My Goddess

Chapter 342 is tough enough

Yang Bingbing always gets up early in the morning recently. After school starts, she simply followed Su Yifan for a short morning run. Generally, after two people ran along the community, Yang Bingbing drove Su Yifan's car to school, and Su Yifan ran directly to school.

This arrangement seems to be quite tossing, but Su Yifan is thinking about Euler's previous instructions and is unwilling to relax his requirements for himself for a moment.

The school gate is as lively as ever, and there are people who check the students' clothes and hair, and several cadres of the student union wander at the door with expressionless faces. When Su Yifan walked into the school gate, he could see the newspaper column that was smashed by himself at a glance, and the tragic situation of the broken glass had not improved. The lonely newspaper column was left there, and there was no Bincheng Evening News, leaving only a blank, as if he was crying about Su Yifan's atrocities.

Originally, Su Yifan planned to contact the maintenance engineering team to repair it, but now he doesn't think it's necessary.

With a cheap MP3 player, Su Yifan went to the classroom first with Yang Bingbing, who had been waiting for him at the school gate for a long time. Cheng Shuixin also unexpectedly arrived at school early and watched Su Yifan walk in from her seat.

Seeing Cheng Shuixin, Su Yifan's heart warmed. He nodded to Cheng Shuixin, put down his schoolbag and turned around and left the classroom directly.

Li Peiran is still one of Su Yifan's students in Class 3 of liberal arts. Seeing this scene, his heart has long faded and sour feelings gushed out again. He hummed and said in a voice that everyone around him could hear: "What can you do? Aren't you going to apologize to the teacher?"

This time, Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin didn't even look at Li Peiran. Everyone is no longer a person in the same world.

There are not many people in the office of the school year in the morning, and most teachers have not arrived at school so early. Sun Yusheng was drinking tea with a huge enamel glass on his face. Yesterday's hangover fatigue was obvious on his face, and his eyes were still a little swollen. The clothes are very neat, and you can't see what you did yesterday from the surface.

Sun Yusheng was a little surprised to see Su Yifan push the door into the office, but more proud.

"Su Yifan, are your parents here?"

Su Yifan looked at Sun Yusheng calmly and said, "They are a little busy. They will probably come later."

Sun Yusheng coughed, and Su Yifan's current reaction made him very satisfied, feeling that he had finally returned to the majesty of being a teacher.

"Do you know you're wrong?"

Su Yifan took a look at the office of the school year group, and Wang Qin also came. Sitting not far away, he looked back here with a little uneasiness.

Wang Qin knows Su Yifan better than any teacher. She thinks that this child will never admit his mistake so easily. There must be any means to wait for Sun Yusheng.

Even if she feels that Sun Yusheng does have considerable influence in school, Wang Qin doesn't think Sun Yusheng has any chance of winning.

The ferocious faces that Su Yifan once showed are really unbearable for a school teacher.

Yesterday, the dispute between Su Yifan and Sun Yusheng spread throughout the school year group office, and those teachers who did not witness this process also learned the explosive news from various sources. Everyone is guessing how Sun Yusheng will deal with Su Yifan today, or how Su Yifan's parents will deal with it.

What is unexpected is that Su Yifan actually came to the office of the school year group early and seemed to intend to admit his mistake to Sun Yusheng.

This is unscientific! Even Wang Qin, who didn't know where this famous saying came from, still shouted like this in her heart. She still pretended to be listening to the recording of class yesterday. In fact, she didn't put anything in the MP3 player and listened to Su Yifan and Sun Yusheng's situation.

Su Yifan did not answer Sun Yusheng immediately, but looked around the office of the school year group.

"Mr. Sun, do you really want to talk about us here?"

Sun Yusheng was angry with Su Yifan yesterday. After a meal in the evening, he was finally in a good mood. At this time, when he saw Su Yifan standing in front of him in rules, the pride in his heart diluted his usual vigilance and sensitivity. He smiled and said to Su Yifan, "Do you know how to regret now? Yesterday, you almost took action with me in front of these teachers. Today, you'd better make things clear in front of these teachers.

This seems to be elegant, and even Wang Qin, who eavesdropped, felt so disgusting that he wanted to vomit... What does it mean to almost fight with Sun Yusheng? Sun Yusheng did it first yesterday, okay?

To Wang Qin's surprise, Su Yifan nodded weakly, as if acquiescence to Sun Yusheng's words.

Sun Yusheng's heart was simply satisfied at this time. Su Yifan, who was still staring at him angrily yesterday, became so obedient at this moment that the sense of achievement was indescribable.

"Well, as long as you know it's wrong. Call your parents later, and we will communicate well."

Su Yifan, who was still silent, slowly raised his head and looked at Sun Yusheng. The expression on his face was not shame and apology, but with a smile.

"Mr. Sun, since you think there is nothing wrong with talking here, I'll talk about it."

After saying that, Su Yifan pressed the MP3 amplifier in his pocket.

At the same time, the school's radio loudspeaker began to rustle, and the first exception began to broadcast in the early morning.

"...It's too obvious for you to lead the school team. If possible, you'd better find a few sports schools. If something happens, it won't make trouble for us."

The audio is very accurate, and many students in the whole school are familiar with Sun Yusheng's voice, so the effect is particularly good.

As soon as the sound came out, the office of the school year group was in an uproar, and the whole playground was in an uproar!

The school is in an uproar!

After such a sentence, it was Sun Yusheng and his son Sun Haoqing plotted to deal with Su Yifan.

Sun Yusheng sat on the chair. After hearing the first sentence, he felt that his scalp was about to explode. He suddenly stood up and rushed to Su Yifan and opened his hands to grab the MP3 in Su Yifan's hand.

Su Yifan was not used to Sun Yusheng's problem at all. He turned away and said sarcastically, "Mr. Sun, this is what you asked. You have to talk about us here."

Sun Yusheng's whole body is hairy, and there is nothing left in his mind. He picked up the stool with his backhand and was about to hit Su Yifan.

This time, Su Yifan still dodged sideways. His action was more than one level faster than Sun Yusheng. Sun Yusheng's action looked like an old comrade in Taijiquan to Su Yifan.

Such a teacher can also beat students, except for his own teacher's aura.

Other teachers were stunned. They never thought that Su Yifan would dare to make such an ugly thing about Sun Yusheng, and it was so fast and efficient. Those recordings were obviously from last night. How on earth did Su Yifan get them?

Legal evidence collection without the permission of the other party cannot be used as evidence, but this does not prevent it from directly knocking down the other party from public opinion. Su Yifan chose such a simple and direct way, just like Sun Yusheng planned to let his son call someone to block Su Yifan.

The chair fell to the ground with a crash and broke a wooden leg.

Two male teachers who reacted a little quickly rushed over, hugged Sun Yusheng tightly, and shouted, "Mr. Sun, calm down! Calm down!"

Sun Yusheng really couldn't calm down at this time. He felt that his strength seemed to have been drained by the recording of these short sentences, and all that was left was endless anger and fear.

Compared with the angry Sun Yusheng, Su Yifan still maintained a quite calm attitude and looked back several steps to look at Sun Yusheng without even the winner's smile.

The more so, the more desperate Sun Yusheng's heart is.

I don't know who pried the door open in the school's broadcasting room in the morning, and the equipment inside is running automatically. The recording on the school playground is still playing, which is consistent with what Sun Yusheng heard in the office at this time, and the progress is synchronized.

The time on the playground seemed to have been stopped, and countless people stopped and listened carefully to the recording.

After the low-level conspiracy of Sun and his son, it is the record of Sun Yusheng's wine table, including the details of collecting money.

Where have the students in the school heard of this? Those who listen to the radio look excited, as if they are listening to the live news.

In the office of the school year group, Sun Yusheng was still struggling to break free from the hugs of the two male teachers, screaming vaguely.

"Stop, stop!"

"It's all rumors! Spreading rumors!"

"Quickly turn it off!"

Sun Yusheng's cry was very sad, but no teacher in the office planned to respond to his cry.

At the moment this recording was released, Sun Yusheng's teaching career had been sentenced to death.

Wang Qin, who was still wearing headphones in her ears, looked at Su Yifan with complicated eyes and the beautiful boy who she once felt was useless. She felt that her previous understanding of Su Yifan was not enough.

This time, Su Yifan really showed his ruthless side!

The recording was still being played. It was not until Sun Yusheng and the boss of the tutoring agency finished talking about the so-called business. After entering the stage of singing and laughing, Su Yifan pressed the stop button.

The door of the broadcasting room has been opened, and the recording inside has been cut off. After all, there are still organic teachers in the school. Everyone knows that if you let it go like this, the reputation of high school will be completely destroyed.

Of course, these are also quite shocking to circulate now...

Many people on the playground were still waiting for more exciting content, and suddenly the sound stopped abruptly. Many people looked around the playground in confusion, and then focused on the loudspeaker that was playing the wonderful performance of Sun Yusheng's dinner just now.

It's so shocking... There has never been such a thing since the establishment of a high school in Binhai City.

In the classroom, Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing sat side by side and looked at the students around them one by one without surprise.

"Isn't it a little too much?" Yang Bingbing still has a sense of justice in her bones and always feels that it is not appropriate to do so.

Cheng Shuixin sneered: "Isn't Sun Yusheng too much in the office of the school year group yesterday? Don't be afraid of the fifteenth day of the first lunar new year.

Yang Bingbing was easily persuaded by Cheng Shuixin, "Oh" and continued to watch the play with her textbook.