My Goddess

Chapter 178 Another small thing

Xiao Zhu has been excluded from the conversation. Naturally, he is not in a good mood, but with a happy and peaceful smile on his face.

You can make Xiao Shao, who usually doesn't hide his expression, do this step. In anyone's opinion, Su Xiaoqing is also extremely powerful. Xiao Zhu usually seems to be gentle. When he is really arrogant, he will never be soft. Even if he is against some elders, he often shows aggressiveness. Like now, a person who is almost 30 years old behaves quite well in front of a young girl, which is simply unheard of.

However, this scene really happened. Su Xiaoqing chatted with Su Yifan as if nothing had happened.

Su Xiaoqing felt more terrible in Zhao Xuan's eyes.

Now, few people in the whole banquet hall know what happened in the air corridor.

The old man is old, and the heart attack is not unusual. Although the third uncle has a special status, there are fewer people who really understand his status in the Dai family. The banquet hall still continued to sing and laugh, in sharp contrast to the sad face of Dai Ge's mother and daughter.

Digo has been separated from her husband Zhao Chuanzhi for a long time. Today, no one will foolishly ask why Daigo did not have any problems with her husband.

"Chen Wenli's performance skills have been incorporated into a lot of feelings. Even if she is only a craftsman, it is worth learning."

Sitting at the table on the side of the Yang family, Zhao Xuan listened to Yang Bingbing and Yang Zongyuan discuss the performance artists in front of him, and still continued to be distracted.

Yang Zongyuan smiled and said, "Now the audience is demanding. Just performing is not enough. The performance should be able to take them to places they have never been."

Yang Bingbing just planned to say a few words casually, indicating that she was satisfied with the performance arranged this time. Seeing that Yang Zongyuan actually discussed it seriously with herself, she casually said, "For the audience, emotional resonance is still the first. The place they are going to go is not something that they have never been to. It is likely that they have I have been there."

Yang Shengsheng has no feelings for this sister who has been living in China, but as Yang's family, she will habitually envy everything she is about to get. Hearing Yang Bingbing and Yang Zongyuan talking about art sourly, they immediately turned their heads with no interest and looked at a group of handsome men who were about to come on stage in the distance.

As the closest artist of the Yang family, Yang Shangzhi agrees with Yang Bingbing's theory: "Bing is right. Everyone pays more attention to their own inner emotional experience. Popular love songs are always sung by people who are first love and disappointed in love, and the lyrics seem to make people feel that every sentence is sung to themselves. The audience wants to see the performance that blends into emotions, but they actually want to find their own shadow from an emotion.

How can Zhao Xuan hear what these people are sad about? She is now full of how to deal with Su Xiaoqing and when Yang Jialiang's phone call will be called.

Since the day he made the decision to attack Yang Bingbing, Zhao Xuan has been worried about the worst situation. Once countless times, Zhao Xuan kept hinting at himself, and even cheated himself in the end. All this uneasiness was uncovered within an hour today. Su Xiaoqing was like opening Pandora's box, bringing endless fear and weak hope to himself.

I hope that as my uncle Yang Jialiang said, Su Xiaoqing has a faint discord with Mrs. Yang...

Occasionally, he looked in the direction of Su Xiaoqing. Zhao Xuan always felt that the girl's brilliant eyes would look at him briefly.

With such a keen man as Zhao Xuan, she couldn't see what the girl was thinking or what was hidden in her eyes.



Yang Jialiang, dressed in a simple clerk uniform, drove an ordinary Volkswagen Passat and got off the car in the parking lot of the Third People's Hospital of Linhai City.

While talking on the phone with Dai Qing, Yang Jialiang has driven to the Third People's Hospital to help preserve the body. In recent years, the funeral has been improved, and the body of the third uncle is either put here or sent directly to the funeral home.

Killing at the birthday party... Yang Jialiang admires Su Xiaoqing's decisiveness and courage, and is more convinced that the relationship between this girl and Mrs. Yang may not be as close as everyone thinks.

Although the sentence that money can push ghosts is extreme, it is generally useful. It took Yang Jialiang about a few minutes to persuade the relevant personnel that he could enter the morgue to see the body of his third uncle.

At this time, Yang Jialiang had taken off the coat that covered his personality. He changed from a mediocre office worker to a vigorous middle-aged man, with a shrewd face that others could not understand, and quickly walked into the morgue accompanied by a doctor.

All procedures and forms can be exempted. Yang Jialiang soon saw the body of his third uncle in Area C of the cold storage.

Not long ago, I was still talking to my third uncle, and in a blink of an eye, the tough old man had turned into a dead soul. Yang Jialiang hated Daigo's self-made decisions, and also knew that he should not look down at his third uncle's expression and body with strong personal emotions.

Unlike the experience of many peers, Yang Jialiang can conclude that it is indeed a heart attack from the facial expressions and external characteristics of the third uncle without the doctor next to him.

Is it really such a coincidence? Yang Jialiang also knew that Su Xiaoqing shot his third uncle with a finger at that time, just like playing games between children.

Yang Jialiang, who has seen Su Xiaoqing, can almost imagine how cute such a beautiful girl is to make such a move.

This is so cute... Thinking of this layer, Yang Jialiang asked the doctor nervously, "Can myocardial infarction be induced?"

The doctor was just arranged to take Yang Jialiang to the morgue and was reluctant to answer this kind of mentally retarded question. However, at this moment, he took a look at the corner of his eyes and found that this man who looked like an office worker took out a handful of * from his handbag, and visually measured at least 30 pieces.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yang Jialiang's attitude was very sincere, "Call you over in the middle of the night. Don't dislike it."

The doctor who brought Yang Jialiang's anger and resentment disappeared in an instant, but became a little frightened: "How embarrassing is this..."

Yang Jialiang pushed hard: "If you don't accept it, I'm also uneasy, so don't be polite."

After the doctor collected the money awkwardly, his attitude completely changed: "In theory, of course, it is possible that sudden increase in blood pressure, sudden drop in temperature and other factors can cause sudden myocardial infarction. Judging from the external characteristics of the deceased, it should be a sudden myocardial infarction, which is too late to rescue even in the hospital..."

Yang Jialiang himself is also a person with a private doctor. He knows some medical knowledge. He silently listened to the doctor tell him the basic knowledge for a while and nodded and said, "The deceased has no family members. If you ask for an autopsy, you only need the person in charge of the hotel to sign and agree. Right?"

"In theory, this is no problem." The doctor took a look at Yang Jialiang's dress and always felt that it should be a manager's secretary or something. "Basically, as long as the family or work unit strongly requests it, it will be carried out."

Yang Jialiang nodded, watched the third uncle's body return to the freezer, and turned around and left the morgue.

When he came out of the hospital, Yang Jialiang asked the car to move slowly on the road and called Dai Ge: "It's a little troublesome."

"Why is it troublesome?" Dai Ge is the last to hear this kind of words now, "Isn't Uncle's heart attack accidental?"

Yang Jialiang asked, "Would you like to believe that it was an accidental attack or something to do with Su Xiaoqing?"

Dego was speechless for a moment, mainly because the situation she encountered was too much beyond the scope of common sense, which made her consistent life experience useless.

"I believe it has something to do with Su Xiaoqing." Daigo was silent and replied, "What should I do now? Sit and wait for her to make a move?"

Yang Jialiang said, "If Su Xiaoqing won't turn against you for a while, you can wait and see. I'll find someone to apply for an autopsy of the third uncle's body. Just sign it.

Digo said, "My third uncle is highly valued, and someone will definitely be dissatisfied with my behavior."

"Then convince them in your usual way." Yang Jialiang showed a stronger calmness than women at this time. "It's not difficult with your charm."

Daigo smiled bitterly: "You look up to me too much. I'll try it."

"It must be successful." Yang Jialiang said, "I have a shadow in my mind now. If the cause of my third uncle's death is not clear, we will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Dige understood what Yang Jialiang meant: "I know. Come back as soon as possible."

"No, I won't go back for the time being." Yang Jialiang drove a corner at the intersection, "I'm going to meet some old friends. I'll finish as soon as I can finish earlier tonight."

"That depends on what Su Xiaoqing means." Daigo said.



In the banquet hall, the performance and compliments on the stage continued, and the scene was still lively.

Every time someone wishes Yang Bingbing to be more beautiful, a light falls on Yang Bingbing on the stage, making this beautiful girl have to smile.

Su Yifan could see that Yang Bingbing's smile was a little stiff, which was the first time for her.

"What a pity, such a birthday." Su Xiaoqing secretly reminded Su Yifan, "Have you ever thought about hosting a real birthday party for your good friend?"

Su Yifan's eyes lit up. It's not that he didn't think about this problem. The main reason is that the Yang family's battle today is too big, which makes him feel that there is no need to to toss around again.

Now looking at Yang Bingbing's reaction, Su Yifan felt that his original idea was right.

Happiness is really not completely piled up with money. Su Yifan used to think that this is particularly pretated, but now he knows that it really makes sense.

"When the performance is over, ask the birthday star if he can run away first." Su Yifan said, "Gather your own people together and have another one?"

Su Xiao smiled and said, "The place where you prepared for your birthday last time is still empty, but it can be considered."

"Then I'll call and get in touch." Su Yifan got up and said, "Shall we withdraw in a while?"

"Wait a little later." Su Xiao looked at the performance on the stage and whispered, "I still have a little thing to do."