My Goddess

Chapter 225 Peer Imitation

100,000 dollars is actually not much, just a small profit, but Jin Shenhong still agreed.

This made Jin Shenhong very helpless. After a baptism, Su Yifan was too familiar with the approximate cost of the whole process and was very accurate. This kind of outsourcing project is also an income for the company, and the only problem is to make wedding clothes for others. Although Binhai does not have many such companies, it can still find many hard workers who are willing to contribute with 100,000 US dollars.

Just as Su Yifan will not refuse the advertising income brought by Yang Zongyuan, Jin Shenhong will not refuse the income brought by Su Yifan.

Personal dignity and national integrity... In the eyes of businessmen, people will not be out of trouble with money.

The two did not initial the agreement on the spot, but Su Yifan sorted out all the work requirements and submitted it to Jin Shenhong the next day, and then made a written agreement.

Yang Bingbing watched the two have a very serious discussion, and finally encouraged each other with a serious face and wanted to laugh for a moment.

Yang Bingbing, who has read a lot of economics books, naturally knows that the current situation is actually commonplace in the boss of the mall, but she is not used to Su Yifan's can talk to people so well-dressedly.

It seems that many changes have really happened on Su Yifan, with obvious traces.

There was no bargaining or debate. Su Yifan said everything so clearly that Jin Shenhong had nothing to say.

It is both easy and painful to cooperate with such people. What is easy is that there is no problem of layman management without explaining anything in detail. What is painful is that you can only work for others, and there is no room for speculation.

During the conversation, Yang Bingbing did not participate in a word in the whole process, but with Su Yifan's decision, the game was more like Su Yifan's than Yang Bingbing's own.

It was not until the two left Jin Shenhong's company that the young man with golden glasses withdrew his usual sunny smile, looked a little gloomyly at the direction in which Su Yifan's back disappeared, snapped his fingers and pressed the call bell in the office.

A young man with big eyes quickly walked in and bowed slightly to Jin Shenhong.

"Mr. Jin."

Jin Shenhong changed his sunny and trustworthy tone and said in Korean, "Lu Feng, pay more attention to Su Yifan's movements. I think his company must have used Su Xiaoqing's technology."

The young man who called Lu Feng nodded: "I lead the team?"

"You lead the team." Jin Shenhong said, "Have more contact with their company and see if there is anything suspicious, and write it down."

Lu Feng is a native of the Celestial Empire, but he speaks Korean very well: "I understand, please rest assured."

Jin Shenhong nodded with satisfaction and watched Lu Feng leave the office before pressing a switch under his computer monitor.

With Jin Shenhong's action, a looming dialog box appeared in the corner of the huge Samsung computer monitor.

Encrypt dialogue, temporarily extract data, and instantly generate communication protocols.

The translucent dialog box allows people to concentrate even if they are close to see the flashing text inside clearly.

"Start contact."

"The record is complete and start contact. Time?"

"At least one month."

"Very good, pay attention to collecting intelligence."

"I will."

The translucent dialog box soon disappeared, and the desktop was clean, as if nothing had happened. Jin Shenhong tidied up his collar, and his face was full of the sunny and positive smile.



Because she negotiated a verbal agreement with Jin Shenhong, Yang Bingbing was more relaxed than usual and took the initiative to drive Su Yifan to eat ice cream to celebrate.

Su Yifan laughed at Yang Bingbing: "Just spent 100,000 dollars to eat ice cream?"

Yang Bingbing accepted the ridicule as a matter of course: "It's because it cost so much money that it's more economical to eat ice cream."

The two stopped next to a small square and bought two roll ice creams. Su Yifan still remembered that Yang Bingbing was more interested in mango flavor, and he had a chocolate flavor.

When the two were sitting on the square bench eating ice cream, Yang Bingbing suddenly asked, "What do you think of Jin Shenhong?"

Su Yifan was admiring Yang Bingbing's ice cream. Because she was not as ladylike in social occasions, she stained a lot on the girl's lips in a few bites. Yang Bingbing, who usually looks dignified and even a little noble, looks particularly cute, which makes Su Yifan can't help taking out a tissue to wipe her mouth.

Yang Bingbing seemed to be shocked. Unexpectedly, Su Yifan directly wiped his mouth with a tissue, and his body was slightly stiff and accepted this subtle service.

The feeling of the paper towel brushing across the corners of her lips through her fingers was a little crisp. Yang Bingbing was a little panicked and wanted to close her eyes, but felt that doing so would embarrass Su Yifan, so she could only wait for Su Yifan to finish wiping like torture.

Fortunately, Su Yifan's movements were very neat and didn't let Yang Bingbing wait too long.

Putting down the tissue, Su Yifan said, "Jin Shenhong... I didn't remember it before. I knew that it was your neighbor and I had seen you often since I was a child."

"When I was in the old house, I was a neighbor, and now I also have contact information." Yang Bingbing explained as if he had made a move and asked again, "Don't you think he seems a little unnatural now?"

Su Yifan didn't want to say his guess, but he was a little surprised to see Yang Bingbing start first: "I thought you didn't notice."

"When talking to you, his eyes always seem to be out of focus." Yang Bingbing never thought too much about such a trivial matter before. After Zhao Xuan's training, she finally became more serious. "When you were chatting just now, I recalled the things related to him. I think he may be more than a three-star management."

Su Yifan is very happy that Yang Bingbing can analyze the problem independently, and is also more worried: "I also think there is a problem. Don't you plan to sign with him?"

Yang Bingbing's face was fearless: "Sign, what are you afraid of?"

"I just took a look. Jin Shenhong may not be as complicated as we think. I think he may want to steal some technical reserves or imitate a profitable project." Su Yifan said his analysis, "This person didn't bargain with me, and he didn't have too many doubts about cooperation. He didn't put forward his own demands and just listened to me. From all aspects, he wants to get something from this outsourcing cooperation.

Yang Bingbing looked at Su Yifan seriously: "Would you like to find someone to investigate?"

"Let me arrange it." Su Yifan smiled and said, "You just need to worry about what you have to do. Anyway, Binhai is also one of the local snakes."

Yang Bingbing ate up the remaining ice cream and asked with a smile, "Will the local snake go back to the company or sit outside for a while?"

Su Yifan respected Yang Bingbing's opinion: "You said."

"Go back." Yang Bingbing looked at the people walking in the square with a little regret. This beautiful summer time really made people don't want to go back indoors. "There are still so many things to do."

Back to the company, Cheng Shuixin came to face and called Su Yifan in and wanted to tell him something.

Su Yifan entered the office and found that Wang Jiantao also came together, and the three people gathered together, which meant that the problem was not small.

"What's wrong?" Su Yifan saw that Wang Jiantao's face was not good, and Cheng Shuixin's expression seemed to be a little serious and took the initiative to ask.

Cheng Shuixin took a look at Wang Jiantao and whispered, "There are games that imitate us more."

Su Yifan nodded. He expected that there would be peer imitation works, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

In fact, if a mature commercial company finds a suitable engine and has complete ideas to learn from, the rest is work. Under the stack of a large number of art workers, although they can't use some special technologies to make it as good as Cute Girl, they can produce at least a similar product.

Speaking of which, wealth still touches people's hearts. The net income of more than 10 million dollars has made people jealous, and everyone hopes that the next one to be hit by a golden egg is themselves.

The imitation atmosphere in the game industry is actually relatively heavy. In the years when the action adventure was popular, there were countless castle ancient house adventures. The hero, without exception, is a young and middle-aged man, holding a pistol or more weapons.

Later, it was the turn of hunting games to become popular, and those all over the mountains were fighting monsters and synthetic materials to make new equipment routines.

Imitation and plagiarism have always been a hurdle for the entrepreneurial industry.

Su Yifan once predicted that this "Cute Girl" would be plagiarized, which should appear in the form of a web page or something. Unexpectedly, someone really made the finished product in less than a month and sold it.

is still on the smartphone.

Cheng Shuixin demonstrated the game to Su Yifan: "The general framework is similar to that of Cute Girl, and the ranking is not slow to rise. If it goes on, it will probably reach the top ten."

Su Yifan looked at the game screen. The engine is definitely not as good as his own, but the art is definitely older, and the workload is much larger than his own. If it weren't for the motion capture and some detailed settings on my side, at first glance, I think this game called Natural Girl is more exquisite than Cute Girl.

I looked at the game company, a studio called Microcrystal, and I haven't heard of it.

After roughly browsing the charging content and so on, Su Yifan found that the price of this game was ten times more than that of Cute Girl. For example, one of the abilities to increase the character's dance talent needs to collect twelve pieces of heart. These fragments are randomly obtained in the plot of the game, and you can also spend money to buy crystals in the store, and then exchange them for crystals.

Su Yifan roughly calculated that it would cost at least thousands of yuan for a character to get all the content.

I thought I had gone too far. Now when I looked at this imitation work of my peers, Su Yifan suddenly felt that he had a great conscience. He was really a good classmate from the player.

Wang Jiantao is also very nervous. Originally, according to the momentum of "Cute Girl", his pressure in the first half of the year should be so small that there would be almost no pressure. Seeing that the imitation came out so quickly, he was more anxious than anyone else.

"Boss, what do you want to do?"

Su Yifan looked at Wang Jiantao with a smile: "Brother Wang, you must have encountered this kind of thing in the game company. What do you think you should do?"

Wang Jiantao said helplessly, "What else can I do? Do you think there is a plagiarism controversy between Mario Kart and Crash Wolf Racing? The game industry is like this. Someone has copied it to prove that you have succeeded, and it is difficult to defend your rights.

Su Yifan stared at the cool girl in sports vest and shorts in the game and nodded silently.

"Let's check the information of this company first."

Before the words fell, Cheng Shuixin had handed over the folder that had been prepared for a long time.