My Goddess

Chapter 292 There is a long way to go

Kuang Lei remembered that the person who had just entered was a quite sanctimonous young man. His short hair was very clean, and he looked confident and flashed. Unexpectedly, he made such an angry shout in less than ten minutes. Obviously, he was asked some embarrassing and annoying questions.

If it is a general interview, he can deal with embarrassing questions at most vaguely. This young man is so annoyed, which is probably also related to the general young interviewer.

There are five people in total, two of whom are not even 20 years old. Such a team composition is indeed unconvincing for many people.

Ask yourself, if you don't know Su Yifan, and if you don't know much about the light touch, Kuang Lei herself will also be suspicious of this recruitment.

Human beings are the most adventurous creatures and the easiest creatures to settle for the status quo. For many people, life is not an adventure. They choose to interpret life in another way and perspective.

Kuang Lei knows why Cheng Shuixin chose to recruit in this way, and she also hopes that the new team can be a little adventurous.

In such a calm era, without any adventure, it will only make products and services more boring.

These ideas flashed in Kuang Lei's mind. What she was really worried about was how Su Yifan and others solved this problem. The angry young man seemed to be slightly strong, and she had seen several people in the room. What would happen?

The girl sitting next to Kuang Lei was also worried about the same thing. She covered her mouth and asked in surprise, "Is there any problem?"

The scolding attracted ** in the whole corridor, and job seekers stood up and stared at the door of the conference room.

Kuang Lei recalled the scene when she first met Su Yifan and comforted the girls around her, "Don't worry, it's okay."

Yes, as Kuang Lei said, almost at the same time as the second roar, the door of the conference room was opened.

Su Yifan came out with the young man in his previous strong clothes. The man had no room for resistance, and his arms seemed to be soft, and he was dragged to the middle of the corridor by Su Yifan.

Standing in the center of those candidates, Su Yifan's voice was calm and calm.


Zhongjing International's security team is quite large, with dozens of people immediately rushed to drag this person out by security guards who helped maintain the order of the job fair.

Su Yifan stood still, glanced around at these still shocked candidates, and finally smiled at Kuang Lei.

The girl next to Kuang Lei touched Kuang Lei with a little surprise: "Oh, he smiled at you."

"It may also be smiling at you." Kuang Lei smiled unnaturally and said, diverting her firepower.

The girl laughed and said, "If only that were the case. This boy is very handsome."

Kuang Lei took a look at the girl beside her. At this moment, she showed a much younger mood than her appearance. She wanted to remind the girl that she was the real speaker of the company, but she resisted.

"Don't look, get ready."

The girl nodded and clenched her little fist: "Well, come on, too."

Kuang Lei thinks this girl is a little cute. In contrast, she is obviously too reserved and not as happy as a girl.

"My name is Kuang Lei, how about you?"

"Ah, my name is Ji Weiyi, and I'm from Linhai."



The recruitment went smoothly, and of course there were side effects. All candidates who came in would take a look at Su Yifan first, and then look at the three beautiful women.

The whole recruitment activity lasted all afternoon, and not all the people were finished by five o'clock in the evening. Finally, Shu Chang went out and announced that the recruitment would be postponed for one day and continue the next day.

Shu Chang sat in the conference room from the beginning. Many people did not know that the famous beautiful host was one of the interviewers, and they were immediately surprised.

Surprised, everyone will not have any opinion on this arrangement, and it is not his turn to continue the next day.

Because she promised Cheng Shuixin to have dinner together, Kuang Lei deliberately lingered in the bathroom for a long time before coming out, but found that Ji Weiyi was still standing alone in the corridor. Kuang Lei is not a girl who has experienced many painful lives, but when she saw this scene, she always felt a little soft in her heart. She couldn't help walking over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Haven't left yet?"

Ji Weiyi stood alone in the corridor in high heels. He looked really a little lonely. Hearing Kuang Lei's voice, he turned his head. There was no sad expression on his face, but a calm face.

"Nothing, I'll wait for someone."

Only then did Kuang Lei find that she seemed to be wrong and said quietly, "I'll wait for you. Do you want to sit for a while?"

"I've been sitting for a long time and want to stand for a while." Ji Weiyi's eyes flashed over Kuang Lei and fell on the extremely brilliant decoration of Zhongjing International. He said with a little emotion, "I never thought that I would come to Binhai to see a job."

Kang Lei nodded: "I didn't expect to find a job in Binhai. My dream was to stay outside."

Now Ji Weiyi is not like the little girl before. She turned around and looked at Kuang Lei and asked, "Why did you make such a decision?"

"I don't know." Kuang Lei shook her head, "It's interesting, or I think it's interesting."

"Is it that simple?" Ji Weiyi disagrees with this answer. Her experience shows another thing, "Hobby as a job will ruin your hobby."

"There are also different things." Kuang Lei said, "There are still people who can enjoy it."

Ji Weiyi was silent for a moment. Obviously, he still couldn't agree with this statement and asked, "Have you graduated?"

"No, I'll do a part-time job first." Kuang Lei now knows that Ji Weiyi is actually bigger than herself. The little girl just looked just a flash of inspiration, "I just finished my senior year, and it will take a long time to graduate."

Ji Weiyi stretched out his hand to Kuang Lei.

"Congratulations, I think you are the kind of person who wins at the starting line." Ji Weiyi said sincerely, "Like I chose the wrong internship company, I still regret it."

Kuang Lei lowered her head and smiled shyly: "No, it's just an accident."

At this time, Cheng Shuixin pushed the door and came out, followed by Su Yifan, followed by Wang Jiantao, which disrupted the two girls' usual rhythm.

"Ha, do you know each other?" Cheng Shuixin saw that Kuang Lei was talking to Ji Weiyi and gave Wang Jiantao a look, "Mr. Wang, please introduce your former colleague."

At this time, the two young girls knew that they were related to each other. They looked at each other with a relaxed and slightly embarrassed smile.

Although the job fair attracted a lot of people, it was extremely low-key, and even the local media did not come to interview and report. The next day, the recruitment continued, and it was not until after 4 p.m. that everyone was interviewed, and the general team list was also released.

Kuang Lei's part-time job is not counted, and the list of ten people in total has also been repeatedly discussed. Ji Weiyi is a former colleague of Wang Kentao. Although his resume is thin, he is much better than many fresh college students. Naturally, he is among the selection.

For members of the management team, Cheng Shuixin's requirements are very simple: they must know how to deal with some unexpected problems on the network and be good at creating topics.

In essence, this kind of work is not much different from that of forum administrators. Correspondingly, it is just necessary to customize periodic hot topics and make some inflammatory topics according to public content. Many people are willing to apply for this job because they think it is easy. You should know that there are not many companies in Binhai that are really willing to insure their employees at the beginning.

This list was jointly discussed by Wang Jiantao and Cheng Shuixin, and finally decided by Su Yifan. At this time, there is not much time left for Cheng Shuixin to train the new team.

This is also a question that Su Yifan is more concerned about: "What are you going to do?"

Cheng Shuixin just asked Su Yifan one thing.

"Are the funds in place?"

"It's here."

"Accompany me to find a consulting company tomorrow."

Su Yifan thought that this method was simple, rough and neat.

There are really not many consulting companies in Binhai City, and there are many branches of famous companies from the capital to the provincial capital. Cheng Shuixin has done her homework for a long time, omitted many deceived links, and directly found the one that undertakes the most projects.

This consulting company is actually located downstairs of Su Yifan's original company address, claiming to be a branch of an advertising company worth hundreds of millions in the capital. Cheng Shuixin told Su Yifan that the only relationship between the company and the advertising company in the capital was that he had an advertising cooperation in a local TV station, and a project leader had an affair with a woman from the current consulting company.

"Can this kind of gossip be dug up?" Su Yifan was surprised.

Cheng Shuixin downplayed: "When one of the people in charge of human flesh read his blog by the way, you will know."

Su Yifan felt that he had nothing to say. Cheng Shuixin's preparation was so full that he couldn't expect to praise her.

There is a wall at the main door of this company called Bowen Collection, with a very familiar sentence by Su Yifan. The moment he saw it, Su Yifan couldn't help laughing.

If it was ten years ago, inspirational slogans such as "100,000 an annual salary is not a dream" would generally be written on the walls of consultants. But now this company's writing is more realistic.

"There is a long way to go. We can't live without money."

Seeing such a touching sentence, Su Yifan probably knew that this company was the kind of place where he could put up various positions to cooperate with customers.

As Su Yifan expected, the project manager responsible for receiving the two was a typical young and beautiful girl who would never say NO. The word "Shi Yu" was written on the nameplate. The whole process was almost the same as going to the 4S store to buy a car at that time.

Cheng Shuixin has many requirements for training. These requirements are not only bored by people without consulting companies, but also have a sense of serious knowledge of the girl in front of her. Shi Yu's eyes when he looked at Cheng Shuixin were at the beginning of a particularly professional smiling eye. After talking for more than ten minutes, he had become a little pity for each other.

Su Yifan didn't need to express an opinion on this kind of thing at all. He just sat aside and listened as a foil, watching Cheng Shuixin say the same thing, and then Su Yifan found that Cheng Shuixin's conversation even gradually attracted the attention of other people in the office.

"...Expand training as short as possible, do more games and teach less." Cheng Shuixin has said the last few points and emphasized her core ideas again, "I want the team to be more energetic, not sticking to the current thinking mode, and not to overemphasize discipline."

Su Yifan has long known that Cheng Shuixin's attributes are not actually kind and orderly. What she wants is something that can break through the status quo.

Shi Yu did the kind of work that would satisfy you. Seeing Cheng Shuixin, he was really good at it, saying that he must meet the customer's requirements, and then the two sides discussed the details, including bargaining.

Cheng Shuixin cut down some projects. Shi Yu originally wanted to refute, but was blocked back by Cheng Shuixin's few words: "If you find it difficult, I will ask more questions."

Shi Yu had already heard from Cheng Shuixin's conversation that the girl actually knew her company very well and knew that it was useless to say more. She could only sigh deeply and said that her company was losing something, but she still decided to cooperate with this potential customer in the future.

Cheng Shuixin smiled more professionally than Shi Yu: "I believe we will have a lot of cooperation in the future."

Su Yifan felt that Cheng Shuixin's invisible efforts seemed to be a little too much recently, and he had a feeling that he could not keep up with her footsteps.

After negotiating the whole training plan, Shi Yu sent the two to leave the company and went to the door with a sweet smile: "In fact, Miss Cheng is very eloquence. If I have time, I hope Miss Cheng can come to our company for an open class."

Su Yifan is a little uncomfortable with this reversal, but he understands that Shi Yu is getting closer to the relationship with Cheng Shuixin, because if a girl at Cheng Shuixin's age does not attach importance to money and feelings, she may want the kind of existence that is valued.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Okay, but I'm very expensive. Manager Shi should be prepared."

Shi Yu's mind was not embarrassed to be recognized by Cheng Shuixin. He smiled and pressed the elevator for Cheng Shuixin: "As long as it can benefit everyone, the price is not a problem."

After coming out of the consulting company, Su Yifan asked, "Do we still have a backup list?"

"There is one." Cheng Shuixin nodded, considering that there are many people who are unwilling to join the job because of the successful application, there are several alternative places in addition to the previous list of ten people.

"But we don't need to find a backup list for the time being." Cheng Shuixin paused and said, "Now the number of people in this team has exceeded my expectations. If there are one or two people missing, you can recruit immediately without hurry."

Su Yifan approved Cheng Shuixin's idea, and he tried his best to respect Cheng Shuixin's choice for the whole thing.

The two didn't expect to finish the conversation so soon. They always felt that they were not working hard when they went back immediately, so they decided to find some recreation.