My Goddess

Chapter 241 confidant--

Su Yifan was discussing the topic of cooperation with Chu Ruo affectionately. Although his hands were honest, the teenager felt that there was a fire burning in his heart. Before it could burn completely, the phone on the table rang.

Chu Ruo let go of Su Yifan. At this time, she was definitely an informed and interesting girl. She was neither coquettish nor clingy, but got up with one hand to sort out the corners of her skirt and socks, and picked up the phone directly with the other hand and handed it to Su Yifan.

Such an understanding and silent Chu Ruo was actually more powerful. Su Yifan was a little embarrassed. He answered the phone and heard Cheng Shuixin's voice.

"Huang Di is here, in the meeting area."

"Please invite him in." Su Yifan was actually a little guilty when he spoke.

"Good." Cheng Shuixin's execution ability was very strong. She directly put down the phone and came to knock on the door soon.

Chu Ruo, who had sorted out his clothes and expressions, smiled calmly and opened the door like a lady and welcomed Cheng Shuixin and Huang Di in.

Huang Di was too impressed by Cheng Shuixin. If it hadn't been for this girl, she might not have had so much intersection with Su Yifan. As the second young master of the Huang family, Su Yifan continued to play their literary club with Cheng Shuixin in school. How good should such a life be? But now it's too late to regret. Huang Di sadly found that he had the potential to be a little brother. He was a little excited by Su Yifan.

It is natural for Cheng Shuixin to appear in Su Yifan's company. Seeing that Su Yifan has almost finished this talented beauty now, Huang Di is even more unhappy. Chen Xin no longer knows where she has gone, and she is also ashamed in the circle of princes in Binhai City. I really don't know why I blindly participated in Chen Xin's affairs at the beginning. For example, the relationship between Yu Zheng and Su Yifan is quite good. It seems that the boy is still smart enough.

Thinking about something in his head, Huang Di shook hands with Su Yifan and was invited to sit down.

Cheng Shuixin didn't say anything to Huang Diduo, and she didn't have a good impression of Huang Di, especially this person who also teamed up with Chen Xin and Zhai Yufei to overshadow Su Yifan. Turn around and greet Cai Qi to make tea for everyone in the office and left directly.

Huang Di recognized at a glance that the little girl who opened the door for himself was the precious daughter of Third Master Chu. Thinking of the rumors about the relationship between Su Yifan and Chu Yin in the world, and even the recent fall of Lao Wang, there was a wave of ups and downs in his heart.

Chu Ruo has been smiling very well and quietly in front of outsiders. After helping Huang Di open the door, he waved his hand to Su Yifan: "I'll go to Meng Shiyi to discuss the promotion plan. Go ahead."

Huang Di usually comes to see Su Yifan himself and will never bring his younger brother and help him, mainly because he is afraid of shame. He was like a grandson in front of Su Yifan, which made Bang Xian and his younger brothers really have no face.

It's like showing off. Chu Ruo just obediently went out to find something to do by herself, and Cai Qi had come in with coffee.

Probably noticed the fashionable taste of Huang Di. Cai Qi did not make tea on her own initiative, but brought coffee.

With Huang Di's knowledge of women, he couldn't help staring at Cai Qi's chest a few times. Only then did he find his gaffe and coughed to thank Cai Qi.

Today, Cai Qi is still wearing sunglasses, which makes her look strange and mysterious.

Cai Qi's tall figure and the temperament exuded above make Huang Di a little self-shame impulse. He is so jealous and hate Su Yifan. How can he work around so many beautiful women? How can this be said clearly?!

After putting down the coffee, Cai Qi nodded slightly to Su Yifan and was about to turn around and go out when Su Yifan shouted at her.

"Don't go, let's listen together."

Cai Qi was originally extremely disgusted with this kind of work of pouring tea and pouring water. When she heard Su Yifan participate in the audience, she was so moved that she was about to shed tears. People have more or less Stegoer syndrome. After long-term oppression and orders, Cai Qi has long had a vague expectation for this affirmative order.

Huang Di was very smart and didn't ask who the beautiful woman was. He had already made up for the scene where Su Yifan had a lot of beautiful resources to access at will.

"Brother Su, this place is really good." Huang Di took a sip of coffee and knew that it was the real best Blue Mountain. He immediately felt valued by Su Yifan and felt much happier than when he first entered the door. "If I had opened a company, I would be satisfied with such a place."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Do you still need to start a company? The current shares of the Huang family are not enough for you to eat?

Huang Di smiled and said, "Do you think there is too much money?"

Su Yifan thought for a moment and replied, "Actually, I really don't need too much. I don't pursue as much as you."

Huang Di has to admit that Su Yifan is right. The teenager in front of him really doesn't have so many ideas. Su Yifan's life can be described as simple and simple. If you earn 10 million dollars, you will be embarrassed to drive a golf car to win the market.

"This is Huang Di." Su Yifan introduced to Cai Qi, "Huang Nuo, a famous electrical chain in the province, is his father, and Mr. Huang is very famous in Binhai."

Su Yifan's words made Huang Di very restless and said quickly, "Brother Su, don't laugh at me. I'm an idle waste. Compared with Brother Su, I'm really ashamed of you."

Su Yifan took a look at Huang Di and said calmly, "In fact, it is also a kind of wisdom."

Such a simple sentence solidified Huang Di's smile, which was quite pleasing to Su Yifan.

At this moment, Huang Di even felt that Su Yifan was his real confidant, and he actually said a word to his heart.

Big brother Huang Le is invincible in business and is also very good to himself, but after all, those Huang Nuo's industries will not really inherit from him. How much of Huang Di's current wine life is made because he doesn't want to compete with his eldest brother for family property?

Huang Di now even has a feeling that the so-called brothers who usually eat, drink and play with him are just floating clouds. Only this seemingly steady and experienced teenager in front of him is a true confidant.

This kind of heartache is impossible for Huang Di, who has been in the world for many years, but at this moment he wants to hug Su Yifan.

No... It's too gay to do this! No, no! What about looking gay? This is a person who really understands himself!

Contrary to Huang Di's excitement, Cai Qi immediately understood why Su Yifan left herself in the office. She lowered her head and covered her eyes with sunglasses.

Su Yifan said it simply and bluntly, and Cai Qi knew what his intentions were.

Huang Di is so indisputable that he lives a good and easy life. Material life will reach its peak at a certain level. No matter how hard it is to overcome, your greed actually comes from uncertainty and fear of the future and humanity.

Su Yifan is educating himself with facts how stupid his decision to kidnap Cai Yan was.

Huang Di trembled with excitement and tried his best to restrain himself without exaggerating. Looking at Su Yifan, his eyes changed a lot: "Brother Su, what you said... Alas, I won't say anything, only you understand."

Su Yifan didn't expect Huang Di to react so much. He felt that he had just told the truth in Huang Di's grievance. This is also a matter of course. Since you have to ask others, it's no problem to say a few words to understand each other, right?

"Okay, Brother Huang. Let me introduce you to Cai Qi.

Huang Di immediately nodded to Cai Qi with a gentlemanly. He was very curious about who Cai Qi was. Judging from his performance just now, he looked like a secretary, but now he doesn't look like it at all.

Su Yifan took a look at Cai Qi and said, "Cai Qi is also good at investigating others, so I asked her to listen together."

Huang Di nodded and still believed in his heart that Su Yifan and Cai Qi had a leg. He cleared his throat and said, "Brother Su, I asked about the requirements you told me. It would be too easy if there was a video to compare the ID card photos. I can do this. Just wait for the result."

"Thank you, Brother Huang." Su Yifan smiled and said, "As for how to trace it, can you listen to Cai Qi's opinion?"

Huang Di turned his eyes to Cai Qi. Cai Qi, who stood on Su Yifan's side, did not have stage fright and said coldly, "If you can confirm the identity of these people, it's better to have their recent living conditions, including some funds, consumption records and so on. The more detailed you know, the easier it is to generate a chain of evidence.

These requirements are absolutely too difficult for ordinary people, but Huang Di did not feel difficult at all and happily responded, "No problem, do you want one person's or all?"

Su Yifan has used the computer to bring up the surveillance video at that time and pointed out the fierce leading aunt to Huang Di.

"She first, and this."

Cai Qi followed Su Yifan's finger and found that in addition to the leading aunt, he also pointed to another aunt who stood in the distance and looked a little lively.

Su Yifan has already made his judgment before Cai Qi's question: "These two people, one is the leader, and we need to investigate in detail. The other one is that he is not experienced and is pulled to make up the number, and it is easier to become a breakthrough.

Huang Di is extremely impressed by Su Yifan's inference: "Well, Brother Su, just do as you say. Give me this video and check the people first.

Su Yifan threw a USB flash drive to Huang Di: "It's all here. Thank you for your hard work, Brother Huang."

Huang Di doesn't have the resentment of coming to help Su Yifan now. He said with a smile, "Don't say that. I'm very happy that you have a place to use me. Seeing that your company is so successful, I thought you were omnipotent.

Huang Di's ability to lift people in this flower sedan chair is naturally not bad. After a word or two was praised, Su Yifan was also in a good mood. The two complimented each other with pity. Su Yifan said that he was indeed anxious, and Huang Di immediately called to arrange it.

Cai Qi looked aside and suddenly felt that she understood why Su Yifan did things so much more smoothly than herself.