My Goddess

Chapter 296 Peace

Cheng Shuixin has not been able to get rid of the excitement of successfully kidnapping an agent. Although she has been pretending to be quite calm, the final disordered breathing still made Su Yifan see the flaw with a smile on his face.

The two walked out of the unfinished building, and Cheng Shuixin stamped her feet a little anly: "Stand laugh... Well, I admit that my psychological quality is not as good as yours, right?"

Su Yifan just liked to appreciate such Cheng Shuixin and couldn't help reaching out and hugged her.

"Well, I think you are more decisive than me. You did the right thing."

Cheng Shuixin began to worry now: "Isn't it too much for me to do this? I always feel like I'm causing some great trouble..."

Su Yifan felt that his hand around Cheng Shuixin's shoulder seemed that he didn't want to withdraw. He said with a smile, "There must be a little trouble, but I don't think it's a big problem."

"Really?" At this time, Cheng Shuixin looked helpless and cute as never before.

" Believe me, it's really okay." Su Yifan said, "Actually, I didn't expect David to take the initiative to see me. I thought he still wanted to be behind the scenes for a while, but I didn't expect to wait so much."

Cheng Shuixin immediately resumed her usual sneering style when she said this: "It's probably too smooth, and I think you pay so much attention to Yang Bingbing's safety, and you should compromise."

Su Yifan shook his head: "I always feel that it's not that simple. Is there anything that has accelerated his pace so that he has to choose to come face to face with me directly?"

Cheng Shuixin was hugged by Su Yifan and did not show any discomfort. Instead, she liked this feeling of being protected, so she even began to envy Yang Bingbing a little.

"So you don't want to know why?"

"I want to know, that's why I left the question to those two people." Su Yifan looked back at the unfinished building and said, "I don't care how they talk to David. Maybe the three of them may still reach an alliance of interests."

"Then you're not worried?" Cheng Shuixin was slightly surprised.

"Why worry?" Su Yifan asked, "If David really has a bad reason, killing him can only cause endless trouble for Sister Qing. If he deserves to die, then you may never see this person again after today. In fact, what you did today is just to speed up the matter. Sooner or later, it will happen. You don't have to think too much.

Cheng Shuixin nodded, but still had concerns: "What if David wants revenge?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." Su Yifan patted Cheng Shuixin on the shoulder and subconsciously brushed the position of the girl's collarbone, even through his clothes still moved him.

Cheng Shuixin has never asked Su Yifan much about it before, but this time it is an exception.

"What are you going to do?"

"If a person is not your pure enemy, it is worth cooperating and exploiting." Su Yifan said, "Since David has his plan, I will talk to him in turn."

"Is it easy to make a settlement for people like him?" Cheng Shuixin didn't believe it. "David is very proud. He must hate what I did to him."

"If the interests of both sides can reach an agreement, I don't think it's a big problem." Su Yifan also has his perspective and views on David. "For David, I have a lot of useful things. Don't worry."

Cheng Shuixin was really not used to being comforted by Su Yifan so many times. She smiled and suddenly lowered her head and kissed his hand on his shoulder.

Su Yifan was shocked by Cheng Shuixin's behavior.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I think you are particularly confident and handsome now." Cheng Shuixin smiled and bent her eyes slightly, "Okay, I'm fine. Let's go."

This time, Su Yifan became the driver, and the two drove away from the unfinished building and returned to the outer ring road.

The car didn't drive far. Su Yifan saw someone flashing at him in front of him and saw that the license plate was from Rongshan City.

Slowing down, Su Yifan rolled down the window with little surprise and looked at the opposite car.

"The news is so fast." Su Yifan said to Cheng Shuixin beside him, "Don't talk, I'll deal with it."

Two people sat in the black Honda SUV opposite, one is an unsmiling driver, and the other is Guo Nu, who has a little obscene eyes on the co-pilot.

"What a coincidence, Director Guo." Su Yifan didn't even need to say hello to Guo this time. It was obviously sarcastic, "The weather is really nice today. What a long line, what a big fish."

Guo looked at the boy angrily and said that he was stunned in front of Su Xiaoqing. Why does even a high school student look down on him now?

"It's not a coincidence at all." Guo Nu let the car stop at Su Yifan's little golf and jumped down by himself, "I'm here to find you."

"Look for me?" Su Yifan smiled and said, "What can I do for you?"

"Look, it's so boring to talk like this." Guo angrily spread out his hands and said, "Do you know why I'm here? Isn't it good to tell me the truth?"

Su Yifan looked at Guo Nu and got out of the car: "Okay, please ask."

"Who did you give David to? Gemini and Cancer?"

Su Yifan nodded at all: "Yes, now AUU has a deep cooperation with Qingjie, and she can call AUU's resources. The identity of these two people has just been authenticated on your side. At least there should be no problem before the deep space cooperation begins, right?

Guo Nu also seemed helpless about this kind of international cooperation: "I know... But since you have hit David, you should at least say hello to me first, right? What's wrong with handing over those two goods?

Su Yifan spread out his hands: "You have so many restrictions, and you have to be polite. It's too boring."

Hearing that Su Yifan was accused of being too polite, Guo was angry and unhappy: "What are you kidding? We are not polite, we..."

Halfway through this distinction, Guo Nu realized that he was indeed not qualified to be tough. David is the kind of slick who has no strong evidence, and he really can't try him too hard.

Su Yifan ignored the depressed Guo Nu and pointed to the direction of the unfinished building: "Anyway, everyone is over there. Do you want to go and have a look? Director Guo, I know that you want to catch big fish on a long line, but he has affected my basic life, and you can't allow us to fight back.

Guo angrily glanced at the direction of the unfinished building and planned to argue with Su Yifan, but he felt that it seemed meaningless to waste time like this, so he turned to the car.

"Kid, I'll settle accounts with you when I'm free."

Su Yifan waved his hand: "Please pay attention to safety. Those two are quite powerful."

Guo Nu held a fire in his heart after returning in Gao Kui's hands last time. This time he finally had a chance to let it go. He ignored Su Yifan's words and let the car drive straight with himself.

Su Yifan returned to the car after witnessing Guo Nu's departure.

"Life is really not easy. After chatting with foreign handsome men for a few days, people will know the situation at any time." Su Yifan smiled easily at Cheng Shuixin and said, "Shall we go back to the company directly?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled, and her smile was full of trust: "Listen to you."

After such a lot of toss and a lot of time, the two returned to the company relatively late, and everyone was still concentrate on their work. Cai Qi sorted out all the files of the newcomers to report and handed them to Cheng Shuixin. The reporting rate after this recruitment actually reached 100%, that is to say, no one passed the interview and did not report. Obviously, it was the previous TV reports that increased the confidence of these candidates. Cheng Shuixin took Cai Qi to call one by one to confirm the training.

Originally, she was still a little worried about what she had done to David. With the increasing number of busyness, Cheng Shuixin finally succeeded in putting this matter behind and thinking about it.

Su Yifan received a phone call from Su Xiaoqing after returning to the office. Su Xiaoqing teased on the phone, "Are you afraid of shame if you don't inform me first?"

Su Yifan said firmly, "If I ask Cancer and Gemini to pick up the goods, it's equivalent to telling you."

" Director Guo seems to be a little dissatisfied." Su Xiao smiled and said, "Protest calls have come to me."

"I thought he didn't dare to be dissatisfied with you."

"Of course he doesn't dare, just express it euphemistically." Su Xiaoqing said, "Actually, you did a good job today. It would be better if you were bolder."

Su Yifan had a headache and said, "Actually, I don't mind, mainly because I'm afraid that Cheng Shuixin will leave a psychological shadow."

"What about Yang Bingbing?" Su Xiaoqing asked, "Are you going to tell Yang Bingbing about this?"

"I'm also thinking about what to say." Su Yifan scratched his head a little, "If I had promised David today, it might be another situation."

"Tell Yang Bingbing about the situation at that time." Su Xiaoqing helped Su Yifan make a decision, "I think Yang Bingbing will hope that David will deal with Zhao Xuan."

"In this case, is it possible for David to reappear completely?" Su Yifan didn't believe it, "I always feel that Gemini and Cancer have to get enough benefits from him to let him go."

"That's natural, but it's more likely that they won't get any benefits, and David is regarded as an abandoned son." Su Xiao said lightly, "At that time, you can take advantage of this abandoned son."

Su Yifan was slightly surprised: " this a temporary arrangement?"

"It doesn't count, does it?" Su Xiao smiled and said, "This is your business. I didn't participate in it."

Su Yifan already knows Su Xiaoqing's position. He feels that it is actually against the principle that Su Xiaoqing has done so much for himself.


Su Xiaoqing seemed to be able to guess what Su Yifan wanted to say and blocked his words in advance: "Okay, needless to say. You can start school in peace. This year should be the busiest, right?

Looking at the desk full of all kinds of big and small things, Su Yifan sighed.

"I don't think I will be busier than now."

After talking on the phone with Su Xiaoqing, everything really began to calm down. Su Yifan took the time to talk to Yang Bingbing about what happened after David appeared today. Yang Bingbing was much calmer than Su Yifan expected.

"So all this is ultimately to push Yang Zongyuan to the top? So is Zhao Xuan and so is David?

Su Yifan nodded and shook his head: "In theory, it should be like this, but I think it's hard to say who is using them now."

"It seems that everyone's plan revolves around Yang Zongyuan, but is he really an ignorant poor child?"

A light flashed in Yang Bingbing's eyes: "Use and being used and counter-used?"

Su Yifan nodded.

"Your brother is really not simple. Even Zhao Xuan has calculated it."