My Goddess

Chapter 165 One of the Gifts

The hostess at the birthday party invites others to dance the first dance, which can not represent much significance, usually only a good general.

It's either close relatives or love.

Today, in front of so many relatives and friends, although Yang Bingbing's words were modest and introspective, they still exposed the typical character of her little lion and invited Su Yifan in full view of the public.

The name Su Yifan, through Yang Bingbing's mouth, directly resounded in the ears of many people who disdain him.

It is easy to understand what a young girl does crazy, just like Yang Shengsheng, Yang Bingbing, a little non-mainstream sister. Although she dresses strangely, she is still tolerated by adults with a tolerant attitude. Not only because she is a little girl, but also because she is a girl from the Yang family.

For a long time, people have always been more tolerant of wealth and power, which is an ancient practice.

Yang Bingbing's decision was definitely beyond the expectations of most of the Yang family. In their opinion, even if they don't want to give Yang Zongyuan face, Yang Bingbing should at least accompany Yang Zongyuan to dance to express her gratitude.

I didn't expect Yang Bingbing to invite Su Yifan directly, and looking at this, she should not dance with others at night.

Yang Zongyuan, who stood aside, his face remained unchanged and his expression was stable. Instead, Zhao Xuan, who stood in the distance, was a little angry and whispered to his mother, "She is a little too much."

Dige said leisurely, "If you have her status in the Yang family, you can also not look at other people's faces."

Zhao Xuan bit her lower lip. She knew that emotional things would make her lose her mind, so she forced herself to calm down.

It's not just Zhao Xuan who can't stand it, but also some people in the Yang family can't help it, especially Wang Fang. Wang Fang, who had a smile just now, became very terrible, staring at Su Yifan as if he were going to eat him.

Su Yifan didn't realize this kind of eyes and walked to the stage step by step.

Cheng Shuixin's eyes hid behind Yang Bingbing with a warm smile.

Zhang Yao still lowered her head timidly, as if the prosperity here had nothing to do with her.

In many complicated eyes, Su Yifan walked to Yang Bingbing.

At this time, Su Yifan was finally able to look at today's glorious girl and get close to her eyes.

Maybe it's his illusion. Su Yifan felt that Yang Bingbing had fallen into a low tide a while ago. Although Yang Bingbing only said a little about the confused topic, Su Yifan can still feel that the girl has been in a poor mental state since she came back from the United States. Although she has been trying to adjust, she still can't return to her previous ideal state.

Now, Yang Bingbing seems to have finally broken free from that depression and face herself positively and positively.

This feeling made Su Yifan feel very gratified.

Slowly stepped onto the stage, Su Yifan raised his hand and touched Yang Bingbing's fingertips.

The fingers were facing each other, feeling like a rushing tide for a while, repeatedly and turbulent.

Yang Bingbing's eyes are bright and clear, as if they have returned to the days when the two first lived together.

Many bits and pieces have been beating in Su Yifan's heart recently. These memories did not disappear because of getting closer and closer, but became stronger.

There are many common memories and yearnings. Su Yifan could see the reflected self in Yang Bingbing's eyes, who gradually said goodbye to the past and came to the present.

For Su Yifan, the moment he is enjoying is a moment in exchange for the cost of life and death.

Yang Bingbing already knows this secret feeling, so she can understand Su Yifan better and face Su Yifan with a more intense and positive attitude.

- No matter what happens in the future, at least let you and me dance together at this moment.

No matter as a friend or any other relationship, Yang Bingbing feels that she has enough ostriches, and she is willing to face herself with a little guilt towards Cheng Shuixin.

At this moment, at least your attitude has been told others. As for what will really happen in the future, let's leave it to time to solve it.

The reason why she chose this moment, Yang Bingbing also felt that she needed at least one chance to break through the limit of courage. When she said that, she felt relieved.

Everything is so simple. As long as you want to do it and dare to do it, nothing else matters.

After saying this, Yang Bingbing felt that she laughed more thoroughly and naturally than just now.

Even though there have been countless close contacts before, Su Yifan's fingertips touched Yang Bingbing at this moment, and he could still feel a current-like throbbing rising in the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, Su Yifan subconsciously took another look at Cheng Shuixin standing not far behind Yang Bingbing.

Cheng Shuixin still had a faint smile on her face and raised her chin quietly to Su Yifan.

Su Yifan, who is familiar with Cheng Shuixin, knows that this is to encourage him to cheer up.

Cheng Shuixin encouraged herself so much, which made the teenager a little entangled.

But after less than a second, Su Yifan knew that he should not continue to struggle. Yang Bingbing's fingertips had been handed over along his palm.

So many people watched and let Yang Bingbing do this. If they are hesitant again, they will look at themselves.

The four fingers were slightly curved, and Su Yifan took the initiative to hold Yang Bingbing's palm.

The soft and warm feeling ripples in the palm of the hand, just like Yang Bingbing usually gives people a feeling.

It was not until this moment that Su Yifan spoke.

"It's my pleasure."

What a diplomatic rhetoric, how solemn and sincere it is in Su Yifan's mouth.

Yang Bingbing couldn't help closing her eyes and holding her breath, and opened her eyes again a second later.

After opening her eyes, Yang Bingbing had a playful smile on her face and said a word to Su Yifan in a low voice.

"In this case, no one will bother me today."

Su Yifan was stunned for a moment, and then saw Cheng Shuixin behind Yang Bingbing bow her head and eating and laughing. He suddenly understood that the little lion was finding a reasonable reason for himself - it's okay to say it.

Facing such a straightforward and slightly awkward Yang Bingbing, Su Yifan couldn't help laughing. He took a step forward and reached out to hold Yang Bingbing's thin waist.

"Then be thorough?"

This bold action caused an uproar among the onlookers. Su Yifan directly grabbed Yang Bingbing's waist, but Yang Bingbing did not resist, so he let a teenager put his arms around him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, there is no need to guess, and the relationship between the two is clear.

Yang Zongyuan was still calm beside him. He snapped his finger in the direction of the band, and the music immediately sounded.

Just now, Wang was under him and couldn't wait to jump up to stop Yang Bingbing. He was also surprised to see that Yang Zongyuan was so calm. Reason made him choose to be silent.

Yang Zongyuan has put up with it. There is no reason not to bear it. It's better to wait and see what happens first.

However, Su Yifan's performance has confirmed one thing. He felt that he should stay in China for a longer period of time. It seemed that Yang Zongyuan's previous decision did not look so stupid?

At least find an opportunity to deal with this boy named Su Yifan.

This is the first time that Yang Bingbing has maintained such a close state with Su Yifan in front of others. She has no time to take care of Yang Zongyuan's feelings, and she feels a little overwhelmed under the gaze of her friends. The only reason to support Yang Bingbing is probably that "let Su Yifan pretend to be his boyfriend to avoid a lot of trouble".

Continuing to convince herself of this, Yang Bingbing tried to start enjoying the first music in her life to dance with boys.

Su Yifan saw Yang Bingbing's panic, smiled close to her ear and said, " concentrate."

Yang Bingbing looked slightly embarrassed and seriously cooperated with Su Yifan.

Surprisingly, Su Yifan's dance level is actually very good. Yang Bingbing forgot her nervousness and uneasiness and asked Su Yifan in a low voice, "When did you learn it?"

Su Yifan replied with a smile: "This part is also included in Mr. Euler's physical class. I only have theory. Today is my first practice."

I don't know why, when I heard Su Yifan say that it was also the first time to practice, Yang Bingbing felt a burst of joy in her heart.

There are indeed many people in the banquet hall who are used to this Western-style communication and invite each other to dance together. Of course, there are more people who take oriental appreciation and retreat from appreciation or chat.

In a youth-led party, the atmosphere of freedom is really the first, even if it has a strong traditional form.

Yang Zongyuan has walked down and stretched out his hand to Zhao Xuan, who was smiling again beside his mother.

"Dear cousin, may I invite you?"

Zhao Xuan showed a smile to Yang Zongyuan, which she had never shown to others.

"Am I a substitute?"

"What do you think?"

Zhao Xuan still put his hand on Yang Zongyuan's hand and turned around and smiled at his mother.

"Mom, find your own dance partner."

Digo waved to his daughter: "Go, go, go."

Su Yifan tried to make himself and Yang Bingbing less conspicuous. The movements of the two people were not large, and their footsteps were as gentle as possible, but it was easy to enter the state.

Yang Bingbing still blushed a little. Although her eyes were clear, sometimes she did not dare to look at Su Yifan's eyes.

Su Yifan said calmly to Yang Bingbing, "Do you want to know what gift I gave you?"

Yang Bingbing's eyes lit up, regardless of her embarrassment, and said "um" hard.

Su Yifan smiled and whispered, "If you look forward to it, I'll tell you now. If you are not in a hurry, it's okay to wait until the party is over.

Yang Bingbing replied almost without thinking, "Now!"

"Okay." Su Yifan felt that he still prefers the refreshing Yang Bingbing now. "I helped you think of a complete game idea that allows you to operate independently. Although I don't know if this can make you find what you want, I think this idea should be tailored for you.

This gift really surprised Yang Bingbing: "Do you think about it alone?"

"No one has discussed what I thought alone." Su Yifan said, "All the content is handwritten, almost a whole book, and I'll give it to you later."

Yang Bingbing knows how busy Su Yifan has been recently, and even if she eats and plays with her, she keeps talking on the phone. Thinking of Su Yifan writing a notebook for himself, the strong girl who had been warning her suddenly felt a little sore.


"This is one of the gifts." Su Yifan said to her without waiting for Yang Bingbing to speak.