My Goddess

Chapter 190 New entrants

Before giving Yang Bingbing this birthday gift, Su Yifan carefully observed Yang Bingbing's life.

Yang Bingbing is not a very material girl. Of course, she doesn't need to pursue matter. All kinds of material sources will be sent to her.

In this case, Yang Bingbing's simple dress and simple dress show that she is not a girl who is keen on all kinds of self-decoration activities.

But after getting along with Yang Bingbing, Su Yifan can easily see that Yang Bingbing has a little hobby. At the beginning, Mrs. Yang probably also saw Yang Bingbing's little hobby and asked people to leave the ruby necklace with her.

Yang Bingbing has worn about three or four necklaces in front of Su Yifan, all of which are not expensive, but the appearance is quite good. This girl is a hidden necklace lover.

Su Yifan chose such a handmade lion to give to Yang Bingbing, hoping to have a happy smile.

But from a point of view, the result was obviously much better than expected. Yang Bingbing almost rushed over like a lion and kissed Su Yifan on the lips.

However, it was obvious that Yang Bingbing was much more restrained than Cheng Shuixin, and the hot kiss was only close to her lips, and she quickly evacuated from the danger zone.

Su Yifan did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. He probably understands Yang Bingbing's thoughts now. This mood needs to be digested slowly and enjoyed. And as Cheng Shuixin said, if there is really something you can't solve, it's better to leave it to time.

Yang Bingbing did not regret her impulse at all. Although she kissed Su Yifan, her face was not as red as last night.

"Let's go back to the company." Yang Bingbing tried her best to downplay, "I have to digest the first gift you gave me."

Su Yifan knew that Yang Bingbing might have an idea similar to herself. She was unwilling to break this relationship. On the one hand, it was because of the existence of Cheng Shuixin, and on the other hand, she could not convince herself in her heart.

- Since it can't be solved, hang there, and time will always give the answer.

Driving back to the company, Wang Jiantao, who returned to the company from another route, has been working with Cen Shaohua and Qian Xiaoliang. Everyone who has just seen the world of flowers seems to be inspired, and their work attitude is particularly serious.

Su Yifan also has to admit that matter is indeed a good thing, and it can inspire people to forge ahead.

Looking at Su Yifan bringing Yang Bingbing to the company, the eyes of the company's people changed a little. After knowing Yang Bingbing's family background, it is difficult to face this little girl with peace of mind. Everyone knows that Yang Bingbing is relatively easy-going and a little lonely, but now she feels not strange at all.

This subtle change of mentality comes entirely from that amazing dinner.

Cai Qi did not return to the company early. She is now nominally Wang Jiantao's secretary, but in fact she always follows Cheng Shuixin. The illegitimate daughter of the Cai family, who is old enough to be the sister of Su Yifan and others, is as curious about Cheng Shuixin, just like Cai Yan at the beginning.

Wang Jiantao is now acquainted with Su Yifan, secretly expressed his admiration for his thumbs up, and then saw Su Yifan return to fight back against a middle finger and enter the office at the same time.

The windows in the office are bright and clean, which is said to be due to Cai Qi. Su Yifan had no opinion on this. He felt that Cheng Shuixin's means were enough to suppress Cai Qi. Yesterday, Cai Qi looked a little depressed after seeing Su Xiaoqing and seemed to be very stimulated.

"I didn't sleep immediately last night. I looked at what you gave me first." Yang Bingbing was a little shy under the strange eyes of the whole company just now. Instead, she became more comfortable when she entered the office. "It's too detailed. I don't know what I can do."

Su Yifan smiled. What he gave Yang Bingbing was a complete planning book, the most difficult part of which was handwriting rather than creativity.

For Su Yifan, after the running-in of Cute Girl, he has almost figured out the rules of mobile game users. These days, just looking at the ranking list has made me want to vomit. After the changes in the list rule out the possibility of brushing the list under the data combing, you can basically understand the current market demand.

Players on mobile phones pursue gorgeousness, but more simply and fun. A flash creative point extracted from a previous large-scale game may be a very good mobile game.

After understanding this clearly, the idea itself becomes very simple.

Yang Bingbing's advantages are art and music. In these two aspects, she not only has better aesthetic ability than ordinary people, but also has considerable strength. Su Yifan thought about it for a long time and decided to customize a traditional three-elimination game for Yang Bingbing.

Sanxiao Game has always been one of the picks of casual games, and excellent works are also a lot. Both "Jewel Maze" and "Montezuma's Treasure" are among the best. After looking at the popular three-elimination games, Su Yifan found that basically these games are concentrated in Europe and the United States, and there is rarely a boutique three-elimination game with a style that conforms to the aesthetics of Asians.

After carefully looking at the data of several rankings and app stores around the world, Su Yifan made this decision. He helped Yang Bingbing think of a simple and easy way to give full play to her advantages - to make a cute three-elimination game.

Of course, the core gameplay of the game is still three eliminations, including elements such as chain, unlocking and bombs. However, Su Yifan believes that these alone are not enough to impress current players. They need a long-term goal to keep playing.

Growth is almost one of the elements that can be seen everywhere in successful games now. Su Yifan worked hard to improve this, and then began to help Yang Bingbing complete the plan by handwriting.

After watching Su Yifan's plan, Yang Bingbing was happy. Of course, she was also a little timid: "Will you like such a simple method?"

Su Yifan stared at Yang Bingbing. At this time, the girl would show a little lack of self-confidence. It was precisely this lack of self-confidence that made her look extremely cute.

"I think everyone will like it." Su Yifan tried to dispel Yang Bingbing's doubts, "Actually, I think it's good if you make an adventure game that integrates your views on art and music. However, we should always step by step and do a simple practice first.

Yang Bingbing agrees with Su Yifan's view: "I don't want to waste your money and everyone's time. For games, the market is still the first."

Su Yifan smiled and said nothing. He thought that everyone's happiness was the first priority.

The two chatted about the details of the game for a while, and Cheng Shuixin also came back with Cai Qi, who put sunglasses on her face again. After yesterday's perfect performance, today Cai Qi looks back at the scars on her face, and the breath on her body can't help but look a little cold.

"What to discuss?" Cheng Shuixin came back in a hurry, "There are not many days left for the holiday. Should we hurry up?"

"It seems that the class division will be announced on the back-to-school day in a few days." Su Yifan took a look at Yang Bingbing and said, "We should be able to be in the same class, right?"

Cheng Shuixin sat down next to Yang Bingbing, and the two girls looked at Su Yifan, and the smile on her face also looked warm in spring.

"There should be no problem." Yang Bingbing still made a secret effort in this regard, "Our head teacher is likely to be Mr. Wang."

Yang Bingbing is from Class 2. Now she uses "we" to describe the relationship between the three. I don't know how many boys in Class 2 should be sad, especially Wang Ziwei.

Su Yifan smiled and said, "That's fine. There will be no trouble in the last year."

Both girls know that Su Yifan helped Wang Qin find her son. Unless Wang Qin is crazy, she will definitely not trouble Su Yifan in the remaining year, which is a good thing.

After talking about the classification of shifts, Cheng Shuixin said to Su Yifan, "Recently, I want to promote the time tree, and I guess I will be busy for at least two weeks. You can help more with what Bingbing is going to do.

Su Yifan nodded and asked, "Yang Zongyuan didn't ask you out again, did he?"

Cheng Shuixin replied, "Yes, it's a little strange. He seems to have given up?"

Yang Bingbing, who had been listening to the two people talking, interrupted: "Yang Zongyuan will not give up. He needs you more now."

Cheng Shuixin was surprised by Yang Bingbing's conclusion: "Why?"

Yang Bingbing took a look at Su Yifan and smiled bitterly.

"This story is a little long. Let Su Yifan tell you later."

Although Cheng Shuixin was strange and not pretentious, she nodded: "Okay. In addition, Meng Shiyi will arrive later. Who will meet him?

"I'll go." Su Yifan stood up and said, "This old boy likes to see beautiful women so much. If you go together, I don't think he will be able to say anything."

Two girls called beautiful women hide their smiles together, like a pair of sisters.

Meng Shiyi arrived at the company about 20 minutes later. Meng Shiyi, who had previously shown that he was particularly easy to get close to people, looked very formal this time. He knocked on the door and greeted him quite politely.

The two girls were busy, and Meng Shiyi, whom Su Yifan received alone, was in the office.

"Brother Meng, sit down." Su Yifan is quite enthusiastic now, "Tea or coffee?"

Cai Qi, who stood aside, felt very humiliated. She never dreamed that she would be used as a tea girl, and everyone here still felt that this matter was very natural.

This feeling of being ignored is really annoying...

Meng Shiyi secretly glanced at Cai Qi, who was wearing sunglasses to cover the scars on her face, and waved his hand and said, "Anything is fine, clear water."

Cai Qi prepared with humiliation. Meng Shiyi didn't ask any words about Cai Qi at all, but said bluntly to Su Yifan: "Brother, it's not easy for me to get along today. This will follow you again. It would be a shame if you don't do well. It's too far to talk about money and so on. Let's talk about it first. How much room can you give me?

Meng Shiyi is not a fool. He knows that Su Yifan's current company is in a period of rapid rise. The income of a product alone is already eye-catching. In this case, it is a dream to want the company's shares. In contrast, Meng Shiyi feels that instead of competing for that dead salary, it is better to see how much space this platform can provide for itself.

To put it bluntly, this is asking Su Yifan for power.