My Goddess

Chapter 86 So-called Expectation

On the first day of the game exhibition, there will be live webcast reports, and graphic posts and news topics are overwhelming on major websites. From the perspective of eyeball economy, the annual game exhibition has a momentum of "avoiding other topics when I appear".

A large number of beautiful women, economic online game companies, various dazzling game animations... After the live broadcast of pictures, the online click rate of many topics began to increase.

For the students who play the most games, the summer vacation itself is boring, and it is impossible to travel with their families to occupy the whole holiday. It is obviously a good choice to blow the air conditioner at home and eat snacks and surf the Internet. Therefore, the content in the online live broadcast often tends to favor students' preferences, such as continuing to instigate everyone to select this year's otaku goddesses, or to revealed what game agents will be included under whom. In a country with hundreds of large online games, this competition is fierce.

Of course, the people who watch online live broadcasts are not only students. The people who follow the game exhibition have many senior netizens, new and old players, covering various industries. These people are following the news of the game exhibition in the office, at home and in the Internet cafe.

These news did not disappoint them. When they opened the page, they saw photos of beautiful women all over the mountains, and then the text was reported.

Su Yifan was also watching these news. He sat in the company with Cheng Shuixin. The appearance of the two people at the same time made the rest of the company feel a little pressure, so Su Yifan simply hid in the office and could not come out.

In the hall, Shaoyang and Lin Xi are still sorting out information and carefully making work forms. Everyone in the quiet company basically wears headphones and focuses on the small screen in front of them.

Not long after, the news about the light touch appeared.

At about the same time, Wang Juan was in a prominent position in the forum, and uploaded this short short video on the homepage of the website and several major video websites.

Dedicated to passers-by.

Cheng Shuixin sat next to Su Yifan. She did not turn on the computer, but leaned together to watch the news with Su Yifan on a computer.

"Is the clip good?"

Su Yifan shook his head with a smile: "Time is too short, we can only use ready-made materials. In the end, the special effect was supported by Zhao Yutong, and the final effect was a little different from what I thought.

"It feels good." Cheng Shuixin encouraged Su Yifan, "I think it's good to impress people. None of us is the protagonists of life."

Su Yifan took a look at Cheng Shuixin's beautiful face close at hand and suddenly sighed about his previous mentality. The feeling that he had acquiesced to the fact that he was a passer-by prompted him to piece together into this short film. He felt that this was the true portrayal of many people who were rich in their hearts but at a loss for the world.

Cheng Shuixin heard Su Yifan talk about this short film before, and she didn't see the finished product until today. Looking at such a picture, I suddenly felt a little moved.

is the kind of touch that sees a corner of a person's heart.

Yes, who cares about other people's stories? Everyone can only be their own protagonist, and it is understandable that they are just NPCs in other people's stories.

Looking at Su Yifan with firm eyes, Cheng Shuixin found that she had only now begun to fully understand Su Yifan.

Everyone's inner richness may not be fully understood in a lifetime.

dragged the mouse to watch this short film again several times. The more Cheng Shuixin watched it, the more she liked it, and even had the impulse to shoot one.

I was looking at it, but I heard Su Yifan beside me say, "I was going to use this short film for your new project, but we really didn't have anything in this game exhibition, so I released it first."

How simple it is, but Cheng Shuixin listened to a slight tremor.

Did you silently do this short film for yourself?

Once upon a time, Su Yifan did walk into his own life as such a humble passer-by. But unconsciously, the relationship between the two people is no longer each other's passers-by. Those invisible and deep fetters are intertwined in daily life, leaving the two people almost in the same chariot.

Lift her eyes and took a look at Su Yifan, who was focused. Cheng Shuixin swept the door of the office with the corner of her eyes and locked it, and the shutters were basically put down.

Such a good opportunity...

Lifting her body slightly, Cheng Shuixin's pretty face instantly stuck to Su Yifan's cheek.

A gentle kiss.

"Thank you."

Cheng Shuixin, who rarely said "thank you", told Su Yifan how much he liked the short film, and he felt his heart.

Because the mouse was given to Cheng Shuixin, Su Yifan's hands were still on the keyboard. At this moment, his hands suddenly stiffened and he could not move any more on the keyboard.

Cheng Shuixin's kiss was like a dragonfly, throwing ripples in Su Yifan's heart, but she was very calm.

A rational girl is always like this. She has thought about everything before doing something, and her mood recovers quickly. Before Su Yifan recovered, Cheng Shuixin had sat back in the chair and said happily, "I really like it."

Su Yifan didn't know how to answer, so he could only mutter, " long as you like it."

Cheng Shuixin smiled and asked, "What if Yang Bingbing comes to the company now?"

Su Yifan was speechless.

Of course, Cheng Shuixin doesn't want to know the answer. She doesn't want to think about it herself.

Although there are many players who touch the light spirit, it is still slightly small compared with the domestic game market. All kinds of online publicity have played a role in the past, but after all, they are not well known by all.

After this promotional video came out, a large number of reprints appeared in many game forums and even ordinary comprehensive forums.

The impressive title "Dedicated to passers-by" exerted its power outside the game exhibition.

This title touched the soft place of many people's hearts in a very simple way.

The loneliness, indifference, depression and emptiness in the hearts of modern people are all covered by this title.

These people need games or social software services the most.

Su Yifan himself used to be such a lonely person. He can understand, and now he has learned to express himself.

Reporters at the game exhibition did not comment much on this short film. Instead, people began to queue up for comments on various video websites and forums.

"It's a good shot. After graduation, I forgot that I was carefree."

"My nose is sore. For her, I may be a passer-by..."

"I want to be the protagonist, but unfortunately I don't even have enough money to leave the village!"

" passers-by should also have dreams!"

"I have watched it many times and like it very much. Everyone is lonely, and we need to escape from the window of the world.



To Su Yifan's surprise, only a small part of these heated discussions were the self-putedness led by Wang Juan's friends, and most of the content was really a heartfelt reply from netizens.

Maybe it is too difficult to find identity in this world. Every time something can hit people's hearts, the reaction must be very strong.

Just after two o'clock in the afternoon, several video websites have posted this promotional video on the homepage, supplemented by a rather demagogic introduction. Titles such as "the warmest game company promotional videos" are emerging one after another. The name touched lightly and once again entered the vision of many players who are not mobile game users.

In contrast, the internal reports in the game venue basically do not mention the company, that is, there are several small sections that take photos for simple interviews. After the feedback from local editors of major websites came out, the reporters at the scene began to go to interview like a dream.

Wang Jiantao could deal with it once or twice in the morning, and he completely collapsed in the afternoon. Cai Yan did not participate in the interview, so his empty-ranked manager could only cheer up and continue to talk nonsense with others. Some reporters who couldn't line up even came up with Zhang Chao's idea, not even letting go of this child who looked less than 20 years old.

Where did Zhang Chao go through such a scene? He was inevitably shy, but the Show.girls around him were looking at themselves and answered some questions stiffly.

The blue fantasy technology opposite is still surging. The young man who had quarreled with Zhang Chao before saw that the little boy opposite was also interviewed, and he couldn't help saying a few more sour words.

"Today, the media field can still create some hot spots. This kind of video can't even hear music tomorrow. Let's see who will buy them!"

The man with glasses who had been admiring Cai Yan's beauty with the young man before also echoed, "That's right, who has time to watch the music at the venue tomorrow!"

After exchanging a few words of experience with each other, the two continued to be busy, but they didn't pay attention to a mobile game company.

The first day of the game exhibition passed in such a busy schedule. Zhang Chao saw how terrible the so-called big scene was. He didn't even have time to go to Yu Zheng's booth to see what was going on there. However, even if you think about it with your toes, you will know that because the Show.girls invited are all beautiful, and the little girl who has always been known for her jealousy must have taken Yu Zheng to death.

until the end, Zhang Chao followed Wang Jiantao and Cai Yan to finish all the finishing work before leaving. When he walked out of the exhibition center, Zhang Chao felt that he was about to break up. He asked Cai Yan with a little breakdown, "There are still two days left?"

Cai Yan didn't care about this intensity of work, and Yun Danfeng nodded lightly.

Zhang Chao suddenly collapsed: "Help..."

Cai Yan took a look at Wang Jiantao. He was indeed a good comrade from a code farmer. He was still energetic at the end of the day, which showed how miserable he was usually squeezed.

"Don't worry, I can only be more tired tomorrow."


Zhang Chao wants to cry without tears.

When he returned to the hotel and went back to their rooms to take a shower, Zhang Chao glanced at the PSP that he had no chance to open at all, and called Su Yifan a little sadly.

"How did you find such a job for me? I feel like I'm dying..."

Su Yifan hehe: "Staying up late is more tiring than this."

"That's what I'd like to!" Zhang Chao said angrily.

"Are you not happy about this now?" Su Yifan asked lightly.

Zhang Chao was stunned by this question. He obviously didn't realize it before, but now he was reminded by Su Yifan that he felt as if he was doing what he had dreamed of doing before.

Yes, this is what you are willing to do, so there is nothing to cry about.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chao said a little awkwardly, "Well... Today's live effect is not bad, and several companies still come to talk about cooperation and advertisements. But what about tomorrow? Tomorrow's venue is full of performances. Can we just have a little trick?

"Don't worry, I have made plans for a long time." Su Yifan is really calm now. "Just look forward to it. Don't worry."

Although there are still doubts in his heart, out of his consistent trust in Su Yifan, Zhang Chao hung up the phone suspiciously to take a shower. He felt that if he continued to be so hungry, he would probably faint in the bathroom, right?