My Goddess

Chapter 182 The People Left Behind

Su Xiaoqing is definitely not the kind of person who does things, because she doesn't care about some details at all. Even if many things really leave some traces and regrets, she doesn't care.

But this time, Su Xiaoqing really didn't give anyone a chance to escape. In the strong smoke, Zhao Xuan felt as if he had been choked by something and couldn't even cough.

Zhao Xuan knew that she had lost completely. She just didn't understand why Su Xiaoqing worked so hard.

Zhao Xuan, who desperately covered her mouth and nose, felt not very well because she inhaled too much irritating gas. Now someone is holding her neck and dragging herself away, and she has no strength to resist.

The elevator that had been invalid on the top floor became available again in an instant, and Zhao Xuan felt that there was a force to drag himself into the elevator. At this moment, even Zhao Xuan, who was usually smart and calm, made up countless strange pictures, including the imagination that he was doing strange things in the elevator by two terrible men.

Su Xiaoqing, who was still wearing a gas mask, followed. Even through the thick smoke, he seemed to see what Zhao Xuan was thinking.

"I know you are a cautious person and will not take action if you have no chance of winning." Su Xiaoqing's voice was still relaxed, but slightly deformed through the gas mask. "Actually, I'm not interested in what your mother and daughter want to do. It's just that your paranoia is too serious."


Zhao Xuan can do nothing but cough desperately now. He can only listen to Su Xiaoqing's declaration and be speechless. She believes that no one will feel happy in the face of such a girl.

The elevator was about to close slowly. Su Xiaoqing snapped his fingers again. The older one of the two men threw something out, and then turned his back to the outside, blocking Su Xiaoqing's sight.

When the elevator door was closed, Zhao Xuan heard a slight cracking sound outside the elevator. She wanted to ask what it was, but her throat could no longer make a sound.

Down from the top floor to the 21st floor, Su Xiaoqing stopped the elevator, and then the handsome young man dragged Zhao Xuan, and he quickly walked out of the elevator with the old man.

Daigo's office is on the 21st floor, in an inconspicuous corner.

Zhao Xuan is still coughing desperately. The effect of * is too strong, which is too stimulating for her, who has always been well-givated. The young handsome man did not have any feeling of pity and cherishing jade. He grabbed Zhao Xuan's neck with one hand, and the other hand was on guard at any time, so that Zhao Xuan, who was dragged by himself, could hurt people at any time.

Because of the special situation on this floor, there is basically no one in the corridor. Su Xiaoqing smoothly took Zhao Xuan to the door of Dai Ge's office.

Zhao Xuan coughed hard and whispered, "My mother can see the monitoring of the whole building... You guys, when you came, she was already..."

Su Xiaoqing looked back at Zhao Xuan and asked, "Do you think I won't modify the surveillance video?"

Zhao Xuan has nothing to say.

In Daigo's office, the woman with a cold expression was still there.

Maybe from the beginning, Daigo has not planned to leave.

Watching Su Xiaoqing drag Zhao Xuan in, Dai Ge did not show much surprise, but stared at Su Xiaoqing coldly, a little like an animal looking at his natural enemy.

"Xiao Xuan chose the wrong opponent. She should not target you."

Su Xiaoqing asked the handsome young man to throw Zhao Xuan on the sofa and shook his head and said, "No, I think she is young and brave. If she doesn't do this kind of thing, there will be no chance at all. Any young man will try to resist."

Digo said, "But you have proved yourself with your third uncle."

Su Xiaoqing said casually, "Those are just small tricks. Do you think this level of deterrence is useful when it really comes to a stake?"

Digo was silent, and she knew that what Su Xiaoqing said was true.

It has been like this since ancient times. No one does the business that loses money, and there are people who do the business that kills the money.

It is the interests that ultimately determine all problems, not the means of who can frisk whom.

Su Xiaoqing saw this very clearly, so she did not regard Zhao Xuan as an opponent at all, but completely smashed the violent factors of Zhao Xuan and Dai Ge's dream in China.

"There should be no elevator to go up to the top floor now. Let those people sleep for a while." Su Xiaoqing said to Dai Ge, "Can this ensure a fair conversation?"

After all, Daigo is still a woman who has experienced many ups and downs. Looking at Su Xiaoqing, he did not show any hysteria, but smiled bitterly: "Do you think it's so fair?"

"It's fair to me, it's unfair to you." Su Xiaoqing said, "I know you still have cards. Do you really want to play?"


Digo felt that he had become retarded in front of this little girl and had a feeling that he was not confrontational at all. Now she understands why Yang Jialiang let himself stand still.

Su Xiaoqing is indeed the biggest variable, every time.

Although I have paid enough attention to it, it is far from enough.

Su Xiaoqing sat down on the sofa opposite Dai Ge, looked at Zhao Xuan, who was still covering his face and coughing, and made a gesture to the smiling young handsome man.

The young handsome man was slashed on Zhao Xuan's beautiful neck with one palm.

Zhao Xuan completely fell into a coma.

Digo's face changed a little, but finally there was no attack, and his expression was still very calm.

"I know you always want to express that you don't care much about Zhao Xuan." Su Xiao looked down at Dai Ge and whispered, "Actually, I know that the parents in the world are the same. You are just more confident in your daughter."

Daigo stared at Su Xiaoqing, and his eyes were a little scattered.

"Actually, I'm not interested in what you have done." Su Xiaoqing continued, "The main reason is that I don't have any good gifts for Yang Bingbing, and then I think it's good to give her peace."

Daigo, who was still calm, finally felt a little dizzy when he heard this sentence.

Is it just for such a simple reason?

No, Daigo absolutely doesn't believe it. She thinks that Su Xiaoqing should still have something to do. She is looking forward to Su Xiaoqing's next article.



The performance of the dinner was coming to an end, and Chen Wenli performed a passionate song with a violin, which attracted thunderous applause from the stage.

Everyone was very satisfied with the performance tonight. They frequently looked at Yang Zongyuan, who organized the dinner party, and expressed their affirmation of him.

Yang Zongyuan, who was in the public's face, had a very natural smile on his face. While nodding to everyone, he asked David beside him in a low voice: "There is no news yet. Do you want to call someone to have a look?"

David also smiled cheerfully beside Yang Zongyuan: "My past words revealed my identity. Our people are too easy to recognize."

"Then go and have a look." Yang Zongyuan had to smile and gritted his teeth, "I'm worried about Zhao Xuan."

"Okay, okay, I'll ask someone to inquire." David actually gave in at this time, which shows that he also wants to know the result.

For everyone, Su Xiaoqing is indeed too mysterious and curious. Although Zhao Xuan's approach was rude, he was like a child trying to tear open the black veil of the window and took a step with his actions.

Yang Zongyuan nodded slightly while still smiled: "Go quickly, it's inconvenient for me to call people now, and my second aunt can't get through."

David agreed and felt secretly shocked at the same time. Although the actual controllers of Hua's dream are Dai Ge and Zhao Xuan's mother and daughter, Yang Zongyuan also has a certain right to speak. Now that both of them have lost contact, no matter how you look at the situation, it's not good.

As an excellent intelligence officer, David quickly issued his instructions and waited for feedback.

Not long after, David's cheerful smile was a little strange.

"According to someone's inference from the number of elevator floors, Su Xiaoqing went to the 21st floor."

"That's my second aunt's office." Yang Zongyuan took a deep breath, "Where's Zhao Xuan?"

"It should be in Su Xiaoqing's hands." David now looks calmer than Yang Zongyuan. "Zhao Xuan took people to the top floor to intercept Su Xiaoqing, but failed. Everyone was trapped on the top floor and has not been able to restore the elevator yet."

Although he had expected that the situation would not be too good, Yang Zongyuan was still shocked by the result: "Su Xiaoqing's bodyguard is still here. Why is she..."

David's smile on his face was a little distorted. He whispered, "I didn't expect that Su Xiaoqing would use those two people..."

"Who is it?"

"AUU Group has arranged senior intelligence personnel around the world according to the twelve constellations, two of whom are in Asia." David said this in a suddenly depressed tone, "Yang, I think I should leave."


"I don't want to face Cancer and Gemini at the same time!" David looked a little excited, "Without support, I will die miserably!"

After saying that, the extremely cheerful blonde young man actually got up directly and quickly left the banquet hall, completely ignoring Yang Zongyuan's feelings.

Yang Zongyuan was stunned by this scene. He had known part of David's identity before, and he had high expectations for such people. I didn't expect that David would leave directly now and refuse to say more to himself.

After David left, Yang Zongyuan was stunned for almost a few seconds, then smiled again, and then took out the phone and began to call Zhao Xuan.

I can't get through...

Go to Daigo.

Still can't get through...

Looking at Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing talking and laughing at the other table, Yang Zongyuan suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, and there was also a trace of secret happiness.

From the beginning, Dai Qing and Zhao Xuan did not tell themselves to hijack Yang Bingbing just to let themselves get rid of the whole thing. Once the planning fails, they are still clean.

There is no need to ask for verification. Yang Zongyuan also knew that this must be the result of discussion between Zhao Xuan and Dai Qing. These two women are very demanding on themselves, even higher than himself.

So Zhao Xuan went to see Su Xiaoqing today and didn't let himself follow him, which was also out of this regard.

If something goes wrong, Zhao Xuan's mother and daughter will definitely be in trouble, and Yang Zongyuan will become an innocent outsider left by them.

At this moment, Yang Zongyuan knew that many responsibilities would be shouldered by him, whether he was willing or not.

Yang Zongyuan, who was left in the banquet hall, was also left behind in this family dispute.