My Goddess

Chapter 101 Don't Underestimate Women

Lamborghini began to slow down about a few minutes later. Yang Zongyuan looked at the road ahead and asked Zhao Xuan, "What do you think?"

Zhao Xuan, sitting on the co-pilot, was reading the message with the phone. Hearing Yang Zongyuan's question, he put away the phone and said, "It's a good opponent for you."

Yang Zongyuan is still reluctant to admit Su Yifan's excellence, although he has overinterpreted Su Yifan's behavior pattern and frowned, "Do you think it's that powerful?"

Zhao Xuan has always been rude to his cousin and giggled, "Let's not talk about whether he is powerful or not. Who do you think can hug him left and right in front of Yang Bingbing?"

Yang Zongyuan's frown did not unfold: "Xiao Xuan, don't speak so badly."

Zhao Xuan said, "Isn't it? Yang Bingbing also took the initiative to call a girl who had a good relationship with Su Yifan. What does this mean? Do you mind if she shares that boy with others?

"I, I don't think so." Yang Zongyuan was not angry because of Zhao Xuan's words, but relaxed and stopped frowning. "I think this is a hint to me by Yang Bingbing."

"What hint?"

"She wants me to help her solve this rival."

Zhao Xuan raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and her smile looked particularly charming when she showed mean feelings: "Brother, I thought you had learned to be modest now, but you haven't yet."

Yang Zongyuan laughed at himself and said, "I also hope, but it seems that everyone wants me to do something for them by picking up girls. Doesn't my mother want me to be with Yang Bingbing and complete her wish smoothly?

Speaking of Yang Zongyuan's mother, even Zhao Xuan was speechless. His aunt's face was definitely one of the best in the family. Except for being slightly restrained in the face of Mrs. Yang, Dai Qing is the kind of person who dares to say anything and do anything most of the time.

"You are really a mother and son." Zhao Xuan sighed, "Are you interested in that little girl?"

"Not bad." Yang Zongyuan and his cousin are not hidden at all, and there are few people he can trust. Zhao Xuan happens to be one of them. "Although he doesn't know how to restrain, he is still very good."

"Are you moved?" Zhao Xuan gossiped, "What about Yang Bingbing?"

Speaking of these topics, even Yang Zongyuan, who was proud at any time, was a little upset. He slowed down the speed of the car and looked at the road ahead and said, "It's too early to say anything now. I almost guessed the development direction of Su Yifan. Let's see if we have the ability to enter the game... Yang Bingbing if I hope I can divorce the little girl named Cheng Shuixin and Su Yifan, and I will do it.

Zhao Xuan curled his lips and said, "There is really no lower limit. Are you ashamed to pick up a female student?"

"Why are you embarrassed?" Yang Zongyuan asked, "I think Cheng Shuixin has great potential. If she is willing, her career achievements must be very high in the future."

Praising another girl in front of a girl is a taboo when communicating with girls, but Yang Zongyuan doesn't seem to care much, which is natural. Zhao Xuan didn't show much unhappiness. The only person she really felt unpleasant was Yang Bingbing.

In the families connected with the Yang family, such a proud woman as Yang Bingbing is undoubtedly the most accustomed to, especially she is relatively lonely. The faint enthusiasm shown by Zhao Xuan's meeting with Yang Bingbing today is already her limit. If it were usual in private, Zhao Xuan would definitely not help complaining about Yang Bingbing.

Zhao Xuan shook his head: "Brother, do you know what your shortcomings are?"

Yang Zongyuan also knew enough about Zhao Xuan. At a glance, he knew what the other party wanted to say: "Is it too easy to underestimate women?"

Zhao Xuan's face had already lost his disdain for Yang Bingbing and nodded seriously, "Yes, you are too easy to underestimate women. This is your biggest shortcoming."

Yang Zongyuan laughed dumbly and said, "Really? Why do I think I don't look under anyone?

Zhao Xuan smiled at Yang Zongyuan and asked, "Really? Do you know who wants to hijack Yang Bingbing?

Lamborghini, who had been so slow that he was about to stop, almost ran out in an instant. Yang Zongyuan's shock was completely expressed by his actions - just now he was casually holding the steering wheel, and the next second his hand almost shook into a sieve.

It's not that Yang Zongyuan has never seen the world or is not calm enough. Zhao Xuan's words are too much information for him to accept for a while.

Lamborghini quickly slowed down after speeding up. Yang Zongyuan threw the car to the roadside parking space and completely turned off the car. Then he turned his head and looked at his cousin beside him in surprise.

If it weren't for his slim figure, Zhao Xuan would definitely be the kind of heart-pounding type. Unfortunately, it is not pleasing to Yang Zongyuan now, and the expression on his face is only frightened.

The smile on Zhao Xuan's face was still light and clever, but there was a smell in his eyes that Yang Zongyuan was not familiar with.

After about half a minute of silence, Yang Zongyuan sighed deeply.

"I didn't expect it."

"Of course you didn't expect it." Zhao Xuan still smiled so sweetly and cutely, "Are you sure you know all women? For example, the mother who loves you the most.


Yang Zongyuan stopped talking. After Zhao Xuan uncovered the puzzle he had been confused, he knew that this matter must have nothing to do with his mother Dai Qing.

"Why?" Yang Zongyuan tried to get himself out of the shock and stared at Zhao Xuan and asked, "Is she really willing to push me to that position?"

"Brother, do you actually know why?" The smile on Zhao Xuan's face was not weak at all, and his voice was soft and beautiful, but he circled like a poisonous snake in Yang Zongyuan's ear. "You feel like you are in a dead situation, isn't your aunt? Aren't these people like us?"

Just such a sentence, Yang Zongyuan no longer knows how to refute it.

Zhao Xuan looked at the street outside the car window and sighed, "Don't you think that the Yang family is like this now? If we continue to let the Jiang family control it, what will be left in our generation?"

"You don't have to do such a thing!" Yang Zongyuan was still a little excited, "Yang Bingbing is Mrs. Yang's reverse scale. You have crossed the line!"

"It's just everyone's good wish to let her fall in love with a man." Now Zhao Xuan seems very calm, and his attitude when talking about this matter is like a third party. "As far as I know about Yang Bingbing, she won't choose any of you, right?"

"I know." Yang Zongyuan was a little desperate for his cousin's coldness. He found that he really underestimated these women. "So I want to come to China, at least get on their car, instead of really trying my best to chase Yang Bingbing."

Zhao Xuan looked at his cousin sarcastically: "Do you think my aunt will think this is an ambitious choice?"

"Her choice has always been full of stupid self-confidence." Yang Zongyuan was also rude when he commented on his mother, "Have you ever thought about what would happen if Mrs. Yang knew about this?"

Zhao Xuan shrugged his shoulders: "The worst case is that we return to China and leave all American industries. So when you come back to develop, my aunt has no problem.

Yang Zongyuan held his forehead painfully. Before today, he was still thinking about how to use Yang Bingbing's attack to close everyone's relationship. Now it seems that he is too naive.

"Mrs. Yang is still investigating, and there are always traces of being caught." Yang Zongyuan said, "You are not going to the United States now. Are you always ready to meet us?"

"We didn't expect that damn accident either." Zhao Xuan was still a little unhappy when talking about this regret. "Anyway, now that you are in China, you can see her at any time. There are so many opportunities. It's better to come again one day."

Yang Zongyuan has to admit that Zhao Xuan's thinking is right. Compared with being protected by special departments in the United States, Yang Bingbing's domestic safety factor is lower. If she operates by herself, there are indeed more opportunities.

The problem is that he did not intend to solve the problem violently at the beginning... One of the important aspects of Yang Zongyuan has received since he was a child is that everyone should carefully abide by the rules of the game and no one will make a fatal blow to anyone. Now that his mother Dai Qing has crossed the line, it is impossible for him to get rid of the line, and he can only stand on the front line of his mother.

Zhao Xuan is right, and he still underestimates the determination of women.

"What are you going to do next?" Yang Zongyuan knew what had happened. Although he was shocked and angry, he still had to try his best to accept it. "My plan is different from yours."

"It will be the same from today." Zhao Xuan said, "Auntie wrote you a letter, and I guess she will arrive in the evening. I believe it will be easier for you to accept that she will explain everything to you in person."

Yang Zongyuan shook his head with a wry smile: "I believe what you said. You have no reason to lie to me."

"That's hard to say." Zhao Xuan still has a smile on her face. From this point of view, her psychological quality is even better than Yang Zongyuan's, "Maybe I just want to lie to you?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Because I like you." Zhao Xuan blinked, and his expression was still cute.

Yang Zongyuan was silent for a moment, and he felt that Zhao Xuan was telling the truth now.

Zhao Xuan did not continue to say anything, pointing to the front: "Drive, there is still a long way back."

This meaningful sentence always sounded a little different to Yang Zongyuan. He let Lamborghini roar on the road again and drive towards the sea.

Originally, he planned to stay in Binhai for a day, but now Yang Zongyuan has no sense of security at all and just wants to go back to Linhai first.

Zhao Xuan, who was sitting on the co-pilot, put on his sunglasses again and bowed his head to play with his mobile phone.

On the text message on the mobile phone, Zhao Xuan naturally sent a "he already knows" text message to a number without a name note, and then took a meaningful look at Yang Zongyuan beside him.

The text message sent was automatically deleted, and the mobile phone list was empty, as well as on the server of the telecommunications service provider.


To entertain younger brothers and daughters-in-law tomorrow, the update may be late, of course, it is only possible

Everyone should pay attention to digestion during the Spring Festival. Don't eat too much...