My Goddess

Chapter 144 Change the pattern

Meng Shiyi feels that his intelligence is not particularly amazing in today's society, at least he has a little confidence to face various occasions.

Not counting the so-called upper circle, in the case of ordinary people, Meng Shiyi felt that he was still a little prophetic.

This situation is a bit like that in the face of ordinary working people, they know more than others, and that strong sense of superiority can never be concealed. Meng Shiyi has made certain achievements in new media, and it is natural to look at the hard-working public.

But the situation is different now. These people sitting in front of Meng Shiyi have achieved unmatched achievements in the field of network. Meng Shiyi's own advantage can hardly be seen in front of these people.

What to impress others is the first compulsory course for all eloquent managers, and Meng Shiyi is no exception. He often faces various small and medium-sized customers and likes to impress others with some conceptual things and some numbers. Although this process is difficult, it is also full of a wonderful sense of achievement. For Meng Shiyi, this is like a series of adventures in life. As long as you move forward, you can always see treasures.

Only now, in the face of these young people, the youngest is probably just a student. The one who is not very young is more like an otaku than a manager. Meng Shiyi felt that his intelligence and perfect eloquence seemed to be tied together and didn't know how to play it.

Most importantly, Cheng Shuixin's sentence "We are still young" just now shows the most important problem.

Young, successful and have a chance to make mistakes. Such people are the most difficult to convince. What can Meng Shiyi do to impress these people? Even he wavered. After thinking about his various advantages and conditions, he felt that there was nothing that could make people feel moved.

If it hadn't been for his quick wisdom, Meng Shiyi would not have been able to do it today. Now he sees a company that makes himself feel full of good opportunities. His mind turns quite quickly: "Generally speaking, your company should integrate its own resources and make full use of it. But from what I can see, there should not be so many people, right? Neither the customer relationship nor the overall sales atmosphere are very enthusiastic.

The shortage of people is certainly a big problem now, even the biggest problem. Meng Shiyi saw this shortcoming at a glance, and it was normal to play from here.

Yang Bingbing did not give Meng Shiyi the opportunity to expand the problem. Before Meng Shiyi could answer the second sentence, he suddenly asked, "Brother Meng, we also know what you said. It can be done by hiring a professional manager. Why do we have to find a company to outsource?"

Meng Shiyi was suddenly a little speechy. At first, he felt that Cheng Shuixin was sharp, but he didn't expect that the beautiful girl sitting next to him who seemed to be quiet was also quite good. Just such a sentence hit the core problem.

I am just an online marketing person, which is still weaker than those professional managers who can make full use of various company resources, and the emerging publicity platform is not traditional. Judging from the trend of sweeping the whole mobile game market, it is really reasonable for such a person.

"...I think it's a matter of thinking." Meng Shiyi racked his brains to answer, "For today's emerging Internet enterprises, it is inevitable to change the original industrial pattern, and traditional professional managers will not give the best answer to how to use their resources to change the status quo."

Cheng Shuixin looked at Yang Bingbing with a smile and took the relay baton and asked, "This is just relatively unique about the domestic Internet model, but in general, it is still mostly plagiarized from the United States and Japan. Wouldn't it be better for us to find a Chinese and Western person directly from there to do this?

Meng Shiyi saw that the two beautiful girls were simply trying to hit themselves, while Su Yifan next to him looked innocent, as if he didn't want to speak for him.

"It's more important to know your country than to know abroad, so I don't have to repeat this, right?" Meng Shiyi insisted, "I just think it's good to touch the current situation, and we should make full use of it. Otherwise, I'm really sorry for the hot market situation today."

Cheng Shuixin smiled: "Of course we also know this. However, Brother Meng, have you ever thought about it? Since we have so many core technologies and secret plans, even if we sign a confidentiality agreement, it is difficult to trust other companies.

Meng Shiyi felt that this beautiful woman with sharp words just now seemed to be the most difficult to deal with. Her gentle and sharp speech style changed very quickly for a while, and she was obviously playing a game of testing each other. Previously, Su Yifan and Han Yun had dinner together enough to surprise Meng Shiyi. Now when he sees Cheng Shuixin's performance, he knows that Han Yun is just a docile kitten compared with him.

"So I want to hear your company's opinion." Meng Shiyi put away any contempt and became more correct and official. "Brother Su fell in love with me at first sight. I didn't expect him to become my potential customer. Now that they are all here, let's talk about what you think?"

Cheng Shuixin gave this opportunity to Wang Jiantao and nodded slightly to Wang Jiantao. General Manager Wang naturally asked Cai Qi to go to the window and close the curtains.

In the office, a projector shot the picture directly onto the white wall and listed various data for Meng Shiyi. These data can really make people blind and gorgeous. For mobile game manufacturers who have struggled on the line of food and clothing, any number means that they can have a happy New Year.

For example, real downloads, download page views, user distribution, payment... Every number amazes Meng Shiyi, which is different from the number guessed in magazines and media. The number of downloads around the world is already amazing, and this number is still slowly rising.

"Actually, "Cute Girl" not only conquered the otaku." Cheng Shuixin explained, "It has also opened up new concepts for people's application of science and technology. Integrating the AR reality enhancement effect in the way of camera stereo positioning will give people a sense of happiness that their mobile phone is a product that truly reflects the value of science and technology.

Meng Shiyi nodded, which has been repeatedly mentioned in many articles analyzing the game Cute Girl. Just like unlocking the touch screen is like opening a magic door, the feeling of "Cute Girl" standing in the palm of her hand is also unique. More importantly, this projection positioning technology does not seem to have an exclusive patent.

Cheng Shuixin showed Meng Shiyi a set of data, turned off the projection, and then asked, "Brother Meng, how do you think we should use the existing resources now?"

Meng Shiyi smiled bitterly: "Are you going to ask me a question and then try to kick me away?"

Su Yifan finally interrupted at the right time: "Brother Meng, we are not that kind of people."

Meng Shiyi nodded: "I know... I mean to say. You know, domestic planning is not easy to do. Everyone wants people to come up with ideas, but they really don't pay.

Su Yifan smiled and said, "I don't want to pay, Brother Meng, would you like to say it?"

"I don't think there is any need to show off my intelligence in front of you." Meng Shiyi laughed at himself, "Your psychological grasp of the network crowd, the positioning of the target customer group, and the carving of the product itself are already very good. If our company enters, it will just help you do chores and digest some of the work pressure.

Cheng Shuixin smiled, and even Meng Shiyi was a little stunned: "We have a demand for the promotion of new products, but I have resistance to the outsourcing of this kind of resource work. I hope Brother Meng can convince me."

Meng Shiyi smiled bitterly: "I don't think I can convince you. Your current conditions are so good. I feel like reaching out to ask Brother Su for money."

This is actually a retreat. Meng Shiyi deliberately said that he had no advantage and got close to Su Yifan again, just hoping that Cheng Shuixin would give him another chance for Su Yifan's face.

How could Su Yifan stand on Meng Shiyi's side at this time? He smiled at Cheng Shuixin and said, "I listen to Cheng Shuixin about this matter."

Meng Shiyi made a hurt expression at Su Yifan, which is not too exaggerated. After all, everyone is talking about the business of counting money, and human feelings can't be used to the extreme.

Cheng Shuixin nodded: "Then I said it?"

Meng Shiyi thought that Cheng Shuixin was actually not interested in his company. Originally, he planned to talk about something else to change the topic, but now he suddenly wanted to make a request, and he was immediately refreshed.

"Please say it!"

The conference room was very quiet. Su Yifan probably thought of what Cheng Shuixin wanted to do. He did what all the company employees would do in the conference room - he took out his mobile phone and planned to start playing games.

As a company leader, Su Yifan really went too much, but it is understandable that he has not actively participated in the conversation.

Meng Shiyi sat down and waited for Cheng Shuixin to make a request to himself. Cai Qi, sitting behind Wang Jiantao and Cheng Shuixin, also took a look at Cheng Shuixin. She probably knew something about Cheng Shuixin's style recently.

Sure enough, as Cai Qi expected, Cheng Shuixin only said one of the simplest requirements.

"Brother Meng, you might as well come to our company."

Meng Shiyi felt as if he was stunned.

Wait a minute... Didn't you come to talk to customers about business? Why did you suddenly become poached by others?

Cheng Shuixin did not give Meng Shiyi any chance to doubt, and continued: "What is Brother Meng's annual salary now? We can pay you 1.5 times and give you all the company's network expansion resources. In the company, you just need to report to Su Yifan, but our company has no idea of listing for the time being and will not give you a split option.

Such conditions are simple and straightforward.

Meng Shiyi tried to calm himself down. Just as he was about to speak, Cheng Shuixin opposite asked him again.

"Brother Meng, did you say anything about changing the industry pattern, or do you really want to do this?"