My Goddess

Chapter 280 in vain

The time for a group of people to finish eating was just right. At the beginning of the lights on the pedestrian street, even the night was not so strong under the neon glow. Gao Kun walked out of the pedestrian street alone, and behind him was a bustling crowd. This lively space is very familiar to Gao Kuan, who spent more than 20 years learning how to hide himself in the crowd. Although in the end, these skills only played a role in a specific period of time, Gao Yun can still avoid paying attention to his eyes with a feeling similar to instinct and move forward in a low profile in the crowd.

There are snack bars on both sides of the lively pedestrian street. The aroma of various flavors of food floats, with unhealthy fried flavors, braised flavors and stews. These rich food flavors float along the wind, as if to emphasize that it is a nation famous for its food and food taste. In the memory of this nation, eating enough is more important than anything else.

Gao Kuang walked to the corner, looked back at Yang Zongyuan, and caught a glimpse of him walking straight through the parking lot. After confirming that there was nothing around Yang Zongyuan, Gao Kuan turned around and walked quickly to the post office.

This is a poor small post office. If it hadn't been for the residential community next to the pedestrian street, it would have been diverted for commercial use. The post office building stands a little abruptly at the entrance of the residential community, which is a two-story building. Thankfully, the urban management did not think it was an illegal building for so many years, otherwise the post office might no longer exist.

Of course, the front of the post office is the postal hall, which seems to only accommodate three or five people. Behind is the mailbox room, and you can see many number boxes with locks. Because the post office has been off duty at night, not only the front door is locked, but also the mailbox room behind there is no light, like a dark confinement room.

Gao Run pushed the door in, opened the micro flashlight, saw the sign of the corresponding number, and opened the mailbox with the key in his hand.

There is a package lying quietly in this No. 12 mailbox, which is about the size of a 32-open novel and about 10 centimeters thick. The package is obviously wrapped with plastic foam, which makes it impossible to figure out what is inside through simple visual inspection and touch.

After getting the things, Gao Kun fell to the ground and locked the lock again. He turned around and was about to open the door of the mailbox room, and his footsteps immediately stopped.

With this small post office that has been off duty as the center, Gao Kuan felt that at least three people were staring at his position.

Put his hand on the doorknob and paused for a moment, but Gao Kuan still pushed the door and came out.

There are few people around the community. Gao Kuan is alone at the door of the mailbox room, surrounded by darkness, so dark that people can't see his lonely shadow.

A unattractive middle-aged man was standing at the door with a toothpick in his mouth and grinning at Gao Kum.

"I can't stand loneliness after being honest for so long?"

Gao Yun frowned and stared at the man. Of course, he recognized who the other party was.

The man seemed to have expected that Gao Kuan would not speak, and said with a smile, "The things are left. You go. It doesn't matter to us whether we can go back to the United States, as long as we don't make trouble.

Gao Kuang stared at the middle-aged man who seemed to have just come out for a walk and answered the other party's request with his movements.

In front of the middle-aged man, Gao Kuan threw the package directly into a backpack, and then put it on the back of the backpack he had already carried in his hand.

This action is equivalent to announcing Gao Kun's current position, which also makes the middle-aged man's face not as lazy as before.

"Yo? Do you still want to do it? You can figure it out whose territory this is."

Gao Kun still didn't make a sound. He took out something from his arms with one hand and strode to the middle-aged man.

On a lively night, the small post office in this corner seemed to be enchanted with silence, and almost no one paid attention to it.

The short swing stick stretched out in the dark, forming a weapon less than an arm long, pointing at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man stared at Gao Kuan's eyes and finally became a little serious. He whistled, and the two people who were ambushed left and right behind them also turned over from behind the wall of the community. The three surrounded Gao Kun in a zigzag shape, and no one moved forward and kept a certain distance.

"Real action?" Although the middle-aged man's eyes were alert, his tone was still a little careless. He spread out his hands and took a step back to slightly open the distance between himself and Gao Kuang.

Gao Gun stared at the middle-aged man, his eyes suddenly sharper than before, and then took a step forward.

Taking a step, taking at least one meter, Gao Run's whole body was pushed forward as if he were pushed forward by an invisible force, and the swing stick in his hand stabbed straight at the middle-aged man.

All the movements were completed in less than a second, the black shadow quietly in the shadow of the building, and the stick in Gao Kun's hand reached the middle-aged man's chest in an instant.

The middle-aged man made a "huh" sound, grabbed the swing stick with one hand carelessly, and his chest shrank back, and his chest actually defched a few centimeters from the position calculated by Gao Kun.

This is the error of a few centimeters. The hand grabbed the swing stick, did not move, and locked Gao Kui's action.

Gao Kun shook his stick and hit the middle-aged man directly with his left fist.

The weapon was just a cover. Gao Kun did not plan to use the weapon from the beginning. He just wanted to escape. This punch really pressed over with unstoppable momentum and took the middle-aged man's armpit.

It was too late for the middle-aged man to release the swing stick, so he could only dodge the punch sideways, but found that Gao Kun had also killed the second punch on his face.

It's as fast as being edited off all the extra actions. Gao Kun's whole body has approached the middle-aged man with a stab punch, and the distance between the two has disappeared.

The middle-aged man's face finally showed awe-inspiring. He felt that even if he had not underestimated Gao Kum before, he still did not look up to this retired old man.

Gao Kun's fist hit the middle-aged man's arm. Both of them felt a stir, and their strength spread uncontrollably, making their muscles begin to tremble slightly.

After this punch, the middle-aged man's hand was finally raised and held up along Gao Kun's unfinished right arm.

Gao Run's arm shrank and staggered a little strength. Finally, he was not affected by the man's strength under his armpits and his arm was not dislocated.

The two took only two or three seconds to start, and the other two young people surrounding Gao Qian have quickly approached.

Of course, Gao Jun could feel someone approaching him, but he didn't even look back. His arm followed the direction of the middle-aged man, and his fingertips were like a soft whip to the other party's jaw.

Although the middle-aged man is slightly fat, he seems extremely flexible at this time. He leaned back to avoid this, and his hands seemed to push Gao Kuang's chest without any rules.

Gao Kun dares not underestimate the middle-aged man in front of him at all. Although he has never dealt with the other party, he still knows the identity of this middle-aged man and knows his ability. Today, when he saw a middle-aged man facing himself directly, Gao Kui already knew that things would not end so easily.

At least the identity of this middle-aged man determines that this matter will not end easily.

The middle-aged man's hands were chubby and a little white, and they looked a little dazzling in the black corner, but Gao Kui immediately put away his arms and took two steps back, like avoiding something terrible with radiation.

It's not a joke to be pushed in the chest by this middle-aged man...

At the same time, the two young people behind him have been killed, one left and one right, and are about to take action. The middle-aged man over there has said, "Ok, don't be ashamed. Stand back."

The two young people looked a little unconvinced, but they still obediently put away and retreated a certain distance.

"It's been stopped for so many years. Is it worth some money?" The middle-aged man's hands drooped, and his whole posture made people feel straight and full of spirit. He looked at Gao Kui and asked with a smile, "Look, if you don't make small movements, how can I come to trouble you?"

Gao Yun shook his head, raised his toes, and grabbed the swing stick on the ground in his hand again, which meant that he didn't want to talk.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I know you don't want to say anything, but we still have to talk... Show me something. This actually has nothing to do with you. I know you're a money-and-run errand man."

Gao Kun's face remained unchanged, holding a stick in one hand and staring at the middle-aged man, without any relaxation because of his words.

The middle-aged man looked at Gao Kun for a moment and sighed a little dejectedly, "Oh, forget it... I knew you were stubborn, otherwise I wouldn't have fallen into this virtue now. If you really do it, the three of us may not be your opponents. Now I order you to put down your things in my official capacity.

This time, Gao Run really hesitated. He stared into the middle-aged man's eyes and thought about it for a moment and unpacked his backpack.

The middle-aged man nodded. He was obviously not interested in continuing the conflict. As long as Gao Kum was willing to cooperate, of course he would be happy.

Just as Gao Kuan untied his backpack, a light hit in the distance to illuminate this dark corner.

Just as many drivers hate high beams, people standing in the dark have different reactions to strong light.

The two young men subconsciously closed their eyes, while both Gao Yun and middle-aged men just narrowed their eyes slightly and really closed their eyes tightly.

The middle-aged man smiled at this time: "You two... Don't be too ashamed to say that I brought you to see. What did you say in the previous cartoon? Oh, yes, just now, you are dead."

The lines of the famous comic "Beidou Shenquan" run out of the mouth of middle-aged men always make people feel a little funny, but none of them can laugh. They all know that middle-aged men are telling the truth.

The strong light sweeps, and then no matter what the attack is, as long as it is fast enough, it can kill people.

This lesson does not need to be learned for a second time. The two young people looked at Gao Kum, whose body was still tense. The dissuff of dissation just now has already disappeared.

The gap can't be explained clearly, and you may understand it at a glance.

The strong light flashed by, an obviously modified Lexus drove over, and Yang Zongyuan sat in the driver's seat with a relaxed face.

" Director Guo, are you so curious about my privacy?"

The moment he saw Yang Zongyuan, Guo Nu suddenly knew that it was not good. Looking at Gao Kui, he still realized why his resistance was not fierce enough just now.

There must be no important clues in the package in the backpack. Maybe it's the mystery cream of the bottle of sea blue.

But Guo Nu was not sure whether Yang Zongyuan was trying to deceive the world. He stared at Yang Zongyuan for a few seconds and still made up his mind, "I'm sorry, we still have to check it according to the rules."

Yang Zongyuan spread his hands freely: "Please."

Guo's angry heart sank to the bottom, and he knew that this block was mostly ineffective.