My Goddess

Chapter 93 Meet

Those manufacturers who were encouraged by Zhang Chao were actually touched by the light spirit. Of course, because the real thought must be covered up, the representatives of these manufacturers are all eager to hope that the organizing committee can solve the problem as soon as possible. Thousands of dollars have this problem, and the money will not be refunded. If the final exhibition effect is bad, it will be these poor people who lead the team.

It's not a good job to go on a business trip to Modu in July. If you go back and take responsibility, it's too miserable, isn't it?

* The number of people was also quite large. They walked through the corridor of the organizing committee's office to the office of the person in charge. When they saw the confrontation, they were immediately shocked and believed what Zhang Chao had just said.

When Zhang Chao saw Cai Yan's sharp eyes here, he was deadlocked with a group of security guards and police, and immediately admired the sister. Cai Yan's previous work ability seems to be just a matter of course. After all, he has been trained in this society for a long time. But now that he dares to challenge the police uncle and a group of rude security guards, Zhang Chao really began to admire this cold-faced sister.

Seeing Zhang Chao successfully complete the task, Cai Yan raised his chin slightly to Zhang Chao and motioned him to leave first.

Zhang Chao hesitated for a moment. He still had a sense of heroism in his bones. Otherwise, he could not choose to stand with Su Yifan tremblingly when he was in the park. Now that Cai Yan, a beautiful and cold sister, stays in this place that looks like enemies, Zhang Chao always feels that he can't get through the barrier in his heart.

Of course, Cai Yan and Zhang Chao thought differently. Seeing that Zhang Chao was stupid and refused to move, she stared at the boy angrily.

I have to admit that Cai Yan's eyes are actually very lethal. The deepest impression she left to Su Yifan at the beginning was the eyes that could make people feel ting at any time. Beautiful is really beautiful, and it is definitely murderous.

Zhang Chao trebled all over. At this moment, he felt that this cold sister Cai Yan was much more terrible than the game bosses he had seen, so he turned around and left.

Zhang Chao and Cai Yan are just the time for two eye exchange, and the representatives of the manufacturers who came behind Zhang Chao focused on Ye Xuanfeng, who was covered with scars. Everyone knows that this person is the temporary person in charge of the current game exhibition, and some people dare to hit him. These manufacturers' representatives are puzzled and a little excited.

That kind of excitement is not too much to watch.

When Cai Yan saw that everyone had been shouted by Zhang Chao, he glanced around the crowd and said coldly, "Guys, everyone must be very surprised why this place is so chaotic."

The manufacturers' representatives are all human beings. What Zhang Chao said before is now confirmed by the situation in front of him, and he immediately knows what Cai Yan wants to say.

Some people are like this. There is a natural gas field. What Cai Yan said is actually unexpected, but everyone is looking forward to her.

Ye Xuanfeng opposite wanted to interrupt Cai Yan's words. Before he could say anything, he found that Cai Yan's eyes had fallen on him with a strong threat.

Jeffka raised his fist directly regardless of the police and security guards around him.

is really a big fist in a casserole... It seems that if you try your best, you can kill a person directly with one punch, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanfeng even felt that it was a miracle that he could still stand here after being beaten by Haibian.

Threate himself violently in front of the police... This strange feeling made Ye Xuanfeng feel that his experience was a little unreal like a nightmare, and he didn't know what was wrong.

Cai Yan ignored Ye Xuanfeng, who was shaking all over, but continued to say, "The power supply of our booth was artificially destroyed. The real person in charge of the organizing committee was not there. I found that someone was collecting bribes. You probably can't stand this kind of thing."

Ye Xuanfeng heard that Cai Yan was going to guide public opinion. He said that even if he continued to be beaten, he would argue and shouted, "You, you are talking nonsense!"

Because his heart trembled so much, Ye Xuanfeng's rebuttal was not enough, which made the onlookers see a little clue.

Cai Yan sneered, but he was too lazy to continue arguing with Ye Xuanfeng.

With this posture alone, Cai Yan is much higher than Ye Xuanfeng. At this moment, the representatives of those manufacturers have almost believed Cai Yan's words. For nothing else, Cai Yan's temperament and appearance and several foreign bodyguards standing here are more convincing than Ye Xuanfeng's words.

Cai Yan called these manufacturer representatives and did not ask them to do anything like himself. He just said that he would wait for the general manager to come back. This practice of not completely tying others to their own chariots is quite mature, which makes manufacturers feel that the girl not only has a personality, but also does things in a good manner. The more so, the more people felt that there was something wrong with the temporary person in charge, Ye Xuanfeng, and they asked to watch here to the end.

People are afraid of provoking things, but they are absolutely not afraid to come out and make trouble together. The so-called law does not blame the public. If the organizing committee really wears small shoes for a group of manufacturers, the game exhibition will probably come to an end.

It's always terrible for everyone to make trouble together, and both the government and the people are afraid of this.

Since Cai Yan did not ask for anything from the same victimized manufacturers, everyone maintained a lively scene and continued to watch. Ye Xuanfeng was under pressure and couldn't say anything particularly beneficial to the town, so he could only go to see the patrol captain like asking for help.

The patrol captain's eyes have moved away and he doesn't look at Ye Xuanfeng at all.

At present, this matter is a little official, provoking trouble and deliberately hurting people, but there are too many curves in it, and the captain of the patrolman doesn't want to care about it at all.

It's such a chaotic scene that no one can control it. Several members and staff of the organizing committee who just supported Ye Xuanfeng felt that things seemed to be a little strange and stopped making a sound, but maintained this situation to prevent Cai Yan from leaving.

These people are also very clear in their hearts that this beautiful girl does not want to leave. With the strength of the foreign man just now, several patrolmen may not be able to stop her if they really want to leave.

It's just like this. Time has passed, and several manufacturers' representatives are very anxious. Their booths are not like a backup power supply scheme, but now they are all supported in the dark. If it hadn't been for Show.girl and Cosplay plus a lucky draw, I'm afraid there would have been no one in front of the booth now.

With the inner anxiety, representatives of a number of manufacturers began to gradually stop, and discussions and conversations began to rise everywhere.



In everyone's anxiety and waiting, Gao Peilin really came back as soon as possible.

At the level of Gao Peilin, there must be assistants around him. In addition, the three drivers walk in a row, which is absolutely eye-catching. Seeing the appearance of the high chairman related to the game copyright work, those manufacturer representatives almost instinctively stopped talking and focused on Gao Peilin.

The vice chairman of the committee is wearing a pair of dark trousers, a white shirt, and the hem of the shirt is all stuffed into the waist of his trousers. His hair is meticulously combed back, and there are light myopic glasses with a tortoiseur frame on the bridge of his nose. In terms of dress, it is completely typical of the old-fashioned official style, and the eyes are reserved and the walking steps are also very square.

Seeing Gao Peilin appear, Ye Xuanfeng rushed over like a bullied little boy and almost hugged his thigh and cried: "Old Gao!"

Gao Peilin glanced at the wound on Ye Xuanfeng's face, and then looked at Jeffka and several others, and finally his eyes fell on Cai Yan.

Cai Yan's temperament is too independent, and it is difficult for people to pay attention to others just by standing there.

Especially the trampled phone at his feet, which shows that the person who just talked to Gao Peilin should be her.

Staring at Cai Yan for two or three seconds, Gao Peilin did not take the initiative to speak, but the assistant around him was responsible for asking, "What's the matter?"

Cai Yan has no assistant around her. When she was around Su Yifan, she tried to dilute her special identity, and even rarely called home in front of Su Yifan. Once this habit is formed, she will still do it herself at the Magic City Game Show, as if this can show that she is indeed working for Su Yifan.

Thanks to Su Yifan's presence now, Cai Yan's firepower is almost at full capacity.

"If Chairman Gao's memory is so poor, don't work as a leader. After asking so many small questions, is it embarrassing to be the head of the game exhibition with this work efficiency?

Swear to heaven, Cai Yan felt that this sasting tone was completely inherited from Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin, and he unconsciously became childish?

- Is this really good?

The idea of self-reflection flashed through Cai Yan's mind, and she was quickly relieved.

Who cares? Just follow your own ideas. Whether it is Gao Peilin or Ye Xuanfeng in front of them, they are not the people and things they care about.

Gao Peilin's assistant is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He was choked by Cai Yan. His face first changed greatly and looked at his leader and found that Gao Peilin's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression had not changed too bad.

"Little girl, what are you talking about?" The assistant knew that he had to make a sound. He really didn't expect that he could bring the fire to Gao Peilin by asking him casually to understand the situation. It would be bad if the leader was angry with him.

Cai Yan snapped his finger and asked, "What did I say? On such an important day, the supreme leader is absent and gives power to a shameless villain. Is this what you call a sense of due diligence? I feel chilled for these victim manufacturers. If you can't solve the problem, I will report the problem directly. There will always be someone who can solve it.

This time, not only Gao Peilin's assistant, but also the onlooker manufacturer representatives are not calm.

Just now, Cai Yan sprayed Gao Peilin on the phone and everyone felt very shocked. Now he is so rude to face. Who is this little girl?

After all, the heavy industry is 108,000 miles away from the game industry, and few people here know Cai Yan.

Gao Peilin originally wanted to continue to look at the details of the little girl calmly, but he didn't expect that he would spray himself with full firepower when he came up. For a moment, even the old man's nourishing skills were not enough. Looking at Cai Yan's eyes gradually turned cold.