My Goddess

Chapter 129 Parent-Child Drama

Although there are only two people, the screams are still sharp and harsh.

Cai Yan turned a blind eye to the tragic situation of the mother and daughter, and indifferently stepped back with the scalpel. His eyes fell on Tang Yue, who wanted to get up.

"It's too late to do it now." Cai Yan broke Tang Yue's attempt to struggle to get up, "If you want to live well, you don't want to pay any price. Do you think there is such a good thing in the world?"

Tang Yue still tried to stand up. The knife marks on her face were obvious, and the blood covered the opened skin, which was particularly horrible on her originally delicate face.

Cai Yan is really not nervous about this scene at all, as if he had crossed a rugged river in his life, and looking back, the road was nothing.

Death and fear are the most difficult obstacles in life. After those days and nights that can't sleep, Cai Yan feels very calm now.

"Is it better to choose one or is it easier to accept now?" Cai Yan looked at Tang Yue, who was still bleeding on her face and asked blankly, "Do you really think I will quarrel with you until dark like those little girls and then leave angrily?"

Tang Yue covered the wound on her face and reddened her fingers with blood, but her mood had begun to calm down.

"If this satisfies you, you can leave."

Cai Yan ignored Tang Yue and raised his right hand: "Actually, you are secretly observing me. You should have observed me a lot over the years. Don't you know that I have learned fencing for three years? Although I haven't learned anything, at least I know how to control my power.

At this time, Cai Qi had also got up. Cai Yan's eyes were still angry and hateful. After being exposed by Cai Yan, she was stunned and worried for a while, but now it has become a desperate hysteria.

The scalpel shines silver in the room, and there is the blood of the mother and daughter on it, which looks particularly horrible.

"Do you think I will be satisfied with the current situation?"

Tang Yue has regretted facing Cai Yan at this time. Although the wound on the face can be repaired through various operations, the probability of repair is not 100%. Fortunately, her daughter Cai Qi was also stabbed by Cai Yan, which was far more vicious than Tang Yue expected.

Cai Yadong's daughter was so cruel that she didn't give herself any chance to negotiate at all. From the beginning, she went crazy towards the collapse.

On the other side, the wound on his face was exposed, and Cai Qi, who looked more fable, asked in a calm tone, "Then what will you do to be satisfied?"

This is actually showing weakness.

Cai Yan shook his head: "What if I say I will kill you all?"

"Impossible." Tang Yue also said with the calmness of a woman after being disfigured, "We have arranged a live video signal here, and all your actions will be recorded and transmitted. If anyone really dies, you can't get rid of the crime."

Cai Yan said "Oh" lightly and asked, "Really? Then why do you think I stood at the door for so long before coming in?


Tang Yue understood in an instant.

Before that, Cai Yan was not only hesitating, nor was she struggling inside. She was still waiting for someone to help her deal with the technical problems of this villa.

From the moment Cai Yan stepped into the villa, more than half of all the electronic devices here could be used, and the network and mobile phone signals were completely cut off.

"Let alone the network signal here now, even the mobile phone can't call out." Cai Yan looked at the woman who had been with her father for many years, and his disgust in his heart increased. "What other spare tricks do you have? Let's use them together."

Tang Yue was not panicked by Cai Yan's words. Instead, she looked at Cai Yan with a little surprise.

If you are an opponent of this kind of smart person, you don't have to wrong the other party's IQ.

"What a delicate mind."

Cai Yan shook his head: "You are nothing. In fact, they are not as powerful as the people you invited."

Tang Yue gently stroked her wound with her fingers, which was a little like rubbing her lover's **: "Then do you think it's a good way to die together?"

Cai Yan nodded: "Before coming, my bodyguard team mentioned this possibility."

There was a smile on Tang Yue's face, which was pure and enchanting, and the most important thing was as if there was a dead despair.

"Then look at how many deadly things can you find here now?"

Cai Yan has actually seen it.

There are too many alarm clocks for decoration in the room, so much that people can notice it after a short stay in the room.

If you distinguish carefully, the pointers on these alarm clocks are not on time, but a time display similar to the countdown.

In terms of characteristics, every alarm clock is a bomb.

"Cai Yadong locked you here, will you still not give up?" Cai Yan also looked a little calm after seeing these bombs, which was completely different from the fear she had given to Su Xiaoqing before, and even had a faint sense of relief in her expression. "Do you want to try it now?"

The blood on Tang Yue's face has almost flowed, and there are no further symptoms around the wound, but the severe pain hit her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Staring at Cai Yan, Tang Yue said, "I don't think we need to make such a scene."

"That's what you think." Cai Yan looked down at the scalpel in his hand and said, "I still think you two can only live one. What do you think of this suggestion?"

Tang Yue's eyes were cold, and her fingers were still touching around the wound on her face.

"If you really want to do that, you shouldn't come in person."

Cai Yan said indifferently, "Then you detonate them?"

Tang Yue had never seen this desperate demand. She had enough wisdom to make Cai Yan fall into this situation, but found that she underestimated Cai Yan's courage.

Generally speaking, this kind of family heirs who stand at the top of one side will not have any real courage. Their lives are so good that they are unwilling to take risks or try new things.

Cai Yan took a look at Cai Qi, who was about to rush to grab the scalpel in her hand, and took another step back indifferently, opening the distance between the three.

"Mother-daughter cooperation is really good, but this is also your biggest shortcoming - the person you value most is around you and will die at any time."

Tang Yue finally frowned deeply, and she found that she was actually eaten to death by the little girl in front of her.

Even if the mother and daughter have never been dissatisfied with their lives, their lives are still hundreds and thousands of times better than ordinary people. No one wants to die like this.

In this subtle mentality, Cai Yan hit the nail on the head to threaten Tang Yue with Cai Qi, which was really effective.

"What does Cai Yadong usually teach you?" Tang Yue looked at one of the important roles of the next generation of the Cai family in disbelief, "Are you crazy?"

Cai Yan sneered: "Compared with you, I'm very normal."

It's indeed a little ironic that the person who buys and hijacks others says that he is crazy. However, Cai Yan felt that she didn't have to care about these things. She just took a scalpel and took a step forward towards Cai Qi, who was staring at her.

As soon as Cai Yan moved, Cai Qi immediately stiffened her whole body. The knife that Cai Yan did not hesitate just now, and the sentence "I lied to you" left a deep shadow in her heart. At this time, Cai Qi really regretted that she had provoked such a terrible "sister", and she even had the illusion that Cai Yan would chop herself up and eat it.

Tang Yue was finally nervous this time and prayed loudly, "Don't mess around!"

Cai Yan turned his head and gave Tang Yue a cold look.

"I'm waiting for your bomb."

That's the sentence, and Tang Yue suddenly had nothing to say.

The scars have been left, and Cai Yan's fierce style made both women feel that they had really chosen the wrong opponent. However, the real impasse at this time is that there is no way for both of them to better balance Cai Yan, and even their original plan is useless.

Originally, it was a wonderful bitter meat plan, but now the bitter meat has been done, and the plan is reflected at all.

"What exactly do you want?" Although Tang Yue felt that she could actually calm down, she felt that although her daughter was known as a genius, she was now frightened and could only distract Cai Yan's attention. "If you are single-minded to die, you don't need to come to see us at all."

Cai Yan really stopped this time and did not continue to walk towards Cai Qi.

"You haven't prepared so many bombs. Did you guess that I won't kill you?"

Tang Yue suddenly relaxed her psychological pressure and said, "Yes... I think you are more kind."

"Cleverness is a talent, and kindness is a choice." Cai Yan said, "I can choose not to be kind."

"Then you can do it." Tang Yue died generously, "Don't worry, Cai Yadong will help you solve all the problems."

Cai Yan sneered and pointed to Cai Qi with a scalpel: "You tie up your dear mother and tie it to the chair."

Cai Qi, who had been suppressed by Cai Yan's momentum, looked flustered and instinctively wanted to refuse, but her eyes were facing the scalpel in Cai Yan's hand.

Such a sharp scalpel, it's okay if you only scratch your face, if you scratch a lot of knives on your body...

Cai Qi, who has read too many detective novels, has rich associations, and there are pictures in her mind almost all of a sudden.

Tang Yue on the other side looked calm: "Bang me up and kill my daughter in front of me?"

Cai Qi, who had shaken whether to get the rope or not, trembled when she heard this and stood still.

"You guess I won't kill people. Do you want to gamble?" Cai Yan asked, "Or do you think you still have room to bargain now?"

Tang Yue raised his hand and a bomb button appeared in his hand.

Cai Yan took a look at the things in Tang Yue's hand and said disdainfully.

"You just like to buy all kinds of alarm clocks."

Tang Yue's delicate body was shocked, and she never thought that Cai Yan could see her bravado.

Cai Yan shook his head and said, "You still have too many small movements. At first glance, you feel guilty."

Although poor Tang Yue is known as a beautiful woman with high IQ, after all, there are still too few opportunities to intrigue with people. Usually, a person's eyes are above the top and can't tolerate others. How can there be divine acting skills? Cai Yan has learned very carefully from Cheng Shuixin recently, and one action shows that the man in front of him is actually just scaring himself.

Of course, more importantly, Cai Yan believes that Cai Yadong will never allow security problems to appear around him after his own kidnapping. Let Tang Yue set up a bomb in the villa? Don't be kidding, okay...

In the end, Cai Qi was forced by Cai Yan and took the rope to tie her mother.

Cai Yan monitored beside him: "I can also tie the magic knot. Don't play tricks."

Under the ** power of her "sister", Cai Qi really tied Tang Yue tightly. During the whole process, Tang Yue didn't say a word. Looking at Cai Yan's eyes were a little complicated and more sad.

When Cai Qi finally tied Tang Yue to a chair in the study, as soon as she turned around and wanted to speak, Cai Yan cut her in the face again.