My Goddess

Chapter 290 Summer for Many People

Online recruitment is definitely not new now, and more people seem to like to try online recruitment than traditional recruitment.

Every year's graduation job fair, there will be overwhelming news reports, such as young people making swimsuit resumes, what recruiters putting resumes in boxed lunches, such as mothers' graduates asking their mothers to accompany them to apply, such as recruitment that expose unspoken rules... For the overall situation, the China job market is still chaotic, now The recruitment is nothing more than saying that "our company is willing to spend some money to see who is willing to come to the company." Because online recruitment is simple and convenient, it will not lose a paper resume, and there is no need to squeeze the lively scene ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 people, which is simply loved by the people.

Unfortunately, most online recruitments have to go through intermediary websites, and the hit rate is relatively low. For young people who struggle to climb out of the internship and are in urgent need of a job, its efficiency is actually not high.

Ji Weiyi, who just graduated from Linhai Institute of Technology this year, is looking at the computer screen worriedly. She has been browsing the intermediary website since dinner in the evening, which is her evening compulsory course in the past week.

Intermediary websites have been almost turned over, and there are job advertisements for various large companies on those professional intermediaries in China. However, Ji Weiyi, who already has a certain understanding of the Internet, knows that no matter how beautiful resumes are sent, the results are mostly stone.

Year-old recruitment... often means that it is not accurate at all.

Ji Weiyi majored in chemical engineering in school, which was a popular industry chosen by his parents, and his graduation salary was very high. But since her parents read a report on the health of practitioners in the chemical industry in her junior year, they have disagreed with her work in this profession.

Ji Weiyi can neither cry nor laugh at this situation, but also feels nothing. Anyway, most people have really graduated, and the work they are engaged in has nothing to do with their original major.

In a science and engineering school with many boys, Ji Weiyi usually doesn't have many friends, and her relationship with her classmates in the dormitory can only be said to be neither good nor bad. Her only pleasure is surfing the Internet.

Reading novels, reading eight strands, playing games, and many forums... Ji Weiyi sometimes wonders that he is obviously a girl, why he has become so otaku and enjoy it.

During the half-year internship, Ji Weiyi chose a Linhai game company to do miscellaneous things in the company. In the past six months, Ji Weiyi has understood one thing, that is, never regard the hobby she is interested in as a job. After only three months, she began to hate the game company, thus losing most of the fun of playing games.

Ji Weiyi had to comfort herself. Fortunately, she didn't go to a company that made mobile music, otherwise she would lose the fun of listening to songs.

After the internship, Ji Weiyi had to continue to look for a job for himself. It turns out that the boss of the game company is the type that announces overtime every three days, and she doesn't want to stay in the original company.

After watching it on the Internet for a long time, Ji Weiyi felt a little discouraged. She really couldn't figure out where else she could go to work.

Do you want to go to an unknown small advertising company to cut material puzzles for customers?

While sighing, Ji Weiyi saw the job advertisement of the network company again.

In fact, this company's recruitment is quite personalized, and the art words are used just right - "No cake, only cash it. No overtime, only a raise. Don't talk about it, just work hard. Not harsh, just serious.

A few words, followed by the company's logo, a touching Chinese and English logo.

Ji Weiyi knows this company, and there is also the cute AR game in her mobile phone. She also likes the feeling of watching the little girl dancing on her palm. Of course, Ji Weiyi also knows that Qingling has been fighting with people recently, and the quarrel is quite lively.

Once or twice, Ji Weiyi was also quite moved to try, but after thinking about it, he retreated a little.

Qingling Touch is a new company. There is no doubt that there is a future. Now it is so popular that the requirements must be very demanding.

As for the words written on the advertising words, Ji Weiyi felt that she could not believe a single word, and she felt that the company that made games had no conscience.

Once there was a joke, and Ji Weiyi was very impressed: he said that the planner of a famous Japanese game company was poached to work in China. On the first day of work, he seriously said to everyone, "I am a workaholic. I hope you can cooperate with me." Then two months later, the Japanese cried and shouted at the people in the company before leaving the company, "It's immoral for you to work overtime like this!"

Although it is just a joke, it can probably explain the cruelty of the current game production company.

Ji Weiyi was a little bored and wanted to turn over this page, but inexplicably glanced at the contact's name.

Wang Jiantao?

The name flashed in Ji Weiyi's heart. She opened the search engine and searched for Wang Jiantao's name. Sure enough, the first one that appeared was an interview video.

is a special interview produced by the provincial and Taiwan for light touch, in which Wang Jiantao talks about it and is quite elegant.

Of course, Ji Weiyi remembers this former slightly silent programmer. She interned in Wang Jiantao's original company and also had Wang Jiantao's contact information.

For a moment, Ji Weiyi's hopeless heart ignited a spark of hope. She hesitated to open her mailbox, hesitated to send an email, and then hesitated to take out her mobile phone.

After thinking for a long time, Ji Weiyi still dialed Wang Jiantao's phone...

Ji Weiyi is not the only one who called Wang Jiantao. In fact, she is almost the last one.

The success of the touch has stimulated many web game companies, which have begun to plan to develop a mobile game. Of course, Wang Jiantao's gorgeous transformation has stimulated many colleagues. Colleagues who have met, collaborators who have met each other, and even so-called friends who have only met two or three faces have called to inquire about their positions.

Most of the people who contact Wang Jiantao are experienced game practitioners, at least want a project manager or operation and so on. After hearing that the light touch is just recruiting a social software management team, there is no follow-up.

On the contrary, because Ji Weiyi was young and junior, he heard that he was engaged in social software management, and suddenly showed greater interest than playing games.

Lightly touched that he did not have the habit of working overtime in the middle of the night. Wang Jiantao was bored at night. Hearing that Ji Weiyi was interested in this job, he simply encouraged the little girl to say a few words. Ji Weiyi decided to give his resume directly to Wang Jiantao to see if he could get an interview.

Ji Weiyi, who put down the phone, was a little excited. Although Wang Jiantao did not say anything about the salary, since he could leave his work in the sea to go to Binhai, it proved that this job was still very attractive.

Looking at the progress bar of the resume attachment uploaded in the mailbox, Ji Weiyi felt relieved. She actually began to look forward to going to Binhai for an interview, at least there was a person she was familiar with.

This feeling of expectation is not bad, Ji Weiyi thinks so.



Ji Weiyi really didn't expect it for nothing. Wang Jiantao specially said hello to Cheng Shuixin for this matter.

When Cheng Shuixin came in the morning, she found that Wang Jiantao was actually doing such a human form at the door, and she felt really fresh. You should know that Wang Jiantao still has a little otaku habits now. He belongs to the type that is busy with his own affairs and is unwilling to look up. This sneaky is a doorman at the door of the company, which is really abnormal.

"Morning..." Wang Jiantao actually waited for Su Yifan at the beginning, but when he saw Cheng Shuixin, he realized that the beautiful girl in front of him could also make the decision. "There's something to tell you."

Cheng Shuixin stood generously: "What's the matter?"

Wang Jiantao told Cheng Shuixin about Ji Weiyi's story and tried to keep it as concise as possible: "Almost even a former colleague of mine has good ability and wants to ask for an interview opportunity."

Cheng Shuixin looked at Wang Jiantao with a little funny smile: "Brother Wang, you are the nominal general manager of the company, and you have the final say. If you think it's okay, you don't need to have an interview. Just come here."

Wang Jiantao's thinking mode is still in the original environment and is a little embarrassed to say, "How bad this is..."

"There is nothing wrong with it." Cheng Shuixin pondered for a moment, "Well, you arrange for her to come and meet me. If it's almost done, we'll take it. You introduce talents to the company, and the company also has a Bole bonus for you.

Wang Jiantao was even more embarrassed: "That's unnecessary. Why do I think it's a back door?"

"It's convenient for acquaintances." Cheng Shuixin easily saw that Wang Jiantao did not deliberately want to install more of his own people in the company, and his attitude was naturally good. "Brother Wang, don't worry, anyone uses it. Why don't you make it convenient for acquaintances?"

A few words dispelled Wang Jiantao's doubts. Cheng Shuixin turned around and told Su Yifan about it. Su Yifan also found Wang Jiantao interesting. In fact, with Wang Jiantao's current status, he will directly throw his resume to Cai Qi, and Cai Qi will definitely not screen it down. Take the initiative to explain to Cheng Shuixin that this attitude is simply cute.

This episode means that the first round of large-scale recruitment that touched the summer has completely begun. Many people who received responses are confirming the interview time and trying their best to come within the specified time. Cheng Shuixin has made some interview questions for these resumes, and is also preparing for the open recruitment of Zhongjing International.

Many people's summer will pass in such tension and expectation. Qingling touched the plan to recruit a total of ten people in this recruitment, plus the original Wang Juan and Cen Shaohua. The team of 12 people is led by Wang Juan and is mainly responsible for managing the time tree software.

Cheng Shuixin was originally a little opposed to such a huge management team, but Su Yifan easily persuaded her.

"Chen Ze lost the money and saved it for your project to save some money."

Cheng Shuixin was the most wronged when Tennan came to make trouble, and it is understandable that this money compensated her for her project. Cheng Shuixin originally wanted to object that she couldn't use so much money. When she thought that the salary of 12 people would be nearly one million in a year, she abruptly put back and accepted Su Yifan's kindness.

Su Yifan sighed slightly: "It didn't cost much money to complete the time tree project. This operation is really expensive."

Cheng Shuixin looked at the recent growth data and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will live up to your investment."

Su Yifan appreciated Cheng Shuixin's smile and said seriously, "I think it's worth it now."