My Goddess

Chapter 320 It's a deal

Jimmy looked at Su Yifan unexpectedly. He expected that the teenager who had created a considerable degree of miracles would be steady and mature, but he didn't expect his mentality to be so relaxed.

Such a person is actually the most difficult to deal with, and Jimmy has to re-examine the teenager who has done his homework.

Su Yifan greeted Jimmy like a nothing happened: "It is said that the chef here has opened a restaurant in Japan for more than ten years and returned to China for his girlfriend. He is good at craftsmanship. It seems that you usually attach great importance to intelligence work and have found the most suitable restaurant.

Su Lishi translated quickly between the two and secretly glanced at Su Yifan's expression from time to time. She didn't want to be a translator, but the other girl from the same time would not be a translator at all, and she did not feel that she was qualified to compare with another girl.

Sometimes people are like this. Although they are unwilling, their mentality calms down after making a little comparison.

Jimmy came to see Su Yifan today without even his assistant, and his whole state was very relaxed, which made Su Yifan quite admired. Hearing Su Yifan praise his good intelligence work, he said with a smile, "Nintendo is the only company with genuine products in your country, and you must know more about your country."

Su Yifan blinked and smiled, "The last time Sony's CEO came to China, it made many smugglers suffer."

The problem of piracy has always been the most serious problem plaguing the Chinese market. Of course, this is nothing. What's more terrible is that the ban on game consoles has left countless manufacturers and investors lost their capital since almost seven or eight years ago. Nowadays, the whole market is chaotic. As long as it is not a big deal, the CEO of any company is unwilling to appear in China. However, in recent years, the consumption capacity of electronic products has almost reached the top, and it is not easy to completely ignore it. SONY's CEO came by the nose a while ago. After visiting the electronic mall, he was shocked and found that the PSP handheld market was more prosperous than that in Japan. At that time, he expressed shock and puzzlement. In order to take care of the whole, the Modu smugglery market at that time was severely cracked down, which made many bosses so miserable that they didn't have the strength to cry.

Jimmy knew the farce and immediately laughed and said, "We have a more real understanding of your market. It is meaningless to ban many problems until they are solved."

Su Yifan was slightly surprised by the other party's face. What he knew was that Nintendo was a must-report company, and he was extremely careful. Several fans can't wait to take people to court for playing some fan games, and have also handed over several lawyer letters for the free game download in the Celestial region. Being able to make such an indifferent statement in semi-public situations, it seems that the company's business philosophy has really changed a lot.

"I thought your company would like to fight lawsuits and would be happy to see it." Su Yifan smiled and was soon relieved that Nintendo's influence in the heavenly region was not as good as Sony's, and the loss was not so heavy, and it was reasonable to be able to see it.

Jimmy Lakei made a helpless gesture and said sharply: "SONY's profits come from their software, and hardware dumping can only bring greater losses, especially in this country where software cannot be sold. We are different. If it's just dumping hardware, we are also happy.

Su Yifan curled his lips in his heart and said that it would be good for Nintendo's sales in China to carry shoes with SONY. Of course, he wouldn't care too much about this kind of thing.

After a few sarcastic satire on SONY's current situation, Jimmy finally got to the point: "Mr. Su, we congratulate the achievements of the North American version of Cute Girl. You have created a miracle."

Su Yifan quickly waved his hand: "It's not me, it's the result of my efforts with many people."

"Mr. Su is really modest." Jimmy still spoke meanly, "Those clumsy producers will never know how to please our players, and you are a genius in this regard."

Su Yifan felt that he didn't have to continue to praise each other and be modest with this big fat man. He also smiled and said, "Well, I admit that the current situation of "Cute Girl" is not bad, but this is just a novel work for everyone. I don't have much confidence in its vitality."

Jimmy doesn't think so: "Su, novel attraction can become a classic through time."

"Okay." Su Yifan can see that Jimmy is a person who likes to let others accept his views, and he is not interested in this debate. "I know what Mr. Jimmy wants, but as you can see, this beautiful lady beside me is my sister, and she wants the European distribution rights of this game."

Jimmy was not surprised to take a look at Su Lishi, who was still translating. He knew about the release in the United States and who Su Lishi was. Today, Su Yifan came here with Su Lishi, and the meaning was clear.

The European agency distribution rights should be discussed by European Nintendo. Jimmy is willing to come here. Naturally, he is not only looking at the distribution rights in a few regions. Even if a Japanese company similar to the culture of China sends someone to talk, it is much more convenient than Jimmy flying all the way from the United States.

So Jimmy just glanced at Su Lishi, and the smile on his face was relaxed and slightly exaggerated: "If it's just this, Su, you don't need to apologize to me. Although the issuance right is very important, we are a company that is good at communicating with manufacturers. What I'm more interested in now is what is your company's next game?

Su Yifan smiled at Jimmy like a gorilla: "It seems that your news is still lagging behind. Our second game has been launched."

Jimmy Leky waved his hand and shook his head and said, "No, no, Sue, we are talking about a formal, well-thought-out game. It's not that kind of experimental sketch game.

Yang Bingbing sat next to Su Yifan without saying a word, but her face was finally a little sad when she heard Jimmy's words.

Su Yifan stretched out his hand under the table and covered the back of Yang Bingbing's hand, gently comforting the girl.

"I think we have some differences on this matter." Su Yifan looked at Jimmy and said seriously, "I don't think there is anything wrong with this game, at least it has surpassed our last game in terms of data."

The download volume on the mobile platform is a relatively intuitive number, but this number is meaningless to Jimmy. He has seen all kinds of magical data, which are all brushed out for free. On the contrary, Nintendo's games are basically free, and they can still sell astronomical figures, which is really amazing ability.

"Well, this number is really beautiful." Jimmy felt Su Yifan's stubbornness and did not continue to say things that made the teenager unhappy. "If this number becomes a normal retail price, I think it will be better."

Su Yifan frowned slightly, and Jimmy never changed his shrill face, but it was nothing for him.

Yang Bingbing turned her face and looked at Su Yifan. She could feel that the teenager around her was trying to protect herself, which made her feel that her skin was a little hot.

"The vitality of the game determines everything." Su Yifan said to Jimmy Leky, "I believe your company can also see our efforts in systems. This is not just a sketch game."

Jimmy Leky has read countless games, and he can't spend even half a minute on this kind of three-elimination game, so he came to a conclusion after reading the previous paragraph of the teaching level. Hearing Su Yifan refute himself so determinedly, Jimmy laughed.

"Su, I think I still have experience in evaluating the business value of games."

Su Yifan said uncommitably, "In a new field, previous experience may not work."

Jimmy also admitted this, which is one of the reasons why he came all the way to see Su Yifan today.

"Su, you're right, so I want to see something more novel than such a small game."

Su Yifan asked, "Don't Nintendo like small and fun games?"

This question was relatively sharp, and Jimmy paused for a moment before answering, "Our development team is already the largest in the world, and there are hundreds of people in Mario's development alone. It's not a simple game, it's just a small game..."

Su Yifan interrupted Jimmy a little rudely. His English listening can actually understand what Jimmy said: "Yes, it's not a simple game but a mini-game."

Jimmy was stunned for a moment. He thought Su Yifan was quite steady, but he didn't expect to be so easily excited about this issue.

Sure enough, they are young people who don't know how to calm down. At this moment, Jimmy's evaluation of Su Yifan was a little lower.

"Su, it doesn't seem to make sense for us to discuss this." Jimmy said calmly, "There are many people who comment on your game and many people score it. The rating doesn't seem to be high now.

Su Yifan corrected: "This is not my game, but a work I cooperated with my friends. I believe that this game has its unique charm, but it takes time to prove it.

When he said this, Su Yifan felt Yang Bingbing's fingers gripped in his hand so hard.

Su Yifan turned his head and looked at Su Lishi, who was shocked, and said calmly, "Continue to translate."

Su Lishi was completely impressed this time. The man opposite is Jimmy Leky... That's a big man in the game industry all over the world. Su Yifan talks to people like this?

Jimmy still had a slightly honest smile on his face, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"It will take at least time to judge whether the game is good or not." Su Yifan said, "If you just want the issuance rights in Asia, just take it. If you want more, at least have confidence in us.

"Oh, Sue, you said it very well." Jimmy said quietly, "But for us, waiting also comes at a price. Do you think your game is worth waiting for us?

"Of course it's worth it."

"What if it's not worth it?" Jimmy looked at Su Yifan with almost provocative eyes and almost threw a condom to let Su Yifan get in.

Su Yifan looked at Jimmy Leki calmly and was a little disdainful that a CEO used such a bad method.

Su Yifan was about to speak when Yang Bingbing's hand began to pull him harder to stop him from speaking.

Su Yifan turned his head and looked at Yang Bingbing and shook his head firmly.

Yang Bingbing's eyes are full of prayers.

"Trust me." Su Yifan said to Yang Bingbing, and then turned to Jimmy and said, "If this game can't achieve the expected effect within three months, we are willing to become Nintendo's second-party software provider unconditionally. Is that okay?"

Jimmy did not show any joy because Su Yifan jumped into his provocative trap, and there was still a festive smile on his face.

"What does Nintendo need to do for you?"

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "Classic character authorization is enough."

Yang Bingbing let go of her hand a little discouraged, and Su Yifan still made such a move.

Jimmy looked at Su Yifan and laughed.

"If it's just role authorization, I can make a decision."

Su Yifan looked at Jimmy Leki calmly and raised the wine glass that Su Lishi had already filled for himself.

"Then let's make a deal, Mr. Jimmy."