My Goddess

Chapter 124 Buyer

It was noon when Cheng Shuixin woke up. When the sun was at its best, the sunlight shining through the glass window shone on her. The air conditioning temperature in the room was suitable. Su Yifan was sitting in a chair beside her and reading a book.

The head is still a little heavy. The effect of red wine is actually not so strong, and Cheng Shuixin is not the kind of person who falls into a coma after drinking. This is also the recent period when the spirit has been tense to a certain extent and finally relaxed. After all, even before that, even in the face of Cai Yancheng Shuixin, you must maintain a high degree of concentration. Cai Yan, who seems to be flawed and a little sharp, is very difficult to deal with, at least the family behind her has brought her infinite confidence. Cheng Shuixin believed that she had cleverly calculated Cai Yan. When the girl left, she had begun to be grateful to herself and was also full of hidden feelings for Su Yifan. These are all in Cheng Shuixin's calculation. She is so easy to get familiar with human nature and control Cai Yan so easily.

After knowing Cai Yan's family and *, Cheng Shuixin has been trying to do a lot of bedding, and finally completed almost everything she wanted to do before Cai Yan left.

The only thing beyond the plan is probably the shameless intimation with Su Yifan today.

Cheng Shuixin stroked her forehead helplessly. She didn't expect that she would do this, but things were often uncontrollable. This also proves my problem from another side. Sometimes the plan is not really so perfect, and there are too many artificial uncertainties. You must pay more attention in the future.

She closed her eyes slightly and slowed down. Cheng Shuixin opened her eyes again and found that Su Yifan was standing beside her with a cup of steaming coffee, but the book "One Hundred Years of Solitude" had already been placed on the bedside table.

Cheng Shuixin smiled at Su Yifan, and there was no need to say thank you between them. She took the coffee cup and took a shallow sip.

It's a little sweet. Cheng Shuixin looked up at Su Yifan, but saw the teenager smiling and explained, "You are sleeping like this. Your blood sugar may be lower when you wake up. I added some more sugar."

This sentence may be a little sweeter than coffee. Cheng Shuixin quickly lowered her head for coffee and dared not continue to look into Su Yifan's eyes.

"How long did I sleep?"

Su Yifan looked at the time: "It won't be long. Anyway, I've been off today. I can eat something and continue to sleep later."

"You can't spend all your rest time sleeping." Cheng Shuixin disagreed with Su Yifan's arrangement, "Has Cai Yan arrived?" Should I call her?"

Su Yifan looked at the text message he had just received on his mobile phone: "It's here, but I don't recommend you call her now."

Cheng Shuixin said "Oh" plainly. She also guessed that Cai Yan would have a long talk with her family first when she went back. As for what she was talking about, she didn't know.

"Then what are your plans?" Cheng Shuixin put down the coffee cup and said, "Have you been hungry for a long time? Shall we go to eat red bean milk?

"I'm going to Mr. Euler's today." Su Yifan said, "But it doesn't matter. It's too late to go in the afternoon."

"I'll be with you." Cheng Shuixin cheered up a little and jumped down from **, "Go and eat. I'm hungry!"

Su Yifan saw Cheng Shuixin's lovely side and felt that he seemed to be ready to move.

This trace of unnaturalness was noticed by Cheng Shuixin. The girl who jumped out of bed kissed Su Yifan on the cheek: "Thank you for your coffee. When I wash my face, let's go out."

Cheng Shuixin, who has just taken a shower, has a faint residual smell of perfume and bath liquid, which smells very comfortable. Su Yifan covered one cheek that had been kissed by Cheng Shuixin, and the surprised and happy expression on his face did not look like a fake.

Cheng Shuixin looked back at Su Yifan before entering the master bedroom bathroom. She liked Su Yifan's current reaction very much.

There are traces of Su Yifan's labor in the bathroom, and the bad underwear and trousers have been washed and dried. Cheng Shuixin doesn't even have the opportunity to observe Su Yifan's hanging underwear.

It was the busiest time at noon when the two of them packed up and left the secret base.

When they got on the car again, both of them were somewhat embarrassed, but this mood was not strong. Cheng Shuixin said jokingly, "Do you still need to prepare more air fresheners?"

Su Yifan first felt that Cheng Shuixin was ridiculing himself, and then reacted, with a little ecstasy on his face.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and was a little shy. This is really not like her.

Go to find the red bean milk bought by the students in a long queue. Cheng Shuixin originally wanted to commemorate her first kiss, but now she doesn't know what it should be. Cheng Shuixin, who is too knowledgeable, always feels a little humiliating when she thinks of the word "drinking milk".

Only when I arrived at the place did I know that they only earn students' money. Starting this year, they took a break during the summer vacation and winter vacation, and the shutter door was locked.

I have no choice but to eat something else. Cheng Shuixin asked Su Yifan what he wanted to eat, and Su Yifan was not sure. The two drove all the way east along the familiar city center line.

The two didn't move forward for a long time, and Su Yifan's phone rang.

It seems that the electricity shows that it is Li Zheng's phone call.

"Brother Su, where are you?" Li Zheng has been very busy these days, but he will basically call Su Yifan to report his situation. This kind of situation has never been called at lunch time.

"It's on the side of Wanhui Square." Su Yifan smiled, "I forgot that this square should be a competitor of Brother Li's family, right?"

Li Zheng said, "Hey", "I'm also in the square. You can find me when you come in and have porridge on the basement floor."

Su Yifan was surprised: "Why did you come here to drink porridge?"

"I've been eating a lot these days..." Li Zheng said distressedly, "I still have a headache now. These old guys are so good to drink!"

Su Yifan was also speechless: "Aren't you afraid of God's punishment when you talk like this? Think about those children who have no food..."

"Come on, you talk like my father now." Li Zheng asked Su Yifan to stop, "Come on, I have something to discuss with you."

Su Yifan took a look at Cheng Shuixin and was obviously a little unhappy about the interruption of their private time, but Li Zheng has helped him too much these days, and he can't pretend to be dead.

Cheng Shuixin understood Su Yifan's entanglement. Of course, she was even more relieved and felt that if she continued to stay with Su Yifan, she was afraid that she would be in danger again. Although Su Yifan can stop abruptly every time, his performance is really shameful...

"Let's meet." Cheng Shuixin helped Su Yifan make a decision, "Anyway, I'm going to have lunch."

The two followed the entrance of Wanhui Square to find the elevator and went to the basement floor. Sure enough, they saw Li Zheng leaning against the window to eat porridge in a porridge bar.

Li Zheng's dark eyes are extremely dark, and his expression is also a little wooden. It seems that he drank a lot yesterday.

Seeing Su Yifan coming, Li Zheng got up to greet him and gave Su Yifan something by the way: "Sit down, I'll take a bite. You can order what you want to eat."

This porridge bar is called porridge. In fact, there are delicacies in the mountains and seas. Su Yifan was not polite enough to place a bunch of things, or mainly refer to Cheng Shuixin's taste, and then asked the business.

"Brother Li, what can I do for you?"

Li Zheng drank all the porridge in his bowl, wiped his mouth and ate the bamboo shoots before saying, "Brother, let me ask you, Zhongjing International is your sister's property, right?"

Su Yifan laughed at that time. Previously, Su Xiaoqing said that an acquaintance wanted to buy Zhongjing International, but now it seems that this person is far away in front of him.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Su Yifan and Li Zhengcai would not directly dig out their hearts and pretended to be a little stupid. "My sister took it from Boss Ma."

"I know that." Li Zheng said, "Boss Ma seems to be planning to raise money to build a super five-star building. If the price is right, I will transfer it to your sister. But now I heard that your sister wants to take action. Can you say something for your brother?

Su Yifan's acting emperor opened his eyes wide and expressed surprise: "Brother Li, I didn't know that Qingjie was going to sell... If she wants to sell it, I will definitely speak for you and let her give priority to you."

Cheng Shuixin sat next to Su Yifan and listened to the two people talking calmly. There was no smile on Su Yifan's poor acting skills on her face, and there was no help.

Li Zheng slapped him: "Well, my brother will be satisfied with your words. Buying Zhongjing International is not my idea, but the result of my family's research.

Su Yifan was curious: "Brother Li, why did you want to buy Zhongjing International? This hotel doesn't mean anything to your family, does it?

Li Zhengzheng said, "Brother, now our family plans to add investment in Binhai, and there may be a wholly-owned business district to do next. It's inevitable to usher in the delivery, and the cycle is so long. It's better to just get a hotel by yourself, which is convenient to have a good relationship with the leaders on Binhai.

Su Yifan had only heard all kinds of legends about the rich before, and when he met Su Xiaoqing, he felt that money was just a number. Now when I heard that Li Zheng said that he planned to buy a five-star hotel for "convenience", he couldn't help but admire this kind of investment. You should know that the price of Zhongjing International will certainly not be cheap in the hands of Su Xiaoqing, even more than the original price of Lao Ma, and the Li family is actually willing to accept it.

Li Zheng is a person who knows how to be measured. Seeing that Su Yifan agreed, he stopped grinding his teeth, but greeted the two people to eat and talked about the recent situation of Lao Wang.

Lao Wang is now in a situation where the wall is almost pushed down by everyone. Of course, he can still struggle because of his rich family background. It is said that Lao Wang's relatives have targeted the activity at a higher level, but they don't know the effect of the activity.

Li Zheng saw these things more clearly: "Old Wang is not as capable as our old man. How much water can he make? Brother, let me tell you, he may not be able to save his life this time. Now it depends on who will really fall into the well and push him, and he can really die again.

Su Yifan nodded. Although he had expected such a result for a long time, it was still a little touching when it was really in front of him.

Since Lao Wang has done so many messy things, it is not too much to die. However, Su Yifan is actually entangled in whether such justice really belongs to his side.

Maybe as Nell said, there is no right or wrong in this world, but whether everyone's will can be truly implemented.

Or like Su Xiao gently advised himself, if Lao Wang has an advantage, will he be compassionate to others?

Thinking about this, Su Yifan felt a little more comfortable.