My Goddess

Chapter 260 The Power of Kindness

Chen Jianguo now realizes that it is reasonable to challenge Su Yifan with Chen Ze's strength, but it is not enough to face Su Xiaoqing standing behind Su Yifan.

But Chen Ze seems to have understood this for a long time, and it is still the same, which makes Chen Jianguo have a bigger doubt in his mind.

Chen Ze's plot seemed to be more than a game, and Chen Jianguo began to doubt whether Chen Ze's previous chat with himself really ** all his thoughts.

But these are no longer so important. The important thing is that Chen Jianguo feels that what Chen Ze said is reasonable.

If Su Xiaoqing's hand is really effective everywhere, there is no hope how he jumps. If Chen Ze really has a big plan, he might as well continue to play with him.

For Chen Jianguo, almost everything he already has has been lost. It was Chen Ze who provided him with a guarantee that his quality of life will not decline. If even this quality of life is lost and the hope of revenge is lost, Chen Jianguo feels that he may have to live for his disappointing son.

"It's actually useless for you to stay." Chen Jianguo is much more frank than Chen Ze. This failure made him see a lot of things clearly. "It may also involve you."

"You don't have to worry about this." Chen Ze said, "If someone really does something to me, I don't think it's a bad thing. Now it is popular to sympathize with the weak.

Chen Jianguo felt that Chen Ze did not tell him the truth, but he did not intend to pursue it. Speaking of which, Chen Ze is humane, and it is his job not to help. Compared with so many relatives and friends, Chen Ze's performance has exceeded Chen Jianguo's expectations.

Chen Ze didn't give Chen Jianguo too much time to consider: "I have some other investments in the Yangtze River Delta. You can change your identity to help me manage it for a while. You don't have to worry about things here. We are just a normal industry competition.

Although Chen Jianguo slandered you in his heart that you even used the touching move of looking for someone to smear, he pretended to be hesitant: "Brother, do you think Su Yifan can still tolerate the studio now?"

Chen Ze smiled and said, "He can't kill me, and I can't kill him. If you have time and energy, you will slowly consume it. The fact that they are so anxious to throw away the news is obviously to let the company and the game get out of this quagmire and then consider the truce.

Seeing that Chen Ze was so confident, Chen Jianguo had something to persuade him, so he gave up.

Anyway, the current situation is that Chen Ze stands there as an umbrella for himself. Chen Jianguo simply intends to see what Chen Ze can do.

Since Chen Jianguo left Binhai City, he has asked Chen Xin countless times what kind of person Su Yifan is, and he has also asked a lot about Chen Xin's behavior in school. After hearing about his son's arrogantism in school, Chen Jianguo couldn't wait to kick off the boy's legs with his own hands.

Su Yifan is not a child who takes the initiative to cause trouble. To put it bluntly, Chen Xin is too much. Chen Jianguo is still willing to retaliate against Su Yifan, but he always feels that the time is not ripe. Chen Ze fought with Su Yifan so blatantly. In his opinion, this could only provoke Su Yifan to make a cruel move.

In fact, Chen Jianguo felt that Su Yifan's knowledge was limited and his cruel move was not cruel. What he really feared was Su Xiaoqing, who seemed to be moody and never regarded people as people.

That girl is really beautiful. Chen Jianguo has never seen a better-looking girl than Su Xiaoqing for so many years, but she is fierce enough to never give people a chance to breathe.

He was moved and thought of the situation that Su Xiaoqing had left a first opportunity for himself last time. Chen Jianguo suddenly realized that his eyes were different when he looked at Chen Ze, who was confidently chatting with his wife Zheng Hong.

Chen Ze's big step this time is so big that he is suspected of pulling eggs. It's impossible for Su Xiaoqing not to know. Now he still keeps letting Su Yifan and Chen Ze move in the air. Is there still the idea of letting Chen Ze be Su Yifan's grindstone?

Thinking of this, Chen Jianguo couldn't help but feel a little bitter. He turned his head and looked at the flower world outside the window, hid his expression, and seriously discussed with Chen Ze whether he should invest in real estate in the Yangtze River Delta at present.



Su Yifan came out of the elevator and took Yang Bingbing to the parking lot.

The two often walk side by side recently. Many people in the office are not surprised. Even if Yang Bingbing has simple clothes and an unatating appearance, few people will try to hit her again.

In this way, the girl often accompanied by a boy is clearly telling everyone that she has a master, and it is futile to test it.

Annie followed far behind, and there was a diversion of Jeffka's bodyguard team. The experience of aunts making trouble made Su Yifan feel that the company still had to retain some security forces, and most of the security guards hired by Chu Yin were still unreliable.

After fasting his seat belt in the car, Yang Bingbing asked Su Yifan a little uneasily, "Have I delayed you a lot of things recently?"

Su Yifan took a look at Yang Bingbing, and it was easy to see the doubt in the girl's eyes.

Unless Yang Bingbing, a smart girl doesn't take the initiative to think about it, she can know that at least Cheng Shuixin and Zhang Yao are treated similar to her in front of Su Yifan.

If Nell doesn't take the initiative to disappear, I'm afraid there will be similar care.

With this contrast, it is easy for Yang Bingbing to have a sense of guilt that she has occupied Su Yifan.

Cheng Shuixin is busy working in the company, but she has to let Su Yifan accompany her every day and still lives at Su Yifan's house. Especially since she often went to Jin Shenhong's company to see the progress of the project, Yang Bingbing has always been picked up by Su Yifan, and now even she feels that this does not seem to be very good.

"It's better to follow me until you confirm that you are completely safe."

With Su Yifan's easy-going words, Yang Bingbing felt very happy to hear such resolute words.

Su Yifan's attitude is more important than anything else. In contrast, his personal safety seems to be less important.

"What if I'm not sure I'm safe?" Since Yang Bingbing confirmed Su Yifan's attitude, her mood immediately became relaxed. "As long as I am the heir of the Yang family, this kind of thing is inevitable."

Su Yifan looked at the road in front of him and started the car: "Then I will help you solve it."

is still a little domineering answer, which makes Yang Bingbing's mood become more soaring. Looking at Su Yifan with the corners of her eyes, Yang Bingbing found that the teenager's side did not look as beautiful as the front, but a little a little deep.

There is a lot of traffic on the street, and so is the red dust. Yang Bingbing withdrew her eyes, looked at the road ahead, and suddenly said, "Cheng Shuixin has been working very hard recently."

Su Yifan didn't say anything but nodded. Of course, he knew Cheng Shuixin's difficulties. A person quickly adapted to so many complicated affairs in the company with her personal ability. Cheng Shuixin proved that she was by no means a simple vase with her working ability. But the cost of doing this is also huge. Cheng Shuixin has little time to rest now. Occasionally, she seems very busy chatting online or on the phone with Su Yifan at night.

Su Yifan once thought about persuading Cheng Shuixin not to be so tight, but Cheng Shuixin advised Su Yifan not to leave her alone. In her opinion, solving work problems is a pleasure rather than a pain. In the past, a small literary society could not exert Cheng Shuixin's full ability, but now this stage is more suitable for her.

"She enjoys this kind of hard work." Su Yifan can only say, "Don't always compare with her... There may not be one in ten thousand people like her."

Yang Bingbing sneered: "Don't you say that behind your back, aren't you afraid I'll tell her?"

Su Yifan said, "She may still think I'm praising her. I'm not afraid of you."

Yang Bingbing smiled again and said her thoughts: "Actually, I think you shouldn't let her take more vacations? If you keep so busy, the summer vacation is almost gone.

Su Yifan wanted to ask Yang Bingbing what you had done during your summer vacation, but he thought that Yang Bingbing had at least a bad birthday party and went to the United States and was a little scared, and all these words were swallowed back.

"Oc, I'll try my best to persuade her."

Yang Bingbing's big eyes swept Su Yifan again: "Don't try. You took her last time to rest. This time you'd better take her to play for a day."

Su Yifan shook his head: "I'm going to go together."

"I stayed in the company to help Wang Jiantao." Yang Bingbing disagreed with Su Yifan's suggestion, "Don't you believe me? Mrs. Yang at least wanted to cultivate me, and touching things are not so difficult for me.

Su Yifan believes in Yang Bingbing's ability. At least she must be more professional than Cheng Shuixin in business and management. Cheng Shuixin is good at grasping people's hearts.

"How can that work?"

"Why not?" Yang Bingbing was very careful when she proposed just now, but now she has changed a natural expression. "That's it. I'll talk to Cheng Shuixin when I go back to the company today."

Su Yifan wanted to continue to refute, but he didn't expect that Yang Bingbing had put one hand on his arm.

"I beg you, okay?"

Su Yifan, who ate soft but not hard, immediately announced his surrender as soon as he saw that Yang Bingbing was going to be pitiful.

"Okay, go back and talk to her."

"Of course I'll talk about it." Yang Bingbing smiled and said, "Let's buy some cold drinks for everyone when we come back. It's really hot."

Of course, the two people blowing the air conditioner in the car didn't feel anything, but Su Yifan looked at her a few more because of Yang Bingbing's two proposals.

At this time, Su Yifan confirmed one thing more and more. He felt that Yang Bingbing might not be suitable to inherit Mrs. Yang's power and wealth that she was envied and coveted by others.

Although she has a sense of justice and hatred, Yang Bingbing is still an extremely kind girl in her bones.

This kind power seems weak in today's society, but Su Yifan really wants to stop the car and try to praise the girls around him.

It's not because Yang Bingbing insisted on a date with Cheng Shuixin, but to insist that this kind power is too strong.

Most people choose to be smart and cunning not because they are smarter, but because their hearts are not strong enough.