My Goddess

Chapter 302 Changing Perspectives

Weekend mornings always seem to be a little cooler than usual. Without many office workers filling the road, the whole city feels like an honest husband who has been scolded by women and becomes particularly silent. Yang Bingbing stood in front of the small mirror at the door and looked at herself a little. Today, she was a little more delicate and beautiful than her usual simple self. She felt that the feeling of this change was particularly fresh, and then she went out with a slight uneasiness.

Cheng Shuixin drove the mistress and parked downstairs, followed by several Chevrolet Honda SUVs. Both Anne and Jeffka's team protected Yang Bingbing's safety with the most full spirit. This job is no longer easy because of the attack in New York. In particular, Anne is ready for every trip, and now she doesn't even chew gum.

Cheng Shuixin asked Yang Bingbing to sit on the co-pilot of her car, looked back at the three cars, and said with a smile, "I think the mayor may not have this treatment."

Yang Bingbing said angrily, "I'm bored to death, but there's nothing I can do. There has been no new progress on Mrs. Yang's side recently. I can only be careful to protect myself and not to cause her trouble."

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Didn't Su Yifan say he wanted to help you solve the problem?"

Yang Bingbing said helplessly, "I still hope I can solve it. He is already so busy. This kind of thing is too dangerous. He should not take the initiative to provoke Zhao Xuan."

Cheng Shuixin is driving to the delivery department of the municipal post office at this time. Today, she went to get the EMS first*. Generally speaking, * should be sent to the location of the personal ID card. However, in view of the relatively chaotic housing and population management in China, the default is to fill in a valid address. Cheng Shuixin directly filled in the delivery department and added her own phone number, and had to go and get it by herself, instead of sending it to school or home.

From this point of view, Cheng Shuixin actually doesn't trust anyone, and she prefers to believe in herself.

Yang Bingbing's appointment with Cheng Shuixin actually wanted to talk about the preparation for going to the United States. Cheng Shuixin's birthday is in October, but if she really wants to prepare, this is a journey across China and the United States. Her current personal safety is not guaranteed, which makes her also have a little worried about having lunch with the most successful investor in the world.

At this time of distress, the first thing Yang Bingbing thought of was not Su Yifan, who got along with him day and night, but Cheng Shuixin, who was actually a little looking forward to catching up.

It's not the first time for two people to travel together without Su Yifan. All the way to the post office, Cheng Shuixin casually showed a smile at the delivery department. Immediately, someone took the initiative to answer her question and help find the express mail.

* arrived, and Cheng Shuixin was finally relieved for the time being. However, when she saw Yang Bingbing's desire to stop talking, she could easily guess what Yang Bingbing was worried about.

"Zhao Xuan's partner is David, right?"

Yang Bingbing is not surprised that Cheng Shuixin understands the whole picture of the incident. Now she generally does not hide too much from Cheng Shuixin, except for some occasional small actions with Su Yifan.

"It's David. Now the antitrust investigation in the United States is also related to this person. But the relevant domestic agencies don't seem to want to deal with him. They should want to see what role he can play, or catch big fish in a long line.

Yang Bingbing is interested and disgusted with this very correct political approach, and her expression is a little disgusted when explaining it.

Cheng Shuixin sighed: "For some general interests, it is understandable to do so... But I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Yang Bingbing vaguely realized that what Cheng Shuixin wanted to say should have something to do with David, but she didn't know what it was.

Cheng Shuixin took a deep breath and said, "Actually, Su Yifan and I met David the other day."

Yang Bingbing's eyes widened in surprise. It was hard for her to imagine that this matter actually involved Cheng Shuixin: "How could she meet him? What did he do to you?

"I didn't do anything, but I did something to him." Cheng Shuixin took out her key chain and showed it to Yang Bingbing, "I used this."

As a defensive weapon given to the girls by Su Xiaoqing, Yang Bingbing naturally knew the use and effect of this ball. She was a little surprised: "You... used this for David?"

Cheng Shuixin nodded a little proudly: "The effect is very good."

After a brief shock, Yang Bingbing suddenly felt that this was actually quite in line with Cheng Shuixin's personality. She was not the kind of personality that passively accepted the malice of others. It would not be surprising if David took the initiative to take action.

"What the hell is going on? Can you tell me?"

Yang Bingbing's question made Cheng Shuixin feel slightly soft. Even if this girl asks about topics related to her vital interests, she still doesn't use strong sentences, which is really hard to be moved.

From the future, Shuixin thought that Yang Bingbing's sense of justice attracted Su Yifan. Now she knows that Yang Bingbing's greatest attraction to Su Yifan is kindness.

That's a good quality that you have never had before.

"Well, we met David in the parking lot that day..."

Cheng Shuixin began to talk, only hiding the details of the two who wanted to be lazy before, but explained in detail how she attacked David. Yang Bingbing's eyes were shining.

"I'm still worried about whether you will be in danger with me when you go to the United States. It turns out that you are much better than me."

This level of compliment may not blink Cheng Shuixin's eyelids, but Yang Bingbing said so, which made her feel very happy.

"Don't worry, before going to the United States, I think Su Yifan can solve your troubles."

Yang Bingbing is actually curious about David's final outcome, but she knows that even Cheng Shuixin may not know the answer, so she can only wait for the result.

"Yes, I came to you today to ask for your opinion."

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "When did you become so polite? Just say it if you have something to say.

Yang Bingbing was a little embarrassed: "I want to do something in our senior year of high school, but I don't know if others will support it."

Cheng Shuixin smiled playfully: "I'm not professional enough to let others support this matter."

Seeing that Cheng Shuixin laughed at herself and was expelled from the literary club, Yang Bingbing could only comfort her: "The school community is not interesting in the first place, but what you are doing now is more interesting."

Cheng Shuixin was also a little shy when Yang Bingbing took the initiative to mention her work achievements. After all, the time tree is still a very young software. Although the number of registrations is still rising and the secondary login rate of the game is also eye-catching, no one can guarantee that this thing will remain dynamic.

This is also Cheng Shuixin's original intention to make the time tree into a social platform - the life cycle of any software and software service products is unpredictable, and the only way to improve this life cycle is to link it to social networking and use people's communication to enrich it. Content.

Of course, if it grows at the current rate, Cheng Shuixin feels that she will soon achieve her original expected goal and then use her influence to do more.

In fact, Cheng Shuixin is also trying to adapt to another rhythm in the first few days of school. On the one hand, she has to go to school, and on the other hand, she really needs to deal with many things in the company. There is not much time to think about software promotion. On the contrary, the ideas expressed by Yang Bingbing reminded her and gave Cheng Shuixin a clearer concept.

"Let's talk about it in detail."




It's not just Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin's date on the weekend, but Su Yifan was also called out.

Surprisingly, the person who called Su Yifan is his nominal sister, the proud and pragmatic girl Su Lishi.

After changing into sportswear, Su Yifan ran downstairs alone without driving, so he trotted all the way to the place where he met Su Lishi. Seeing that Su Lishi was sitting in the open-air teahouse and looking at all sentient beings gracefully, Su Yifan's first sentence was: "Why haven't you left yet?"

Su Lishi was in a good mood and was instantly broken by Su Yifan's question. She took off her sunglasses and looked at the teenager who should be her brother with a little speechless.

Su Yifan felt much stronger than when he came to the United States last time, and he was still as stubborn as he was then.

It's hard to imagine that such a teenager had the courage to face Gao Li and let Gao Li and Harvey bend their waists to him.

This teenager also won the favor of the only direct heir of the Yang family, which also made Su Xiaoqing treat him differently, and even drove away his original collaborators.

The proud Su Lishi thought that Su Yifan was also proud, but she forgot one thing.

Pride is actually in everyone's heart, and no one has lost it. Some people don't show their pride just because they haven't had a chance to express their pride.

"I haven't finished it yet. I can't go back yet." Su Lishi waved to Su Yifan with a bottle of bubble soda, but she didn't ask for Su Yifan's opinion. "The cute girl is on sale in North America, and the sales are good in the first week. I want to show you in person."

Su Yifan certainly remembers this matter. Although Xicheng and Hu Yanjie are only an episode, in the end, "Cute Girl" still needs to be tested by traditional game players in the North American market. Although the quality of the release is directly related to the quality of the game, Su Yifan prefers to see how Su Lishi did it.

Nintendo is actually a little dissatisfied with Su Yifan's failure to hand over the cute girl agent to them, but considering that the NDS handheld is now known as a third-party grave, and there is no better choice, it is easy to touch.

Su Lishi is also a little talented in business. She cooperated with Gao Li, who had been disgraced by Su Yifan, and pulled Yang Bingbing's tiger skin to cooperate with the Yang family to promote supermarkets and retail stores in North America. Because the previous mobile games were not very popular, the effect was actually very good.

"What is the sales volume in the first week?" Su Yifan asked.

Su Lishi deliberately paused for a moment and said in a fixed tone, "There are about 480,000."

Su Yifan was really shocked this time: "What?!"

This surprise is not unreasonable. More than 476,000 copies were sold in the first week, so it is not shameful even if it is a masterpiece series. You should know that the handheld market has been shrinking in recent years, especially the market of NDS. LovePlus, a love game previously claimed to have caused social phenomena in Japan, has only sold hundreds of thousands. The number of cute girls has far exceeded expectations, and Su Yifan didn't even know that Nintendo dared to ship more than 500,000.

Qingling touched that he did not have a tape production line, which was basically handled by Nintendo and then handed over to Su Lishi for distribution.

Su Lishi was very satisfied with the expression on Su Yifan's face and said with a faint smile, "Nintendo has also estimated the market response with us, which is rare and bold. I guess their American CEO will talk to you soon.

Su Lishi is certainly happy that the game sales are so high, which means that she can make a lot of profits from it.

At this moment, Su Lishi felt that she should flap on her brother far away in China.