My Goddess

Chapter 215 Minor

Yang Bingbing sat in Su Yifan's room for about 40 minutes and escaped. She always felt that Su Yifan's eyes were different from before. I don't know whether Yang Bingbing's mentality has changed, Su Yifan's mentality, or the mentality of both of them has changed.

The two people talked very seriously about some of the problems that Yang Bingbing encountered now. The three-elimination game is not difficult to do, but difficult to do it well. After chatting, Su Yifan found that Yang Bingbing's aesthetics may be a little resistant to cute things, but this does not prevent Yang Bingbing from looking at the problem normally and objectively. Nowadays, the cute aesthetic trend driven by the Internet is simply unstoppable, and the two decided to follow this path.

As for the three elimination rules and so on, Su Yifan has helped Yang Bingbing think clearly about the mechanisms such as chain, explosion and special rewards. You can try it with games that have not been beautified first to find loopholes.

Yang Bingbing is very confident of Su Yifan: "You must think it's okay, right?"

Su Yifan was modest at all: "It's hard to say, I haven't played many three elimination games."

After the two discussed the plot and RPG elements of the game itself, Yang Bingbing left and went back to her guest room to continue to sort out things. Su Yifan went to his father's study very honestly.

Gu Ying, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, saw Yang Bingbing come out of Su Yifan's room with her head down. He hesitated whether to say hello or not, and finally decided to pretend to continue watching TV.

After Su Yifan came out, he went to say hello to his mother: "I'll talk to my father."

Gu Ying waved his hand as if driving away flies. After thinking about it, he called Su Yifan and asked his son mysteriously.

"Which one do you think is better, Cheng Shuixin or Yang Bingbing?"

Su Yifan couldn't laugh or cry, saying that the question his mother asked was really sharp.

"All good."

"Go!" Gu Ying was not happy, "You are still so greedy at a young age. You can choose one."

Su Yifan fled in a cold sweat, saying that this was the rhythm of his mother's encouragement of puppy love?

In the study, Su Shen was turning over a book about the history of modern Chinese education. Hearing Su Yifan's footsteps, he put down the book and raised his head.

Su Shen's study is very simple, unlike many people's soft decoration, and there are almost no large books on the bookshelf. On the contrary, a set of Great Britain Encyclopedia is quite scary. The hardcover cover has been turned white, which shows that you must often read it at ordinary times.

Su Yifan sometimes thinks that now the online encyclopedia has been quite complete. These ultimate dreams used to reserve knowledge of the previous generation are simply at hand in the network resources, but make people poor. It can only be said that the world is still the same, and the easier it is to get, the less it will be cherished.

Sitting opposite Su Shen, Su Yifan looked at his father and always confessed.

"Yang Bingbing and I are definitely not the kind of relationship you think."

Su Shen nodded. He believed in Su Yifan.

"Recently, the company is a little busy, but I always feel that there is nothing to report to you..." Su Yifan thought about changing the topic. In fact, he doesn't want to continue to go deeper on the topic of Yang Bingbing. The deeper he goes, the easier it is to peek into his true heart. "It's quite profitable, but the company's finance is now with me personally. The waist bag hasn't been hooked yet. I plan to do something more this year.

Su Shen is not surprised at all. Recently, he has read a lot of reports about Cute Girl. Although I think my son's style of playing this game is not too high, the sense of achievement of suddenly seeing his child make an amazing career is still very strong. To some extent, this is almost equivalent to canceling Su Shen's dissatisfaction with Su Yifan's failure to tell him something.

Su Shen himself is well aware of the loss and relief brought by the child's growth almost at the same time.

"The current report is very messy." Su Shen said, "I don't think most of you are praised. Many people are satirizing you and scolding you. Can you stand it?"

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "As long as I don't touch legal issues, it doesn't matter. The news is like a gust of wind. After a while, no one remembers what happened before, and even if they remember it, they don't care.

After all, Su Shen is still an older generation. He was a little surprised to hear Su Yifan say that, but he seemed to make sense.

Those news that were once sensational will not lose their lives because of the news. After all, news is news, and time can precipitate everything.

"After all, those news still have an impact on your life, right?"

"The company is basically pushing Wang Jiantao in front of the stage now, and not many people pay attention to me." Su Yifan said, "Game-related reports are not the mainstream after all. We make a fortune in silence."

"Aren't you worried that the company has given too much power to others, will it be separated then?"

"If you really want to disperse, disperse." Su Yifan said with a smile, "I still have more resources available now, and I should not be separated for the time being."

"What about the future?"

"In the future, friends will be tied up with a certain degree of benefits." Su Yifan said confidently.

"What if you really can't be tied?"

"That may not be a friend." Su Yifan looked at his father and said, "To consider interests is to consider interests, and to decide the position is to decide the position. It has nothing to do with being a friend."

Su Shen suddenly was a little speechless. He felt that he was really worried today. In fact, there was no need to chat with Su Yifan at all.

Su Yifan, who can say such a thing, undoubtedly makes Su Shen feel very relieved.

Thinking of this, Su Shen suddenly felt relaxed and asked with a smile, "The report said that you have made a lot of money. Are you going to change houses for me and your mother?"

Su Yifan nodded as a matter of course: "Actually, I really made a lot of money. It's not a big deal to change houses."

Su Shen smiled and scolded, "If I hadn't watched you grow up, I would have thought you were bragging."

"The profit of the game is now worse than drug trafficking." Su Yifan popularized his father's science, "Our company is small, there are not many people, and the expenses are almost negligible."

Su Shen smiled and said, "What if I still want to visit?"

"You'd better read the report." Su Yifan is very clear about this kind of thing, "Can't I take a job? If I can't do it well, can't I go home and rely on you at most?"

Su Shen appreciated his son's mentality and didn't want to praise Su Yifan very much. He always felt that if he talked too much, he would definitely raise his tail. After thinking about it, I can only say, "Don't worry, I definitely won't participate. But you have to tell me what you want to do now, right? I don't have a chance to share your joy of success.

When Su Yifan saw that his own father had said this, he could only bravely say: "Now the income is also regularly settled by those sales platforms. At present, I really have a lot of income, but I plan to continue to do something. There are games and social software platforms.

Su Shen is not an antique and is not unfamiliar with the nouns in Su Yifan's mouth: "Just something like a dating website?"

"Well, the theme is a little clearer." Su Yifan said, "My preliminary idea now is to establish a comprehensive platform with various special software to play on this platform. You only need to register an account to choose all kinds of content you want to play.

Su Yifan has also discussed this issue with Cheng Shuixin before. Cheng Shuixin believes that it is too energy-consuming to do so, especially now that the platform has been basically monopolized by large companies, and she wants to break through unless she has her own excellent products. Now it's okay for a team of this size to win, and it's still difficult to give a high-quality answer.

There is no answer to the discussion between the two people. At present, based on Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin's understanding of the whole industry, everyone can only think about what to do while walking.

Of course, these topics will not be discussed with Su Shen. Su Yifan casually said that this idea is very ambitious, but it shocked Su Shen.

This is no longer as simple as the small dream of ordinary students, and many so-called big company bosses are also doing similar things.

After holding back for a long time, Su Shen could only say helplessly, "In that case, you can't delay your study, can you?"

Su Yifan's greatest advantage to his parents is honesty. He nodded: "Impossible... I guess it will be affected."

Su Shen looked at his son for a few seconds, cleared his throat and whispered, "Have you thought about it?"

Su Yifan smiled at his father and asked, "Dad, do you remember the question I asked here?"

Su Shen's memory is naturally good: "Remember, I asked you what kind of person you want to be, and you said you wanted to be a light."

"Yes." Su Yifan said, "I think I have slowly found the direction."

Su Shen also saw Su Yifan's huge changes. He sighed with some emotion and reached for the teacup, only to find that the tea was cold.

Su Yifan, who had already known how to observe his words, got up and changed his father's tea, and then put the teacup in front of Su Shen.

Su Shen looked down at the teacup, meditated for a while, and whispered, "Since you have decided, do it well. But your studies are still very important. You are in the third year of high school, and you can't really put it down..."

Su Yifan quickly promised, "I know."

Su Shen waved helplessly: "Now the technology news says that you have made nearly 100 million, is there so much?"

Su Yifan calculated the exchange rate and denied: "No..."

Su Shen breathed a sigh of relief: "I said it was too exaggerated."

"more than 90 million yuan." Su Yifan finally finished his words, "If the sales continue, it is estimated that the number will be better."


Su Shen doesn't want to say anything anymore. Su Yifan's character development has always had something to do with his strong principle as a father. After his son made so much money, Su Shen also had a hint of the idea of taking care of the child, but he immediately realized that this was Su Yifan's ability, not his own. There are various reasons why Su Yifan can make so much money, but the ultimate reason is that he knows how to do all this well.

After a long silence, Su Shen finally asked another question he wanted to ask.

"Bright, you're not a complete adult, are you?"


Su Shen pointed to the door of the study.

"You and that female classmate..."

Su Yifan looked at his own father in a breakdown.

"Dad, I always thought this job was my mother's, but I didn't expect you to..."

Su Shen smiled.

"Nonsense, of course, your mother ordered it."
