My Goddess

Chapter 102 You and I understand

Looking down the window of the private room and watching Yang Zongyuan's Lamborghini go away, Cheng Shuixin looked a little worried after saying a few vicious words to Yang Bingbing's elegant brother just now.

Yang Bingbing was more sensitive to Cheng Shuixin's emotional changes and felt it in an instant: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Shuixin recalled the bits and pieces she had just secretly observed and asked Yang Bingbing unexpectedly, "Is Zhao Xuan a relative of the Yang family?"

Although Yang Bingbing's family composition is not difficult for Cheng Shuixin, who has always been good at straightening out interpersonal relationships. My family, relatives and two related relatives and friends constitute a huge interest group. This seemingly united interest group is divided into several different small groups and various complex circles because of the degree of affinity and the division of interests.

"No, she is a relative of the Dai family."

Cheng Shuixin smiled: "If I hadn't seen you today, I wouldn't have known that you still have relatives in Linhai."

Yang Bingbing shook her head: "It can't be regarded as a relative. It's just a person with a little relationship."

Cheng Shuixin said, "Zhao Xuan doesn't like you."

Yang Bingbing smiled instead: "There are not many people in the family who like me."

Su Yifan interrupted and said, "I think Wang Fang still likes you very much."

"Don't mention that person..." Yang Bingbing made a headache expression, "When I see him, I think my IQ will be reduced by dozens of points."

Su Yifan nodded thoughtfully: "Well, that's quite troublesome. It will become a negative number."

Yang Bingbing waved her hand weakly. It didn't seem to hit Su Yifan. It was obviously this mosquito.

After a smile, Cheng Shuixin straightened her face and returned the topic to the right track and said, "I think Zhao Xuan is more terrible than Yang Zongyuan."

Yang Bingbing understood a little why Cheng Shuixin said so. She thought for a moment and said, "She is very powerful. She is more diligent in our generation. She is very happy, but she also works very hard."

There are not many people who can be praised by Yang Bingbing, especially among their families. When Yang Bingbing and Su Yifan talked about their family in gossipy, they were mostly sarcastic. In terms of the miraculous rise of the Yang family, the real credit is still the Yang couple. For example, Zhao Xuan's family itself is quite powerful. Over the years, it has been protected by the Yang family and gained a lot of benefits. From this level, Zhao Xuan must be afraid of Yang Bingbing and behaved normally in the face of Yang Bingbing.

Cheng Shuixin touched the drink cup in front of her and continued to recall the details shown by Zhao Xuan just now, and confirmed again, "No, it can't be said that it's not simple... I think Zhao Xuan is much more terrible than Yang Zongyuan."

"Why do you think so?" Yang Bingbing's sense of smell in this regard is really not as good as Cheng Shuixin. In fact, she is as a little autistic as Su Yifan, and she is reluctant to observe and analyze others.

Cheng Shuixin took two deep breaths and replied seriously: "Specifically, Zhao Xuan's eyes are hidden in her little movements. I think what she just said and the emotions she showed are all pretending, and her acting skills are particularly good... She observes me and Su Yi harder than Yang Zongyuan. Fan, and with hostility.

After saying that, Cheng Shuixin paused slightly and said with a self-deprecating smile, "Don't ask me why I have such a detailed analysis. I think Zhao Xuan and I are the same kind of person."

Cheng Shuixin dares to analyze herself like this, which made Yang Bingbing a little moved. She knew that Cheng Shuixin still hides herself deeply most of the time, and she was willing to say that she clearly regarded herself as her own person.

"Yang Zongyuan must also see who I am. I don't think he will test me in a hurry, but he will definitely try." Cheng Shuixin glanced at Yang Bingbing and said, "It's easy to deal with him. What I'm really worried about is Zhao Xuan. Now I really want to know what resources she has, such as the rules of doing things. Can you get it?

Cheng Shuixin's question is Su Yifan, which is actually equivalent to asking Su Xiaoqing. Su Yifan hesitated for a moment and didn't have time to nod to agree. Yang Bingbing has rushed to say, "I can get it."

My family knows their own people best, whether as relatives or... enemies. Yang Bingbing said that if he could get all kinds of information about Zhao Xuan, it must be first-hand information. Su Yifan didn't need to say anything more.

Cheng Shuixin smiled at Yang Bingbing: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Yang Bingbing said apologetically, "No, I should say I'm sorry."

Cheng Shuixin still smiled. Her smile seemed very mature, and she also knew why Yang Bingbing said sorry: "Don't feel sorry. This is my favorite way. I would like to know what Yang Zongyuan will do to me and whether it can make my heart flutter."

Su Yifan interrupted again: "What can make your heart flutter?"

"I don't know." Cheng Shuixin shook her head with a wry smile, "Maybe someone else can help me find the answer?"

Yang Bingbing smiled and didn't say anything. At this time, her mood was actually a little complicated. After all, there is no need to question Cheng Shuixin's cleverness. Almost in an instant, she guessed the deep meaning of Yang Bingbing calling her over.

For Yang Bingbing, Yang Zongyuan, who suddenly returned to China, is not a big problem. She just let Cheng Shuixin see a corner of the prosperous world by the way.

When you see it, you will have **, with different perspectives and choices.

In this case, can Cheng Shuixin still maintain her inner peace?

This question is not only that others want to know the answer, but Cheng Shuixin herself also wants to know.

Cai Yan's appearance did not change Cheng Shuixin's life. On the contrary, Cheng Shuixin's mother had many excuses in front of her that she needed to work hard to lie. The ** brought by Cai Yan is also very big, which is the kind of ** that can change her life, but Cheng Shuixin insists that this is not enough. She is a little dismiss Cai Yan's own limitations and the young lady's temper.

Now there is a Yang Zongyuan, and Cheng Shuixin also wants to know whether she can face ** indifference.

Pursue and get, each choice has a different path and different results. Whether to choose a pursuit that needs to experience suffering or to get immediate results is a question that almost every girl has to consider when she is young. Cheng Shuixin didn't expect that she would face such a choice one day.

Cheng Shuixin's meditation made Yang Bingbing feel uneasy. She felt that calling Cheng Shuixin seemed to have really brought a lot of trouble to this good friend.

There is a feeling that the little girl immediately regrets what she did impulsively. Yang Bingbing bit her lips and wanted to say something, but Cheng Shuixin smiled at her and shook her fingers and pointed to Su Yifan.

Cheng Shuixin's meaning is obvious. She doesn't want Su Yifan to worry about this topic. Yang Bingbing nodded with understanding and said nothing more.

"I'll go back and ask for Zhao Xuan's information. I haven't seen him many times in so many years. My understanding is definitely not comprehensive." Yang Bingbing tried to change the topic, "I should be able to get it by tonight."

"Thank you for your hard work." Cheng Shuixin behaved the same way to Yang Bingbing. She was not very polite at all. It was the mode that the two people had been trying to get along with each other.

Yang Bingbing calmed down a little and went out to ask for Zhao Xuan's information. Only Cheng Shuixin and Su Yifan were left in the room.

Su Yifan actually realized what the two girls were talking about just now, but since they had a tacit understanding, there was no need to interrupt. Now watching Yang Bingbing go out, Su Yifan just showed a smile to Cheng Shuixin who understood her mood.

Cheng Shuixin also squeezed her lips and smiled and said nothing.

After Yang Bingbing's phone call, everyone evacuated to a friend's house. In the strange eyes of a group of big men, Feng Feng personally sent Su Yifan and two girls out. This is not the first time. Su Yifan has long been listed as one of the most annoying customers in his friend's family.

Yang Bingbing and Su Yifan went back to the company and waited for emails, so that it was convenient to print them to Cheng Shuixin on the spot. On the way back, Yang Bingbing rarely took Su Yifan's car, but shared the same car with Cheng Shuixin. The two whispered all the way in the car, and Su Yifan didn't know what they said. Anyway, when he got out of the car, he saw the two girls arm in arm with each other, like a pair of perfect and desperate lilies.

At about 2 p.m., when Yang Bingbing got the details of Zhao Xuan, Cai Yan called to report that the problems at the game exhibition had been completely solved. Because the evidence is complete, after a detailed investigation, Ye Xuanfeng, the head of the exhibition company, was first confirmed to be responsible for the man-made accident, and confirmed the unfair competition of the exhibitor Blue Fantasy Technology. On the one hand, the game exhibition needs to make a written public apology for the touch and refund part of the booth fee to the touch. On the other hand, the person responsible for the accident needs to face both economic and criminal accountability.

As for blue fantasy technology, it was ordered by the game exhibition organizing committee to suspend the exhibition for half a day, and the main responsible person Zhong Yubo also has to face criminal and economic lawsuits.

This result looks a little bland, but in fact it is equivalent to the department that jointly held the game exhibition bowed its head to Qingling, and the arm wrestling link in the middle is complicated. Of course, this is not over. Gao Pelem may not be able to continue to serve as the vice chairman of the committee after this game exhibition. What awaits him is an unknown cold palace, and this time he will never have the same luck as the last time he transferred to the Game Publications Committee.

At the scene of the game exhibition, the excitement brought by the light touch is still. In contrast, Zhong Yanbo on the opposite side can only leave the scene in dismay. The obscene matter between him and Ye Xuanfeng has been brought out and made public. What's more troublesome is that the boss of the company has known it. After roaring on the phone for almost ten minutes, the boss of Blue Fantasy Technology was ready to come in person to try to save the fate of being suspended for half a day.

Hearing that Cai Yan was not bullied, Su Yifan also felt a little relieved. Although it has been confirmed that Cai Yan should not suffer losses, he will inevitably worry if something really happens. Now that everything is fine, he just needs to continue to wait for Cai Yan to lead the team to participate in the exhibition.

The light-touched three-dimensional holographic projection completely shocked a group of people, especially some client game manufacturers even smelled the business opportunities, and rushed to change business cards to get close to contact information, which made Wang Jiantao busy. This is a big test for Wang Jiantao, who used to only work behind the scenes, but at least it is not the first time to participate in the game exhibition, and Wang Jiantao can also cope with it.

There are also many people who are close to Cai Yan and have been sent to Manager Wang by Cai Yan. She just followed Zhang Chao to arrange some details and try to dilute her sense of existence.

The first day of the public open day passed through the ups and downs, and Cai Yan did not tell Zhang Chao how to solve the problem. Cai Yaguang had already left with people. Before leaving, he also asked Cai Yan if he wanted to arrange for someone to stay at the venue, but Cai Yan refused.

Cai Yaguang knew the character of his niece and left without saying anything. Someone is responsible for the next thing, and his brain is not used to hold these little things in the first place.

Those manufacturers who were touched by Qingling also came to contact Qingling after receiving satisfactory answers, and then issued a statement with Qingling touching. The statement is very simple, expressing regret for the accident, and once again emphasizing that game production as a manufacturer is the core. I hope everyone will continue to pay attention to the game. This statement that the victim didn't say much about his grievances has also won a lot of favor. In the report on today's power outage, this statement has been repeatedly quoted many times.