My Goddess

Chapter 212 Who does she think I am

Coming out of Zhang Yao's community, Su Yifan parked his car on the roadside and answered a phone call from Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin first.

Su Xiaoqing's BMW slowly appeared in sight, probably a few seconds after the phone was connected. Su Yifan saw Su Xiaoqing's car in the rearview mirror and started the car while starting the Bluetooth headphones.

Following Su Xiaoqing's BMW, Cheng Shuixin's cheerful voice came first: "Sir, when will you go home at night? A classmate is waiting to go home with you.

Su Yifan knew that Cheng Shuixin would definitely make fun of himself. Even if he didn't face Cheng Shuixin face it, he felt red and whispered, "I wanted to tell you, but Yang Bingbing said that she would tell you by herself..."

Cheng Shuixin did not continue to pester this issue, but said generously, "I know, it's a special situation."

Su Yifan hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything. He knew how smart a girl Cheng Shuixin was. In fact, it might be better to say nothing.

Cheng Shuixin was probably beside Yang Bingbing and asked with a smile, "Then boss, where do you think I will send Yang?"

Su Yifan hasn't answered yet. He has heard Yang Bingbing on the phone whispering, "I'll go home first..."

"Then I'll accompany Yang Bingbing home first. When will you come to see us?" Cheng Shuixin also knew that Yang Bingbing's decision was in a hurry this time. She didn't really be completely open-minded, but felt that Su Yifan might not be able to make any waves under the eyes of her parents. Moreover, this kind of thing may slightly affect the decision of two people, but it will cause permanent damage to the relationship between several people. Under the balance, Cheng Shuixin felt that she still behaved a little calmly, at least in line with her previous words and deeds.

"I'll go to Sister Qing first." Su Yifan said, "I'll call you later."

"Okay, see you later."

Cheng Shuixin happily closed the line over there, which made Su Yifan a little sad.

Following Su Xiaoqing's car slowly, Su Yifan found that he had walked to the secret base all the way.

After the two met in the underground parking lot, Su Xiao looked at Su Yifan and suddenly took his arm with a smile.

"That's good. I cheated the little girl home."

Su Yifan struggled to distinguish: "I didn't take the initiative to propose..."

"At least it's good that you can make her believe you so much." Su Xiao smiled lightly and pulled Su Yifan into the elevator. "Today, Hu Yanjie is Su Lishi's friend at the reception. Both of them want to learn from those individual entrepreneurs and drop out of school to work. Hu Yanjie has a lot of relationships in the United States and often goes to the United States.

Su Yifan was quite surprised: "Is this okay? I thought the two of them were childhood sweethearts.

Su Xiao smiled and said, "The childhood sweethearts are Yang Zongyuan and Zhao Xuan."

Su Yifan curled his lips: "Zhao Xuan may not really like Yang Zongyuan so much."

Su Xiaoqing said, "How do you know?"

"It's just a feeling." Su Yifan said, "I have discussed this issue with Yang Bingbing."

Su Xiao glanced at the elevator light and said, "Actually, love and not love are relative. Zhao Xuan just loves himself more."

When he arrived at the secret base, it was still the same as usual, but the quiet and happy mood in Su Yifan's heart was gone. Thinking that Yang Bingbing might still be threatened with security, he became very anxious.

Su Xiaoqing found her slippers and put them on. As soon as she entered the living room, she threw herself on the sofa: "I'm so tired today."

Su Yifan was really curious about why Su Xiaoqing was tired, but she was relieved to think of the time she worked in front of the computer.

"Can I press it for you?"

Su Xiaoqing was lying on the sofa, holding the sofa cushion in his hands, and smiling when he heard the words.

"I can't ask for it."

Su Yifan really sat behind Su Yifan and stretched out his hands tentatively.

"What's wrong?"

Now, if you look closely, Su Xiaoqing's shoulders are slightly wider, but they are quite delicate. In a pair of slender arms, they don't look weak.

"The shoulder." Su Xiaoqing was a very little girl when she was alone with Su Yifan, and her tone was a little weak and coquettish. "I wrote a lot of emails today. I'm so bored."

It is rare to see Su Xiaoqing complaining about his work like this. Su Yifan actually felt very kind. His hands fell on Su Xiaoqing's shoulder. Even through the thin cloth, he could still feel the warmth and softness of the skin that people couldn't put down. Su Yifan always felt that he wanted to pick up Su Xiaoqing in such a posture...

Shaking his head to get rid of distracting thoughts in his heart, Su Yifan recalled Euler's massage technique and slowly patted Su Xiaoqing's shoulders.

There is almost no sound in this rhythmic slap, and the power of the flesh through the palm is not too large, which makes the feeling quite comfortable. Su Xiaoqing immediately narrowed his eyes and began to enjoy it, and took a long breath.

"It's really not a waste of time."

Su Yifan smiled. In fact, he doesn't know where to put his eyes now. Anyway, he always feels that it's not good to stare at Su Xiaoqing's snow-white back neck.

"The ability to fight is not bad, but the massage can only be learned."

Su Xiao tilted her head gently, and her long hair moved to the other side with her movements.

"Don't worry, there's a lot of time. Take your time."

Su Yifan suddenly felt a little depressed when he heard what Su Xiaoqing often said to him.

"But I always feel that there is not enough time."

Su Xiaoqing did not open her eyes and still said in her usual lazy voice, "You really don't have to be in such a hurry. Everyone has to go through something to grow up. To your current level, no one can do better than you.

Su Yifan began to use his fingers to pinch the tendons of Su Xiaoqing's shoulders, and his fingers were as gentle as his usual attitude towards people.

"You came here today just to tell me about that, didn't you?"

Su Xiao smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"About Yang Bingbing." Su Yifan said, "I also want to know what you think."

Probably comfortablely pinched by Su Yifan, Su Xiaoqing hummed very rarely, and then said, "You didn't come to me for the first time. Are you afraid that I will be embarrassed?"

Su Yifan did not deny: "I'm not sure about your relationship with Mrs. Yang."

"Actually, this matter is very simple." Su Xiaoqing slightly supported her upper body with her arms, making it easier for Su Yifan to pinch. "Mrs. Yang can only represent herself. Isn't it good to target her alone if you want to target her? If you are involved, of course I won't agree.

"What about Yang Bingbing?"

Su Xiao thought for a moment and said, "This is the hardship she should encounter. I don't think it's good for me to intervene rashly."

At this time, Su Yifan deeply felt that Su Xiaoqing, who seemed calm and fair, also had an indifferent side. If he was involved in something, Su Xiaoqing would definitely go all out. Although he usually has a good relationship with Yang Bingbing, Su Xiaoqing is still slightly indifferent now.

At this moment, Su Yifan felt a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should continue to chat with Su Xiaoqing.

Su Xiaoqing suddenly smiled as if he could see Su Yifan's expression.

"Teasing you, you see, you are still very nervous."

Su Yifan was speechless, but at the same time, he suddenly felt relaxed: "Xiaoqing, I won't scare you so much."

Su Xiao smiled and said, "How can you tell the truth without scaring you so much? Do you think Yang Bingbing is a friend to you?

Su Yifan said without thinking, "Of course it counts."

"It's really dishonest." Su Xiaoqing was not satisfied with this answer, "Then I don't care about this."

Su Yifan immediately surrendered: "Okay... We have a better relationship than ordinary friends."

"Oh, look at you..." Su Xiaoqing was teased by Su Yifan's attitude, "You really care about it. I came forward in person for Yang Bingbing and let Zhao Xuan expose herself. Do you think I don't care about her?

Su Yifan didn't know how to answer, but still pressed Su Xiaoqing's shoulders a little awkwardly: "I think too much..."

Su Xiaoqing said softly, "You know, there are only a few girls I have met who are really sincere to you. I won't care if they have anything to do. It doesn't matter if you want to solve it by yourself this time. I came to you to tell you that I'm not going to interfere too much this time. It's not good for an outsider to reach out to the Yang family's infighting, but I'm still confident in ensuring Yang Bingbing's safety.

Su Yifan had a complete belief in Su Xiaoqing. Hearing Su Xiaoqing's words, he suddenly felt confident: "What are you going to do?"

Su Xiao squirmed his shoulder and raised his right hand against his body. I don't know when there was a remote control switch in his hand.

"Directly connected to the TV, I'll tell you."

Su Yifan followed Su Xiaoqing's instructions, first turned on the TV, and then found the icon connected to the TV in the button of the remote control switch.

The TV itself does not have a wireless signal receiver, but it can be connected externally. Su Yifan pressed it, and the TV in the living room began to appear.

The picture displayed on the screen is a huge multi-grid surveillance picture, which should be the kind of camera picture that can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys.

Su Xiaoqing's voice came from the direction of the sofa cushion: "Zhao Xuan knew that I had some ways to deal with electronic equipment and tried to avoid it outside my ability, but she made a mistake."

Su Yifan has been attracted by those pictures and can't help asking, "What's the matter?"

"Who does she think I am?" Su Xiaoqing said domineeringly, "Can she avoid the mobile phone signal and wireless network and satellite directional monitoring?"

The pictures of those monitors suddenly changed in Su Xiaoqing's words and turned into a picture overlooking the sky over the city.

clear, huge and deep.

This scene deeply shocked the teenager's heart. He looked down at the small metal box like a remote control in his hand and couldn't see how it was done.

"Xiaoqing... Do all the countries of those satellites know that you do this?"

Su Xiaoqing asked, "Who told you that I don't have my own satellite?"
