My Goddess

Chapter 231 Don't worry

There are less than ten people in the Microcrystal Studio who are qualified to come to the meeting, and both men and women are dressed very well. In the early years, Ren Xiaoyue followed a big boss to download mobile music for a period of time, and the boss's annual income was almost hundreds of millions of yuan. At that time, Ren Xiaoyue understood a truth that the person who really does a good job in the content in the world may not be able to make money. Only the person who goes out to shout good prices for the goods is easier to get rich.

Ren Xiaoyue has always been determined to be a businessman who sells general content at a good price, and he feels that he is close to success. Especially after finding the way to imitate other people's games, he has seen the dawn of becoming a hot-selling game several times.

With the upgrading of mobile phones, the new intelligent platform has given new opportunities for the painstakingly supported microcrystals. Ren Xiaoyue also tried his best to use the experience he learned in that year to require his subordinates to wear formal clothes and put on the faces of business elites and successful people. After all, in today's Tianchao shopping malls, many times people don't look at what you make, but first depends on what kind of person you are.

These people who came to the conference room were dressed quite formally, but everyone looked very solemn. Even if you really don't care about what happened in the company, you can also understand it by listening to gossip. Especially in this case, I heard that someone sent a big killer that broke the rules of the game, and Ren Xiaoyue announced that it was normal for the meeting.

Ren Xiaoyue's face was worse than these people. He let Fan Minglun sit on his right hand and whispered, "You may already know the situation. Now our first problem is to stabilize our position. Sister Qian, how about advertising and investment?"

Sister Qian, who is responsible for outreach, is a middle-aged woman with all kinds of amorous feelings. She looks like a woman in her thirties, and her skin is well maintained. If her eyes are peach blossoms, people will feel a little strange. Hearing Ren Xiaoyue's question, Sister Qian slightly bent her finger and said, "The light spirit touched the other side and issued a statement of entrusting lawyers. Everyone is afraid of trouble. Except for a few small manufacturers, few are willing to talk in depth."

Of course, small manufacturers are all prices of small manufacturers. Ren Xiaoyue sighed: "Then contact more, and you should also take the initiative."

Sister Qian tried to make herself smile a little more charming, but there seemed to be a faint suffering.

Ren Xiaoyue tried not to look at Sister Qian's embarrassed smile, turned to the supervisor of the program and asked, "Have you figured out the mechanism of this cracker bypassing verification now?"

The technical supervisor is a tall and thin man, less than 30 years old. His whole body is pale as if he has just come out of the zombie film and has not removed his makeup. Hearing Ren Xiaoyue ask himself, he also nodded a little palely: "I probably know."

I probably know that few people will say this kind of words in private enterprises, which basically proves that they are not really clear. Ren Xiaoyue frowned. Just now, he could be vague and not serious, but he couldn't laugh casually at the level of technology.

"What the hell is going on?"

The technical supervisor wore a deep myopic lens and lowered his head to hold his glasses. Then he looked up and said hesitantly, "The verification mechanism used by that cracker completely rewrote our immediate verification code. By imitating the feedback of payment behavior, I cheated the server and directly bought internal shopping items... To be honest, the other party's programming water It's very high."

That's what stopped. With Ren Xiaoyue's experience, he already knew what was going on. He looked angrily at the technical director who took a lot of money from his pocket every year and was promised the company's options.

"How long will it take to finish it?"

The technical supervisor hesitated for a moment and replied in a low voice, "I don't know..."


This is the first time since the creation of Microcrystal, Ren Xiaoyue slapped the table in front of everyone, and the sound was so loud that people couldn't look directly at it.

The rest of the people who had not been asked looked at Ren Xiaoyue with frightened eyes.

The general manager's palm did not seem to feel pain, and he did not move on the table.

"I don't know?" Ren Xiaoyue's anger, which had been held for a long time, finally broke out, "I'm asking you to sit here to hear you say 'I don't know'?"

The sweat on the technical supervisor's face came out, but people still have the unique uprightness and even pedantic of the technical house. They dare not look directly into Ren Xiaoyue's eyes, but still bowed their heads and said, "The other party's compilation level is too high, and this crack fully conforms to all the payment process verification rules. The solution I can think of now is It is to modify the verification mechanism.

"Then modify it!" Ren Xiaoyue felt quite calm, but now he found that he was going crazy. "Can you always tell me how long it will take to modify?"

The technical director replied in a low voice, "It will take...four days..."

Four days is not long. Ren Xiaoyue calculated the loss of four days and shook his head and said, "Three days, tell me what support you need."

The technical supervisor did not dare to bargain any more. He shrank his head and sat back against the back of the chair without saying anything.

Ren Xiaoyue raised his head, looked at several participants with flinching eyes, and asked in a tone, "Who knows the address of the company that touched lightly?"

A petite girl in charge of the market raised her hand weakly: "There are..."

There is no company address on the official website of Qingling Touch, which makes Ren Xiaoyue very entangled. Hearing that the marketing department already had it, he waved his hand and said, "Bry it to me."

Ren Xiaoyue remembered the address brought by the girl in the marketing department at a glance, but he didn't know that it was the address before the move, not now.

Ren Xiaoyue's aura, which touched the company's address, was so fierce that several people in the conference room guessed that Ren always did not want to do something simple and rude. Of course, no one had the courage to ask. They stared at Ren Xiaoyue and waited for him to continue to issue orders.

Ren Xiaoyue thought for a moment and said, "From now on, recruit people, as long as they use the verifier and don't spend money to clean up the crystals on their accounts."

Fan Minglun asked, "Do you want to delete the number?"

"It can't be deleted." Ren Xiaoyue said, "Sister Qian, hurry up and contact the advertisement."

In the face of this aggressive crack, that's basically all that can be done. The official statement condemned the people who made the crackers legally and morally, and claimed that they did not rule out resorting to legal means. Of course, it is useless to do technical tracking even now. Many sources are simply public wifi, and you can't find the upload device without camera records. Several of them are also from some notebook stores... Ren Xiaoyue feels that the other party's insidiousness is simply unprecedented.

This feeling of aggrievedness is too strong... There is no evidence to know who did it. If you really denounce the light touch, I guess you will have to be bitten by all kinds of lawyer dogs prepared by others.

After arranging everything, Ren Xiaoyue emphasized the company's confidence and the importance of this incident to the company, and then returned to the office to continue to observe the development.

But the speed of this matter has far exceeded the limit that Ren Xiaoyue could imagine.

After almost an afternoon of fermentation, Ren Xiaoyue finally saw his company's "Natural Girl" hit the top 10 of the download list again, which looks really gratifying.

However, for a limited-free game, the internal purchase can be completely cracked, and it is a fool-like crack. Ren Xiaoyue knew very well that this surge in downloads was nothing more than consuming a large amount of profits that could have been obtained by the game ahead of time. He was almost equivalent to watching countless money flowing in front of his eyes, which had nothing to do with him.

There is no feedback from the technical department. Ren Xiaoyue has visited several times. On the one hand, he is trying to check the user account and constantly researching new verification mechanisms to update the game. These technical houses are very busy.

In desperation, Ren Xiaoyue could only order overtime meals for everyone in the company through several ordering websites, and then continued to sit alone in the office and look at the computer screen.



Compared with the bitterness of the Microcrystal Studio, it is much easier to touch this side.

Most people in the company are still testing Cheng Shuixin's time tree software, and the current effect can be called a group. Even Zhao Yutong and others, who were far away in Binhai, couldn't help registering an account and posted some timelines about their studios on it.

How to establish, how hard it is, setbacks and achievements. I look a little excited, while outsiders look motivated and positive. Zhao Yutong took the initiative to call Cheng Shuixin and praised her for making a software that people can't help falling in love with.

Cheng Shuixin accepted Zhao Yutong's compliment with a shy and reserved smile, and then invited Zhao Yutong to help him make several time tree decoration templates. The price is negotiable

Zhao Yutong agreed and insisted on free: "Can you type the author's name? I want to make a small advertisement for the studio.

"Of course no problem." Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Template customization mode and submission of applications will be opened later. First, I want you to make some classics."

Zhao Yutong happily agreed and promised to give Cheng Shuixin a batch of finished products in three days at most.

After calling Zhao Yutong, Cheng Shuixin went to Su Yifan: "How's the battle going?"

Su Yifan didn't even look at the screen now, but wrote something on a blank notepad.

"You don't have to look at it to know the results. I guess Microcrystal is studying to modify the verification mechanism and update the game crazily."

"Frequent updates will make users dissatisfied. That's what you came up with at the beginning, right?"

"It's not exactly." Su Yifan said, "Cracking is indeed the best way to destroy the game, especially modifying and cracking. I guess many people will work in this direction in the future."

"Actually, if you modify the archive, you can do it a long time ago, right?" Cheng Shuixin asked, "You just increased their workload."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Yes, this kind of thing can't be reconciled. It must be how to make others uncomfortable."

Cheng Shuixin sighed, "I'm really relieved that you are like this."

"What are you worried about?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled and turned out of the office.

"Everything is relieved."