My Goddess

Chapter 149 Uninteresting

In the cool room, Yang Bingbing looked at herself in front of the mirror.

A white skirt covered his body like a cloud, dispersing the single ponytail that is usually tied up, and light makeup is painted on his face for the first time.

Whether it is a tall and straight figure or impeccable facial features, Yang Bingbing is finally slightly different from her usual and turns on the dress mode.

The clothes were picked by Cheng Shuixin. The two studied for a long time and finally decided on this long skirt that best suits Yang Bingbing's temperament. After wearing it, the tall girl with long legs immediately felt that she became an unattainable goddess, and the slightly mature hairstyle made Yang Bingbing feel more mature.

After simply looking at her dress, Yang Bingbing put on the ruby necklace that Su Yifan had kept for herself.

The dazzling gems flashed with a touching light in front of the mirror. Yang Bingbing looked at the girl who was almost perfect in the mirror and couldn't help asking herself, is this dress for this day or for some people?

Maybe there are both, but before that, Yang Bingbing still called Mrs. Yang, who was far away in the United States.

"Mrs. Yang, thank you for giving birth to me."

Mrs. Yang and Jiang Ran were stunned on the phone for a while. After countless hardships, she suddenly had the impulse to cry for a moment.

"Happy birthday, Bingbing." Mrs. Yang is the most real woman when she faces her daughter. "The gift I gave you is ready. I hope you can be happy."

Yang Bingbing held the phone and hesitated for a moment before making up her mind to say, "I'm very happy... I hope I can spend my next birthday with you."

Such a simple sentence moved Mrs. Yang more than any promise. She choked a little and didn't say anything.

To this day, the conversation between mother and daughter is still so difficult, which itself makes Mrs. Yang sad.

The only comforting thing is that things seem to be moving in a happy direction.

After a moment of silence, Mrs. Yang said, "Have fun and be happy. Call me if you have something to do."

Yang Bingbing tried her best to be more cheerful: "Okay, I will take some photos with my friends."

Putting down the phone, Yang Bingbing came out of the room and went to her grandmother to act coquettishly and show herself.

Grandma smiled when she saw Yang Bingbing's dress: "Beautiful, I don't know how many children will be fascinated."

Yang Bingbing really stamped her feet: "Grandma..."

"Well, they are all big girls. Grandma doesn't have any gifts for you, so she can only give you one thing." Grandma looked at her granddaughter, and the smile on her face was mostly comforting.

Yang Bingbing was curious: "What is it?"

Grandma pulled out an old-fashioned wooden box from behind and handed it to Yang Bingbing.

"Take it, this is what your grandfather left behind."

Yang Bingbing hesitated to take the wooden box, opened it and found that there was a whole set of silver jewelry in it. Although the styles were from the last century, they did not seem out of date at all.

"Grandma..." Yang Bingbing looked at these things that carried memories. Her nose, which had been a little sore when talking to Mrs. Yang just now, finally couldn't help it. "This..."

Under those silver jewelry, there is a thick pile of paper products.

"Also, grandma is old, and it's really useless to ask for money." Grandma looked at her beloved granddaughter, and the tenderness in her eyes was still clear in the dimly lit room. "Those things that your mother transferred to my name are now yours. If there is really any intrigue in the future, even if you take a step back, you don't have to worry about life.

Yang Bingbing knew that although her grandmother seemed to be in trouble, she was actually very clear about the dark tide between the Yang family and the Jiang family. On their birthday, many people have to jump out and make a statement. Coupled with the attack on their trip to the United States, the contradictions have secretly changed from superficial.

For all this, even Mrs. Yang does not have the ability to completely control it, and everyone can only take it step by step.

Grandma gives herself these, on the one hand, to show her attitude, even if the Jiang family wants to compete for benefits, she will not allow anything to hurt Yang Bingbing. On the other hand, she also told Yang Bingbing that even if something bad happened, at least her grandmother could be relied on.

Although Jiang Ran's wealth under his mother's name is not amazing, it is also an astronomical figure that ordinary people's imagination can't reach.

At this moment, Grandma told Yang Bingbing with her own actions that what she had been insisting on was right.

Be brave, face it bravely, fight bravely, and move forward bravely.

This is the Yang Bingbing who dared to say no to her mother since she was a child, and Yang Bingbing who lives differently from others.

Yang Bingbing, who had lived with her grandmother since she was a child, couldn't stand it at this moment. She cried with a wooden box in her arms and couldn't stop crying.

Looking at the girl half squatting in front of him and crying, the old man smiled and stroked his granddaughter's long hair.

The wrinkled hands touched the black hair symbolizing youth and vitality, and grandma's smile was still kind and calm.

"You have a lot of friends today, right?"

"Hmm..." Yang Bingbing still cried out of tune, "They will all go."

"Then be happy." Grandma said, "You should cherish the days with your friends."

Yang Bingbing sucked her nose and nodded. She doesn't dare to expose such a shameful behavior in front of others, only in front of her doting grandmother... Well, if it's Su Yifan, it probably doesn't matter?

"Go ahead, my friends are in a hurry." Grandma looked at her granddaughter meaningfully, "Is it your best friend who came to pick you up?"

Yang Bingbing suddenly couldn't care about being sad and bowed her head a little embarrassed: "Yes..."

"Go ahead and have fun with your friends in the evening." Grandma said, "If there is anything in Linhai, tell grandma."

"I will."

Yang Bingbing leaned over and hugged her grandmother, turned out of the room, and Annie, who was guarding the door, silently followed Yang Bingbing like a shadow.

After the wound healed, Annie was very confused about whether to thank Su Yifan, but in the end she didn't. Yang Bingbing was with Su Yifan many times, and Anne stayed closer to them more conscientiously. At the same time, she also tried to give Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing more space to get along with each other, which was her reward for Su Yifan.

It is indeed Su Yifan who is waiting at the door. Today, the birthday star and Su Yifan are in the same car. Yu Zheng and Li Zheng were also invited to the birthday party, and they all rushed to Linhai in advance. Cheng Shuixin drove with Cai Qi and Zhang Yao, Su Yifan with Yang Bingbing, and Annie with Lin Lu and Tang Ying. Yang Bingbing also invited Zhang Chao, but it is said that this youngman is going to travel with his parents.

Yang Bingbing is also curious why Zhang Chao's parents didn't want to take their son to travel until August. According to Su Yifan, because he was stimulated by his son's business trip to Modu, he planned to take Zhang Chao farther and see the world.

In short, almost all the people who can be invited have been invited, even including a few employees who touched lightly. Cai Qi got out of a car and took several people there. She still planned to follow Cheng Shuixin.

Su Yifan stood at the door with a very eager attitude, but the car was a little shabby, especially not suitable for Yang Bingbing's suit.

"Actually, it should be changed when you arrive at Linhai." Su Yifan helped Yang Bingbing hold the small box containing clothes, "Isn't it troublesome to wear this now?"

Yang Bingbing was much easier to say to Su Yifan: "It's really boring. I thought you could praise me."

"What I can praise is gone. I don't know what to say." Su Yifan is indeed more cunning now than before, "I'm embarrassed to drive to pick you up when I see you like this."

This is why Su Yifan is familiar with Annie and dares to talk to Yang Bingbing in front of the cold-faced female bodyguard. If others look at Anne's eyes, they will probably be scared to pee.

Although Yang Bingbing knew that she shouldn't do this, she couldn't help turning around in front of Su Yifan.

"Is it really beautiful?"

Su Yifan sincerely praised: "It can't look better."

Satisfied with this answer, Yang Bingbing watched Su Yifan move things for herself and sat on the co-pilot. The little golf took the two of them away, and Annie drove behind.

"Did everyone go first?" As soon as Yang Bingbing got on the car, she turned over the CD behind the shade board and wanted to find a suitable atmosphere to listen to. "Will we go too late?"

"It didn't start until night. Let's go to the hotel to meet Yang Zongyuan and others first." Su Yifan was actually not familiar with the process arrangement of the whole birthday dinner. Yang Zongyuan called Cheng Shuixin and said it in detail, and then Cheng Shuixin relayed it to Su Yifan word for word.

Yang Bingbing remembered the night when she and Su Yifan spent the night in Linhai, and sighed a little: "I didn't expect to go to Huazhimeng in the end."

Su Yifan was reminded by Yang Bingbing, and also remembered Yang Bingbing, who was with him after getting drunk that night. At that time, Yang Bingbing was still on the road of wanting to be completely independent, unlike now, she would care about the feelings of many friends.

Everyone's growth footprints are clearly visible, not only by themselves, but also by mutual examination.

"I thought you wouldn't invite Li Zheng." Su Yifan said about this and felt a little funny, "Li Zheng wanted to help co-organization at the beginning, but I refused."

Yang Bingbing's impression of Li Zheng was average, but he was invited for Su Yifan's face: "Li Zheng has actually always been curious about me, right? This time is equivalent to giving him an answer.

"He should actually know something vaguely." Su Yifan said, "Although I don't mention it on the surface, I know it in my heart."

"Li Zheng has also helped you a lot this time. If he has cooperation with my family, it will be regarded as a reward for him." Yang Bingbing didn't look so little when she talked about these problems. This calmness was very similar to Cheng Shuixin. "Yang Zongyuan must have invited everyone here tonight. I don't know what will happen."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Did I tell you about the United States?" Gao Li has seen everything like that. I don't think it's surprising what happened.

Yang Bingbing frowned: "I don't think there should be such a stupid person, but Yang Zongyuan's efforts must not be so simple as trying to have a good relationship with me."

"That's natural." Su Yifan agreed, "But for you and me, this is also good."

Yang Bingbing nodded: "Yes, it's easier to see many people and many things..."

"Do you feel helpless?"

"No, it's boring." Yang Bingbing took a look at Su Yifan beside her and whispered, "With you, no matter how boring it is, you can survive."