My Goddess

Chapter 170 I'm scared to death

After hearing Xiao Zhu's confident speech, Su Xiaoqing finally looked at him again, and the smile on his face did not change.

"I don't know what your company needs for graphene materials? Industrial mass production, new product research and development, or scientific and technological reserve? I now have orders with the governments of 13 countries, and the production capacity is almost close to the limit. If your price is reasonable, you can reserve some for your company.

Su Xiaoqing said a few words with a smile. After she finished speaking, Xiao Zhu immediately understood that he seemed to be a little overconfident.

Everyone knows that the core goal of light international is government orders, but many people can only guess which countries and departments are involved. Su Xiaoqing finally admitted that he had the government orders of 13 countries this time. Needless to ask, it must be several major countries plus several large countries with relatively large economic and military investment. As for why he refused to accept more orders, Su Xiaoqing said it easily - the production capacity is limited.

At this time, if he still thinks how powerful his Lingxiao Group is, Xiao Zhu is not worthy to continue to be his Xiao Shao in the business world.

Of course, Xiao Zhu also hopes that Su Xiaoqing is bragging in his heart, but from the past experience of this beautiful girl, the probability of Su Xiaoqing bragging is really small.

If I remember correctly, Su Xiaoqing talked directly with the Pentagon...

However, since Su Xiaoqing is willing to talk to himself, Xiao Zhu's purpose has finally been partially achieved. He said with a smile, "Now all countries are investing in the research and development of graphene production lines and mass production methods, but our requirements for finished products are relatively high, so we want to order part from Miss Su."

Graphene is still widely used, and some studies even have necessities. According to several common graphene production methods in the world, the low efficiency is on the one hand, and the most important thing is that the quality of the finished product is really out of control.

If this is not the case, the importance of Su Xiaoqing would not have been revealed so much.

Su Xiao glanced at Su Yifan, and the two bumped into each other's thoughts from their eyes. This Xiao Zhu intends to use the excuse of long-term cooperation to talk to Su Xiaoqing, which is not new.

"I don't care about the specific questions. You can ask my assistant Yi Lan." Su Xiaohrugged his shoulders, "At present, my price is a little high. It's okay if your group can accept it."

This "a little high" is not generally high. Compared with the graphene material obtained by the soil method, the price of Su Xiaoqing's material is at least 20% higher. Xiao Zhu doesn't know the details, but now this state of public view can only pinch his nose and recognize it.

"The price is good. As long as there is no problem with the quality, the group's current laboratory still needs this thing."

Su Xiaoqing smiled casually: "Graphene is just an excessive material. In the end, I think everyone will find a better two-dimensional nanomaterial."

"I hope so." Xiao Zhu pretended to raise his glass gracefully, and several young girls around him did not raise their glasses together.

"But has Miss Su ever thought about investing in other physical industries?" Xiao Zhu immediately asked after taking a sip of wine, "Although the material industry is very sunny, the pressure of governments to study themselves is also very large, and the potential risks are not small."

Xiao Zhu is implying that Su Xiaoqing can cooperate more with himself, which is his advantage. For Xiao Zhu, Lingxiao Group is a heavy and sweet burden, because Xiao Zhu may not be able to surpass the shadow brought by the achievements of Lingxiao Group in his life, and sweetness is because he has gained a lot of convenience from it.

Like any previous chat with a seemingly strong beauty, Xiao Zhu simply moved out of Lingxiao Group to hint at Su Xiaoqing.

Su Yifan, who has been silent, smiled and said, "Xiao Shao, do you think the current industrial structure is still very stable?"

Yang Bingbing's wonderful eyes fell on Su Yifan, with a mostly admiration.

Xiao Zhu didn't expect that Su Yifan would still take the initiative to talk to him. Unexpectedly, he asked, "Without the foundation, the technology industry has no value to play."

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Are American products made in China?"

This rebuttal is enough to overturn Xiao Zhu's theory.

Think about it, it's true. The people who really make the most profits are often not the bottom manufacturing industry.

The rapid economic growth of the Celestial Empire in the past decade, many of them are bubble data created in this state of drinking and quenching thirst. International engineering is undertaken with minimum standards, using a large amount of cheap labor to squeeze surplus value...

Su Yifan's words made Xiao Zhu's proud Lingxiao Group become an international third-rate group.

Seeing Xiao Zhu's bad face, Su Yifan didn't care and continued: "It's not so much that technology will become the leader of future business development, but the convenience brought by technology to change the industry, and the experience created by technology to guide users. It is difficult for people to return to the era of ordinary LCD with screens with high-definition resolution, which is the key to technology to determine the market.

This time, not only Yang Bingbing, but also Su Xiaoqing looked at Su Yifan with a smile of admiration.

Although Xiao Zhu is arrogant and has a sensitive sense of business, he knows that what Su Yifan said makes sense. Just as e-commerce has begun to have an impact on traditional business models, Xiao Zhu knows that many industries will eventually face the problem of users' independent choice.

Children like Su Yifan, who started to get rich from mobile phones, are absolutely right in their thinking. He just chose a way to change the world through extensive influence.

"Some physical industries cannot be replaced under any circumstances." Xiao Zhu agreed with Su Yifan in his point of view, but he could not agree in the conversation. "The foundation of clothing, food, housing and transportation must always be done well."

Su Yifan nodded: "Yes, but whether selling clothes or food, online sales have gradually replaced physical stores, and they have made the most money. The company that provides services for online sales has become a big winner.

Xiao Zhu really has nothing to refute this view. Many little girls he knows can shop online. This alone is enough to prove that Su Yifan is right.

Su Xiao clapped his hands and said, "Well, today is to celebrate Yang Bingbing's birthday. Isn't it too bad for us to talk about this?"

Yang Bingbing, standing beside Su Yifan, smiled shyly: "Don't worry about me, I also like to hear you discuss this."

Su Yifan almost forgot that Yang Bingbing was a girl who was very interested in economics, and she inadvertently liked what she said to Xiao Zhu.

Xiao Zhu originally wanted to have a good chat with Su Xiaoqing in a strong way, but he didn't expect that it would eventually become a conversation with Su Yifan. He felt that he still underestimated this high school student.

For good, the atmosphere of the conversation was good, and Xiao Zhu felt that he joined smoothly. Looking back to see where Yang Zongyuan was, he motioned to show off, but found that Yang Zongyuan was nowhere to be found.

Xiao Zhu is surprised that Cheng Shuixin and Cai Qi have returned to the banquet hall.

The two actually went upstairs and sat down casually and came down after receiving Yang Bingbing's notice.

Cai Qi wants to see Su Xiaoqing very much, but Cheng Shuixin feels that Su Xiaoqing is there, and she can completely ignore Xiao Zhu's earnest invitation.

The two girls returned to the banquet hall side by side, attracting a lot of attention. This kind of birthday party is also a good opportunity to discover new prey, but most people know that Cheng Shuixin may be close to Yang Bingbing and choose to resist.

When Xiao Zhu saw Cheng Shuixin coming back, he opened his mouth and asked, "How's Cheng?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled without giving Xiao Zhu any face: "It's all right to see Sister Qing."

What does this mean? Of course, if I see you, Xiao Zhu will continue to be bad...

Cheng Shuixin naturally walked to Su Xiaoqing and stood on both sides of Su Xiaoqing with Yang Bingbing. At this moment, the three bright and touching girls, together with the little sister who bowed their heads and said nothing, suddenly formed an aura that others could not integrate into, which simply magnified the light ten times.

Su Xiaoqing waved to Su Yifan with a smile, approached his ear in the surprised eyes of many people, and whispered, "Do you want to know who is going to kidnap Yang Bingbing?"

Hearing this, Su Yifan's heart suddenly shocked!

If the recent life is too calm, then this sentence makes Su Yifan re-examine his seemingly peaceful life.

There are still so many problems that have not been solved, and I am indeed too comfortable.

Looking at Su Xiaoqing's eyes like a vast starry night, Su Yifan nodded firmly: "I want to!"

"I'll tell you the answer later." Su Xiao smiled and took Yang Bingbing's hand, and then pulled Cheng Shuixin's hand. The action was still a little unnatural. "I'll take the beauties away. It's safer to follow me."

Although Su Yifan didn't quite understand why Su Xiaoqing said such a sentence, he still nodded.

Xiao Zhu, who was choked by Cheng Shuixin, now understood a little. Seeing that Su Xiaoqing wanted to take the girls to the depths of the rest area, he simply followed quickly.

Su Yifan did not follow him. He stayed where he was, surrounded by Cai Qi, who had always looked complicated, and Euler, who was chewing gum not far away.

"How do you feel when you see Sister Qing?"

Cai Qi maintained her expression when she saw Su Xiaoqing just now, and her eyes were a little fluttering.

Su Yifan snapped her fingers in front of Cai Qi, and the girl woke up from a trance.

"Sister Qing has left, so you don't have to be afraid."

Cai Qi looked down deeply at her long skirt. She knew very well that her legs were indeed shaking uncontrollably just now.

This situation has almost never appeared in Cai Qi's life. At this moment, she deeply understood the gap between herself and Su Xiaoqing.

In Su Xiaoqing's opinion, he may not even have the value of saying one more word, right? They don't look at themselves at all. But what about yourself? I just saw Su Xiaoqing's side and was too scared to come forward.

This is a natural fear. Cai Qi dares to be sure that Su Xiaoqing did not show any threat to herself, but she was just scared to death.

Just now, Su Xiaoqing came over and whispered to Su Yifan, which shocked Cai Qi. Even if she knew that the two were close, Cai Qi still couldn't believe that Su Xiaoqing would be so intimate with anyone.

At this moment, Cai Qi re-examined Su Yifan, who had made her mood complicated. She felt that this teenager was really not simple.

At the same time, a pair of eyes in the venue stared at Su Xiaoqing's back, hesitated for a moment, and began to chase after him quickly.