My Goddess

Chapter 104 Star Promotion

As Nell's very mean comment at the beginning, most stars can only be political and commercial accessories. Zhuang Shihan is a very influential idol for young people across the country, but in Cai Yan's view, he is just an endorsement number. The way of comparing objects in this world is very simple and crude. If it is also in the business field, value is always the core measure.

Luo Huasheng also knows the only daughter of the chief helmsman of the Cai family. He has attended many charity dinners and was deeply impressed by Cai Yan. This girl, who is slightly cold and proud and almost sharp, is more outstanding among many girls from rich families. Thinking that this girl actually had something to do with Su Yifan, Luo Huasheng began to celebrate the good fate he had made at the beginning.

"There is nothing unexpected. Since you all know Su Yifan, I won't be polite." Cai Yan's attitude towards Zhuang Shihan is better. Obviously, she is more emotionally inclined to girls. "Today, I'm using the fame of the two to advertise. I don't think your agent will have any opinion, right?"

The difference between the domestic broker system and foreign is that it is flexible. After all, this is a humane bureaucratic society. If these two foreign stars appear at the scene of such a business event without saying hello to their agents, they will have to pay at least a small price. At this time, when two people appeared in the game exhibition, the company and the agent would never turn against them.

Luo Huasheng has a very good impression of Cai Yan, just as he has a very good impression of Su Xiaoqing - rich and powerful beautiful women can't make a bad impression.

"Miss Cai doesn't have to be polite to us. Today we are here as props." Although Luo Huasheng took the route of boutique handsome men, he spoke very generously. "I think our experience should be able to cope with this kind of activity."

Cai Yan showed a grateful smile, which alone made Luo Huasheng feel that he was worth it this time.

The two brought a small team of themselves, sorted out their clothes and mend their makeup at the booth, and then came out to meet people.

There is nothing to pave, just come out so naturally, and there is no warm-up and a link that fans look forward to. Zhuang Shihan felt a little different in his heart. Thinking of Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing, and looking at Cai Yan, he still felt that his choice was absolutely correct.

Zhuang Shihan brought his own host attributes, came out of * with the star face, and stood gently on the booth, which immediately attracted a lot of exclamation.

For all the players present, this is definitely the biggest surprise at this game show.

Zhuang Shihan wore a very simple game-themed T-shirt today, which was printed with the character of Cute Girl. This intention alone has made people feel very comfortable. The fans below screamed and agreed with the idol's active promotion of home culture.

"Hm, everyone, I'm Zhuang Shihan. Because I also like this game of Cute Girl, I will spend a pleasant afternoon with everyone here. I hope everyone will be happy!"

Zhuang Shihan's opening received a very strong response, and the whistles and applause of the onlookers were connected. The big star's appearance at the game exhibition made many girls who accompanied their boyfriends to visit the exhibition excited.

What a surprise is this? You should know that if any manufacturer invites stars like Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng, they should start publicity at least a month in advance. This manufacturer called Qingling Touch announced directly by Zhuang Shihan today, which is not just as simple as low-key.

Zhuang Shihan's field control skills are obviously professional. After saying this seemingly plain opening remarks, let the young people onlookers digest it and introduce their partners by the way: "I will definitely be unable to host the scene alone, so I also have a partner - everyone applauds Luo Huasheng!"

Zhuang Shihan wanted to applaud, but there was really applause, and the warm applause sounded like a non-stop tide.

Using Zhuang Shihan as the host, this kind of behavior is really a luxury for the wife, but this company called Qingling Touch has done so. And no master of ceremonies paved the stage, and no one responded to Zhuang Shihan - oh, no, there was another person who responded. That person seemed to be Luo Huasheng, who was more famous than Zhuang Shihan.

Luo Huasheng followed Zhuang Shihan's introduction, which made the scene instantly rise by more than a dozen levels. You should know that these two people have been gossiping recently, and they dare to appear in this commercial occasion at the same time, which itself is more than the ordinary hosting of activities.

Among the onlookers, they were simply excited that their idols could appear here, and they began to speculate about what the company was*.

Zhuang Shihan's debut made the reporters wandering nearby smell the news almost for the first time. They put down their work one after another and flocked to this side.

This is the reality driven by the star economy. Even game media hope to have stars to help increase attention. Unfortunately, online games are still a relatively low-end industry under social normality. Most of the stars who are willing to come here are second- and third-tier characters. How can there be such a level as Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng?

Typhoon Luo Huasheng, who appeared later, was more mature than Zhuang Shihan. As soon as he came on stage, he got a lot of screams and cheers with a very correct shape.

This is the charm of stars. A real move will cause screams and applause, focusing on countless eyes.

Facing the audience who were not many off the stage, Luo Huasheng smiled slightly in his heart and said with an enthusiastic smile on his face, "I'm glad to be the host of the event here today. I don't know if I want to introduce myself? Students who don't know here can raise their hands and go to the toilet to talk about it after closing.

Such a kind and humorous typhoon caused a lot of laughter, which almost made players who were not a good at star also turn their eyes away. Whether you like it or not is one thing. Luo Huasheng is so famous that few young people really don't know him at all.

Two stars in a scene touched this side with almost no more tricks. Both the media and exhibitors have automatically begun to gather here. The news spread around the venue like a virus. Almost everyone lowered their voices and told their familiar friends that countless digital cameras and mobile phones flashed with LCD screens and gathered in front of the touching booth.

In the blue fantasy technology opposite, Wu Danyang's face was almost purple. Looking at this scene, he had no choice.

Who would have thought that a small company that was not very outstanding could invite idols such as Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng, who are still in the gossip, to help with publicity.

How much is the endorsement fee for these two people now? Seven million, eight million, or ten million per person? Last time, Luo Huasheng signed a short contract with a mobile phone manufacturer, pulled the copycat brand to the ranks of serious brands, and took at least 13 million yuan of endorsement fees, right? Well, even if it's a special case, how can we just talk about a number if we really need Luo Huasheng to help endorse the product?

He is one of the most intelligent bosses in the online game industry. Wu Danyang always feels that his intelligence is comparable to the whole industry, but now he can't figure out why these two people appear at the booth of a small mobile game manufacturer.

Because the situation that touched this side was really special, the organizing committee had to send someone to help maintain order after discovering the situation. Onlookers have completely flooded all the blank areas of this generation, and the previous queue in front of the Blue Fantasy Technology booth have long been unknown. In the chaotic scene, many fans seemed to be very qualified and looked up at the every move of the two big stars in a very quiet way.

Zhang Chao is completely idle now. He is not responsible for business contact, * control and does not need his help. He can only stand beside the stage like a master with his hands behind his back to watch the two stars say witty words.

Cai Yan is actually not very interested in the stage performance of these two, but focuses more on the stage.

Zhang Chao has learned how to ask if he doesn't understand. He came over and asked Cai Yan, "Sister Cai, how long can they last?"

"Hosting activities is different from concerts. It is estimated that three or four hours will not be a problem." Although Cai Yan did not communicate with those two, he was very sure about the situation. "It should be the end of today's exhibition."

Zhang Chao was a little stunned. He looked at the two expensive stars on the stage and shook his head, "Then what are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Let's leave some time to deal with our peers and the media tomorrow. Cai Yan is finally in a relaxed mood. "After these two days of publicity, there will be many people who will come to us tomorrow."

In fact, Cai Yan's estimate is already very conservative. He will not only come back tomorrow. Now many reporters plan to come to dig news. That is to say, Cai Yan was too proficient in this kind of scene and ordered the bodyguard team and the girls not to say a word and not give those reporters a chance at all.

Cai Yan, Zhang Chao and Wang Jiantao are bored here. Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng on the stage played very well. The humor of the two people easily made the players present laugh again and again. Zhuang Shihan is sharing his feelings about playing this game on his mobile phone for the first time, and Luo Huasheng is there. The black people below listened so quietly, as if they had no similarity to their own.

Zhuang Shihan said that after he would interact with the characters in the game later, this blatant hard advertisement has had a very obvious effect. Just now, many people took out their mobile phones to take photos, but now they directly entered the "Cute Girl" game, as if they wanted to prove what Zhuang Shihan said before, which is also I want to be mentally synchronized with idol stars.

The so-called star promotion is so ferocious.