My Goddess

Chapter 174 Shake a Shot

Yang Zongyuan received a phone call from his father. He was disgusted and bored, but he couldn't really break off his relationship with his father.

In Yang Zongyuan's view, Yang Jialiang has neither courage nor talent, and has almost no advantages except for the Yang family. As the nominal son of Yang Jialiang, I have always felt ashamed and have never felt any pride because of this father.

Compared with this mediocre father, Yang Zongyuan felt that his mother Dai Qing was more like a family full of enthusiasm and courage for his career.

Yang Jialiang also had a busy time with his eldest brother in his early years. Later, after the death of the Yang family's boss, he shifted his focus and began a life after handing over most of his property to a private investment company. Probably because the private investment company is indeed well selected, Yang Jialiang's asset appreciation in recent years is better than that of some Yang family members who have independently expanded their territory. This makes everyone have little chance to mock Yang Jialiang even at family gatherings - when it comes to investment vision, many people are really not as good as this wandering middle-aged man who only knows how to eat, drink and play every day.

Yang Zongyuan himself is also very clear that the reason why he can have so many convenient conditions has a lot to do with his nominal son Yang Jialiang.

Whether it is the wealth in the initial stage, the network, or some aura in himself... Without this disgusting old guy, Yang Zongyuan is really not sure whether he can do a lot of things.

Yang Jialiang seldom calls his son. Every time he calls, he almost routinely asks about Yang Zongyuan's recent life. Most of the time, he wanders around the world and doesn't often go home to visit his beautiful wife Dai Qing.

I didn't expect that this time, Yang Jialiang's tone was full of ridicule and even a trace of pity.

"Son, you all work very hard today."

Just like this, Yang Zongyuan has felt that his heart stopped beating for a moment.

Yang Jialiang didn't care about Yang Zongyuan's reaction and continued: "I have always felt that you are a smart child, and I haven't worried much since I was a child. So when you grow up and want to do something independently, I basically fully support it. Those old bastards on Wall Street can eat people without spitting bones. Although you can get to this stage, although it is the credit of the Yang family, it is also the result of your own efforts.

Yang Zongyuan was completely stunned. He almost forgot that his father still had such a calm and objective side. In the past, every time he called Yang Jialiang, he felt that his cheap father was not very sober.

"Are you surprised?" Yang Jialiang asked with a smile, "Will you be happier if I don't wake up all my life?"

This is really a complicated question. Yang Zongyuan's calm and clear mind was really confused at this moment. He subconsciously thought about Yang Jialiang's question and couldn't get an answer.

"Okay, let's talk less." Yang Jialiang didn't have an indulgence on the phone. The strong self-confidence revealed during the conversation was 100 times better than Yang Zongyuan. "The situation tonight is a little bad, do you know?"

Yang Zongyuan looked back at the door of the banquet hall and was about to turn to see the performers. He quickly calmed himself down. In the face of his father who suddenly changed his face, he didn't know whether he should face him with shock or joy.

"I know."

"Can you stop Zhao Xuan or Dai Ge?" Yang Jialiang asked, "If it doesn't work, just do as I say."

Yang Zongyuan took a deep breath and asked, "Why?"

"Because I'm your father, I won't hurt you." Yang Jialiang said, "If I don't treat you as a son, you are not even qualified to enter Wall Street."

The confident and domineering sentence made Yang Zongyuan speechless. It was difficult for him to imagine that such words came from the mouth of his father Yang Jialiang, who had never been serious.

Yang Jialiang did not give Yang Zongyuan the opportunity to continue to think and asked, "Is today's situation what you want?"

Yang Zongyuan tried to adjust his mentality, but he was still not used to talking to his father like this: "Of course not."

"Your mother likes to be smart. You are not the same as her." Yang Jialiang sighed, "Today's matter was temporarily decided by Dai Ge, right?"

Yang Zongyuan admitted, "Yes, Zhao Xuan felt that Su Xiaoqing had found something, and his second aunt decided to do something to Su Xiaoqing."

Yang Jialiang sneered: "Idiot, if she had the opportunity, wouldn't AUU spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year in vain? Does she really think she is better than others?

At this time, Yang Zongyuan heard some clues that were different from the previous intelligence and asked in surprise, "AUU?"

"AUU is now cooperating with Su Xiaoqing to carry out deep space aviation projects, of course, not based on equal trust." Yang Jialiang said with a little sarcastic tone, "For AUU, Su Xiaoqing is a huge trouble. He can neither fully believe in cooperating with it nor bypass her technical commanding heights. Therefore, AUU has thought of many ways to get information from Su Xiaoqing, both soft and hard methods. Do you think you can do better than AUU?

Yang Zongyuan does not need others to explain to himself what AUU is. As an investor who has a full understanding of world economic trends, he certainly knows how powerful AUU is.

AUU can't do it. Can you do it yourself? Yang Zongyuan knew the answer without even making a comparison.

At this time, Yang Jialiang called himself and actually said this?

"I don't agree with my second aunt's approach." Yang Zongyuan calmed himself down and whispered, "But I can't stop her. This is hers."

"Your second aunt can do whatever she wants." Yang Jialiang's voice was full of coldness, "Their sisters have the same personality, and they don't shed tears without seeing the coffin. I don't expect much from them. Now I just hope you can go well.

"So what do you mean by telling me these today?" Yang Zongyuan had calmed down, and he began to realize that Yang Jialiang's phone call was a little awakening, "I hope I can do something?"

"No, it's better for you to do nothing." Yang Jialiang said, "Just like me, I stand here and watch everything happen, then think about success or failure before deciding what to do next."

Yang Zongyuan lost his voice and said, "Are you at the venue?"

"Not too far away." Yang Jialiang said, "You should meet the performers. If Su Xiaoqing is really not as powerful as I expected, I will give you all the property after this and fully support you to marry Zhao Xuan or Yang Bingbing. If your second aunt fails, I will come forward to protect your mother. Do you think this decision is okay?

Yang Jialiang's coldness stunned the talented Yang Zongyuan for a moment. He really couldn't figure out why Yang Jialiang valued him so much. If Yang Jialiang's previous image of a promiscuous old man has always been acting, he should be a cold man who doesn't care about anyone. Why would he tell himself this?

"...I don't know. If you have decided, just do as you say." Yang Zongyuan calmed his breathing a little and whispered, "I hope you can protect my mother."

"Don't worry, Dai Qing is the most beloved woman in my life, so you are my own son. I won't leave you alone." Yang Jialiang laughed and said, "Think about it yourself. Who loved you the most when you were a child?"

Of course, Yang Zongyuan remembered that before Yang Jialiang began to fall, he was definitely a competent and good father. I seemed to change my mouth unconsciously, no longer calling me uncle but dad. It's just that the reality is too cruel to remind people of the happy times.

"Go ahead and call me anytime." Yang Jialiang didn't give Yang Zongyuan too much time to sigh and aftertaste, so he hung up the phone.

Yang Zongyuan put away his phone and walked into the performance*, with a smile on his face and began to greet the performers.



The third uncle has been standing on the side of the air corridor, staring at the entrance and exit of the front and rear doors of the hotel.

Su Xiaoqing's position has long been confirmed by the third uncle. With the highest security authority of the whole hotel, he can lock almost any guest wandering in public in the hotel. Su Xiaoqing's position is so obvious that there is Zhao Xuan around him who is easier to locate. It's difficult not to know.

After Su Xiaoqing took Zhao Xuan out of the main building on the east side of the hotel, the third uncle directly targeted the long-haired girl almost instantly.

Beautiful and confident, similar to the profile photo provided by Daigo.

Looking down from the air, Su Xiaoqing was about the size of a matchstick. The third uncle narrowed his eyes to see the little girl carefully, and simply took out a telescope from his pocket.

The middle-aged man around him has disappeared for a long time, and the third uncle doesn't think he will hinder his actions. This man and Daigo must be the two most clear about their abilities.

After the powerful function of the mini-telescope, the third uncle finally saw a clear and complete Su Xiaoqing.

Just as the third uncle almost saw Su Xiaoqing, he found that the girl who was walking slowly forward raised her head.

Su Xiaoqing, who walked leisurely, looked up at the air.

That is, less than a second, Su Xiaoqing looked directly against the third uncle.

The third uncle's heart was shocked, and it was too late to avoid Su Xiaoqing's eyes.

Then the third uncle saw Su Xiao narrow his eyes and smiled at himself.

Zhao Xuan, who was beside Su Xiaoqing, was thinking about how to calmly distract Su Xiaoqing's attention, and suddenly found that she looked up and smiled into the air.

Following Su Xiaoqing's eyes, Zhao Xuan saw the sound of blue repairman's clothes in the famous air corridor.

Of course, Zhao Xuan knew who the figure was, and a great panic began to spread rapidly in her heart.

What did Su Xiaoqing find? What does she want to do?

In Zhao Xuan's surprised eyes, Su Xiao raised a hand and made a virtual shooting action in that direction.

The fingers shook, and the third uncle's body standing in the air corridor also shook, and his whole body fell down like a doll that lost its center of gravity.