My Goddess

Chapter 186 whitewashing is far from enough

The balcony upstairs of the villa is still the same. On Su Yifan's birthday, several people chatted here late, thinking about the future and the past. Those clips are still extremely profound in my memory and are one of the few best memories in Yang Bingbing's life.

Cheng Shuixin saw Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing upstairs to go to the balcony and knew that there were some private topics to talk about. Recalling the scene of that day, I was also one of the members looking up at the starry sky on the balcony and chatting. In just over a month, my mood has changed so much, which made Cheng Shuixin sigh slightly.

Su Xiaoqing was by his side, and Cai Qi also stared at herself. Cheng Shuixin didn't want to show too many unnatural expressions, so she could only smile at Su Xiao and said, "Sister Qing, I don't know if I can touch you on my birthday?"

"I will definitely be there on your birthday." Su Xiao smiled and patted Cheng Shuixin, as if comforting this little girl who was already mature in psychological age.

Yang Bingbing followed Su Yifan upstairs with a slightly calm expression. Just now, Su Yifan said that she had something to say to herself. Seeing that the evening party had come to an end, Yang Bingbing knew that everyone would break up later. Now is a good time to talk.

When you get to the balcony upstairs, the chairs are still in the original position. Looking from this balcony, you can see the distant sea and the stars in the sky ripple on the water. The past and future time are stuck in such a scenery, which makes people feel that nothing is eternal, and nothing is not eternal.

" Sit down." Su Yifan opened a chair for Yang Bingbing, "Are you tired today?"

"I'm not tired." Yang Bingbing smiled at Su Yifan, and there was actually a trace of fatigue between her eyebrows.

It's always a girl's privilege to be wrong. Su Yifan didn't say much even if he could see it.

"It's very lively tonight." Su Yifan thought for a moment and decided to say, "I didn't expect it to be so lively."

Yang Bingbing stared at Su Yifan with a smile on her face: "You don't like to be lively, do you?"

"It's okay. I'm actually happy when there are many people." Su Yifan said, "However, I usually feel a little inferior. The more people there are, the more I worry about making mistakes."

"Many students said that you used to be quite autistic." Yang Bingbing recalled the evaluation of Su Yifan by her classmates and said with a smile, "I felt the same way at the beginning. You were very shy when we met at Professor Fang's lecture."

"How long ago was that?" Su Yifan also smiled, "Do you think I'm quite thick-skinned now?"

"It's okay. In fact, you haven't changed much." Yang Bingbing, as a person who knows many secrets of Su Yifan, seems to be particularly understanding at this time. "Others have experienced you so much and may become more."

Su Yifan shook his head: "I feel that I have changed a lot, and now I may become more realistic than before."

Yang Bingbing looked at Su Yifan and said, "The ideal needs to be based on reality."

There is no need to argue about this, and Su Yifan can also experience it now. Many of your ideas may be difficult to do without a realistic foundation. My so-called qualification to pursue dreams and have achieved a certain degree of success, to put it bluntly, it is because the realistic foundation is better.

Yang Bingbing still looked directly at Su Yifan and continued, "Sometimes I wonder if I am not brave enough to face many problems and can only be an ostrich. Now I know that maybe it's just because I haven't thought about it that. Only when I think about it can everything be easily realized.

Su Yifan smiled and said, "You are now very indoctrinated by Qingjie."

"Sister Qing taught us a lot." Yang Bingbing lowered her head and said, "In the past, I thought it was enough not to care what others think of me, but now I know that it is far from enough."

Su Yifan sighed. He thought of himself and even thought of Cheng Shuixin.

Since he had a close contact with Cheng Shuixin, he is sometimes reluctant to face himself who may be greedy and selfish.

Seeing that Su Yifan was a little depressed, Yang Bingbing said with a smile, "Well, let's not talk about this. What did you want me to say when you came up to me?

Su Yifan smiled awkwardly: "Can't we just chat?"

"Of course." Yang Bingbing simply moved her chair to Su Yifan's side, "Anytime."

Seeing such Yang Bingbing, Su Yifan suddenly softened and even wanted to give up the idea of telling her the truth.

"Say, you never want to hide something in your heart." Yang Bingbing looked closely at Su Yifan, and her eyes were full of understanding of him, "I want to hear it."

Su Yifan took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and whispered, "What I want to say is related to you."

Yang Bingbing was not surprised, but raised the corners of her mouth with a little expectation.


"Um..." Su Yifan arrived at this moment and hesitated and refused to continue, but his previous life experience made him no longer the speechless teenager, but smiled at Yang Bingbing and said, "Give me some time to think about how to make it up."

Yang Bingbing is also a smart girl. Her observation of Su Yifan far exceeds the number of times Su Yifan peeked at her. When she first went upstairs, she thought about it. Now looking at Su Yifan's state, her heart is clearer than before.

"If you have anything, just say it." Yang Bingbing's voice lowered, but her eyes remained on Su Yifan, "I'm one year older today."

Yang Bingbing's attitude surprised Su Yifan a little. He knew that the girl should have understood something. Needless to say, he can understand this tacit understanding with just one look.

After a moment of silence, Su Yifan made up his mind and said, "Did you guess?"

"I only guessed part of it today." When Yang Bingbing calmed down, she was completely like another person. "I just doubted at first, but later they didn't show up, and I basically guessed it."

Su Yifan did not follow Yang Bingbing's topic, but asked, "Do you think being smart is a good thing?"

"It depends on what you think of life." Yang Bingbing said, "I don't think it's a good thing to be in the dark."

Su Yifan sighed, "I talked to Sister Qing on the way here today. We all think that the truth is more important to you."

Yang Bingbing's eyes flashed: "Really?"

"Yes." Su Yifan looked at Yang Bingbing and did not leave.

Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "You still know me."

"Some people, the truth may not matter." Su Yifan said, "But I don't think this kind of thing can be hidden from you."

"Zhao Xuan, Dai Ge, who else?" Yang Bingbing's reaction was much calmer than Su Yifan imagined, and her voice did not tremble much, "Third aunt?"

"Dai Qing also has a share." Su Yifan said, "I don't know what Mrs. Yang will do, but she knows it now."

Yang Bingbing was a little silent and suddenly stood up. This move made Su Yifan a little unclear.

"Hold me." Yang Bingbing said, "I don't want to cry alone."

Su Yifan did not hesitate. He also stood up and hugged Yang Bingbing with open arms.

Because of wearing a dress, Yang Bingbing's perfect curve is almost only a thin layer on Su Yifan. In addition, Su Yifan himself is not thick, which feels like holding a ball of fire that can ignite her.

The two soft balls on the girl's chest were unprepared against Su Yifan's chest, and the excitement brought was simply unimaginable by ordinary people.

The dress should be vacuum, and there is nothing but a pair of milk stickers. The soft feeling instantly made Su Yifan feel that he should not hold Yang Bingbing like this.

But I hugged him, and now there is nothing to regret. Su Yifan can only hold this young and perfect body and try his best not to let his body have a strange reaction.

Yang Bingbing buried her face in Su Yifan's shoulder. As soon as she lowered her head, tears fell down.

Such tears were hot, but Su Yifan's body impulse slowly cooled down.

"Don't cry." Su Yifan gently patted Yang Bingbing on the back with both hands, "It's not worth it."

Yang Bingbing sobbed and choked and said, "I know... I can't help it..."

How to be strong and calm, after all, she is just a 17- or 18-year-old girl. Sometimes Su Yifan's excuse to enlighten himself is also applicable to Yang Bingbing.

"Then cry..." Su Yifan smelled the fragrance of the girl's hair and muttered in a low voice, "After crying, tomorrow will be better."

Yang Bingbing sobbed a few times, and tears left a wet mark on Su Yifan's shoulder. She hugged Su Yifan tightly and refused to let go.

"I actually doubted it for a long time... but I dare not think too much. I can still pretend to be Mrs. Yang, but I know... No matter who it is, I may not be able to stand it..."

"Don't think about it." Su Yifan comforted softly, "Sister Qing has already avenged you."

Yang Bingbing tried to control her tears, and then suddenly felt that it was not good to hold Su Yifan like this, but she was reluctant to let go.

I don't know when I began to become a little dependent on Su Yifan?

"I want to thank Sister Qing..." Yang Bingbing's tears came and went quickly, and it was relatively normal in an instant. "She must be very busy tonight."

"Well, don't think too much. It's not worth crying for that kind of person." Su Yifan continued to comfort Yang Bingbing, "Sister Qing didn't say anything. She just felt a little sorry for disturbing your birthday party."

"No, I won't attend that kind of birthday party in the future, not once!" Yang Bingbing's little temper came up again, "I'd rather be with my friends!"

Su Yifan did not advise Yang Bingbing. He believed that the girl would probably figure out what was more important after anger.

"I don't think I need to talk to you anymore?"

Yang Bingbing wiped her eyes and sucked her nose. These two small movements made her completely mismatch with the cloudy dress, but Su Yifan felt that Yang Bingbing was extremely cute.

"No, you still have to tell me how Sister Qing dealt with Zhao Xuan?"

"Okay...then talk about it."

Su Yifan looked back at the sliding door of the balcony. Everyone didn't come up to disturb him, but he had enough time to tell stories.


Go out for a day and just got home

There is another chapter in the evening