su Xiaoqing he had seen and quickly shook his head to deny this assumption: "No, I don't want to."


"It's too dangerous..." The young man was outspoken to his sister, "Su Xiaoqing is not only the shadow of major conglomerates, but also the relationship between governments."

The short-haired girl laughed and said, "So you will be afraid too?" I thought you were not afraid of anyone."

The young man smiled without any embarrassment and said, "I'm afraid of too many things, and even you and I feel afraid."

The short-haired girl hummed: "You're not afraid of me. Do you think I'm troublesome?"

The young man laughed and said, "Who said that? My Xiaoxuan is the cutest. Without you, my eyes will be black. I don't know anything. How can you be in trouble?

The short-haired girl called Xiaoxuan turned better and was still unhappy: "I can coax people, and I don't know how many girls have coaxed to practice such a skill."

The young man smiled and did not continue to speak, but quickly turned over the information and was a little surprised to see the last few pages.

"The game that Su Yifan is making seems to be very successful?"

"It's more than that." Xiaoxuan looks like a little girl, and his attitude when it comes to serious things changes immediately. "Su Yifan seems to have participated in a series of actions recently, targeting a well-known entrepreneur."

The young man raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything.

"Does an upstart need to fight so much?"

"I don't know either. Maybe there is another reason." Xiaoxuan was very interested in talking about this. "The bankrupt entrepreneur is an upstart. Many people don't like him, but his business is not small, mainly in real estate."

The young man smiled and said, "The real estate market here is so big that any cat and dog can do it. The best years are brave enough to make something happen.

Xiaoxuan didn't say anything about the youth's evaluation, but asked with a smile, "Brother, what do you think Su Yifan wants to do?"

The young man narrowed his eyes and turned over the information behind him and shook his head, "I think he is actually eager to prove himself, just like you and me."

"It's worthy of my brother. It's really accurate." Xiaoxuan praised with a little smile, "I think this little boy is a little impatient and is not your opponent at all."

The young man did not answer Xiaoxuan's words, so he put down the folder and began to meditate.

"In a sense, his career has also started, right?"

"Almost, even we may not have done better than him in those years." Xiaoxuan is quite objective and calm when looking at the problem. "Yes, I found a very interesting thing."


"Su Yifan seems to have appeared in Binhai with someone, but he didn't stay in our hotel." Xiaoxuan smiled demonically. She was looking forward to the expression on the young man's face, "They live together in the same room..."

The young man with a sunny smile suddenly cooled down, but his gaffe did not last long and quickly regained his composure.

"That's her own private business, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Brother, do you know how insincere your expression is?"


The young man couldn't laugh or cry about his cousin. Of course, he also knew that his cousin was testing his bottom line. Cousin Zhao Xuan looks harmless. Even if she has a little devilish attribute, she can be divided into the "cute" faction. In fact, she is an emotionally stable opportunist.

From the point of opportunism, the young man and his cousin are naturally consistent, and the two are very similar in terms of their outlook on life and values in the field of investment. Because of this, this pair of cousins who don't usually meet much appear very close, because they can understand each other's world.

"Xiao Xuan, what do you think of this now?" Of course, the young man asked about the current situation of Su Yifan and Lao Wang.

Zhao Xuan curled his lips and said, "What are you looking at? Su Yifan has a Cai Yan around him. She alone can use the power of her family to pinch the Wang. It's just that Su Yifan doesn't want to do this now, and the situation has lasted until now.

"Do you think the situation will last long?"

"Judging from the current situation, Su Yifan doesn't need to use any more power, and the man surnamed Wang is also dead."

The young man nodded. Zhao Xuan's judgment was almost the same as his. He felt that it was necessary to go to Binhai to meet the teenager.



As judged by Zhao Xuan, a short-haired girl, not long after Lao Wang used his card, he suddenly found that this card had no effect.

Vice Governor Qu is still progressive and cherishes feathers. Those petitioners made such a fuss, coupled with the participation of the media in other provinces, and the scene suddenly jumped, and no one could control it.

The media can be bribed and the Internet can be banned, but this kind of important question depends more on who is grouping with whom. As the Li family participated in the war, the scene suddenly began to fall one-sided.

Guo Na was not released on bail, and Lao Wang had no chance to see his son again, because more people made difficult choices on a difficult issue.

There was the first investigation against Lao Wang, who was suspected of disturbing the order of the real estate market in Binhai City.

This decision was made quickly. After failing to quickly solve the petitioners' style in the morning, someone began to implement it in less than three o'clock in the afternoon.

The dual problems of economic cases and criminal cases involve the difficulties of local protection, which can only be solved by transferring people from other places.

At this point, Lao Wang knew that he could not completely stay out of the matter what. Despite his desperate efforts to destroy the evidence, there is still too much human evidence and material evidence, and he must also be investigated.

I just came out of the criminal police team yesterday, and Lao Wang knew that it was not that easy to enter this time.

Lao Wang was unwilling, angry, and even a little aggrieved. If you have made so many contributions to the local economy, why is it not as good as a little kid looking for people to make trouble all over the mountains? In frustration, Lao Wang even wanted to escape, just like Chen Xin and his son, he escaped from the coast, escaped from the province, and even fled to foreign countries.

The reason why Lao Wang failed to make this decision in the end is also quite simple.

Wang Jianhou is still in China.

Old Wang firmly believes that if he really shakes away, Su Yifan will definitely be capable of finding eighteen big men to turn Wang Jianhou. Lao Wang was too impressed by the boy's eyes looking at him at that time. He felt that the eyes he had seen those smugglers who had never changed their color were not so panicked.

What on earth has this boy experienced? Old Wang is very puzzled.

Of course, the sound of the siren finally made Lao Wang puzzled. He was once again taken away for investigation in full view of the public and suffered his most hated humiliation.