My Goddess

Chapter 193 News

Hearing Yang Bingbing's words, the expression on Chu Ruo's face became more unnatural.

Chu Ruo used to be a little girl who didn't think much about other people's ideas, otherwise she would not have done something that almost humiliated Su Yifan in public. Chu Ruo didn't expect that Yang Bingbing was such a girl until she felt uncomfortable. This sentence alone made her speechless.

Su Yifan once admitted to everyone that he had liked Chu Ruo before. At that time, Yang Bingbing was still worried about Chu Ruo's appointment with Su Yifan again, and used quite powerful means to peep at the meeting between the two.

Now that the two can sit together and say this, it's really a great contribution to Su Yifan, the victim.

Yang Bingbing took a look at Su Yifan, who was sitting and driving in front of her, but there was no joke on her face, but continued to whisper a little seriously, "It's lucky to have such a person in my life."

Chu Ruo restrained her usual little girl posture in front of Su Yifan and lowered her head slightly.

Su Yifan used to like Chu Ruo very much, but now she may also like it a little, but she hurt the once sincere heart. Su Yifan helped himself regardless of the past, so he did not hesitate to fight with Lao Wang. Chu Ruo felt that he owed Su Yifan too much from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Bingbing looked at Chu Ruo's poor appearance and thought that the girl was living in an environment similar to a vacuum like herself. I can't tell the distress, and it's not so easy for relatives to understand themselves. It's quite good to develop this kind of personality now.

Thinking of this, Yang Bingbing patted the back of Chu Ruo's hand, as if she was comforting Chu Ruo and comforting herself.

Chu Ruo finally followed Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing back to the company. Yang Bingbing took Chu Ruo to find Cheng Shuixin and talked about her big plan. Cheng Shuixin is also very supportive of Yang Bingbing's ideas. She thinks that Yang Bingbing has always been principled on this kind of politeness, and the two of them are somewhat similar.

The company is still relatively quiet. Meng Shiyi is sorting out the list of manufacturers by Cai Qi. He is in a working state very quickly, and now he has begun to call one by one.

Su Yifan really felt a little scratching in terms of advertising cooperation and media relations. Meng Shiyi's appearance eased him a lot and relieved Cheng Shuixin's burden.

According to the current light name, game sales alone are enough to put this small company at the top of the advertising cooperative food chain. Meng Shiyi's work is much less difficult than his job change to other companies, even more than the online media companies he previously served. This sense of ease made Meng Shiyi feel that it was the right choice to join Su Yifan Company.

Wang Kentao and Cheng Shuixin are still studying some details of the time tree, including the critical Cheng Shuixin and an elderly programmer who is used to various modifications, and the feedback from these people in the company after playing. There are also a lot of things for two people to do.

Seeing the prosperity of the company, Yang Bingbing was also embarrassed to be idle alone and took Su Yifan's things to the front of the computer and began to work.

What did Chu Ruo do? After saying hello to Cheng Shuixin, she began to play the time tree software, but this time she sat next to Yang Bingbing.

Su Yifan's work direction for Yang Bingbing is really suitable for her. Yang Bingbing is also a little girl who is usually bored alone. The three elimination games she has played are at least double-digit starting. Although this is an old game type, Yang Bingbing thinks about Su Yifan's plan and really thinks that his idea is more interesting.

In this unnamed game, Su Yifan put forward two concepts.

Simple and complex.

This is nonsense, but in fact, only these two forms of three-elimination games will be popular. Needless to say, it is the most basic three-elimination chain explosion high-score mode, without more rules, only pursues pleasure and fun, and then uses computer algorithms to arrange 10,000 random situations. Players will naturally continue to play if they feel refreshed enough, but this practice is no longer suitable for the current mobile phone platform.

The other is extremely complicated, such as Puzzle.Quest, which used to be popular on computers and handhelds. The game itself is a three-elimination category, but the core gameplay is a battle-type RPG. Three eliminations determine the way of skill release and attack. This kind of game is more core to players. They will have various moods to study the game system, and then formulate various exaggerated tactical styles.

Yang Bingbing would like to ask Su Yifan which way to take, but since Su Yifan has marked a separate item of "growth elements" in the plan, she knows that Su Yifan actually recommends doing the second one.

There is a little difference between mobile platforms and handhelds. Those who can buy handhelds are the core players. Even in the once hot-selling PSP in China, its core function is still a variety of high-quality games. Su Yifan took a general look at the mobile games of other companies and thought that Yang Bingbing should consider the small level system and stimulate players to continue with phased victory results and challenges.

In essence, Su Yifan believes that only games with enough growth and linearity can attract people to continue to play. For example, although several racing games on mobile phones can directly spend money to buy those good cars and high-quality parts, better cars need to complete a certain game content to get them. To some extent, this controls the powerful range of local tycoon players and gives the game the motivation to continue to play.

Even if it is a three-elimination game, if there are growth factors, it can make people interested in continuing the game.

Yang Bingbing understood Su Yifan's ideas and followed the production of "Cute Girl" for a period of time, which made her almost a professional in this field. A new folder was built on the computer document, and Yang Bingbing began to refine some of Su Yifan's core gameplay.

Of course, this game belongs to Su Yifan, but it is also its own. Yang Bingbing added some of her own simple ideas before discussing with Su Yifan.

Chu Ruo looked at Yang Bingbing's serious work and suddenly felt a little envious.

My growth experience is a little similar to that of Yang Bingbing. I have learned a lot of artistic skills since I was a child, playing the piano and singing the violin. But Chu Ruoruo is not interested in these. Few of the people around Chu Yin are keen on the cultural industry, and most of them spend time on paper and money. Although Chu Ruo himself is a little cold and literary girlish, he still feels that a relaxed life is more suitable for him.

Because of this, Chu Ruo not only sits upright and demonstrates tea art to Su Yifan, but also occasionally cheats like a wayward child.

Chu Ruo's life has never had a goal. Excellent learning is because people are smart and have nothing to do in school. A little girl like her who has no pressure in life, if Chu Yin hadn't had any big problems, it would have been possible to think about life at the age of 30 or 40.

However, Chu Yin had an accident, which made Chu Ruo think of the idea of exchanging himself for his father's safe return. If Su Yifan hadn't appeared, Chu Ruo would probably have been completely eaten by the old Wang and his son's empty gloves. At that time, Wang Jianhou's family property would naturally follow the surname Wang.

That accident made Chu Ruo really realize that there seemed to be something wrong with his life.

Chu Ruo felt safe with Su Yifan, mainly because he helped him solve Wang Jianhou. After that, Chu Ruo liked to hang out with Su Yifan. Although Su Yifan was always busy, there were many beautiful girls around him.

Let a little girl like Zhang Yao sing two songs in front of everyone, make such a smart girl as Cheng Shuixin think about him in everything, and make Yang Bingbing always be with him... Chu Ruo really admires Su Yifan. She feels that the Su Yifan she knows has disappeared, and the current teenager is a reborn person.

Then Chu Ruo found that Su Yifan was so busy that he didn't even have time to accompany him.

Not only Su Yifan is very busy, but also the girls around him are very busy.

I'm busy studying, working, my hobbies, and getting along with Su Yifan.

In contrast, Chu Ruo suddenly felt that his life was simply too boring and had no goal to fight for.

After watching Yang Bingbing start drawing a few drafts with a hand-painted board, Chu Ruo finally couldn't help asking, "Bingbing... Are you also going to play a game?"

Chu Ruo also has Su Yifan's "Cute Girl" on her mobile phone. She likes a girl with a little awkward temper the most. She often makes her sit on her palm and watch her in a daze.

I heard that these beautiful girls are also designed by Yang Bingbing?

Yang Bingbing turned around and smiled at Chu Ruo: "Try it, you may not be able to make it."

Chu Ruo came closer: "Can you tell me about it? I'm also a little curious..."

Yang Bingbing is always gentle to girls and nodded: "Okay, you see, I'm making the most basic settings to determine the style of the whole game..."



The two girls whispered. Cheng Shuixin just told Wang Jiantao some details to be modified and walked into the office and asked Su Yifan, "Chu Ruo seems to be very good now?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "I don't know. It seems that Chu Yin wants her to go abroad, but she refused. Yang Bingbing spoke for her."

"Ally, that's a normal relationship." Cheng Shuixin smiled understandingly, "Yes, there is good news, but I don't know if it's good news. Call Meng Shiyi over and talk about it together."

Meng Shiyi is still sorting out the manufacturer's data by himself. It is said that he should recruit a secretary or something to help him do this kind of work, but he seems to be particularly old-fashioned in this regard and insists on sorting it out by himself.

Hearing Cheng Shuixin calling himself over, Meng Shiyi put down his work and entered Su Yifan's office.

Wang Jiantao, who finished modifying the record, was also pulled in, and Yang Bingbing also stopped the design. Everyone looked at Cheng Shuixin in the office and waited for her to speak.

Cheng Shuixin looked around everyone and said brightly, "I received an email."

"What's going on?" Su Yifan asked.

"Japanese Nintendo company sent an email, hoping to transplant our Cute Girl to their company's NDS handheld."

As soon as this word came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.