My Goddess

Chapter 315 Life is inevitable

All the way home, Yang Bingbing was still immersed in the excitement just now. When she got out of the car, she still took Su Yifan's hand and asked, "Is that security guard all right?" When I looked at Sister Qing's finger, he fell down.

Su Yifan confirmed this with Su Xiaoqing before leaving Wanhui Square. He replied seriously, "No, that's just a temporary coma and will not have any impact on the body."

Yang Bingbing was a little curious: "Does the things that Sister Qing gave us have the same function?"

"This is different." Su Yifan explained, "It's more aggressive for you, and it's a little harmful to people."

Yang Bingbing covered her chest for fear. She lowered her head and subconsciously glanced at her keychain: "Then I have to put it away."

Su Yifan touched Yang Bingbing's head with a smile. He felt that sometimes he really couldn't help it and wanted to touch the head of this good friend who was usually a little cold to people.

Yang Bingbing didn't expect Su Yifan to touch her head. She was a little surprised, but she accepted it calmly

In the past, this was Zhang Yao's patent... Yang Bingbing was actually a little happy.

Su Shen and Gu Ying are not at home at night. I don't know what the couple have been busy with recently. Su Shen said that he wanted to buy a house, but he was still not sure where to buy it. The happiness of looking around is probably enough. Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing sat down in the empty living room, and both of them felt a little speechless.

Staring at each other and laughing for a while, Su Yifan asked Yang Bingbing, "Are you still excited?"

"There is still a little." Yang Bingbing looked at Su Yifan and suddenly felt a little coquettish, "Don't you think it's not good for us to do this?"

"There is nothing wrong with it." Su Yifan enlightened Yang Bingbing, "We didn't steal or rob. We may have to send some money to Wanhui Square."

Yang Bingbing is the initiator of the whole plan. She inevitably suffers from gains and losses. She smiled and whispered, "How much do I have to give? I'm afraid of damaging everyone's enthusiasm.

"Let's get in touch." Su Yifan always wanted to hug her when he saw Yang Bingbing like this, but he was embarrassed to really do it. "It shouldn't take much. Try not to give it."

Yang Bingbing raised her eyes, but saw Su Yifan's eagerness to move.

It's a little funny, a little happy, a little looking forward to it, and a little scared.

However, Yang Bingbing is a refreshing girl after all. She took the initiative to stretch out her hand in Su Yifan's eyes.

Even if she didn't say it, Yang Bingbing's action is enough to explain everything.

Are you excited or not at this time? Su Yifan felt that he didn't need to find an answer. He directly turned his body and wrapped his arms around Yang Bingbing's waist.

is very soft, but in fact it is quite familiar. The moment I hugged it, I still felt a little hot in my heart.

Yang Bingbing's body, which had been sitting straight, also softened at this moment, like a snake smoked by male yellow.

"It's good now." Yang Bingbing took the opportunity to lie on Su Yifan's chest and muttered with a little confused eyes, "I really hope there are no such troubles."

Su Yifan stroked his other hand on the girl's long black hair and whispered, "Trouble is also a spice of life. Get used to it."

Yang Bingbing hummed and didn't say anything more. She listened carefully to Su Yifan's heartbeat. She felt that Su Yifan's heartbeat seemed to be faster than usual. Is it because of herself?

The air in the room suddenly became much more melling than usual. The two enjoyed this simple and quiet time, and neither of them said more.

After a while, Su Yifan slowly said, "You have to be careful of that Jin Shenhong. He should not be simple."

Yang Bingbing slightly changed the posture lying on Su Yifan's chest and answered, "I know... Just like Qing's curiosity about Zhao Xuan's purpose, in fact, I'm also curious about what he wants? We have known each other for so many years, and he hasn't shown it at all before.

"It may not have been necessary before." Su Yifan said, "Many people are not destined to do anything from birth. His purpose should be quite clear now."

"Is it Sister Qing?"

"Sister Qing should be one of the goals." Su Yifan looked down at Yang Bingbing's face buried deep in his chest and almost had an impulse to kiss him. "I think Jin Shenhong probably began to change his identity after entering Samsung."

Yang Bingbing raised her face in surprise: "You mean... he is a commercial spy of Samsung?"

"That's just a possibility." Su Yifan said calmly, "I think Jin Shenhong should not be sure whether to continue to follow you or turn his goal to Qingjie. Koreans... Oh, they are really greedy."

"The universe is all theirs." Yang Bingbing rarely complained, "I have always had an average impression of him. You know the pride of Koreans."

Su Yifan said, "I understand so well. When he first saw me, I couldn't forget that look."

"What are you going to do?" Yang Bingbing said, "He can't tear his face apart with this identity, can he?"

"What I do depends on his actions." Su Yifan said calmly, "Look at David, his official identity is not good enough. He can clean up whatever he wants. Jin Shenhong hasn't taken the initiative to attack us, and I'm embarrassed to touch him directly.

Yang Bingbing nodded thoughtfully: "I know. You can do whatever you want. I will definitely cooperate with you."

Su Yifan felt in a very good mood when he heard such a speech with his elbow turning towards him. Looking down at Yang Bingbing, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He had a little impulse to bow his head and kiss him.

Yang Bingbing's sixth sense was very sharp. Almost the moment Su Yifan stared at him, he knew what he wanted to do. He turned his head slightly shyly and dared not look directly at Su Yifan's eyes.

This shyness has little effect than making boys bolder. Su Yifan smelled the fragrance of the girl's hair and slowly approached the perfect face.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and Yang Bingbing feels that someone's heartbeat in her ear seems to be getting faster and faster.

With her hands and fingers twisted together, Yang Bingbing's mood was also a little contradictory in addition to joy.

This person may not completely belong to himself. He has changed many people with his efforts and has indescribable fetters with many people... Thinking of Cheng Shuixin's usual smile, Yang Bingbing felt a little sad and mixed into the faint sweetness.

Su Yifan has been close to her face. Yang Bingbing can feel the breathing heat flowing on her skin, a little itchy, hoping to be rubbed by something to stop itching.

Do you refuse or let him continue at this time? Yang Bingbing's heart was mixed with sweet and sour taste, and she didn't know the answer herself.

Su Yifan's brain was not enough to think about various problems clearly at this time. He knew that Yang Bingbing was just a short distance away from him. He really wanted to kiss her to capture the fragrance that belonged to this girl.

At this moment, the key sounded at the door.

The footsteps and keys are very loud, as if to remind them that someone has come back.

Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing both seemed to be electrocuted, especially Yang Bingbing, almost in a flexible posture that ordinary girls could not do. They quickly sat on the sofa opposite Su Yifan and reached out to smooth their slightly messy green silk.

Looking at Yang Bingbing, who reacted fiercely, Su Yifan thought speechlessly that those novels and movies really had a life. This kind of thing can happen anytime and anywhere.

Yang Bingbing looked at Su Yifan anxiously, got up and walked to the door gracefully to help open the door. Her mouth was so enthusiastic that people couldn't believe that she was lying on Su Yifan like a kitten just now.

"Are uncles and aunts back?"

Su Shen and Gu Ying exchanged shoes with Yang Bingbing at the door. Gu Ying didn't feel anything. Instead, Su Shen looked at Su Yifan thoughtfully, and his eyes were quite penetrating.

Su Yifan was shocked and jumped. He also got up to pick up the things they bought and leftovers from the restaurant. It seems that this was a date and shopping at the same time.



The night is already late, and the company is still brightly lit. The employees are still working attentively on the computer screen, and no dissatisfaction can be seen on everyone's face.

Jin Shenhong has seen such a scene many times.

In terms of company culture, whether it is Asians or Europeans, in fact, most of them still advocate overtime culture. In fact, there is not much atmosphere like Australians who leave happily as soon as they get off work, and the more fierce the competition, the more ferocious it is to work overtime. Once the sweaty employees of many Asian countries thought that Europe and the United States were a paradise for workers, but this is not the case. The four famous in the world are famous for working overtime, which can still be ranked in the world.

Enterprises in Japan and South Korea are more accustomed to working overtime. For example, it is close to midnight, and this company dominated by Koreans takes it for granted. No one will think that this is a violation of their legitimate rights and interests.

Jin Shenhong came out of the office. The computer he put in the office has two systems and often switches. When Jin Shenhong left the office, the operating system automatically switched to the familiar Windwos, and there were several decent stock software on it, highlighting Jin Shenhong's financial white-collar attributes.

As a co-entrepreneur of a technology company, Jin Shenhong is indeed perfect. He has the aura of Samsung's regionalpai pai and self-entrepreneur. As the saying goes, he is definitely a young talent.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing always needs to be compared. Not long ago, Jin Shenhong was very satisfied with his external identity until he met the teenager named Su Yifan.

It seems that it is specially used as a comparison. There are three stars behind Jin Shenhong, and Su Xiaoqing and Qing International behind Su Yifan.

Jin Shenhong felt that he was young and successful, and could even say that there were secrets hidden on his body that many people could not understand, but Su Yifan just waved his hand and let Yang Bingbing to his side, and even suspected of being upside down.

Thinking of this, Jin Shenhong's smiling face, which is usually well concealed, is somewhat distorted.

After sitting in the office for a while, Jin Shenhong called the development team.

"Lu Feng, come here for a moment."

Lu Feng, the leader of Yang Bingbing's outsourcing team, quickly came to Jin Shenhong's office.

"Mr. Jin, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I'm looking for something for you." Jin Shenhong looked at Lu Feng and said, "I hope you can resign and work in Su Yifan's company for a period of time."

Lu Feng's face changed. He knew what Jin Shenhong meant, but he still tried to remind him: "Mr. Jin, this touching game did not use any unique technology. In fact, we don't need to do so. And if I go there, the touching people will definitely be suspicious.

Jin Shenhong sneered and said, "What's wrong with suspicion? They need experienced developers like you. As long as you do a good job, they will naturally reuse you.

Lu Feng knew that he probably couldn't change Jin Shenhong's idea. He didn't understand why Jin Shenhong, who was usually calm and wise, made such a decision, but he had no choice but to implement it.

"Yes, I know."

Jin Shenhong took a long breath: "Okay, I'll arrange it as soon as possible. Don't worry. Anyway, you are the person I trust the most."

Lu Feng looked better when he heard Jin Shenhong's promise.

"Mr. Jin, don't worry, I will do my best."

Jin Shenhong smiled. This smile is completely different from the gentle smile he usually shows to others, and it looks a little gloomy in the office at night.