My Goddess

Chapter 328 Really Fury

The wind blew comfortably at night. Su Yifan didn't say anything. He just put his arm on Zhang Yao's shoulder and accompanied her to see a lot of people coming and going.

This is the way Su Yifan likes. He doesn't know if Zhang Yao will like it, but he just hopes to accompany her in this way.

After talking about the past, Zhang Yao emptied the notepad.

For Zhang Yao, although the past is full of unpleasantness, it still cannot be compared with the present full of joy.

After the two sat here for more than half an hour, Cheng Shuixin sent a text message.

"The interview is almost over. Will you come to see us?"

Su Yifan thought for a moment and replied, "No, I'll stay with Zhang Yao for a while. You can send Yang Bingbing back to my home in the evening.

Cheng Shuixin replied with an "OK" and there was no more news.

With Cheng Shuixin sending a text message, Su Yifan no longer worried about the two being interviewed by Xiaosheng.

Zhang Yao saw the text message between Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin and looked at him with inquiring eyes.

Su Yifan shook his head at Zhang Yao: "It's okay, don't worry."

Zhang Yao lowered her head, as if she was shy and enjoying Su Yifan's hug.

A few minutes later, before Su Yifan had figured out where the two people should go next, another text message was sent.

Su Yifan glanced at the text message and immediately laughed.

"Your good friend really can't calm down and starts texting."

Zhang Yao instinctively didn't want to read the text message, but Su Yifan had taken her mobile phone in front of her and showed it to him.

"Don't worry, I won't be confused by such girls."

Zhang Yao took a look at Su Yifan. Obviously, Su Yifan had already thought about what she was worried about. Such a publicly received text message also hoped that Zhang Yao could solve the happy knot.

Li Yourong wrote on the text message very simply, with infinite possibilities: "When will Su be free? Is it too presumptive to disturb you like this?"

This is already Chiguo's seductive. If Su Yifan is a little boy with little determination, this kind of hooking is enough.

Su Yifan replied in Zhang Yao's eyes, "No, when do you have time?"

Su Yifan could see that Zhang Yao was actually worried, and her eyes staring at her mobile phone trembled a little. Su Yifan was really understandable about the feeling of suffering from gains and losses. He smiled and touched the little sister's head again.

"Don't worry, don't compare me with the boys you used to know."

Su Yifan usually gives people a different feeling of kindness when he speaks like this, but Zhang Yao looks very useful. She blinks her eyes and then nod.

Li Yourong's reply speed is not fast but not slow. Soon after, she replied, "Zhang Yao won't have any problem, right? We may have had some misunderstanding before, and I want to find an opportunity to explain it to him.

Seeing this sentence, the little sister's calm mood became a little excited again. Su Yifan tried his best to appease his little sister and touched her head several times before restoring Zhang Yao to her usual appearance.

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer for nothing."

Zhang Yao still looked at Su Yifan with some concern, and Su Yifan was very familiar with that look. On this windy night, Zhang Yao's eyes flowed into Su Yifan's heart with warmth, so that he couldn't help holding his little sister in his arms again.

Zhang Yao's waist was too slender. Su Yifan's fingers slid down her thin shoulders and inadvertently touched the edge of Zhang Yao's underwear, and suddenly felt a slight movement in her heart.

Even through the clothes, the little sister's waist can still bring a gel-like touch.

Zhang Yao also felt the dishoneth of Su Yifan's fingers and twisted her body slightly, but did not correct Su Yifan's movements. She let his fingertips rest on her waist and a pair of small hands pressed on the back of Su Yifan's hand.

Such a hug is closer than before, and Zhang Yao looks very calm and even a little enjoyable.

In this way, Zhang Yao watched him text quickly in Su Yifan's arms. Li Yourong on the other side of the text message is sometimes brisk and sometimes serious, which can always provoke the excitement of boys to the greatest extent.

Su Yifan couldn't help asking Li Yourong by text message: "Doesn't your boyfriend mind?"

Li Yourong said, "Wang Rui doesn't care about me."

This kind of implied words is almost an obvious provocation. Su Yifan has to admit that for boys with excess hormone secretion, Li Yourong's level is indeed difficult to resist.

Of course, Su Yifan is also very clear that Li Yourong is definitely the kind of person who doesn't mind having an affair with anyone, but has his own bottom line.

Su Yifan didn't have much feelings about this kind of girl. He used the means he learned from Cheng Shuixin to show that he seemed to be attracted by Li Yourong.

After sending a text message for a while, Su Yifan pulled Zhang Yao to get up.

"Go home and have a good sleep. You don't have to remember this kind of person who has made you unhappy. I will help you deal with her.

Zhang Yao blinked, and a smile slowly appeared on her face and nodded.

Su Yifan took Zhang Yao back to the community where the street lights were broken. This time, he simply accompanied the girl to the entrance of the corridor.

Recently, there has been almost no chance to send Zhang Yao home alone. The little sister seemed to be very reluctant to let Su Yifan take his hand and refused to let go.

"Go to bed early." Su Yifan reached out and touched Zhang Yao's head. Looking at the big shining eyes in the dark, it was easy to feel better. "If you are unhappy, tell me. You can't hold it by yourself."

The sound control lamp in the dark corridor had long been broken. Zhang Yao nodded to Su Yifan in this dark environment, and then a pair of small hands suddenly raised around Su Yifan's neck.

Even if he was a little psychologically prepared, Su Yifan almost subconsciously retreated because of Zhang Yao's movements.

There is no room for retreat. Su Yifan's first choice was not to let the little sister down, so he was hugged tightly by Zhang Yao.

A kiss that was not unexpected came, not somewhere else, but between the middle lips.

Zhang Yao drank a strawberry-flavored drink at night, and there was a faint strawberry fragrance in her small cherry mouth, which made Su Yifan feel excited almost at the touch, and there was a feeling that her soul was uplifted.

Sometimes, the little sister is indeed more impulsive and bold than ordinary people. The kiss on her lips is strong, which almost makes Su Yifan retreat a small half a step.

In Zhang Yao's opinion, there is nothing more accurate in expressing her feelings.

The kiss between Su Yifan and Zhang Yao lasted for a few seconds. The little sister suddenly became shy, withdrew her little red lips, and turned around and ran upstairs.

The sound control lights on the second and third floors are not broken. From Su Yifan's perspective, it seems that there are layers of light coming out, following Zhang Yao's footsteps.

Stand downstairs and shake his head for a taste. Su Yifan drove away with a little happiness and worry.

After returning home, Yang Bingbing had not come back yet. Su Yifan sent a text message to know that she and Cheng Shuixin ran to eat some supper before returning home. Xiaosheng's interview was quite detailed and asked some questions that were not easy to answer, but most of the time he still seemed to be very senior, and the topic of the school was relatively mild. Cheng Shuixin felt that I and Yang Bingbing seemed to say a little more.

Su Yifan waited at home for Yang Bingbing to come back and watched her say hello to him and tell him what happened tonight before going to bed.

The next day was Monday. Yang Bingbing continued to plan flash activities with great interest, while Cheng Shuixin was guessing the recent simulation questions. Originally, the day without waves was about to pass, but when school was about to end in the afternoon, several students returned to the classroom with strange eyes and stared at Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing.

Yang Bingbing was often stared at and didn't feel anything about this kind of gaze, but she still looked down to see if she was unprejud.

Cheng Shuixin reacted a little and directly asked one of the students with strange eyes.

"What's wrong?"

That classmate was transferred from Class 5. He was a top student who was keen on all kinds of entertainment gossip news. He usually hardly talked to Cheng Shuixin. When he heard Cheng Shuixin ask himself, he actually smiled strangely.

"Don't you know what's wrong, Cheng?"

Cheng Shuixin shook her head: "I don't know. I didn't come out of the classroom much after class today."

The top student laughed and said, "You and Yang Bingbing are on the news, right?"

Cheng Shuixin nodded: "A reporter from the evening newspaper interviewed us. What's wrong?"

The top student smiled at Cheng Shuixin with an unclear smile and asked with a little ridiculing tone, "Student leader, I didn't expect it."

Cheng Shuixin tightened her heart and asked, "Is the newspaper out? Who has it? Let me have a look."

"Someone posted it in the school newspaper column just now." The top student is a girl who weighs 160 pounds. Cheng Shuixin's eyes have begun to become a little disdainful. "Go and have a look by yourself."

Cheng Shuixin looked down at the time, and there are still a few minutes left for class. The last lesson was the mock exam of the school leader. She was guessing the question, but she didn't care about it. She just got up and was about to go downstairs.

Su Yifan also heard what it meant next to him and chased Cheng Shuixin out: "I'll go with you."

Yang Bingbing was unwilling to show weakness: "I'll go too!"

The three people didn't look back at the underground building, which surprised many students who stayed in their seats.

There are still people around the newspaper column downstairs. After all, the third year of high school is nervous about learning, and the first and second year of high school are quite idle. Most people were reading the full-page newsletter of the Youth Edition of the Evening News until they found that Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing were coming.

As soon as Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing appeared, the discussion suddenly sounded.

"Oh, look, this is the student opinion leader mentioned in the report."

"The school also kills imagination. Who do they think they can represent?"

"That Cheng Shuixin heard that she used to be a narcissist who liked to take selfies. After being expelled from the literary club, she tossed around and wanted to go crazy, right?"

"I heard that Yang Bingbing was still wrapped up. Look, it's the boy who followed them."

"They are deeply attached to each other. Last time it was said that two women were fighting for husbands, but in fact, they were acting for others..."



The girls' comments are obviously louder and meaner, and they can say whatever they say. There is relatively less discussion among the boys next to him. On the contrary, the most lament is that a girl like Yang Bingbing can be wrapped up. Why don't I have that ability and opportunity?

Su Yifan listened to the comments of these people and always felt that he had a good temper. He suddenly had an impulse to be completely angry.