My Goddess

Chapter 177 The performance after the performance

Digo glanced at the number on his mobile phone. It was his daughter Zhao Xuan.

The number on the office landline phone comes from Yang Jialiang, the man who has been laughing at his sister and will inevitably like him.

Hesitating for a second, Daigo first picked up the landline in the office.

On the phone, Yang Jialiang's voice was more or less hoarse, as if he had just watched a film that made the population dry.

"Where is the body of the third uncle?"

Digo was not surprised by Yang Jialiang's reaction at all. His feelings for his third uncle were actually deeper than his own. It's just that as a woman, except for putting love on herself, Daigo rarely suffers for the life and death of others. The moment she just knew that the third uncle was hopeless, she was more shocked and disappointed, but not much sad.

"The security department has dealt with it and is on the way to the hospital." Dai Ge recalled the riot just now, and his beautiful eyebrows frowned together again, "Where are you now?"

"I'm following your baby daughter." Yang Jialiang said, "Zongyuan seems to be safer now, and Zhao Xuan is hard to say."

Because the impact of the third uncle's matter had not yet recovered, Dai Ge's breathing paused slightly: "Zhao Xuan will be fine. She knows how to protect herself."

"Do you think she really has the ability to protect herself in the current situation, or do you have the ability to protect yourself?" Yang Jialiang asked, "I'll go to the hospital to take a look at my third uncle's body. Don't act rashly during this period."

Dige disagrees with Yang Jialiang's arrangement: "I'll stay here and wait for death?"

"Obviously, the initiative is not in your hands now." Yang Jialiang said rudely, "We have discussed it a long time ago, and there should not have been any extracurricular work today. Do you want everyone to be dragged into the water by you?

Digo's slightly frightened mood was no longer flinching because of Yang Jialiang's accusations. She sneered and asked, "Do you think I don't have enough cards in my hand?"

Yang Jialiang knew his sister-in-law better than anyone else and advised him earnestly: "It's not that the cards in your hand are not good, but that you don't know what cards the other party has at all. You can't act rashly until I find out the cause of my third uncle's death.

"Are you ordering me?"

"I'm asking you." Yang Jialiang said, "You and I have been so smooth these years. This level of setback is not a bad thing for us."

"What if Su Xiaoqing went to tell Jiang Ran about that?"

"Su Xiaoqing hasn't said it yet. He will definitely not say it immediately because you plan to arrange someone to do something to her." Yang Jialiang analyzed, "If you have what she wants, she should bring it up soon."

Dego was a little desperate that the man she admired was so timid, although timidity was also her first reaction: "Do you think I have anything else she wants?"

Yang Jialiang sighed and could only prompt, "What if Su Xiaoqing doesn't like Jiang Ran?"

Digo was shocked. She didn't expect Yang Jialiang to think so. This sentence quickly spread her thoughts.

In Daigo's concept, Su Xiaoqing has a good relationship with Yang Bingbing, and Su Yifan is the ambiguous object that almost everyone can see. With these two layers of relationship, Dai Ge takes it for granted that Su Xiaoqing should have a good relationship with Mrs. Yang.

But from today's situation, Su Xiaoqing seems to have known a long time ago that Dai Qing and Zhao Xuan jointly started to fight against Yang Bingbing. Why haven't they explained the situation to Yang Bingbing and Mrs. Yang so far?

The answer can be so simple, but because it is a dead corner of thinking, Daigo didn't expect it for a moment.

Yang Jialiang can analyze her position from Su Xiaoqing's attitude so quickly, which alone can be regarded as a master of insight into people's hearts.

"You mean we can take advantage of this contradiction?"

Yang Jialiang denied Dai Ge's idea: "We may not be able to use Su Xiaoqing, but at least we can let her not make things worse."

Digo still doesn't give up: "Without the third uncle, I can solve the problem myself."

"Are you going to fight by yourself?" Yang Jialiang asked, "I don't want to go to the hospital to see the cause of your death again."

Digo's heart suddenly tightened when he thought of his third uncle's death without warning.

"How on earth did she do it..."

"This is the problem I want to figure out now." Yang Jialiang returned to the original topic, "Wait for my news honestly and don't act rashly."

Daigo on the other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds and sighed.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Yang Jialiang smiled hoarsely.

"Hasn't it always been like this?"

Put down Yang Jialiang's phone, and Dai Ge called his daughter again.

"How's it going?"

"Su Xiaoqing went to the performance. What should I do next?" Zhao Xuan rarely asks others what to do, except when he is facing his mother, "Do I still want to follow her?"

Digo sighed and said, "Your uncle went to the hospital to see his third uncle's body. Before he replied, we didn't move."

Zhao Xuan felt that his breathing was now many times shorter than before: "Well, until then, I will always follow Su Xiaoqing."

Dige appeased his daughter and said, "Your uncle is right. We should still be useful to Su Xiaoqing, otherwise she will not have revealed us until now."

Zhao Xuan asked, "What else did your uncle say?"

Dai Ge was silent for a moment, as if he had mentioned a taboo spell. He whispered, "Su Xiaoqing's relationship with Mrs. Yang should be very bad, otherwise she would have told Mrs. Yang everything."

This statement made Zhao Xuan feel a little comforted, but she was still a little worried: "Su Xiaoqing's * is too terrible, and I'm still worried."

"Don't worry, at worst, have a showdown with Mrs. Yang." Dai Ge's statement to Zhao Xuan is exactly the same as Zhao Xuan's previous statement to Yang Zongyuan, "We are far away from here, and she can't deal with us with all her strength."

In terms of personality, Zhao Xuan is still very similar to his mother. He doesn't say anything more: "Okay, I will contact you at any time."

"Be careful." Dai Ge said to Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan on the other side of the phone paused slightly and whispered, "I will."

Zhao Xuan returned to the banquet hall. The performance had just begun. Su Xiaoqing sat alone at a table, next to the woman with a strong figure. Not far away, Su Yifan sat at another table with Yang Bingbing, and Yang Shengsheng, Yang Shangzhi and others were also there. From afar, Su Yifan confused the Yang family's happiness. In fact, when he approached, he found that Yang Bingbing's eyes were always on Su Yifan.

In this boring time, Yang Bingbing prefers to observe Su Yifan and watch his small movements and performance.

The performance is wonderful, and the guests invited are all stars with certain strength. There is no doubt about their stage experience and professional level. The atmosphere at the scene quickly became hot, and there were waves of applause and applause, which made Su Yifan feel that this kind of family banquet attended by so-called upper-class people was no different from some small scenes he had seen.

Su Yifan still has a string in his mind. He is worried about Su Xiaoqing and Yang Bingbing. However, Su Xiaoqing, who was sitting there alone, made an OK gesture to himself and suddenly relaxed a lot.

Su Xiaoqing said that there was no problem, that was really no problem.

The problem is... Xiao Zhu didn't know when he came back, but he actually went to talk to Su Xiaoqing with a shy face.

This time, Xiao Zhu's attitude was not as good as before, and the expression on his face was also very sincere. Unfortunately, Su Xiaoqing's attitude towards him was still the same as before.

Yang Bingbing saw Xiao Zhu running over to pester Su Xiaoqing again and asked Su Yifan in a low voice, "Don't you have to go and help Sister Qing relieve the siege?"

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "Do you think Sister Qing can't deal with a Xiao Zhu?"

Of course, Yang Bingbing has confidence in Su Xiaoqing, but she feels that Su Yifan is always responsible for solving such troubles. This time, he actually stayed by his side, which is a little strange.

"But it will be boring to be alone, right? You can go and stay with her. It doesn't matter here.

Su Yifan nodded, but he didn't have time to explain more to Yang Bingbing, because he saw that Zhao Xuan had come back.

Looking at Zhao Xuan, Su Yifan no longer has the previous feeling of appreciating a competitor, but now he can suppress his emotions and make his angry expression not reveal.

Thinking that Zhao Xuan had seen Yang Bingbing several times and showed that his appearance was simply normal, Su Yifan couldn't help admiring this woman's silence.

"Sister Zhao Xuan, sit here." Su Yifan took the initiative to get up and greet Zhao Xuan, "Your family is reunited. I'll go to accompany Sister Qing."

Yang Bingbing took a look at Su Yifan, and she also knew that Su Yifan was really not suitable to stay in this circle under such circumstances. Everyone didn't say anything just now, and Yang Zongyuan failed to stir up the atmosphere because of Su Yifan, an outsider.

Su Yifan got up, and Cheng Shuixin and Zhang Yao also followed him to Su Xiaoqing.

Zhao Xuan was keenly aware that Su Yifan's eyes seemed to be different, and she probably guessed why. This speculation made Zhao Xuan's mood heavier than before.

When he came to Su Xiaoqing's table, Su Yifan rudely sat directly next to Su Xiaoqing: "Sister Qing, is the performance good?"

Su Xiao could hear Su Yifan's pun and nodded with a smile and said, "It's wonderful."

"Real?" Su Yifan took a look at Xiao Zhu. The man was still trying to talk to Su Xiaoqing, but the topic was too exhausted. "I missed a lot of wonderful parts?"

Su Xiao smiled and shook his head: "Absolutely not."


"The performance after the performance is more wonderful." Su Xiao smiled quietly and applauded the performance on the stage, "You have to stick to the end."

"I will try my best." Su Yifan smiled and said, "It's good to pass the best part."

Cheng Shuixin also heard that the conversation between the two was not ordinary chat this time. She tilted her head and looked at Su Yifan, and the smile in her eyes seemed to be more than just now.

Su Yifan found Cheng Shuixin's little move and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Cheng Shuixin smiled happily, "That's good."

Su Yifan didn't understand, but Su Xiaoqing understood and winked at Cheng Shuixin.

- You like Su Yifan more and more, don't you?