My Goddess

Chapter 257 War Drum Rest

The light-touched advertisement points to a very concise page with several very easy-to-understand options.

Download the app or open the program directly on the web page.

App is divided into two versions: Android and iOS, which are not very different, and there are subtle changes in the interface art. iOS looks cleaner, while Android has slightly more beautifying details.

But these are not important. The important thing is that has attracted the attention of many teenagers.

This time, unlike the previous test, the whole time tree project is officially launched.

All three versions have tutorials, which are simple and easy to learn, and it is easy to understand how to play this thing by looking at the demonstration.

There is no longer any text on this web page that praises how this software can reach everyone's heart. It is simply to demonstrate the whole operation process and tell others what it is.

In fact, this is enough.

As Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin said when chatting before, everyone thinks that they are the protagonists of their own lives, and everyone feels that their stories are more important than anything else. Whether it is a personal homepage, a blog, a microblog like muttering and Twitter, or a social homepage like Facebook, it is a platform for people to show themselves.

The emergence of the time tree not only meets many needs to show themselves, but also highlights people's attributes as protagonists of the story.

The right privacy protection mechanism, various historical timelines full of achievement, custom events... Although it is just a simple software, people can't help but try how much content can be added to it.

Such a thing makes people who are willing to show their personality can't wait to record their easily envied history and also look at the life trajectory of others.

For a while, the limelight of the media station was actually taken away by a software, and it was completely taken away.

Even the microcrystal that has been fighting with Qingling touched the ring was stunned. No one expected that Qingling Touching had time to make such a software while fighting with people.

Ren Xiaoyue knew that there was a movement in the light spirit, but he never thought that such a thing would happen.

Ren Xiaoyue, who has a keen sense of market smell, almost confirmed that the application of this time tree will definitely be popular, but he is powerless to plagiarize.

It's not a matter of creativity, but what he takes is selling games. Ren Xiaoyue can't play this kind of humanistic software at all.

This time, Cheng Shuixin seems to have a layout. All players who have registered for Cute Girl before can pass No. 1, which directly caused many people to move the game diary there, which suddenly enriched the play space of Cute Girl. In the past, some people used to say that the Sims series is One Hundred Years of Solitude in the game industry. Many players are willing to write essays about the strange lives of one or more characters. Now many players of Cute Girl directly created the time tree of the characters of Cute Girl, and then posted and compared each other on the forum website, which suddenly formed a trend.

This is exactly what Cheng Shuixin hopes for the promotion method that allows users to spontaneously form a virtuous circle. Wang Juan was also told not to pay attention to the war between the two companies and focus on promoting and guiding the time tree software.

This is actually equivalent to letting Wang Juan return to her previous work. Wang Juan will not feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, Cen Shaohua and Qian Xiaoliang, who helped, felt that this kind of thing was not as interesting as before, and they seemed a little lonely.

Su Yifan had no time to engage in ideological construction education. The provincial and Taiwan film crew was still there, so he went to drink tea and chat with Su Xiaoqing and read * data by the way.

The download volume of time tree software is growing faster than expected, and modern people accept new things much faster than in previous years. Su Yifan looked at the digital change on the notebook screen and smiled at Su Xiao opposite him and said, "I think Cheng Shuixin's project will eventually benefit much more than Cute Girl."

Su Xiaoqing also praised: "If social software can maintain its vigorous vitality, it will certainly rise much faster than traditional website projects. Cheng Shuixin chose a road that suits her. You have to take good care of it.

Today is the last day of the provincial and Taiwan film production team. Not only Su Yifan was out of work, but Cheng Shuixin accompanied Yang Bingbing to see Jin Shenhong's outsourcing team. Although Su Yifan was not with Yang Bingbing, he let Jeffka and others follow them to ensure Yang Bingbing's safety.

"I told Cheng Shuixin last time that if the application of the time tree is successful, I want to split the social part and let her take part of the equity."

Su Xiaoqing is also very happy that Su Yifan can have such courage: "Have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it for a long time." Su Yifan seemed very relaxed about this kind of thing. "Actually, I'm still thinking that the lightly touched equity should also be concentrated in your hands, and it's useless to leave it to me."

Su Xiaoqing has known Su Yifan's personality for a long time, but it's another thing to hear him say that, and it's natural to be moved. Nowadays, young people are more selfish than you chasing me. Su Yifan has drawn a clear line between himself and the Su family.

"Let's wait until your company exceeds one billion dollars." Su Xiaoqing winked at Su Yifan, "Before that, work hard."

Su Yifan said with a wry smile, "Xiaoqing, don't scare me. I just think this can catch up with you a little."

Su Xiao blinked and asked, "Do you remember what you said to me?"

"I remember." Su Yifan said, "I want to help you share the pressure."

Su Xiaoqing counted his hand and said, "You see, the matter of AUU is basically that you helped me attract most of their attention. They all want to control me through you, so I have a chance to fight back successfully."

Su Yifan wanted to deny it, but Su Xiaoqing pressed his lips with his fingers.

What a gentle finger, the feeling of fingertips falling on his lips is like a spring breeze passing by. No matter how much Su Yifan wanted to say, he still stopped.

"Don't deny it, and then look at Cai Yan, and then look at Xiao Zhu... These people have focused on you. In fact, you have helped me share a lot of pressure. So it's not a matter of money. I owe you too much."


Although he felt that Su Xiaoqing was unreasonable, Su Yifan could no longer bear to refute her. This intimate posture is more pleasing than any reward in the world. At least Su Yifan feels that he will not feel that Su Xiaoqing really owes him anything because of this.

Su Xiaoqing paused for a moment and asked, "Do you think of how to solve Yang Bingbing's matter?"

Su Yifan also has a headache about this: "I don't know."

"Isn't it better to let her stay in your house for a while?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "I think she is quite uneasy... I really don't know how to reassure her."

"Actually, you can consider taking the initiative to drag Zhao Xuan out."

Su Yifan looked at Su Xiaoqing: "That's not in your interest, is it?"

"I watch the play." Su Xiaoqing was very relaxed, "Zhao Xuan didn't dare to do anything to me. She was afraid that I would take fierce revenge. However, Mrs. Yang has endured for so long and has not done anything strange to Yang Jialiang and Zhao Chuanzhi. I always feel that she will not tolerate it so much.

Su Yifan has his own unique opinion on this question: "I'm wondering if Mrs. Yang is using this way to attract snakes out of the hole?"

"This is more likely." Su Xiao nodded his head and said, "She may want to eliminate the internal problems of the family."

"Everyone thinks that Mrs. Yang is not as strong as she thought, and she will definitely make some irrational moves." Su Yifan sorted out her thoughts and went on, "After these details are exposed, she will finish it in one fell swoop."

Su Xiaoqing smiled and said, "I think you can talk to Mrs. Yang directly and see what she plans for."

Su Yifan actually doesn't like to communicate with Yang Bingbing's mother. At first glance, Jiang Ran is a good-to-talking classmate parent, and the city is still very deep. Su Yifan always feels that he is easy to see through.

"I don't think it matters what Mrs. Yang thinks. What matters is how long it will take to end..." Su Yifan said with a little difficulty, "Yang Bingbing seems to be very anxious these days. She didn't turn against others so easily before."

Su Xiaoqing certainly knew about Hu Yanjie and Xicheng and smiled and said, "It's mainly about you. She is upset."


Su Yifan has always shut up and refused to respond to such issues.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Su Xiao tapped the table in front of them. On the table was a basin of taro made by Su Yifan and placed behind the laptop. "If Mrs. Yang insists on this matter, it will probably take a long time. However, you can express your position, and Zhao Xuan probably doesn't dare to do anything against you.

Su Yifan thought of Zhao Xuan's previous action and said with a wry smile, "What is she afraid of?"

"What good can you do?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "The main reason is that it's not Zhao Xuan who wants to move the Yang family. We can't do this kind of thing."

"So all you can do is wait." Su Xiaoqing said meaningfully, "With me, Zhao Xuan always has to think about it again."

"Didn't she do something to you?"

"It's just testing each other." Su Xiaoqing looked indifferent, "We didn't show each other's cards. She was forced to take a few steps back by me, at least at present, she dares not challenge me."

Because I really know Su Xiaoqing's strength too well, Su Yifan agrees with this statement: "So I still concentrate on the company during this period, and I don't have to think about it?"

"You really don't have to think about it." Su Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "You can't hide when you should come. If you don't come, live a good life."

Su Yifan nodded, accepted this statement, and then gave Su Xiaoqing taro puree.

Su Xiaoqing ate sweets very fast. A few spoonfuls went down and asked, "Then let's talk about this between you and Microcrystal?"

Su Yifan nodded: "Let's see how it can fight with me if it doesn't make money for months."

"School is about to start, are you busy?"

Su Yifan was also a little helpless when he thought of this: "I'll try my best... Now no matter how I fight with Microcrystal, they can't kill each other. It's better to concentrate on expanding their influence."

Su Xiaoqing was very satisfied with Su Yifan's current progress. He handed over the taro paste in the spoon and fed Su Yifan a bite.


Why was the cover changed... Is it because of the crackdown?

There should be two chapters at night