My Goddess

Chapter 217

A simple and simple-looking Mercedes-Benz*350 is flying on the highway.

In the Mercedes-Benz car, Yang Zongyuan, who was sitting in the back, looked at David helplessly. The other party seemed to be very interested and was pulling out red wine from the small refrigerator.

Every bottle of red wine is valuable. David skillfully opened the bottle and poured wine. He really didn't look like a person who should get a salary, but like a brother with a better family than Yang Zongyuan.

"I will appear as your personal assistant, and others can't say anything." David has been focused on dealing with this bottle of wine and hardly looked at Yang Zongyuan's expression. "As long as there is no evidence, no one will stop us from doing anything."

Yang Zongyuan looked at David and said coldly, "Don't forget Su Xiaoqing."

"Su Xiaoqing is not willing to help the Yang family too deeply, because doing so is almost equivalent to sacrificing her own interests." David said easily, "As long as our goal is not Su Yifan, it will not touch Su Xiaoqing's bottom line."

Yang Zongyuan asked, "Then why did Zhao Xuan offend her?"

"Your sister's problem is that she is so confident that she even wants to solve Su Xiaoqing once and for all." David pointed out Zhao Xuan's mistake, "Your sister's mother is even more stupid. She wants to declare war on Su Xiaoqing without even preparing a follow-up plan."

Yang Zongyuan sighed: "They are also for long-term interests."

David took the goblet that had poured the wine and handed it to Yang Zongyuan.

"If it is really for long-term interests, they should consider dealing with Jiang Ran, not Su Xiaoqing. How important is Su Xiaoqing? In DARPA, her name sequence has almost risen to the highest level.

Yang Zongyuan didn't know much about the mechanism of this kind of government department and asked, "Who else is the highest level?"



David looked at Yang Zongyuan's silence and laughed, "Okay, Yang, don't be depressed. Su Xiaoqing is still in a cooperative relationship with the Pentagon. We can't touch her interests casually.

"But Su Xiaoqing is also among your targets."

"That was a long time later." David said easily, "If Su Xiaoqing does something wrong, we don't mind getting some benefits from her."

Yang Zongyuan tried to restore himself to normal and said sarcastically, "Don't you all respect the conglomerate system? Do you know the consequences now?

David looked at Yang Zongyuan seriously and said, "No, no, no, Yang, you are wrong. Su Xiaoqing will have this kind of preferential treatment no matter which country in the world is born.

Yang Zongyuan took a deep breath and looked a little helpless.

"It's really enviable..."

"Yang, this comparison will only make you lose." David began to turn his attention back to red wine. "In addition, I have to tell you that your sister Zhao Xuan is stronger than you in some talent."

When it comes to Zhao Xuan, Yang Zongyuan's face is finally better.

"Is Zhao Xuan all right?"

"Of course she's fine." David said that Zhao Xuan was very relaxed and natural, as if he had nothing else to do with Zhao Xuan. "Your sister has made the right choice, and now Jiang Ran dares not act casually."

Zhao Xuan did not call Yang Zongyuan or contact him by email after leaving Mrs. Yang's control. Except for the note with "hope", Yang Zongyuan did not receive any news about Zhao Xuan.

Yang Zongyuan knew that Zhao Xuan might be worried about how someone would monitor her. She still hoped that she could stay out of the matter so that she could leave a live card.

Just thinking that this handsome young man with a frivolous smile contacted Zhao Xuan alone, Yang Zongyuan felt uncomfortable.

Whether he can marry Zhao Xuan or not, whether he really loves Zhao Xuan or not, once he determines that Zhao Xuan should be his own person, Yang Zongyuan will inevitably have a strong desire for exclusivity.

"If Mrs. Yang knows your identity and that we are together, she will still not let me go." Yang Zongyuan said, "So in fact, it doesn't make any sense for you not to let me contact Zhao Xuan."

David grinned: "You can be forced, but your sister is not, do you understand?"

Yang Zongyuan increasingly hates this kind of white man whose Chinese is better than himself.

Two people are talking, and Cheng Shuixin's text message has returned.

"Mountains and rivers are waiting for you."

Shanshui Family is a game restaurant, covering almost all the delicacies that are allowed to eat and not allowed to be eaten. Cheng Shuixin, as the host, invited her advertisers to dinner here, which is also a courtesy.

Yang Zongyuan put away his mobile phone and smiled playfully.

"Cheng Shuixin, a little girl, is quite interesting."

David smiled and said, "That's just an ordinary girl. You only need to work a little harder to get her."

Yang Zongyuan shook his head: "No, Cheng Shuixin is not ordinary at all."

"We have investigated." David said with determination, "Cheng Shuixin doesn't have any*, she is just an ordinary female student."

Yang Zongyuan thought about Cheng Shuixin, whom he had seen several times, and couldn't help but feel a little rippling.

Compared with a stubborn and childish little girl like Yang Bingbing, Cheng Shuixin is obviously more suitable for Yang Zongyuan's appetite.

"If she is really so ordinary, how could Su Yifan give the company to her?"

David bystander Qing: "Maybe I just like it."

Yang Zongyuan thought about it, if Su Yifan's company is sold now, the game brand can sell at least 400 million US dollars. Giving such a company to an ordinary girl, Yang Zongyuan probably won't do it even if he likes a girl.

"No, I think she is still extraordinary."

"That's just talent." David said, "There are too many people like this."

Yang Zongyuan has to admit that even his cousin Zhao Xuan is such a talented person. However, Zhao Xuan's life* is stronger than Cheng Shuixin, and she has the capital to challenge Mrs. Yang today.

The most ridiculous thing is that this kind of capital is actually provided by Mrs. Yang in the final analysis.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Yang Zongyuan decided to let himself not think about this. After this incident, he has actually lost confidence in regaining Mrs. Yang's trust. Now he just wants this situation not to be unfavorable to his side.

After a long journey and getting off the highway into the coastal suburbs, Yang Zongyuan sighed: "But it's less than 200 kilometers away. It's really too far behind here."

David didn't say anything. He had killed half a bottle of red wine by himself and was about to leave the remaining half a bottle on the way back to drink.

According to the electronic map location given by Cheng Shuixin, Yang Zongyuan asked the driver to drive the car to the location of Shanshui people.

This is a suburban private restaurant with a little ancient style. The overall style is mountains and water, and even a water corridor full of ancient style. Yang Zongyuan prefers some of the Hangzhou cuisine that Su Yifan invited him to.

The careless David has already contained a few mints. After removing the wine, it is as normal as if he had never drunk wine. Behind Yang Zongyuan, his eyes looked around.

Yang Zongyuan was also speechless about David's performance and whispered, "Can you focus on it?"

David said disdainfully, "I'm looking to see if there are any suspicious people around me. You don't understand."

"Suspicious people are all beautiful women?"

"Looking at beautiful women is just a cover-up."


Yang Zongyuan lost his mind about David and walked quickly to the private room left by Cheng Shuixin.

David quickly followed Yang Zongyuan and whispered after a while, "Cheng Shuixin brought a bodyguard."

Yang Zongyuan was shocked: "How many?"

"Now I have found three, and there should be at least one to two." David is still very proficient in the professional field, ""

At this time, there are actually not many guests in Shanshui. After all, the people of the Celestial Empire generally value dinner and value Chinese food. At noon, I went to such a remote place for a meal, either a real foodie or a person who has nothing to do in the afternoon.

Cheng Shuixin is sitting in the reserved private room waiting for Yang Zongyuan, with a faint smile on her face, like a company executive who is really used to social etiquette.

Although he had seen it many times and was psychologically prepared, Yang Zongyuan was still a little stunned when he saw Cheng Shuixin.

Cheng Shuixin seems to have changed her clothes to meet her. Her usually capable and light professional clothes have been changed into a combination of jeans and white T-shirts, which is filled with a sense of youth that Yang Zongyuan can no longer experience.

Such a girl, coupled with light makeup, is like a beautiful woman who came out of those online albums, and her whole body is so exquisite that people want to possess it.

After seeing Cheng Shuixin, David really put away his usual frivolous personality. Without flying eyes and whistling, he switched to a very polite assistant mode.

"Brother Yang, long time no see." Cheng Shuixin got up and pretended to shake hands, but she didn't move. "I'm really sorry. We're too busy, otherwise we should have gone to Linhai to find you."

Yang Zongyuan smiled very casually: "Something happened at home, otherwise it would have come long ago. If the beautiful woman invites me, I will also come.

Cheng Shuixin is actually quite disgusted with the face of a regular young man like Yang Zongyuan, but her face smiled sincerely: "Brother Yang, don't laugh, I'm like a little maid compared with Bingbing."

This simple sentence revealed a lot of information. Yang Zongyuan's listener was interested and immediately heard that Cheng Shuixin seemed to be dissatisfied with Yang Bingbing.

It is normal for girls to compare with each other. Yang Zongyuan was already curious about the relationship between several girls and Su Yifan. Cheng Shuixin immediately confirmed his guess.

"Don't be modest. Cheng is the top girl I have ever seen, regardless of ability or appearance."

Yang Zongyuan's words are very sincere. His love for Cheng Shuixin is really not limited to the limitation that a successful man wants to pick up a female student.

Cheng Shuixin smiled, and the shy appearance made a man must be moved.

"Brother Yang, sit down first. Let's talk while eating."

Yang Zongyuan sat down contentedly and kept a certain distance gentlemanly. Cheng Shuixin on the opposite side smiled, as if praising Yang Zongyuan's behavior.

Of course, if Yang Zongyuan could read minds, he would probably know that the girl actually thought of four very simple words.

- count it as your acquaintance.