My Goddess

Chapter 236 It's too early

The air in the morning was extremely fresh. When Yang Bingbing got up, she was still recalling the feeling of being held by Su Yifan yesterday. Yang Bingbing felt very embarrassed. If she hugged Su Yifan outside, she would hug her before... Now she is at Su Yifan's house, which feels a little strange, as if she is trying to hug her.

Open the window and look down, finding that Su Yifan was ready to run downstairs. The teenager who bowed his head and was unusually serious seemed to have a different charm, which made Yang Bingbing's heart shake slightly.

Unable to wave to Su Yifan, Yang Bingbing was surprised to find that Su Yifan actually looked up and noticed herself.

Trained by Nicole's ear for so long, Su Yifan's feeling has been very keen, and he may have noticed it when he looks at himself.

Yang Bingbing made a mouth shape to Su Yifan downstairs, but did not make a sound.

It's morning, and it's not good to wake up others. The girl still has this consciousness.

Su Yifan saw Yang Bingbing's mouth clearly. She was letting herself wait for her. He nodded.

Yang Bingbing ran to wash up like a gust of wind, put on sportswear and went downstairs.

Since the attack in New York, Yang Bingbing has almost given up her morning exercise habit. Now with Su Yifan by her side, she feels that there seems to be no psychological shadow in this matter.

Looking at Yang Bingbing, who had a ponytail, coming out of the corridor, Su Yifan suddenly felt very satisfied.

Such a vibrant morning may be the best start of the day for me, right?

Yang Bingbing was a little embarrassed when she saw Su Yifan. She ran to Su Yifan with a shy smile. The two of them didn't say anything. They let Su Yifan wave their fingers in front of them and began to run in the morning.

Yang Bingbing is already familiar with the streets around Su Yifan's house. The two ran along this road, bypassed a small square and a primary school, and even passed the Internet cafe where they played games together. There are not many pedestrians on the road, and the city in the early morning is the most beautiful time of the day. Su Yifan occasionally turned his head to see Yang Bingbing's flying ponytail. At this moment, he felt more and more that he might really try to make Yang Bingbing return to his quiet life trajectory. Such a girl should not be so bored.

According to Su Yifan's usual morning exercise route, the two finally took another detour in the park before starting to run back. In the middle, the two didn't talk, and neither of them put the MP3 with them. They just occasionally looked at each other and ran down, as if they could produce infinite power from each other.

Su Yifan thought that Yang Bingbing would not stand the intensity of his morning exercise, but he didn't expect that Yang didn't stop or show weakness all the way, and followed him until the end.

When he got home, Su Yifan was sweating, and Yang Bingbing was also sweating profusely. She gasped for a while at the top of the stairs and then ran up to take a shower. Su Yifan followed slowly, took a shower and had breakfast, and then waited for Yang Bingbing to go to the company with him.

On the way to the company, Yang Bingbing's face was still slightly red. It is estimated that the amount of exercise in the morning exceeded her usual limit. Just now, the little lion has been trying not to stop.

"Do you run every day?"

"Almost every day." Su Yifan replied, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Yang Bingbing shook her head and said, "I usually use the treadmill more, but I'm a little uncomfortable when I come out to run less."

"If there is a treadmill, I don't want to go out too much." Su Yifan smiled and said, "Isn't the conditions allowed at home?"

"Why don't you go to the fitness center?"

"There are many people, troublesome." Su Yifan asked, "Have you been there?"

Yang Bingbing showed a disgusted face: "I've been there. There are a lot of disgusting people."

Su Yifan wanted to say that a beautiful girl like Yang Bingbing would be harassed wherever she went. After thinking about it, he still didn't say anything. He felt that there was no reason why Yang Bingbing hated contact with boys. Some people's lower limit was indeed considerable.

"Then do morning exercises with me in the future?" Su Yifan tried to ask for advice and said, "I think you have a good foundation."

Yang Bingbing half complained and muttered, "Running will have thick legs", and then promised happily, "Okay, you will call me when you exercise in the future."

Su Yifan remembered that he hadn't taken Yang Bingbing to see Ola for a long time and said with a smile, "Moderate running won't have thick legs. Your legs are so beautiful. How can I be ashamed to destroy them?"

Yang Bingbing used to listen to Su Yifan praise her for her beauty, and there was always a faint joy in her heart. This time, Su Yifan actually directly shifted the focus of praise to her lap. Even if Yang Bingbing was indeed quite confident in her legs, she still blushed when she heard Su Yifan's words.

consciously shrank her legs, but unfortunately, she couldn't shrink anywhere in the car. Yang Bingbing could only bow her head and install quail.

According to the standards of the general public, Yang Bingbing's legs are definitely the best level that grow to a certain level and split from the waist down. Su Yifan knew that most girls did not dare to dream of having such long legs without their eyes, but Yang Bingbing has always been covered with a long skirt, or she never showed them in trousers. Su Yifan rarely compares the difference between Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin in terms of beauty level, but he knows that Yang Bingbing's legs are indeed stronger and more powerful than Cheng Shuixin, which should be the reason why he exercises more than Cheng Shuixin.

This unconscious comparison made Su Yifan feel a little lame, and he couldn't help aiming at Yang Bingbing's leg with the corner of his eyes. Today, Yang Bingbing only wore a pair of whitewashed jeans, white cotton socks and sneakers. The clean and refreshing girl sat beside her shyly, also noticed Su Yifan's eyes, and was even more embarrassed to have any contact with him.

Su Yifan subconsciously wanted to drive away this embarrassment, but he didn't know what to say. Both of them seemed a little overwhelmed at the red light.

It took more than a minute for the red light. Yang Bingbing suddenly raised her head after almost a minute and asked, "Do you... really think it looks good?"

Su Yifan wanted to nod hard, but by this time the red light had turned green, so he had to drive first.

Driving through the crossroads, Su Yifan nodded with a very positive attitude.

Such an attitude is enough. Yang Bingbing turned her head shyly and looked at the scenery outside the car window. She didn't know where she had flown to.

As the boss of the company, Su Yifan came earlier, and the only one earlier than him was Cheng Shuixin.

Obviously, Cheng Shuixin, who will not be wronged by sleeping, has no tired face. She is looking at things in front of the computer screen and does not look back when she hears footsteps: "Last night, the people of Microcrystal Studio issued a statement."

"In the early morning?"

"It's around the early morning." Cheng Shuixin said, "Declaration that they will not give up hope and hope that players will light up the fire of hope for them."

"Are you going to die to the end?" Su Yifan thought it was very interesting. The transformation of the victim in this second really doesn't even need psychological adjustment. "If they want to play like this, let's continue to play."

Cheng Shuixin has different views: "I don't think so. They should be planning to admit defeat."

Su Yifan reacted, just like the National Development and Reform Commission will definitely adjust the price within 48 hours to refute rumors. This tough statement is generally to get sympathy points. If it really doesn't work, it is also possible for microcrystals to kneel and beg for mercy.

"Then keep watching." Su Yifan felt that there was no need to continue to waste energy with Wei Crystal now. "Is Yang Zongyuan's advertisement online?"

"It can be launched today." Cheng Shuixin extinguished the monitor and got up and said, "Our advertising revenue is very good now. Do you want Meng Shiyi to recruit two more people?"

Su Yifan saw that there was no one else in the company now, only three direct forces including himself, and simply let go and asked, "Do you think Meng Shiyi is ambitious?"

"There must be ambition." Cheng Shuixin said, "It depends on how you control it. Meng Shiyi knows your relationship with Chu Yin and has seen your connections. Even if he is ambitious, he dares not shine, does he?

Yang Bingbing usually reads a lot of economic books, and she is also ** about this kind of thing. She frowned and said, "Isn't it good for him to master so many resources alone?"

Cheng Shuixin shrugged her shoulders like Su Yifan: "Give both kindness and power. I believe he will consider the cost of betrayal."

That's right, but it seems a little cold when you say it, but Cheng Shuixin doesn't care at all.

At the end of the discussion about the company, the three people returned to their positions to work. Su Yifan was also sorting out things with yesterday's picture book. Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing ran curiously to see it, which were all covered by him.

This kind of cover-up behavior is particularly rare in Su Yifan, which makes both girls curious and embarrassed to force Su Yifan to confess.

The key is that Su Yifan's performance is so gentle that people don't know how to force him.

In the morning, several technology websites and game websites issued the statement of Microcrystal Studio in a prominent position. Different from Cheng Shuixin's view, these media all think that this is a manifestation of Microcrystal Studio's unwillingness to give in. Su Yifan could only smile and called Wang Jiantao to come over and tell him, "If anyone contacts you to make peace, don't admit that it has something to do with us."

Wang Jiantao is essentially a straightforward technical house. After thinking about it for a moment, he understood what Su Yifan meant: "You mean... Ren Xiaoyue will come to beg for mercy?"

"Ren Xiaoyue may not be willing, and his investors must not want to go on like this." Su Yifan said, "Unless there is a possibility, the investor is targeting us."

Wang Jiantao felt incredible: "Isn't it unlikely?"

"I don't think it's possible either." Su Yifan smiled and said, "But now I'm always willing to think about something. Maybe they just want to buy us."

Wang Jiantao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Su Yifan's words: "You don't want to sell the company, do you?"

Su Yifan said, "Do you think I'm willing?"

Wang Jiantao looked at Su Yifan for a while and nodded, "Yes, I also don't think you are willing to give up."

"What other questions do you have?"

"It's gone." Wang Jiantao went out to find Cai Qi to make tea for himself. He felt that although the girl was a little eccentric and did not seem to have a good temper, her tea-making skills were good.

Su Yifan was busy in the office for more than an hour, and Meng Shiyi knocked on the door and came in.

"Boss, the person from Microcrystal contacted me. It seems that he wants to admit defeat."

Su Yifan put down the things in his hand and muttered with a little dissatisfaction, "Is it too early to be soft?"