My Goddess

Chapter 141 New Products

Sorry, I just touched the computer and the Internet today, and I quickly sent it.


On the one hand, Cai Qi was shocked by Cheng Shuixin's request in the office, and on the other hand, Su Yifan was showing Yang Bingbing the finished software.

Today is the final detail modification, and the first version of the beta version has taken shape. In order to make up for his recent slow work progress, Wang Jiantao even took into account the compatibility of the two versions of the Web and the mobile terminal.

All ports can be connected to the same server and play together, which is the most basic requirement of Cheng Shuixin. Of course, this kind of problem is nothing to the experienced Wang Jiantao. He just hesitated for a while when choosing the way to be as concise and optimized as possible.

Finally, Wang Jiantao decided to follow Su Yifan's advice and start with simplicity and efficiency. In this era, we are not afraid of simplicity, but we are afraid that it is not fun enough to make people not interested in it.

Simple and fun never seem to be two concepts of conflict.

The software effect is really simple, with the small and fresh style required by Cheng Shuixin. Yang Bingbing sat next to Su Yifan and watched the software being opened, and the faint effect of the faint background seemed to open a new world. This feeling is fascinating, which is exactly the artistic conception that everyone who develops software expects.

The background color is scattered, the software interface reveals the true face, and the options for creating new projects and editing and adjusting are simple and clear. All effects are rendered in light solid colors, and the whole UI looks refreshing and clean.

There are materials provided by Zhao Yutong and the assistance of Yang Bingbing, which is still a concerted product.

The core content of the software, of course, is still the concept of Cheng Shuixin - everyone has a history in their hearts.

Yes, this is a thing that everyone insists on. Cheng Shuixin once mentioned to Su Yifan that when she had dinner with some writers she knew with her parents, she often gathered around and told those writers that their own lives were enough to write a book.

This is a wrong understanding that not everyone's life is wonderful enough, but everyone values only themselves and thinks that their own affairs should be wonderful and important.

All social networking sites and all websites that allow users to provide content are based on this starting point.

There is a voice in countless people who want to say loudly: In fact, I'm not ordinary. Come and get to know me and listen to my story.

The Internet provides countless people with the opportunity to express themselves to each other in this way, and Cheng Shuixin herself is also one of the beneficiaries. Now what she thinks is, of course, something that can expand this feeling.

Although Wang Jiantao is a programmer, his degree of content is not low. In the process of playing games before, he has admired Cheng Shuixin's sharpness and vigorous behavior. It was not until he carried out this idea that Wang Jiantao was really convinced that he was indeed following two young people with extraordinary dreams. Even if they are so young, even if they have not really begun to face this messy market, the power represented by Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin has infected him a little.

Wang Jiantao didn't believe in the so-called power of dreams before, but now he believes it.

Su Yifan asked Yang Bingbing to download a trial version with his mobile phone and follow the novice's guidance. At present, there is only a bilingual interface, English and Chinese. Yang Bingbing built a time tree with great interest and wrote down some things she and Cheng Shuixin had done.

The two knew each other for the first time and talked for the first time. At the dinner party, because Su Yifan faced Chen Xin together...

Prepare birthday gifts together, play a good play at school, and compete for Buffett's lunch together.

The software itself is very ordinary, but the power of recalling this matter seems to be more powerful, which brings a pleasant feeling in an instant.

This is a happy memory.

Yang Bingbing did not finish all the entries. She added a few items, marked the time period, and then found the exquisiteness in the software details.

The original time does not have to be accurate to the date. As long as there is a month, it is fine. If you don't even remember the month, you can mark the four seasons.

After making the first time tree for registered users, Yang Bingbing chose the "privacy" option.

This option reflects another kind of thinking.

Social circles should have the right to choose, instead of directly exposing the information privacy of all users to the public.

"Privacy" is the default option, which can only be viewed when both parties are friends.

"Public" is an option relative to "privacy". Those who like to expose their stories and history to others can choose this.

Because the number of time trees can theoretically be infinite, of course, there are also label classifications, and there is a similar timeline comparison. It took Wang Jiantao a lot of time to realize these functions. He has never done such a complex screening function before.

Yang Bingbing tried it for a while, and Cheng Shuixin also came out, followed by the sunglasses version of Cai Qi.

"How do you feel?" Cheng Shuixin didn't mind this level of secret for Cai Qi to see, "I can't help but praise myself."

Cai Qi took a strange look at Cheng Shuixin. Although she is also proficient in various industries, her main research is still related to heavy industry. She really can't figure out what amazing such a small thing can play with people.

Everyone looks at the world differently. People who understand this difference will not have contempt to look at others.

Yang Bingbing got up and asked Cheng Shuixin to sit in front of the computer screen to look at the web version of the interface, while holding her mobile phone and continuing to test the application.

Su Yifan is also installing a beta version. At present, this version is an international version. The areas promoted are not only around China, but also the United States.

Probably infected by these people, Wang Jiantao also installed one on his mobile phone and began to write a time tree seriously.

Slowly, people in the company gathered. Everyone looked at this page, some using their own computers and some using mobile phones, and began to create time trees one after another.

Everyone has their own memories in their hearts, which are good and bad. Life is so long that there are too many things to remember.

provides a memory storage box, which is one of the simplest functions of the software.

With the expansion of these time and memories, a richer world will be displayed in front of you.

At the beginning, those boring planning documents and various discussions finally turned into real operable software at this moment, making people know what it is like.

It is simple, easy to use, and full of infinite possibilities.

Cheng Shuixin created a time tree on the computer with the first label written on it.

"The Literature Society was founded and got to know Su Yifan."

Seeing these words, Su Yifan's heart suddenly warmed.

Cheng Shuixin pulled the scale of the time tree up, lengthen it, pulled it to the middle position, and wrote "The beginning of the "Cute Girl" plan", and turned back to Su Yifan with a smile.

It seems that all the languages are thoroughly described in this smile.

For almost a moment, these people in the company added each other as friends and saw each other's time tree.

The time tree written by Wang Jiantao is related to his game history. There is his memory of seeing video games for the first time, the crossroads of his choice of computer major, and the final decision to come to Su Yifan for development.

Lin Xi wrote his memory of learning the piano and how to start playing smoothly from distinguishing notes. I'm afraid that only she knows some of the emotions in these memories.

Wang Juan wrote about her own experience of studying. She has always experienced more difficulties than ordinary classmates. Now she has become so fond of looking for entertainment on the Internet because she has no time to go out for entertainment.

Cen Shaohua wrote about his whole experience of falling in love with a girl and failing, and his expression was quite frank.

Qian Xiaoliang wrote about the past with a group of brothers, but the time tree stopped abruptly after college. Obviously, there was little contact.



Almost everyone can't help exposing their private affairs, but they grasp the scale in a measured manner and didn't say much. After all, although they all default to the option of "privacy", these people in the company can still see it after adding friends to each other.

Among everyone, Su Yifan was the last time tree to create, and everyone was curious about what he would write.

Su Yifan thought for a moment and wrote the first entry of his time tree.

On the third day of school, I met Su Xiaoqing.

Everything started from that day.

Change, subvert, step by step, suddenly.

Su Yifan wrote this sentence, and then he didn't continue.

Looking up, Su Yifan saw Yang Bingbing staring at him.

In the option of the time tree, there is also a "only designated friends can see". Yang Bingbing's eyebrows moved slightly and seemed to want to choose this one, choose a person and write one.

The finger hesitated repeatedly on the mobile phone screen, and Yang Bingbing finally did not press it.

Su Yifan smiled at Yang Bingbing and wrote a time tree in the "public" with the name "Me and My Friends".

I met Cheng Shuixin at the beginning of school and joined the literary club. I fought with people at the school gate. I was taken by Yang Bingbing to treat the wound and helped Zhang Yao relieve the siege...

These scenes were repeated as if they were passing through the eyes with the release of new products.

Su Yifan chose to "send" so that everyone could see his own time tree.

Seeing this article, everyone responded kindly.

At this moment, Cheng Shuixin's creativity and Su Yifan's assistance in perfect products seem to easily conquer these people.

If you need to go online for all users, I don't know what the effect will be?

Everyone tried various functions of the software for a while, and some people even began to add photos to their time tree. Cai Qi, who had been standing next to him and had no feeling, hesitated to pick up her mobile phone and downloaded a trial version on the company's internal server.

Just now, Cheng Shuixin showed a completely different side from her usual workaholic posture, which surprised Cai Qi. She also wanted to know what this woman was thinking.

Then within a few minutes, Cai Qi also began to fall into the creation of the time tree. She established her own time tree in the "complete privacy" option.

"I know there is a sister in the world who got everything, and I'm just an illegitimate daughter."

Such a hateful sentence seems to be the most suitable in this kind of corner that can only be seen by yourself.