My Goddess

Chapter 304 Since the years can't be retained

Cheng Shuixin's speculation is based on tactical considerations, while Su Lishi only focuses on the strategic level, but does not expect that Nintendo is eager to contact Su Yifan, not to make a little more money, but for technological development.

Nintendo's NDS handheld has now reached the highest sales volume in the world, which can be regarded as the fastest game console in history to exceed 100 million sales. Such a domineering company in the field of handhelds is actually under pressure, especially in the face of more and more mobile phone markets.

In the face of the traditional handheld game market, Nintendo's magic weapon to win is those unstoppable mini-games. But now that there are so many small game developers, there are many boutiques, and Nintendo's advantage is about to disappear.

What's more, many games directly choose the mobile platform, so that the handheld has no room to play.

It is true that Nintendo still has the world's most powerful game brand, which can continue to produce sequels to boost fan consumption. But this cute girl's success made Nintendo see a trace of panic - convenient communication network, simple and direct gameplay and AR technology that has exhausted almost all the functions of the phone all means the opening of another door.

Most importantly, these core technologies represent the evolutionary direction that Nintendo does not want to see.

Although he still has the reserved spirit of established manufacturers, Jimmy Lekki still can't wait to meet the light company that created this miracle and discuss the application and development of AR interactive technology.

"Since he wants to come, let him come." Cheng Shuixin was calmer than Su Lishi, but she was surprised and returned to normal and said, "It's not a bad thing to ask us."

Su Yifan nodded: "For us, if Nintendo really wants us, it's really a good thing."

The projection technology previously displayed by light touch has brought many manufacturers closer, especially the demand for that kind of technical exhibition is even more massive. However, Su Yifan found that there were basically no large factories in the scientific and technological field that took the initiative to contact the light spirit. Instead, Sony was a little interested in this projection technology and sent an email to ask if it could be civilized.

Cheng Shuixin was quite disgusted with Sony's high-demand face and simply didn't reply to the email.

However, Nintendo's performance is good now. Jimmy plans to come directly to interview Su Yifan. This sincerity alone is very gratifying.

Speaking of Sony, Cheng Shuixin curled her lips and said, "In fact, Sony has sent business emails recently, hoping to let people from Sony China get in touch with us. Do you think it is necessary?"

"Sony wants to make a stereo projector, right?" Su Yifan hasn't read the email yet, but he knows a lot about Sony's pie, "They paste the brand, we produce technology, and then find a cheap factory?"

"Almost what it means." Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "Can you say something more unpleasant?"

Su Yifan sneered: "This can't bypass our patent, and I'm worried that the lawsuit will be endless. Otherwise, do you think Nintendo and Sony can condescend to come to us? It's not a good thing. Let's see it all."

Yang Bingbing suddenly interrupted: "Sony is also preparing their new handheld. Do you also want this technology?"

"The cost of handheld projection devices is too high for them to be integrated into handhelds." Su Yifan said, "But I think Sony may want to make an integrated interactive plan."

"Palm and projector TV linkage?" Yang Bingbing has also supplemented a lot of scientific and technological knowledge recently and said doubtfully, "That's good. It must be very attractive."

"I think Sony, like Starsoft Investment, has prepared a sum of money. If the negotiation goes a little smoothly, it's like buying us." Cheng Shuixin analyzed, "Although they have been losing money in recent years, they still have this courage."

Su Yifan nodded with deep thought. When Sony acquired Columbia Pictures, everyone felt that this move was ordinary, but it later proved that their strategic vision was first-class. If it is for this stereo projection technology, Sony's acquisition of Qingling is worth it.

"Then they are doomed to be disappointed." Su Yifan smiled and said, "If I remember correctly, our second game is going to start testing, right?"

Yang Bingbing, who was suddenly mentioned, blushed and bowed her head and said, "The first version is basically completed, because there are too many details, and it will take some time to test."

Su Yifan comforted Yang Bingbing with a smile: "Don't worry, your game has a long vitality, and it doesn't matter if the completion cycle is longer."

Yang Bingbing looked up at Cheng Shuixin: "I... hope it can be put on the shelves before going to the United States."

Cheng Shuixin's birthday is in October, and the two went to the United States in early October, and there is still less than a month left. It's really time-sensitive for that three-elimination game.

"Have you figured out the name of the game?"

"I haven't figured it out yet. It's probably called Gem Biography or something, right?"

"The simpler the better." Su Yifan pointed to Yang Bingbing, "It's easier for everyone to remember simple names."


Because the game involves RPG elements, as well as exploration and collection, the depth of the game will be exaggerated. Su Yifan recently asked Zhang Chao to follow the details, and Zhang Chao was also happy to help Su Yifan. On the contrary, although Yu Zheng's game has been launched, Zhang Chao has not taken time to set up reward levels for Yu Zheng.

The ice cream was lined up. After Su Yifan divided the two girls, he carried two paper bags of shoes and skirts in one hand and ate a few bites of ice cream in one hand.

"Didn't you two meet just to buy something?"

There are many people on the commercial street. Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin have returned to the posture of walking hand in arm because they don't have to carry things. They look like sisters at the same pace.

"Of course not, Yang Bingbing has an idea." Cheng Shuixin answered first.

Su Yifan was curious: "What do you think?"

Yang Bingbing blushed again: "I said don't laugh at others."

Su Yifan was surprised to find that Yang Bingbing actually used such a terrible word as "someone else". How shy is she now?

"Thus, how can I laugh at you?"

Cheng Shuixin also said next to him, "I think you have a good idea. Let's talk about it."

The encouragement of relatives and friends is indeed more useful. Yang Bingbing brewed a little and said to Su Yifan, "Actually, I want to organize a flash event."

Su Yifan was shocked: "Organization flashes?"

"Um..." Once Yang Bingbing finished the most difficult part, she was not as shy as before. "On the one hand, I hope to help promote the game, and on the other hand, I want to commemorate my high school days."

Su Yifan thought about it carefully and felt that the feasibility of this kind of thing was quite high: "What kind of flash do you plan to organize?"

"If you flash, music is definitely the best." Yang Bingbing said, "I want to try a musical one first."

Cheng Shuixin said, "The acceptance of music is also high, and it is easier to select if everyone participates."

Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin thoughtfully and asked with a smile, "So you also think that this kind of activity can be organized by the company once or twice to advertise us?"

Cheng Shuixin does not deny this at all: "Yes, I think it should be organized anyway. Originally, this is a young-dominated activity. It would be better if we could add our corporate culture and attitude.

"So are you going to cooperate or do it separately?" Su Yifan asked.

"Let's separate." Cheng Shuixin said, "Use the time tree platform to convene, first do the theme that Yang Bingbing has thought of. I will learn from the experience, and then our company will organize it."

Su Yifan's thought is relatively complete: "Do you need to find a professional who has done flash flash help?"

"It should not be used for the time being." Cheng Shuixin smiled and took out a print paper in her handbag to show Su Yifan, "There are planned steps, and there should be no problem to pay attention to the execution level."

Su Yifan looked at Yang Bingbing, and the girl was blushing and waiting for his comment.

"I think it's good. What's the theme this time?"

Cheng Shuixin pointed to the men and women walking by the roadside and whispered, "The theme is very simple - since the years can't be kept, we should cherish it."

As soon as this theme came out, Su Yifan could think of what music would be prepared for the flash event.

"There may be more music tracks, dressed in new and old clothes, including Zhang Yao's most popular song "Search" now." Yang Bingbing also took the initiative to explain to Su Yifan, "I will ask Sister Lin Xi to help find some people, so that it will be much easier."

"Then I'll help you solve the site problem." Su Yifan thought for a moment and said, "Then take a look at some sponsorship, so that you don't have to pay for it yourself."

The cost of flash activities is not low. Su Yifan knew this well and took the most difficult part first. Yang Bingbing was a little moved by such a decision. She glanced at Su Yifan and nodded without saying anything.

Cheng Shuixin smiled and said, "If there is too much sponsorship, can we go to other cities and come several times?"

"The best of this kind of thing once is enough." Su Yifan also smiled, "I think it's good to commemorate high school, but it's better not to report too much in the news media."

"Try to contact online." Yang Bingbing also reached the final test stage of the game, and it is rare to have leisure. "After the venue is set, I will make a few live previews to deduce the performance effect."

The three people settled the matter word by word, and then Su Yifan went to meet Huang Di non-stop, simply taking two girls.

When he saw Huang Di again, Su Yifan hardly recognized that he was the famous Huang Shao.

Huang Di was wearing a torn sportswear, his clothes were dirty, and he wore an engineering cap on his head. His face was dusty, covering his face that was usually washed clean.

Behind Huang Di, the engineering team is busy, and the periphery of the whole floor is surrounded by the propaganda fence of the engineering team, which is full of places that are about to appear here.

When he saw Su Yifan and Huang Di, he almost burst into tears. He sincerely took Su Yifan's hand and said, "Brother Su, if I had known that the permit had been so busy, I would rather delay it for another week..."

Su Yifan looked around and sighed and said to Huang Di, "Brother Huang, don't you believe in the hired engineering supervisor? Just endure it for two months."

Huang Di coughed and his expression was a little painful.