My Goddess

Chapter 95 Ask for justice

This shout absolutely attracted attention. In the stalemate, it was like a thunderbolt and completely tore the crowd apart.

Hearing the familiar voice, the cold expression on Cai Yan's face finally faded a little, and there was even a smile.

Of course, Cai Yaguang, Cai Yan's uncle, will not be such a rude person. That man speaks very little, and he will never use such arrogant words. As the helm of Dongpu Fluid Equipment Group, Cai Yaguang has always been quite low-key and rarely appears in public.

The person who dares to shout like this is Cai Yaguang's cousin, and Cai Yan also wants to call his uncle Fu Quan.

In the occasion of Cai Yaguang's appearance, Fu Quan will usually appear, and he will always rush to say something that Cai Yaguang will not say.

Everyone has been tacit about this combination, just like Gao Peilin will have a secretary with the same diligent mouth and legs. Cai Yaguang has Fu Quan around him, and he doesn't need to say anything more.

Cai Yaguang did not come by himself. He was followed by a group of people. Some of these people were not civilian at first glance, and some were in suits and leather shoes, with a dozen people. Fu Quan, who walked in the front, wore a beige suit that looked like a work uniform, and the expression on his handsome face was so scary that everyone who saw him couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Such a fierce group of people just entered the crowd and went straight to Cai Yan.

Cai Yaguang saw Cai Yan alone in the crowd. Although there were bodyguards following him, there were police and staff around him, and there were still some security guards lying on the ground. His originally stiff face relaxed a little.

"Xiaoyan, are you all right?"

It can make Cai Yaguang ask five words, and few people in the Cai family have this qualification. Cai Yan saw that his uncle had arrived and nodded calmly.

"I'm fine."

Cai Yaguang nodded to show his understanding and looked back at Gao Peilin with a surprised face. Cai Yan's eyes were always on the old man.

Fu Quan was not as calm as Cai Yaguang and shouted, "Who bullied our eldest princess?" Damn it, I'm killing him!"

This attitude is arrogant enough. The patrolman is standing there. The captain of the patrolman is a little embarrassed to continue to rush up and look at Cai Yaguang with a calm face. I don't know where this master is.

If you don't know, you dare not move. This is the basic principle of coming out.

Cai Yaguang glanced at the entangled expressions of the patrol officers and pointed to a man in gold glasses in his team.

The man pointed out by Cai Yaguang showed an understanding expression, took out the phone and dialed a number directly, and handed the phone to the patrol captain.

"Your director will tell you directly."

Obviously, Cai Yaguang had understood the situation on the way and began to arrange it before he arrived. As soon as the patrol captain heard that a leader was going to intervene in this matter, he suddenly felt relieved. You should know that in this situation, it is absolutely difficult for you to ride a tiger. At first glance, that beautiful girl is not simple. If you really catch her, you may have any follow-up trouble. Now let the branch director make a decision for himself, and he has no responsibility to bear.

Gao Peilin saw the behavior of the man with golden glasses, but his heart skipped.

I thought the other party was just a manufacturer representative from a small place, but now it doesn't seem to be that simple?

Ye Xuanfeng covered his face and still put on an aggrieved look of "foreigners hit me again". At this time, he also began to beat drums in his heart and said to himself who these people are in front of him? Why do you look so strong?

Cai Yan has his own family to support him. The frost on his face has faded a lot at this moment. He smiled at Quan: "Uncle Quan, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Fu Quan said grinly, "What are you talking about? Unexpectedly, someone dares to touch the people of our Cai family. Are you tired of living?

Gao Peilin, who had been paying attention to Fu Quan, heard this sentence and suddenly thundered in his heart.

I saw the name on Cai Yan's work name plate before, but Gao Peilin never cared about it. A small company in Binhai, a mobile phone manufacturer that no one even came to call, how could Gao Peilin contact the Cai family? Even if Cai Yan is confident against himself, Gao Peilin at most thinks that she is just a girl from a small place and is used to being arrogant in a small city. How can he think of the Cai family?

As a result, when Fu Quan opened his mouth, Gao Peilin's strong confidence that had been established in his heart broke into scum, and he finally understood who he had offended.

Cai Yaguang hummed, as if he agreed with Quan's words, and seemed to think that it was enough to leave this matter to Fu Quan.

Fu Quan was instructed by Cai Yaguang, and his face looked quite excited. At first glance, he was also a master who was not afraid of big things.

The patrol captain over there has nodded to the phone, which shows that the person who calls on the phone must be the direct leader. Gao Peilin doesn't want to hear what the captain of the patrol is talking about. Now he is full of thoughts - what should he do?

Looking back at Ye Xuanfeng, who was still covering his face, Gao Peilin hated the director of the exhibition company who usually contacted him.

This troublesome thing! If it weren't for him, would he be so passive?

Cai Yan ignored how bad the old man was and said to Fu Quan, "Uncle Quan, have you brought someone from the technical department? I want to collect evidence. Someone deliberately destroyed the equipment at the scene.

Fu Quan's loud voice has always been very useful, and this is no exception: "Take it, tell us what's going on, and I promise to find out for you."

At this time, the situation suddenly developed to this point. How can the lively manufacturers doubt Cai Yan's correctness? If they can call so many people, a phone call asked the bureau chief to directly withdraw the pressure of the police, which is definitely not for unreasonable trouble. Cai Yan's various outspoken words and deeds before this time have been explained to everyone. It seems that this power outage accident is really caused by man.

With Cai Yan's support here, the manufacturers' representatives suddenly began to have a sense of responsibility and shouted for the organizing committee to give a reasonable explanation. It is true that Gao Peilin has some real power, but if something happens at the exhibition site only once a year, the highest person in charge still needs to make an explanation.

Cai Yaguang was still calm in the crowd, but stood close to Cai Yan and commanded his team to be busy with his eyes.

Some people went to investigate and collect evidence, some were responsible for recording the situation, and some people bowed their heads to study compensation with the beaten security guards... In an instant, the scene became lively, but no one wanted to deal with Gao Peilin and Ye Xuanfeng.

The more the other party has such an attitude, the more frightened Gao Peilin is.

If the other party is really the Cai family... Gao Peilin didn't dare to think about it. He felt that he was going to make a big fall today.

As a result, Fu Quan's words after ordering all kinds of work completely made Gao Peilin despair.

"Old man, you have the ability. From today on, you are the enemy of Dongpu Fluid Equipment Group! The Cai family must remember you!"

Damn it, is it really the Cai family?

Even if he is always gentle, always has a fairy-like smile on his face, and is always willing to make an unchanged posture of Mount Tai in front of him. At this moment, Gao Peilin's heart is also running - and it is definitely a grass and mud horse running wildly.

What does a game exhibition have to do with your Cai family? Why did you mess with the Cai family?!

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Gao Peilin's face suddenly turned a lot gray.

Fu Quan's arrogance is higher than Cai Yan's. He pointed to Gao Peilin's nose and continued to curse, "Old man, don't think that a committee chairman has the capital. Do you believe that your chairman will come to the end after this exhibition?"

Being stimulated by being pointed at his nose like this, Gao Peilin had no desire to fight back at all. If the other party is really the Cai family, Fu Quan's words are absolutely confident.

I am just a vice chairman of a new institution that has only developed in recent years. It is really too weak compared with the Cai family, which is a huge political and economic thing.

The Cai family is not only in a strong position in the economy... They are more or less a family with inheritance. In fact, they kill their own level of small fish and shrimp like their official connections.

Gao Peilin subconsciously took a look at Cai Yaguang and found that although this person did not express his opinion, he allowed Fu Quan to make enemies there casually, which was obviously super dissatisfied with today's incident.

In this case, Gao Peilin can only ask Cai Yaguang with a smile: "Hello, are you..."

Fu Quan sneered beside him and said, "Cai Yaguang, Chairman of Dongpu Fluid Equipment Group."


The crowd present almost ** after hearing the name.

In terms of the most powerful enterprises in the whole triangle economic belt, Dongpu fluid equipment is definitely one of the best. In addition, the Cai family is a family with a great aura. Even if Cai Yaguang's name is usually low-key and does not appear in public, he is still one of the most mentioned entrepreneurs. Nowadays, the size of the group has become the first among several surrounding provinces. It is understandable who has never seen Cai Yaguang, but no one dares to say that he has never heard of the name at all.

Cai Yaguang's company is nearly 40 billion, and it is also a privatization company. It is too dreamy for such a boss to appear at a game exhibition.

Contacting Cai Yaguang's identity, many people can already guess Cai Yan's identity.

Cai Yadong's only daughter...

What kind of company is that? Cai Yadong's only daughter works for it, and it seems that the boss of the company hasn't appeared yet?

Countless speculations began here, and everyone looked at Cai Yan with a little awe. The patrol police who didn't do it just now secretly congratulated themselves, and the manufacturers on the same front as Cai Yan also cheered, but the staff of the organizing committee were full of bitter mouths and did not know how to express their depressed mood.

At this time, the patrol captain over there had finished calling and returned the phone to Fu Quan with both hands.

"General Manager Fu, our leader said that today's matter will be handled impartially. Please rest assured."

Although Fu Quan is very arrogant and polite to smiling people, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, we just want to ask for justice."

This made many people cry even more when they heard this. They said to their hearts, "Your sister, who dares to say injustice in front of your Cai family? You are just right, okay?


Happy Spring Festival to everyone.

Well, you are happy. I will insist on continuing to code during the Spring Festival...