My Goddess

Chapter 229 Play to death

Jin Shenhong is really professional in eating Korean food, and he also talks to the waiters of this store in Korean, which gives people the illusion of being out of the country. Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing are quite satisfied with their food. After all, although Koreans lack natural resources, their pursuit of food is still quite careful... However, the content of the food is really embarrassing, and a sparerib soup is a high-end dish to boast.

During this period, Jin Shenhong also made two jokes about his own family: "It is said that there are no beautiful women in Seoul. You may not know. Once the company sponsored a food magazine from various countries to do a special tourism program in Seoul, and the last stop was Seoul University. At that time, I accompanied several reporters from Huadu to shoot female college students. They chose a girl in red for a long time and finally chose a girl in red. I asked a few questions in English and found that he was from Hubei.

This joke made Yang Bingbing laugh: "Brother Jin, is it really good for you to be so black Koreans in the shop opened by Koreans?"

Jin Shenhong smiled and said, "Many Koreans can't recognize the situation, and the so-called advantages in earlier years have long ceased to exist. In the current economic situation, South Korea's way out lies in the two major economies around it.

Su Yifan was very surprised that this Korean really looked at the problem differently from most Koreans.

In fact, narrow nationalists and arrogance are not terrible. This kind of talent is more terrible.

Jin Shenhong glanced at Su Yifan and said with a slightly meaningful smile, "Actually, the part of the culture I used to appreciate most was self-deprecating, but now it is rare. I always feel that only when a nation has the courage to laugh at itself can it gain an advantage in the competition.

This was naturally a little shocking to Su Yifan. He could hear that Jin Shenhong was really sighing, and also felt that the handsome man in front of him was actually an extreme nationalist. However, Jin Shenhong's mentality is more mature, which is obviously the result of seeing the culture of many countries.

After a meal, Jin Shenhong asked Su Yifan to submit the information and detailed requirements of the outsourcing part as soon as possible, and then drove back to the company to explain the team to start work.

Su Yifan took Yang Bingbing back and shook hands happily with Jin Shenhong to say goodbye.

As soon as Jin Shenhong left, Yang Bingbing asked in a low voice, "Do you really think it's okay?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "If it's just this level of cooperation, what's the problem?" Jin Shenhong is a smart man. He knows what he should do now.

Yang Bingbing nodded thoughtfully and tried to put her mind into the model of these men, but found that she had nothing to gain.

"You are really..." Yang Bingbing is actually a straight girl. I don't know how to evaluate these two men. "I don't know what to say."

Su Yifan looked at the road ahead and said, "It's just a basic game in the mall. You will get used to it in the future."

Yang Bingbing sighed a little: "Actually, sometimes when I think about it, I always feel helpless to be changed by the world."

Su Yifan also agrees with Yang Bingbing's point of view: "So sometimes doing this and that is not to change the world, but to make yourself change as little as possible."

"I increasingly feel that Jin Shenhong's performance is not right." Yang Bingbing frowned when she heard Su Yifan's words, "He was not like this before."

"You didn't notice it before, did you?" Su Yifan really doesn't care much about Jin Shenhong, "Or he has just become like this recently because of something."

Yang Bingbing shook her head: "Forget it. Tell me what you plan to do with that microcrystal studio."

At this time, the car had already arrived near the company. Su Yifan looked up at the towering office building and asked inexplicably, "Do you usually spend money on games?"

Yang Bingbing was stunned for a moment and shook her head and said, "I don't spend much, but occasionally I still spend a little."

Su Yifan sighed for a moment. Compared with those peers around him, Yang Bingbing was so thrifty, which was really shameful.

"Actually, there are quite a lot of people who play games and spend money." Su Yifan said, "In recent years, people have developed the habit of spending money to play free games, and they will not feel that it is intolerable to sell dozens of yuan of paid props in a month."

"So?" Yang Bingbing suddenly flashed her big eyes, which was touching.

"So I did a week's exemption, of course, to make them more entangled than us." Su Yifan smiled and took Yang Bingbing to the elevator. "Let's go to the forum website or something later and see the technical posts."

Yang Bingbing suddenly understood what Su Yifan wanted to do.

The scolding war between the two sides has reached a white-hot stage this morning. The people in the company have not come forward twice, and the stick hands quarreled with each other. Wang Juan touched this side with almost full firepower. One person added two screens to the desk and opened three screens for general command and dispatch.

Su Yifan, who was self-apported tout as having a good typing speed, suddenly felt ashamed after seeing Wang Juan's hands that could make people hallucinate and felt that he still had a long way to go.

Qian Xiaoliang and Cen Shaohua were a little unconvinced about how this rustic girl could be the leader of the two. Now they are kneeling when they see Wang Juan's combat effectiveness.

If anyone goes crazy and quarrels with this girl on the forum, they can make that person no longer want to surf the Internet just by opening their own small vest.

Of course, Wang Juan did not fight naked, but commanded all kinds of people, gave advice to all kinds of people, and called a group of navy at the same time.

There must be a lot of people mobilized by the microcrystal on the opposite side, and Wang Juan can resist alone. Qian Xiaoliang and Cen Shaohua could only help her, and they already felt weak. In fact, the two don't know that there is no shame in the game otaku losing to gossip girls. Their focus is completely different. Wang Juan is also trained by a few years of lonely college life. If people are bored, they are almost invincible.

Because the scolding war on both sides has launched too many people and used public relations companies to expand its influence, it has become the focus of today's online news. Although no one has named names, the so-called "player debate" has become extremely hot. Many websites scrambled to report, and everyone found that this spray seemed to be really popular, and there was no sense of harmony that Tianchao game companies faked respect each other.

After lunch, the microcrystal brought a large number of water stickers, and the two sides began to be inseparable.

Su Yifan saw that the time was almost up and sent a text message to Wang Jiantao in the office.

Wang Jiantao left the company at noon and has not returned yet. When everyone was guessing where Manager Wang had gone, some magical posts began to appear on the Internet.

These posts seem to have nothing to do with the product debate between the two companies, but in fact they have a little to do with it.

For example, there is a post called "Let you save thousands of yuan and archive it for perfect modification". Click to see the detailed teaching post, teach everyone how to access the encrypted folder of the mobile application through a software, and then modify the crystals and gold coins inside.

The title of another post is "Infinite Crystal, the hot work on the market is completely cracked!" ......

There are also posts with very calm titles, "low-key, making you become rich and handsome in three seconds."

There are dozens of forest species, all pointing to the microcrystal of Natural Girl.

I didn't leave the company at noon, and Cheng Shuixin, who had been absorbed in reading hot posts, also saw these posts.

Without exception, these posts are marked red or even bold in the posting forum, which is particularly conspicuous.

At this moment, Cheng Shuixin immediately understood what Su Yifan's method was. Looking back at Su Yifan's office door, Cheng Shuixin couldn't help applaud.

Although it is a little ferocious, it is definitely the best way.

Countless people have asked what is the easiest way to destroy a game. This answer is very rich, but it has one of the most reliable standard answers.


This is one of the best ways to destroy a game.

No matter how interesting it is, as long as it involves growth and numerical values, as long as it involves the purchase system and money system. Modification can instantly create a feeling that I feel that I have nothing to pursue, and then I just want to look at it casually and won't play games carefully.

For games with a built-in charging system, if there is a modification, it is equivalent to being sentenced to death...

This kind of post began to appear before 2 p.m. and became overwhelming around 3:30 p.m.

When I saw this thing appear on the other side of Microcrystal, my feet were in chaos.

All posters use temporary IDs, such as small vests that have not posted before, and IPs are also untracked by agents and Internet cafes. Ren Xiaoyue knew such a thing at the first time, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He quickly found a download that did not require permission, then connected it to his mobile phone to run, and found that the software was incredibly simple and crude.

It is a simple interface like a text table, with several options on it.

Gold coins, crystals, skills, materials.

There is a dialog box under each text. Fill in the numbers casually. After filling in, there is a modification button. Press it to automatically detect whether there is this software on the mobile phone, and then complete it in an instant.

What's more terrible is that this software has a total capacity of less than 100KB. It only takes one second to download at the current network speed, but it doesn't need to install any Apple software on the computer to connect to the iPhone.

You should know that all software similar to auxiliary iPhone needs the retarded iTunes for the underlying support. How on earth does this software work?

Ren Xiaoyue didn't understand, but he only practiced it and crashed. The game on his mobile phone showed the words 9999 crystal, and then the response from the company's server was actually a "successful purchase", showing that the payment amount was zero.

At this moment, Ren Xiaoyue understood that the previous light-touched battle with himself was just delaying time and creating the image of the victim. There is only one way to really kill "Natural Girl".