My Goddess

Chapter 334 About the Star's moth

Because the window was open, the two hugged for a while and then let go. People come and go, and it will be a little troublesome to be seen.

Su Yifan was very excited, not because of Cheng Shuixin's close contact with him, but because he seemed to have stepped into her heart again.

If it comes to close physical contact, although the two are occasionally indulgent, they are not unbearable to the level of hand-to-hand combat when they meet directly. Cheng Shuixin is a little reserved, and only when her mood reaches a certain critical point will she accommodate Su Yifan and make him happy. Su Yifan is even more used to the conservative mode of getting along with each other. Even if he often feels that Cheng Shuixin is beautiful and delicious, he is embarrassed to reach out.

Sometimes Su Yifan himself feels that the relationship between the two people is too respectful to each other? Without the process, Shuixin has that kind of natural aura, which makes Su Yifan feel that it is too obscene and doesn't seem to be good... Speaking of which, Yang Bingbing also has such a natural boundary, which will always make people feel a layer of estrangement.

There are many girls in contact with, and Su Yifan probably understands that this is a kind of self-protection caused by family education. Whether Cheng Shuixin or Yang Bingbing or even other girls will be instilled with this sense of self-protection intentionally or unintentionally by their parents in the process of growing up, so as not to be easily taken advantage of by bad kids.

So sometimes I think that Cheng Shuixin is willing to do this step for herself, and Su Yifan is already very satisfied.

It's just that Cheng Shuixin's heart is still sometimes open and sometimes closed. Su Yifan is actually very clear that she seems to open her heart to herself, but in fact she is still trying to protect herself. Even if her body means to be desperate, Cheng Shuixin is still the girl who hides her true self in her heart without showing it to others.

Of all the girls Su Yifan knows, Cheng Shuixin's maturity is undoubtedly the fastest. It is shocking that she has transformed from the famous talented girl who was still stuck in her false name more than half a year ago to such a simple and pragmatic style now. Cheng Shuixin, who once said that freedom is death in the playground bungee jumping, has now become full and confident. She seems to be the first person to find her world.

Compared with Cheng Shuixin, Su Yifan sometimes feels ashamed.

Now Cheng Shuixin is willing to continue to open a crack in his heart to show Su Yifan. He feels very satisfied.

Cheng Shuixin adjusted her mood and asked Su Yifan, "So are you going to find Xiaosheng next?"

Su Yifan nodded: "I will definitely look for him. I have a debt."

"What are you going to do?" Cheng Shuixin asked.

Su Yifan asked Cheng Shuixin in turn: "What do you think is better? I came out with you to ask for advice.

Cheng Shuixin has obviously thought about this question and answered without thinking, "Let's see what you want to do. Is it to prevent this kind of thing from teaching him or intending to let Yang Bingbing receive realistic education?"

Su Yifan smiled: "Do you think the lesson is not enough?"

Cheng Shuixin lowered her head to touch Su Yifan's right hand. There were still bruises on the back of her hand. Her fingers stroked those blue and black marks and sighed sadly: "You can't joke about your body. I've been holding it for a long time today."

Su Yifan said, "It's okay. It's nothing. The glass in the school is cutting corners."

Cheng Shuixin glanced at Su Yifan: "Your mouth is hard... Well, I'll talk to Yang Bingbing later. If you really want to teach Xiaosheng a lesson, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I don't recommend staying on the front line. People like Xiaosheng who have the right to speak generally refuse to suffer losses. You have to make him feel that there is no chance to fight back.

Su Yifan agreed with Cheng Shuixin's opinion: "I know that. I'm just thinking, is it better to wear small shoes or to fight violently?"

"It's better to do both."

"...what's the most poisonous thing?"

"Damn!" Cheng Shuixin occasionally gave a little girl and gently patted Su Yifan, "Then you go. I'll go online to accompany Yang Bingbing in the evening. She needs comfort now."

Su Yifan knew that Cheng Shuixin was also considering Yang Bingbing's actual situation - he had to arrange the details of activities online, and Cheng Shuixin could not go to his home to accompany Yang Bingbing, which would make Yang Bingbing feel embarrassed.

I have to admit once again that Cheng Shuixin's mind is actually delicate enough, depending on whether she is willing to pay attention to others.

I kissed Su Yifan again in the car, and Cheng Shuixin drove away by herself. Sighting POLO leaving, Su Yifan actually sighed a little. He always felt that Cheng Shuixin didn't need any ties. Should it be the limit for her to be willing to do so now?

Put away her messy thoughts, Su Yifan called Han Yun and asked her out to meet him.

When Su Yifan called Han Yun, Han Yun seemed to be very busy. The sound on the other end of the phone was as lively as the last phone call, like the construction site.

"Where is it?" Su Yifan frowned slightly, "Why is it so messy?"

Han Yun did not answer immediately. After a few seconds, the noise around him was not so strong. Obviously, he went to a secluded corner with few people around him.

"I'm at the rehearsal site of the Binhai National Day Gala. I asked the TV station to report continuously. It will take a few days until the party is over." Han Yun was not as elegant as to outsiders when she spoke in the corner of few people. She complained with a little dissatisfaction, "I'm tired of singing praises and virtues in the new society."

Su Yifan laughed and said, "Not all reports praise virtue. Have you read the Xiaosheng's report in the Evening News?"

Han Yun was surprised: "No, didn't I say hello? What's the matter? That man wrote it randomly?"

Su Yifan thinks so. Han Yun has been busy with this National Day party recently, and it is normal that she doesn't have time to read the evening newspaper. What's more, Han Yun, a journalist, has never been interested in evening newspapers.

"Generally write it randomly." Su Yifan is actually very calm now, but there is a slight chill in Han Yun's voice, "Would you like to visit Xiaosheng with me?"

If Han Yun would have hesitated to refuse before she met Su Yifan, but now Han Yun no longer cares about offending or being hated. Whether it is Su Yifan's influence on herself or her blind trust in * behind Su Yifan, it is enough for Han Yun to make a decision to face Xiaosheng directly.

"Oi, will you come and pick me up?"

"Aren't you reporting on the party?"

"It's past the off-duty time. I won't work overtime today." Han Yun simply said, "Anyway, the report is actually similar, you know."

Su Yifan nodded, put down the phone, and drove straight to the studio hall of the Radio and Television Center.

The manpower and material resources used for the National Day Gala in Binhai are not small. A large-scale literary evening will inevitably involve young singers, beautiful dancers, and many second- and third-tier stars. As one of the most famous public figures in Binhai, Xu Jiachun is of course also invited. This female singer, who has conquered many boys and girls in a small and fresh style, still shows people in a kind and elegant posture. Today, she wears a pair of shorts, revealing a pair of snow-white legs, and stands at the door of the radio and television center.

Su Yifan parked his car on the roadside, rolled down the window and saw Xu Jiachun chatting with people. She had too many fans, and it was easy to be surrounded by people when she entered and exited the studio hall. This feeling of being praised by stars is one of the reasons why many people want to be a star.

It didn't take long for Su Yifan to hear someone knocking on the co-pilot's window, and then Han Yun directly opened the door and came in.

What are you looking at? Are you also a fan of Xu Jiachun?

"I've seen it once before." Su Yifan rolled the window of the car, "I thought it was quite powerful at that time."

"What about now?" Han Yun asked with a smile, "Do you think it's just like this?"

"It's not true, but I won't look up anymore." Su Yifan rarely carefully analyzed his psychological changes, "I didn't feel anything when I saw Zhuang Shihan in Hainan."

"Speaking of which, Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng helped you promote the game. Should you also express it?" Han Yun remembered the news she had seen before and reminded Su Yifan of the general principle of dealing with people, "You can't say nothing, can you?"

"I've also thought about this problem." Su Yifan shook his head, "I haven't thought of any good idea."

"Do you remember the songs you want to promote?" Han Yun reminded Su Yifan, "Take any theme song for them to make a new film. They will definitely be satisfied, and the purpose of your promotion has also been achieved."

Su Yifan looked at Han Yun with a little surprise. The reporter's thinking about this kind of resource exchange is indeed much broader than himself.

"In this case, it's actually equivalent to taking advantage of them." Su Yifan said, "I don't really want to do this."

Han Yun didn't agree: "As I said, for example, the song "Search" has become popular to a certain extent, and now it is just an icing on the cake for Zhuang Shihan, which is not a momentum. Besides, if you can't make the theme song, you can also make an interlude. The movie soundtrack is not necessarily contracted.

Su Yifan admitted that Han Yun's words were reasonable, and he also felt that if he opened his mouth, Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng would probably not refuse.

Han Yun saw Su Yifan's thoughtful expression and didn't say much. She took out the phone to ask the people in the desk about Xiaosheng's whereabouts.

Su Yifan watched Han Yun skillfully talking and laughing with his colleagues, and finally found out the whereabouts of Xiaosheng.

"Where is it?" Su Yifan watched Han Yun hang up the phone.

"Eat in Xiaojiangnan." Han Yun looked at the time on the dashboard and said, "At this time, except for the reporters at the National Day party, I guess they are all at dinner."

"Do you know who to eat with?"

Han Yun nodded: "Several reporters from the Daily are studying the matter of pulling advertisements."

Su Yifan raised his eyebrows: "National Day promotion advertisement?"

Generally, traditional industries will promote during this long holiday, and it is natural to pull some advertisements for their units as evening newspaper reporters. Media has this advantage. Merchants are afraid of being hacked. Reporters come to pull advertisements and ask for red envelopes and generally hold their noses to bear it. Xiaosheng and several reporters are not so much studying advertising as studying who to ask for money. In the industry's sage, this is called "robbing the rich to help the poor", but it remains to be debatable whether the newspaper people are really poor.

Han Yun didn't expect Su Yifan to be clear about this kind of thing and nodded: "The TV station has a natural advantage over newspapers in this regard. We all wait for others to come to the door by themselves."

"Oi, let's go and have a look." Su Yifan started the car and took a look at Xu Jiachun before leaving. The big star probably doesn't remember himself now.

Wh well, you don't have to remember the encounters in life. Su Yifan thought so.